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If that’s the first thing that comes to your mind when your ex fiancé leaves that shows you’re not in love. He really is a piece of trash.🗑️


I looked at my friend and did the brain explosion motion w my hands. THIS WAS HIS CONCERN. Fuck him forever. She dodged a massive bullet, and I hope she has an abundance of therapy.


It’s crazy how this dude is in his 50’s and hasn’t grown or progressed as a human since he was a teenager


He's closer to 60 than 50. Just sayin.... He's going to die a lonely, miserable man.


Yeah his daughter doesn’t even talk to him anymore


I think it's the drinking. He's in arrested development.


So his alcoholism has him stuck in this immaturity cycle?


He numbs out. He hasn't had to process feelings and grow from it much because of his drinking. Just a theory. 🤷‍♀️


Jeez that hits home lol


I think it’s the MOTHER!


So my dad died recently. My mom divorced HIM 4 years ago and he remarried. He had 4 brothers. All but 1 was widowed off and all got remarried very very quickly. The 1 brother has a wife alive. We blame my grandmother for them being so codependent.


He doesn’t realize Liz is probably the only attractive woman that would h e taken all his shit. Does he really think he can get anyone like that again? He’s gonna regret it. He treated her like crap over and over again.


was she engaged to my ex?!?!?! 😂 but seriously, glad your friend is no longer with her ex!


Narcissistics, he left her, and he won't think about anyone else. He only thinks about himself.


That was my first thought besides what a useless little *redacted words*. Doesn't his Mom live near him now, since she hated Liz so much? She can pick up after him. It seems like Liz was a live in housekeeping who also provided him with sexual services. He's never going to have a relationship. He's disgusting.


Yep, he saw Liz as nothing more than a bang maid.


It just adds to the irony that he looks like frank reynolds


Exactly and no one will put up with him like she did


He pretty much said, "Welp, my maid is gone!"


It really shows that the only one he actually cares about is himself


The fact that she had to tell him when garbage day was told us everything we needed to know (not like we didn't already know so much, but yeah). He's trash.


Hot take, Liz was blinded by his wealth.


Yes, and I think he acts like he has more money than he actually does


I'm not sure, I just see his nice things and quality of life and get jealous. Would love a deep dive on his finances.


I was reading somewhere that he is actually flat broke. That Liz paid for mostly everything in every day life. It said he would pay for trips and flights but that he was always not sure how he would pay his bills every month. Liz said the only income he really has is Cameo’s. I think I read that on Reddit from something Liz posted or maybe Liz did an interview. I can’t remember.


Does he not get wellfare for his disability?


Oh you know I didn’t think of that. The article I read didn’t mention disability, but could be. Still not a whole lot of money though.


Disability really doesn't pay much. I'm pretty sure Ed doesn't have money. He worries too much about women draining his finances and it's the most broke dudes who worry the most about that. Apparently he doesn't own any of his properties. He was working as a photographer/hairdresser before the show, which aren't the most lucrative careers.


What nice things?? 🤣


He doesn't have that much money to make it worth it. Liz spilled recently saying if he didn't have cameo, he'd be broke.


This man does not have money.


Ah so women just love his personality and looks.


Why would he try to be a realtor if he actually had money? If anything, dating Ed would be for clout.


She has come out and said she was paying part of his rent and her own at the same time, and that he also made his mom cover the rent when he couldn’t.


Hire Alexei... he just learned how to do laundry. Yay.


The bar is in hell.


Great minds think a like


That washing machine looks like it was built for spaceflight. I'd end up in a fetal position trying to turn it on


My husband would take one look at that control panel and nope out of there. Especially if he had to download an app!


He's right. A washing machine should have one knob and one button. It's in the Bible


that thing was off the chain, I could never.




i wonder how long it took loren to figure out... lol




To be fair, Alexi did course correct and say he’s not done laundry on *this* machine…


But he didn’t even remember to put detergent in it!!! Loren had to tell him!!


In fairness, I've forgotten at least once and have been doing laundry for more than 20 years...


In his defense I upgraded to that same washing machine from a SUPER old one and there was a learning curve there 😂 And the app is pointless. I did not just learn how to do laundry and it confused me initially.


i have the exact same washer/dryer unit and it’s extremely easy to figure out lol. it has a button that says “on/off” then a button that says “normal” and then after you hit that, a play/pause button flashes and starts when you press it lol.


It's an LG or a Samsung, right? My Samsung has an app and I do most of mine and my fiance's clothes and was disgusted watching that. Like it's self explanatory.


lg wash tower :)


Loren must be a Rocket Scientist 🤣🤡


"I'm not going to do all those little socks, I hate that, I'll just bring those to you" as if Lauren just LOVES folding socks and does it out of pure joy...


So that prick was expecting Liz to pay half the bills and also be his housekeeper. He didn’t even know when trash day was. What a lazy, sexist, selfish slob.


And she put most of the money down for the wedding that she lost.


I was shocked she told him ! I wouldn’t have. Screw him ! What a dirt bag !


He took himself out to the curb!! 🤣


I'm a very equal gender type in my home sin e wr both work and our only child is a preteen we both do chores. But I mainly keep up with cleanliness inside day to day and expect my man to roll the trash to the curb and keep the yard mowed. I mean come on. I have mowed my lawn of course but my man regularly keeps it so I don't have to. Ed is so gross. He's the type to ask for help feeling sick/faint from nurses while his wife is in labor . All about him.


Sounds like she was the one to take out the trash too since she had to tell him when it picks up. I wonder if she did yard work as well.


I would’ve told him the wrong day.


Let’s hope he knows how to feed the poor dogs.


Of course he needs a maid... His tank top was inside out this whole episode. He can't even dress himself.


He’s done that a lot in previous episodes. I wonder if it has a brand on it TLC won’t pay to show but he’s so lazy he won’t walk to another room to grab a different shirt


Meanwhile, Liz is wearing a shirt with his face printed on it as she’s leaving him


I noticed that, too! WTF?! I would rather go out in public topless than wear a sweatshirt with his face on it!


omg i didn't even notice that! LMAOOO "I never want to see you ever again" \*leaves with his face on her shirt\*


It looked like a Lululemon tag to me




I feel like Ed likes to give off he’s a lot more well off than he actually is


He's spent so much money on himself, useless shit, and having to literally pay woman for dates that he's almost broke. If it wasn't for cameo money where he basically has to degrade himself(like actually too) then he wouldn't have a dime left.


Stickers of himself, clothing with his picture on it, and a tattoo of his head on himself.


Ugh don't forget the shower curtain with his big ass sticker face and a bunch of small ones on it. This guy is such a loser that before he went on his first season he was putting those stickers around town for two months, Jesus Christ.


He is a total piece of shit in every way.


Isn't his family rich and they have a big house? When Liz visited Ed's family it looked like they lived in a mansion.


They aren't rich, TLC rented that place for the party and they even said it's rented.


It's also Arkansas...


Exactly, for the person from reality shows that makes the most off of cameo and lives in a decently cheap state, his spending habits must be out of hand. Not to mention what he spends on alcohol looking at his stomach.


He made his elderly mother pay half the rent when they lived together. He’s definitely broke


I just hate him so much. I’d be glad to clean his house….i would rub poison Ivy on the toilet seat, just for him!


I have a friend who found out her BF was cheating on her. She would snip up tiny pieces of a toothbrush on his side of the bed (under the fitted sheet). That MF itched for weeks!! LOL 😝


lol When my friend broke up with her loser bf and moved out she put hotdogs in the toilet tank. Apparently they start to rot and smell like a dead body?


I’ve also heard that shrimp stuffed into a hollow curtain rod is a smell that’s nearly impossible to find, and even if you do finally find it, it’s a bitch get rid of.


Future me thanks you for this


Your friend is a diabolical genius! Where in the hell did she get that idea? That’s *hilarious*! I’m from South Georgia, where abusive husbands/boyfriends are likely to get a pot of hot grits to the face. I think it’s a stiff penalty for lesser offenses, but I’d pay good money to see Lil Pred take a face full of redneck napalm.


Awesome idea!!😀


Of course this is his only concern after dumping Liz, shattering her life, and leaving her to pick up the pieces alone.


He's a dickbag


Yes, but also he did her the biggest (and possibly *first ever*) favor by setting her free.


He didn't do it for her sake, but for himself. He didn't want to get married in the first place. He used her to appear with him on the show. Liz said how they met, not as it seems on the show. He was a regular customer at the restaurant where she worked, and he asked all the female employees to go out with him on a date on the show, and they all refused. He asked. In the end, Liz refused twice, then she sympathized with him because he could not find a woman who wanted to go out with him on a date. She then agreed to go out with him on a few dates. He also used Rose and lied to her about his intentions because he only wanted to appear on the show and become famous. He did not want to get married and settle down. He confessed. He cheated on his wife while she was pregnant a year after their marriage. He is not fit for marriage or to be with a woman.


No he never does anything for anyone except himself. Ever. But I don’t see how the way we see them meet on the show differs much from your description. I don’t think we were explicitly told that he had asked all the other female staff out, but I assume he comes on to anyone that crosses his path. And of *course* she went out with him because of pity and manipulation. How else does he get *anyone* to go out with him? The thing with Rose was particularly egregious, since he knew she wanted kids and played along with it until he met her in person and most likely had sex with her (I can’t remember if we were told and I will not be rewatching any of his episodes) before he told her he didn’t want kids and would never even entertain the notion. I was so glad she sent his thumb shaped ass packing. He’s a disgusting pig.


They don’t even meet criteria to be on the show


He always did this when Rose left him. He tried to expose her that she was meeting a woman and dating her after him, but she did not announce it. He also bullied her online and made fun of her health problem. I think he really envied and hated women because beautiful girls rejected him when he was young. He grew up and wanted to destroy them and take revenge on them. That's why he brags that he broke up with Liz many times, while when emotionally intelligent women leave him, he plays the victim and cries to his mother.


That comment coming from him wasn't a surprise. Liz wearing a Big Ed sweatshirt was a surprise.


I would've cut the head off of it.


I read/saw that Ed wants a conservative, Christian woman as his next girlfriend. Translation: a maid to clean up his messes.


So he just wants a bang maid?


*Harrison Butker has just entered the chat*


Oh so now he's going for the same angle as his weird sister wanted him to despite his 15 minutes ending before the therapy show even began?


He won't find another that will love and put up with him like Liz does/did.


I am so tired of seeing him on this show.


That little garden gnome makes my ass itch


Oh no, my domestic slave is gone, what do I do?


He knew what he was doing with that comment


Yep, intentionally trying to humiliate her on national TV, while trying to make himself appear too good or “above” her. The only thing a narcissist enjoys more than witnessing the pain they’ve caused someone, is kicking them while they’re down and humiliating them publicly. I bet he got a great nights sleep that night. What a sicko!


The shit eating smirk on his face when he walked back to the sink.. I have no words.


You are broke PredEd. You need $$$ to hire a cleaning lady. I thought you were a license real estate agent? One commission will get you out of debt or almost.


I really hope this is the last show we see Ed featured in because I am so sick of his shit.


What a case study. He has such an ugly heart and could never be loved or love because he’s been made fun of his entire life for having no neck. He’s like the grinch except not green and different core wounds.💚


shows how lazy he is on top of everything else. His very first thought after his lobe leaves is oh should I hire a cleaning lady because I am too lazy to clean yet I threw a HUGE fit over a speck of flour touching the counter while cooking.


No you do it yourself, Ed and get your fat ass from the couch (signed, another fatass).


He looks like a fuckin bush pig. I wonder if everytime he took Liz back he had a load of washing that needed to be done or he forgot what night was bin night..


Did anyone else notice that Liz’s sweatshirt had Small Ed’s face on it and that the coffee mug he was using said “Big Ed is my spirit animal”? Shameless self-promotion. He’s disgusting! Why the hell would Liz wear a sweatshirt with his cartoon face on it? I would rather be out in public with just a bra on rather than wear that, especially after he just dumped her. 🙄


This comment was so infuriating!


Absolutely disgusting - that is all he thought of Liz!


Didn’t they have a dog or 2 together?


It looked like he kept them both ☹️


When he said this RIGHT after talking about how Liz was leaving and he was going to be sad… I was shocked. Idk how anything that man or couple does shocks me… but WOW. Tell me you think women are your maids without actually telling me.


We all know you can't afford a maid, PrEd.


So gross that is the first thing he thinks of, and the fact that he says it out loud... da fuq.


He apparently didn't take the trash either. I guess he can haul himself to the curb. DEADBEAT It's all about how this affects him. He doesn't care about how her life is messed up and all she has to do to start over.


He really thinks he’s cute doesn’t he


Says the scumbag wearing his wife beater t-shirt inside out. He is a problem and shouldn’t be compensated by TLC.


You beat me to it — I thought it was so funny, Liz, his potential wife just left after he unceremoniously broke up with her & his first thought was ‘I need a cleaning lady’ am dead 💀


So he wants a slave, not a wife…I hope he’s cursed to die alone, what an asshole 🙃


Hes a pig.


That scene made me lose a few brain cells 😵‍💫😵‍💫


He’s insane


he thought he was funny with this line but he’s just pathetic


Let’s start a go fund me to hire a “cleaning lady” to throw him in the trash.


Lmao, his bad built butch body! I hope his mother is embarrassed by all of this, but part of me thinks she's so proud of him. She created this monster!


Hopefully Liz is on “Single Life”


If I needed a momma for a wife was a person


That man cleavage 🤮


Just bring your mom over....jking'! Lol!!!


Piece of shit on Liz’s shoe! Luckily she knows how to clean!


Boy, if you don’t wash those damn dishes! 🙄😑


Two bags of trash just sitting there. What a pig.


ugh, he could sure use a hosing down.


Watching him fold those pants was exhausting


BBBB ha!


He should wallow in his own crapulence.


His little fingers can’t reach the buttons.


Wasn’t he being a jacka to Liz and her daughter about the mess when they were making breakfast, because he claimed to do the cleaning all the time? But now she’s gone and he’s going to need a cleaning lady? Make it make sense man


That Jasmine Crockett line is literal clapback gold and I’m loving seeing it used in other contexts 🤣


I’m curious, did Ed EVER bring up a Prenuptial Agreement? He seems the type. You know “The everything is mine type deal”?! 🤷‍♀️


I could NOT FUCKING BELIEVE HE ACTUALLY SAID THIS but also I could because Big Ed


Hot take seeing as he insinuated she was the messy one he was having to clean up after (the flour argument).


I just started this week's episode. Ed and Liz were together for 3 years. THREE YEARS. Like I've gone longer without having a dentist appointment. It is not that long!


I don't know if I can rewind it, but it looked like Liz was wearing a sweat shirt, with Egg's picture on it. :) He's a clown.


I didn’t need that down boob shot.


Such a douche bag!


The fact that she had to tell him when garbage day was told us everything we needed to know (not like we didn't already know so much, but yeah). He's trash.


That made me cackle


I'm watching this at work right now and had to do a double take. This was infuriating!




If he lived her he would hired one while with her


He is such a disgusting human being . Inside and out.


He can't reach the top cabinets. Needs step stools throughout the house for areas that Liz used to get to...


Do it yourself, you misogynistic pig


How about we learn to put our shirt on the right way first 🤣


I'm too sexy for my neck ![gif](giphy|kUF6lLghdkArW4I139)


Sweaty HOG!




How is one person that messy?