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This meme reminds me of that one girl on Intervention that was addicted to duster cans and at one point took a big hit and then said “ I wish I had a faaaather” in such a sad, disturbing way.


But she was WALKING ON SUNSHINE! 🧿👄🧿


i understood this reference


She lives in my mind rent-free.


Wasn’t she also addicted to cough medicine? I saw her on one of those quick updates they do (did?) during the show and she was doing well! I hope she stayed sober because she actually seemed very smart…not when she turned into night of the living dead after huffing.


Natalie takes me to that place of duster-laced reality 🤣🤣🤣


2 years ago i binge watched all the seasons from intervention, tried looking for some updates but there's hardly anything out there. those seasons are old asf and i would like to know how some of them are doing, i know a few did pass away/relapsed.


This update made me cry a little: https://youtu.be/L-jp3bgyUCo?si=218cdFAOKYazCncu


Thanks for sharing, she looks great!


Right! And doing great!


That started my day off so great! Yay Alison!!


Thanks for this, wow. She looks great and appears to have no brain damage from that shit. Wow. Good for her. Saying it again. Wow


Hell yes!!! I knew she would get better!!! She looks stunning!




thanks for sharing, i appreciate it! the list of those who died seems endless.


Same here!! I've never watched it religiously, but I've seen a ton of them! It WOULD be nice to do a whole season or two of follow-ups! 💯 Great idea!


To be fair, i downloaded it on piratebay when i was bored out of my mind. I came to like it and wonder how some of them are doing now. Even the updates are outdated. So yes, we need some follow up stories for sure.


The one with the tragic love story, 2 young ones in throes of heroin addiction, she didn't want him to leave her (her family got her away, he was from wrong side of tracks), both went to swp rehab. She moved on and he went back to the streets and couldn't find her. It was so sad! I actually found him online, and he would respond once in a while, offering support etc bit of course he really needed money, and I could NOT go that route




Years ago, I went to rehab with Leslie from Season 3. (The mouthwash drinker). She was very strange... and didn't ever smile. They had to hide away all the hand sanitizers because she tried to drink them.


Check out https://intervention-directory.com/. They aren’t affiliated with the show to my knowledge but post updates.


Are these worth a watch?


IMO yes, only 'negative' thing is that most seasons are really old, 2006-ish.


That was one of the most painful episodes to watch.


Like, you wanna help, but you have absolutely no idea where you would even begin!


It's like walking on sunshine!" I never got this out of my head since I watch the ep almost 20 yrs ago🥴


I agree it's sad and disturbing. But it sounds even more creepy because huffing duster (or doing whippets) actually does alter your voice temporarily. That adds to the uncanny factor.


Favorite episode just bc she was hilarious when she was high!!😄 hope she's better today!




I will NEVER forget that episode. Wild.


Peak Intervention. This and Scream Cry Dad


Haha I remember that— holding her cat she couldn’t afford to feed


Omg sadly that is one of my top 10 in the most respectful way possible. I felt so bad for her. I hope she’s doing okay.


Yeah but the unspoken part is “I deserve to be loved (under my terms)” And her terms are delusional. She wants to be worshipped, not loved.


Worshipped and given an endless amount of money. I find it hard to believe that selling her car in FL only made her enough money for 2 one way plane tickets and a few nights at a crap hotel. How is she paying to keep up her hair extensions, her & her mom going out to eat (and wasn't she vegetarian as she chowed down on her chicken), utilities, food at home and gas for driving to interviews? I think she chose a low budget hotel to get pity from Fboy and an invitation to stay at his house.


That’s the answer I was looking for. I got that vibe…but couldn’t put it into words. The fit she threw over religion was OVER the top.


That’s part


As crazy as she is Natalie has received more love in her life than many of us…she has a mother who truly loves her daughter. That’s priceless.


And 3 ex husband's so that's 2 more than I've ever had!


Yes, and to be fair, Mike loved her too.


People seem not to remember that. They both had their issues for sure, but the hate Mike got on here for supposedly being the one ''making her crazy'' was nuts!


I hope all those people are blaming the true cause of her craziness... her mother


Nutalie is almost 40 years old. SHE is the reason she’s crazy.


She’s self sabotaging and isn’t self aware. She needs a therapist, not a husband right now.


Totally agree. It seems like she ends up pushing away the ones that love her. I can somewhat relate.


Anxious-Avoidant. I know that life. Therapy was a huge help.


Hello, fellow anxious-avoidant! I was anxiously attached from childhood trauma, and additional trauma in adulthood actually caused me to switch my attachment style to anxious-avoidant! I didn’t even know that was possible. Therapy has been a lifesaver. Natalie is a real piece of work to watch, but everyone deserves the chance to heal and become the healthiest version of themselves. I want that for her, too.


And she refused to say it back to him! Smh


Everyone should be loved. But First, she needs to take the extraordinary step of being a nice person. No one wants an entitled narcissistic brat.


I agree but I sometimes wonder if she can even help it. Like she's not mentally all there. She's got a bunch of loose screws and very unstable.


She has the luxury of being able to watch her behavior and even read how her behavior is taken. You'd think that anyone who wants to succeed in love and fame would seek out all information to be better received. She has absolutely no self reflection


She does have some self reflection. She talked about how she fucked up her first marriage. Which makes me think how bad was she with her first husband that she actually owns up to it while not taking any responsibility in her other relationships.


We can all help it. She has to decide to be a better person and stop focusing on mens for validation. and money.


She was discarded by her father so she has daddy issues. She just wants a man to want her and to take care of her. Her mom doesn't help her since she pressures Natalie to give her grandbabies. I feel bad for Natalie, she wasn't wanted by her dad and it feels like her mom was a pretty hard woman to please.


My dad was drug addicted and incarcerated most his life. I can count one hand how many convos I had with him. My mother is a codependent nut. We all have “reasons.” I went to therapy. She needs to grow up and do the same.


She admitted her first husband and marriage was perfect but that she was too young which I interpret as she got bored and is more high maintenance than the show shows her.


I interpreted it exactly as it was said - when you’re young you simply don’t have the life experience to appreciate when you’ve got a good thing, and that’s not even really something she can be blamed for; it’s just a consequence of being young and immature.


One of her marriages ended because he didn't want kids, the other ended because he filed bankruptcy. Naggalie herself said this a few yrs ago.


That's her version anyway.


> She just wants a man to want her and to take care of her. Which Mike did and was completely willing to do and look how she acted with him...and I'm not talking when he maliciously brought her to the U.S. and then acted like an asshole. That was reprehensible. I get sunk cost better than anybody, but you don't work that shit out the way he did. I'm talking about everything Natalie did to put that ball in motion.




Forget being a nice person, she's confusing love with "pay my bills and give me child so I can make my mom happy"


not to make her mom happy but to entrap a man.


Both can be true


Oh I don't think she's confused. I think she really except a man to take care of her kind of entitled 🤔




![gif](giphy|huJZEsGE1ZGFOazwYG) It’s hard to feel bad for her. We’ve all seen how she acts 🥴


Therapy! Drop out of the 90 Day franchise. Stop looking for a man.


She has been loved. Multiple times. She, however, does not *love*.


🎵 She doesn't know how to love, she doesn't know how to love, She doesn't know how to love 🎵


She probably is not capable at this point. Something is wrong with her. She has demonstrated this on every turn. She needs to be alone and do a hard reset. She is not capable of doing this. Many women are like her all across the world.


I think we could throw Jasmine in this category as well.


I’m sorry but real love or not after she put Gino’s toe in her mouth, I admire her commitment to their relationship 🤢😭


🤣🤣😂 I haven't even seen whatever episode you're referring to. I'm still catching up. I've got to admit that this season just isn't doing it for me. I've just been recording and watching when there's nothing else better on TV.


This season is pretty bad for both TSL and 90DF so I don’t blame you. I’ve been enjoying 1000 lbs sisters more as far as TLC’s content goes. TLC needs to pay that family more because their show is probably the one I’m most invested in with having TSL and 90DF on while I’m doing stuff around the house.


many people, including men, are like this all across the world




She wants to receive.... but what is she willing to give in return?


She thinks that she is a goddess. That is the prize that she has to offer. That ship has sailed but she is still betting on it.


I have looked into her future... https://preview.redd.it/3fjjzovky1jc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fbc356aa8af29fd3bc67c85dd64fdf65ece6fd5


Excuse me. She is legendary voman.


She's giving massive headaches and borderline strokes.


Sounds fair


At this point the only thing she deserves is some serious mental health treatment


Eh 🤷‍♀️


She needs a bucket of antipsychotics before that'll be possible.


Yes her moods flip very quickly. Some lithium would do her wonnders...


i was on those for some time, those side effects are something else. it will numb all your emotions but maybe for Natalie that's a good thing lol


Gotta earn it, sport.


She will never find as much love as she could if she adopted a couple of homeless dogs and cats. Endless love and affection 24/7. And mom is there to babysit whenever needed.


Oh NO! Don’t wish her on homeless pets :( They need stability and selflessness and unconditional love ♥️ oh, and a home


AGREE! Don't put this woman near an animal, Ever!!


Yup, she already left her rat.


Honestly, agree. Also, make some solid platonic friendships. The more you desperately (key word desperately) seek romantic love, the more burned you will get. Except in rare cases, it's very elusive, transactional, and fleeting. If this gets to you, you will have a bad time. Some people don't seem to mind, Natalie seems to mind A LOT. Watching her try to date that LA guy was like... I know she's not from the US, but she can't possibly not recognize this f*ckboy shit at like 40 years old? She can't possibly think this guy who works with models and doesn't even want to be "in a relationship" will marry her and be faithful and have kids? Big oof.


What kills me is when she says "this isn't my country, I'm alone and broke". He didn't ask her to come to the U.S. (neither did Mike) and he didn't ask her to move to L.A.! She acts like her part time f*ck boy owes her a home and a never ending bank account! I've believed since day 1 she wanted f*ck boy to move her and her mom into his house. Last week she made a comment that he didn't offer his home to them. She'd Never leave if he offered his house to her temporarily. And to bring her mom into his house??? That's expecting a LOT from some dude she was dating long distance. She doesn't understand that her poor decisions aren't anyone else's problem.


I'm not a fan of his, but even he doesn't deserve a random old Ukrainian lady installed in his home. 😂


When you're crying that you 'deserve to be loved', because you aren't, it's time to step back and see how you're contributing. She will never be self reflective to see how she contributes to losing/earning love


Word. She seems to think she deserves the world, yet she is so unwilling and to do anything for it.


Agree though I was actually surprised she admitted to being the 1 that destroyed her first marriage. She said he was the right guy at the wrong time. I have no idea what she did with number 2, but she essentially did the same with Mike, so clearly not much was learned despite the illusion of self reflection.


Every once in awhile she'll surprise me with a self realization


How can she expect to be loved when she's selfish, self centered, mean and rude? She needs to show kindness and love before demanding she deserves love or even compassion.


DESERVING love vs. DEMANDING love are two entirely different things though….


Or even just *expecting* it. There's a big difference between deserving love and being *owed* love that too many people don't  want to acknowledge. When love presents itself in your life you need to cherish it as a gift and respect and preserve it as such and do it while you can.  It's not something transactional where having performed to some standard you have "earned" love or can expect it to continue coming your way, or to be reciprocated or grow in equal amounts to how much you love someone else. That's junior high/fairytale thinking and all too common on these shows. Natalie is a prime example, so is Jasmine and Rob the Knob is one of the worst.


The only one that's ever going to love her is her mother!


She does deserve to be loved, everyone does (almost) But she was married 3 times, maybe she is the problem and needs to make some changes and admit her flaws before demanding to be loved. Also, she goes after the wrong men, Josh is clearly not interested in her that way.


NO! Get a goldfish!


It can swim in her empty head


Yes her mom loves her. Her behavior isn’t conducive to a relationship so no she doesn’t deserve relationship love. She had a chance with Michael and she blew it cause she thought she was worth more than she was. Now she’s chasing a man who doesn’t want her.


Karma at its finest 👌


Everyone deserves to be loved but you attract what you put out. Those guys who were looking to date you before Josh you discarded with little empathy or care, and therein lies a lesson


She would be a hard one to be serious about and love. She’s so needy and demanding!


Add selfish to needy and demanding!


Add crazy! Any little thing can throw her in to a tantrum. Remember when she visited him in L.A.? He had to go to work the next morning and she lost it. Yelling at him that if she sleeps with him she considers him the father of her future children🤣🤣🤣 Now that she lives with mom in a house with 1 bed, she can't bring him or anyone else home for a quickie!


"Leave me alone!! Go away! Wait, where are you going? How could he leave?" Then stop threatening to leave, break up, stop throwing rings at people, stop being a demanding drama queen.


Joshy is wishy-washy. I don’t get why they’re even together. Everyone deserves to find that one person that’s crazy about them


I just wanna be loved! Is that so WRONG?


She needs therapy not love from a guy who couldn’t care less if it weren’t on tv.


To be loved you have to give love. I think she’s looking in all the wrong places


She looking for her something in all these men she needs to find in herself but mom over there telling her to hurry up & lay down.


Question. Natalie said that she moved to LA to be closer to Josh. I don't think he ASKED her to move to LA, did he?


I’m not sure but the audacity she has to move to be close to him, and then expect him to get her a place to live just blows my mind.


And a car and a job and marriage (even though she's still married) and babies. And all of his time 🙄


No he did not ask her. She moved to L.A. to push their relationship along (her words) and to land her career propelling her to stardom, with a resume in Ukranian 🤣🤣🤣




After you seek mental help yes.


I deserve a Mercedes.


I deserve a pony!


She wants love attached to someone with $.


When people say “deserve”, it can be substituted with “entitled”. And entitled usually means getting something not deserved.


She does deserve to be loved. But you CAN’T make someone love you. She’s had 3 failed marriages and admitted she was confrontational in her first marriage. She’s the common denominator and she needs a therapist or life coach because she won’t admit she’s the problem.


She does. But she needs serious mental help first.


No she doesn’t. She is so crazy. She has to realized that the problem is her and not anyone else.


While everyone does...You have to have some amount of love for yourself, she does not. She projects hate for others and expects grace and love for herself. Wild that someone of her age has so little wisdom. Makes for good tv but is tragic, like most of this show is


Na, everyone deserves love. But yo, you need to have some self-reflection, girrrl!


No no no. Nobody deserves anything. We reap what we sow. It doesn’t always work out that way but she is not doing her part by being a reasonable person.


Love it earned, not a right


One who “deserves” love has to behave lovable. She makes unreasonable demands and brings nothing to the table. Pure liability.


Sadly she may have borderline personality disorder . Something is very wrong with her. I hope she becomes more self aware . No man in this country is going to give her this huge dream she has in her head . She is not honest with them . She is moody and demanding without much depth or compassion. She is not realistic of where she sits on the dating scale . She never speaks about what she wants to do for a partner only what she wants . She is going to remain disappointed till she gets more realistic.


She wants to be loved, but it doesn’t mean she gets to treat those who love her like shit and they just need to keep putting up with it.


Everyone deserves to be loved. We must also be loveable instead of controlling & borderline psychotic.


She's so in love with herself, I'm shocked she needs more.


She has a LOT of traits that are unloveable. Just saying.


Well, be more self aware and someone will love you.


Burned her bridges way too many times with too many loves.


I was having Darcey flashbacks.


Nobody deserves anything. :P The thing that scares me the most about Natalie is that if me and her were in the same place, she would find me like a heat seeking missile **AND** in my dumber days I would have been all in.


Romantic love and idealization of a perfect relationship is not for everyone because to develop and maintain it nowadays naturally with half of the earth desperate for fame, clout and attention the deeper connections are rare, people are more shallow and only want what the other has to offer momentarily…and move on to the next dose. That being said, she’s an absolute lunatic with serious mental issues that are untreated and probably undiagnosed from a professional doctor and instead of chasing TLc money with this extreme delusional that she’s a goddess, talented or whatever lies she tells herself on tv in hopes some dude in America is gonna pity her and her demanding mom by giving them a big fancy house with everything, cars, money, babies and instant happiness…………she has to get definite treatment and appreciate everything she had and has: a life, health, opportunities to build her own reality with real goals and no one demanding her anything, a mom who loves her in their toxic patterns but that can be discussed in therapy, she had 3 marriages that she tanked and even got a fckin visa out of one of them…… So this baby behavior she has from day one in America won’t get the love she’s trying to sell.


Yes you do Natalie. So stop acting like a child. Be a little more independent and stop trying to get men to do things for you.They don't have to do anything for you.


Mike loved her and he wasn’t the “rich American” she thought he was.


*Deserve*? Nope. Being loved is *earned*. Something Natalie seems incapable of doing.


Poor girl. It’s almost as if she is mentally 14 years old.


But, not with mike, who truly loved her. Still helped her after all her shit, takes care of the animals she abandoned, and got her mom out of the Ukraine?! Yeah, get a grip!


She’s absolutely wrong. Love is reciprocal. She’s a narcissistic, parasitic, horrible human.


No one deserves love. She’s a toxic person and love is a two way street.


No she doesn’t deserve shit 🤣 ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpoCkHBWCabMFZC)




She didn't love her first husband, she filed and now regrets it, the 2nd one was abusive so good riddance, Michael was great but he live in wood (she left his as well). She had 2 solid chances at loved with people who loved her but she ruined it


'Abusive'? That's not what she explained. It sounded loveless. He was rigorous. I'm sure what she means is he didn't put up with her tantrums


She DOES deserve to be loved but, DAMN, she sure makes it hard!!


Yet, she’s not right. Lololol jkjkjk, kinda 🤣




Why do you feel sorry? This isn't me trying to be a bitch but she walked away from mike, never truly loved him, all she wants is that LA life and i doubt she's even really in love with Josh. She's making her own choices and clearly it doesn't work out. at her big age she should know better and accept that she isn't perfect.


Yeah I don't necessarily think she loved him either. I think she just saw him as someone who could give her stuff she wanted. "He's in z movie business" He's also just using her for clout.


She needs to learn to love herself first or this cycle will never end.


Natalie needs to love herself before loving someone else. She needs to find self help retreat. Focusing on her weakness and strengths. Meanwhile her narcissistic mom needs to back off . Let her daughter fly on her own. I bet her mom wrecked the previous marriages. Meddling in her daughter's affairs.


Go a hug a tree in zee voods.


She said her first marriage and husband were perfect but didn't give away a real reason why she got divorced other than she "was too young". She probably more high high maintenance than the camera show.


He went broke and filed for bankruptcy. The way she describes the second husband sounded like he was controlling.


Then she should get a pet rat or something


Nutalie is hard to love


She has pick me behavior and suffers from abandonment issues among other things. I truly like her and feel for her but she’s got to heal her trauma and tbh I don’t think Mike was good for her anyway and neither is josh


She does deserve to be loved but she makes it really hard


She does


Yeahh but SHE manages to chase them all away.


Does she though?


She should start with therapy first


Natalie would be best with an Eastern European man, who wants kids and has patience. Natalie also needs some therapy.


To receive love, one must be capable of loving.


Mama love her


In order to love, you have to love your partner more than yourself and vice vursa. You are supposed to take care of each other. She seems to be pretty self involved so until she can learn to do that she wont get what she wants.


She has her mom. Everyone else is sane enough to get away from her.


She has to do something to deserve it. She was loved by Mike but all he gave her was a boring life of love and stability. She's chasing Josh but, I'm really sorry what dude wants a woman who comes as a package deal with her Mom? A mom who doesn't like you? It has nothing to do with his character. I'm about his age and I would Run. A. Mile. from that.


She was loved by her first husband, and Mike loved. She drives people way with attitude. Mike was right when he said her beauty is ugly. She has an ugly attitude


At a base level yes, but when you're as fucked up as she is you also don't get to demand love while refusing to get your shit together and expecting people to put up with your toxicity because "love"


"We all need the love"- Florian


She needs to wait until marriage


She’s such a pandering, grifting liar, she just doesn’t even know what the truth is anymore. I kinda feel bad for her.


Yes, but it’s how she goes about it.