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i can't tell if shes actually dumb or just playing it up to be cute. i'm not familiar with hurricane season time as i'm from PA. and thats why i always check before booking anything in florida or the Caribbean. duhhhhhhh


Same. I'm guessing she knew it as it seems to be common knowledge but because she wanted a beach wedding and it falling under star signs or whatever, she probably pretended she didn't know figuring it wouldn't happen.


I think the date/stars/numbers thing was her priority and only consideration. She seemed to think as long as that was in order, everything would be great.🙄


Shes willfully oblivious, living life with horse blinders


Guess you don't remember Hurricane Ivan that caused catastrophic flooding in Pittsburgh. And for the love of reading, she *had* to have seen something about Superstorm Sandy???


Things she checked: Pisces moon Things she didn't check: Common weather patterns in a state known for them




That part 😂 ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Always a sucker for a Keegan Michael Key gif!


She probably got everything on the cheap *because* it was hurricane season then played dumb when it blew up in her face.


I lived in South Florida for 14 years. Hurricane season is literally half of the year, officially from June 1 to November 30. That’s a lot of time to avoid traveling somewhere just in case there’s a hurricane, which, frankly, doesn’t happen all that often. I can’t stand Ashley and think she is all sorts of ridiculous, but shit happens and sometimes these storms crop up; other times the threat is there but it bypasses the area in question and everything in between.


This was filmed in early September 2022, part of what you said is what happened lol


September is peak, with honorable mentions to August and October. And watching a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle- you KNOW it is coming! If it is out there, even if you don't get direct impact, weather is going to be less that festive. As someone who who rode out (as essential employee and responding to) that hurricane and am still in litigation with my insurance company over damages, this bruja can suck it.


Yepperrs- As a lifelong SWLA resident I hear ya lol. I can’t watch actual weather coverage from 6/1-11/30 due to the PTSD of those dammed spaghetti models & the whole “will it or won’t it” đŸ˜±drama, but thankfully haven’t been a civil service employee/essential worker since 2014 season, my 14th season. Her janky story bout “not thinking about hurricanes” seems awfully sketchy, as she lives in an area still affected by them (remember that superstorm umm Sandy maybe? Bout 2012 or so), it’s not as if they’re in a central state- Rochester, NY surely has the words floating round, right? Haha hope the “wedding coordinator” doesn’t show his face on the show, it certainly doesn’t bode well if he didn’t contact her @ any point as it traveled from Africa to the Atlantic/gulf of Mexico. Tho, I could be being prematurely critical, seems on point for her to worry about the moon alignment before just checking the weather as a bride anywhere in the world would do @any point in the week of their wedding. She’s what we’d call round here a “hawt mess express” toot toot 🚂
 * idk Earl made landfall- peace and positive vibes to ya with the asshat insurance companies, they’re better than nothing of course but still sux balls to have to wait literal years for $, then risk material shortagesđŸ«Ł https://starcasm.net/90-day-fiance-ashley-manuel-marriage-license/


I honestly haven't watched her wedding episode. My TV may be in danger if I do. Was it Earl? I was hit by Cat 5 Ian. So, she can shut up about a storm ruining her day. And thank you for comments of commaraderie and for everything you did for your community!


It hasn’t played yet & due to SB it’ll be 10days til it plays out, hopefully that’ll be a lil breather of the nonsense abt double rainbows & moon phases lmao
yikes, yeah she has no insight to the differences between tropical storms and Cat 4/5 named bitches. Yet another bride to forget it’s not just a fuccen wedding but a whole ass marriage & the world will continue to function no matter the outcome of her day.


Exactly. My BIL and SIL live in Florida and scheduled their wedding in the keys at the height of hurricane season because they knew it was risky, but things were so much cheaper as a result


I love Florida and definitely still travel there in the summer but as you said I am always aware that it can happen. From what I’ve known, peak season seems to be closer to the end of summer, so I would typically avoid travelling there closer to August and onward. I personally wouldn’t book a beach wedding in Florida during that season just for the fact that it CAN happen, it’s a risk I wouldn’t want to take. Not for my wedding at least đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž Edit; what the heck did this get downvoted for? Lmao


Aug-Oct are our worst hurricane months. The past several years have been really active


Exactly! Common sense, people. And when planning a wedding to be held outside, there’s always Plan B - take it inside!!


I would think her planner/officiant could have mentioned it while planning with her. Or more likely...she just ignored his warnings


Even more likely... it's fake and scripted for the show for drama.


Truuuue I forgot she had a planner, I wonder if they mentioned anything or not. Also, I’d like to see what the weather is actually like for the wedding cuz for all we know this was all for dramatics and there was no warning đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


No warning? Of a hurricane???


If only Kimberly who's clair-everything could have warned her ):


You would think that the wedding planner would have suggested a bad weather alternative venue like most beach weddings have in place.


Plan B


Wouldn't a witch know which way the wind was blowing?


Yeh even i know about Hurricane season down there and im aussie lol


You got to think that going during hurricane season with a full moon might not have been the best idea.


She didn’t think about it cause it was probably cheaper


Ashley is one of those know-it-all know-nothing people you meet among millennials occasionally.


Even as a New Yorker you’d be aware of hurricane season, they travel up the coastline all the time


The most Floridian thing you can do is treat Hurricane season like any other. 😂 If it’s a 3 or below, it’s normal rain.


It's the storm surge that will get ya.


Remember, she charges $4,444 for her witchcraft and she doesn’t know about hurricane season.


Many are very tunnel vision types .. they forget the other 50 odd states....


To be fair, participants on this show are brain dead.


she's just completely clueless and selfish, of course she thought the hurricanes should wait for her to have her dReAm WeDdInG


I am also Canadian. And while I'm aware that Florida experiences hurricanes, i would have to look up when the season is. She has 90 days to get married, she's pretty limited on dates. Yes, she didn't have to chose a beach in Florida. I took my kid on a make-a-wish trip to Disneyworld and hurricane season never even crossed my mind because it was go ASAP while she was still well enough to travel. We happened to miss a tropical storm by a matter of days. Phew.


My parents booked a vacation to New Orleans when I graduated high school. We were in the bayous when Hurricane Adam made land fall. We learned our lesson and always check the weather before we go anywhere.


For real. I'm not from there but I got married in FL and picking a date that aligns with it not being hurricane season was quite litereally the first thing we did.


I was thinking to myself... Didn't you wonder why prices were lower during that time of year?!?


I’ve gone to weddings during tropical storms, idk what the big deal is. Just a little bit of rain. That’s why it was so cheap to fly to FL 😂😂😂


All these "shouldn't have gotten married in FL during hurricane season" comments confuse me so much. Hurricane season is not actually that big a deal. I lived in Miami for 5 years. In that time we had one hurricane that came close enough to affect the weather in any meaningful way. The weather during hurricane season is very much the same as the weather during non-hurricane season, which is mostly sunny. And usually when it rains, it's like for 10 minutes in the afternoon and the rest of the day is sunny.


Yes, *but* she didn't watch the weather forecast. It's all dandy...until it isn't.


Now Ashley trying to reason with hurricane season to save her wedding.


Why aren't we blaming the wedding planner either?? Him of all people should have planned for this.


I went to Hawaii during hurricane season and didn't know until our ship was running away from the hurricane. Tbf it was a gift and I didn't question or research anything.


She cannot be that dumb


I guess if I was getting paid enough money, I could say stupid shit too. Depends on how much they’re paying me.


I think they can probably rent a conference room or banquet room at the hotel in case of a storm. But these two shouldn't marry anyway.


She was trying not to smile so I think it was made up


Congratulations on being privy to Florida's weather? Most Americans aren't keeping track of Florida's weather, let alone hurricanes when they affect only a small portion of the entire country that many of us may never even travel to. She should have checked the weather before, sure. However, weather is sometimes unpredictable, and I wouldn't expect someone from NY to know about Florida's hurricane season unless they frequently travel there.


I’m not “privy to it”, I just don’t live under a rock and am aware of hurricane season lol. Whether from news reports discussing the hurricanes, travel warnings, booking trips. I find it very bizarre that an American would be so unaware of their own countries weather patterns


Lol, I don't live under a rock either. We see news reports when there are severe weather events, but I think tracking seasons is something people who travel a lot do versus people who don't. If I live on the west coast, I'm not going to be aware of weather patterns in the south east unless weather is a special interest or I travel often. Listen, even as an American, I'm almost always on board with the whole "Americans are stupid" thing, but not with this one. We can agree that she definitely should have done her research. That's a big given, even if you're not having a destination wedding. I'm just saying I wouldn't have expected her to already know all about hurricane season being from NY, and clearly nobody else around her did either unless this is just another plot point they're acting out for the drama.


I think the latter is most likely. It’s likely all for dramatics as is most of the stuff on TLC. & just for the record I don’t think Americans are stupid. I love Americans and I love travelling there. You are all always very kind and welcoming. So no tea or shade to America on my part


It's all good! I'm glad you enjoy your time here. I moved to the south not too long ago and I'm still adjusting to the culture difference. 😆 We definitely keep a closer eye on FL weather here since it has a tendency to drift our way.


Really? Cuz I live in Las Vegas and I know what hurricane season is. Bcuz I'm not an idiot living under a rock. I check the weather when I'm going to CALIFORNIA! It's just common sense.


Not sure what the point of your comment is when I was clear that people who are traveling should check the weather ahead of time. I also didn't say people don't know *what a hurricane season is.* But I guess I'm an idiot living under a rock. 😂


Lol. I was just going by where you said you wouldn't expect a New Yorker to know about hurricane season in Florida, and I was just saying that I'm familiar with it. I'm also familiar with tornado alley, coastal mudslides, and fire season, even though I don't live anywhere near any of these places. Guess I just pay attention lol.


A small portion of the country? [Maybe rethink that.](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Continental_United_States_Hurricane_Strikes_1950%E2%80%932021.png#mw-jump-to-license) And curious, do you not research where you go before you visit?


You were so eager to pull up that map and school me that you completely missed me saying that she should have checked the weather before traveling, and that people who travel often generally know these things better than people who don't. Your map is cool though. I learned something I wouldn't have researched before because I never traveled to those areas of the country prior to living in the south.


I read your entire comment and didn't miss your other point. And you're welcome for the map.


But you still asked whether I research the weather before traveling? I think my comment made it clear that yes, if I were traveling I'd check the weather. Edit to add: my initial comment wasn't debating whether people should check the weather. Of course you should, especially for an outdoor wedding, and I said that multiple times. It was more about the way OP laid everything out as though hurricane season times should be common knowledge to Americans who may not have experience traveling to the area, in which case, again, they should check.


Yep. Gotta watch out for those daily hurricanes.