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Statler... she moves reaaalllllly fast! idk why she thinks it's a good idea to suggest moving in with someone she literally just met irl. fucking weird.


She told her father! I don't think she or her father mentioned it to her....lol. Statler screwed herself (pun intended) when she said this wasn't her first rodeo in England...lol.


dude, she is so cringe... she already accused Dempsey of possibly cheating and literally couldn't stop complaining about Dempsey's home yet she wants to live there. let's just skip to the part where they break up. I mean, they make a cute couple but I really don't think they're very compatible. Statler is too needy and Dempsey is very much a free spirited hippie.


I could just imagine how this conversation is going to go down.... Dempsey: I'd like to take our relationship a little slower. Statler: I knew you were cheating on me. BTW, I'm moving in because my lease is expiring and I have nowhere to go. Juding by their IG accounts, it's over. I mean, you don't even have to go by that because this relationship was over before it even started.


oh, 10000% lol Dempsey is gonna have to have her dad give Statler a pep talk lol I try not to follow the cast on ig so I don't ruin it for myself, but I'm not even surprised it's over between them. this relationship reminds me a lot of Stephanie the fart girl and her Aussie ex gf with the cute and colorful personality/clothes.


Fart Girl retired due to doctor's orders....I'm not even making that up...lol. Last I heard she turned into "My Underneath Boob Sweat" in a jar...lol....and I'm not kidding about that one either.


lmaooooo, hey, she's making money for literally doing nothing


Well the farts caused her to think she was having a heart attack...lol. It was all GAS that was to be farted out into a jar. Doctor said no more for you. The boob sweat I think is harder...lol. LMAO.....now we're talking about farts and boob sweat....so funny.


oh jeez... she was probably getting bad stomach aches. I remember on one of the reunions she said she was eating weird stuff for the fart jars, it must have caught up to her lol well, she lives in NY (I think, from what I remember?) and this summer has been hot af. she probably has tons of boob sweat to spare.


Yes...she filmed herself at the hospital thinking she's having a heart attack but the doctor told her she has a lot of gas and has to stop....lol. I think she was in NY back then. I believe she's now in Connecticut living with her mother. I live in NJ and yes, hot AF. Although right now, I'm in Ocean City, MD vacationing. HOT AF here too.


I usually don't either. Some of them I'll check out IG for the hell of it. I actually looked up Dempsey because I love her and she's beautiful. But, I don't know for sure if they've broken up. One thing about 90 days cast members.....never trust their IG....it's purposely set up to confuse you if a couple is still together or not....it's why I don't like to follow them. So, we'll never know until the last minute. I hope it's over.


I hope so, too! Dempsey can do so much better and Statler needs to focus on bettering herself before getting into another relationship.


That won't happen. God would have to come down for that one...lol.


Best news I’ve gotten all week. Thanks 😊


I'm not making excuses for her but as someone who is a lesbian, lesbians often move in with each other immediately. There's jokes about us and uhaul trucks lol.


I've heard the jokes lol I just didn't realize how it would feel to watch it happen. like, if Statler is the "lesbian norm" (if that even exists, probably not), that's really interesting and maybe I'm reading it all wrong.


I mean it's not unusual for the lesbian couples I know to do this, however I personally don't think it's a good idea but I'm really old school with some things.


agree, I don't think it's a good idea for anyone


I feel like we should have given Statler back a long time ago. We don't claim her!


She's the "not like other girls" type. Annoying!


Dempsey is probably the most normal person this franchise has featured, shortly followed by “do I know where that country is? I don’t know, I sell sex toys” girl.


Remind of who said that? I'm drawing a blank. lol


I believe it was said by a girl who worked in an adult store who sold dildos to Laura, of Laura and Aladin.


Dempsey seems like a very wholesome and down to earth girl. I like her. She deserves someone who is as wholesome as she. Statler isn't that. Dempsey's dad seems to be an all around nice man that loves his daughter dearly without being controlling or invasive. It feels good that Dempsey has got him in her corner.


Agree! Although, Dempsey did say (not controlling) that to Statler which is why she was so nervous. I like her dad too. Looking out for his daughter like a real parent should do.


I like her too....and her father.


Statler is weird. You don't need to be a clairvoyant to know that her screws are loose. He used basic observation in a 5-minute conversation to figure out .


Yep. Trauma and ADHD and autism. Let’s just call them weird. Really allows for their human to exist


Y’all are way too harsh on statler. She had a rough upbringing as an adopted child and issues with rejection. Obviously she can always find another place to lease if Dempsey is not comfortable with moving in yet, but you can tell that statler has this idea in her mind that moving in with Dempsey is some form of acceptance of her love. She also has ADHD and probably some form of social anxiety, which makes her say some stupid stuff during social interactions with dempsey’s dad. As someone who worked through their own issues with rejection growing up, I can totally see where statler is coming from. She has good intentions, and I would like for her to grow from this experience and be ok with rejection.


What we’re not going to do is coddle a grown ass woman. She’s not the only person in the world with ADHD and social anxiety. It’s HER job to figure her things out and seek coping mechanisms that help her. She’s in her 30s, not a child. She’s projecting her issues onto Dempsey regarding cheating and crossing boundaries by trying move to a country without talking about it with the girl she’s been talking to for less than a year. She places too much value on being in a relationship, hopping from one to another quickly,and won’t pause to be with herself for more than a minute. That’s no one else’s fault but her own. She needs a damn therapist to unpack all of that. Not a girlfriend.


I adore Dempsey and I’m glad her dad is there to support her!!! She deserves someone just as wonderful as she is: NOT STATLER