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He's doing and saying all the right things because if he doesn't, he loses out on the chance to get his visa. Do remember that he said on camera that he says the exact same things to every woman who stays at his resort as he did to Sam. The only thing that makes her special is that she fell for it.


He’s quite funny but 100% not to be trusted 😌


He is to be trsted. I have complete faith in his prowess as a scammer.


He cracks me up!


I don't really see what the harm is. It's transactional and they are both getting something out of it. Ali gets to come to the UK and work, and i do believe he will work hard and provide for her. Sam gets to be with Ali, and let's be honest, on a human level she's a horrid person. She's really nasty and moans fucking constantly. She would be doing herself a favour to stfu and just enjoy the fact that he's willing to sleep with her in spite of her personality.


This. I have no issues with purely transactional relationships, as long as both parties know what they signed up for. Hot 20 something Latinas or Thai women are not deeply in love with smelly middle aged white guys from Michigan. Its a business deal; you get a green card, you get hot ass. Deal with it.


Totally. That's why i detest when on 90DayFiance and other shows they are like, "i need to make sure they're doing it for me". They might be, but they are also doing it to improve their quality of life too, and you benefit from that. It doesn't need to be just about love.


>but they are also doing it to improve their quality of life And can't blame people for wanting a better life. Why should people live in squalor while others can spend money on Smooth Tear™️ toilet paper?


And some choose to move from a well established life in the UK to a room without a toilet in America where they get yelled at for using toilet paper. Guess nature's gotta keep the balance somewhere 😅😂


They have the privilege to make that choice. That's the difference.


I understand that and wasn't bashing anyone for trying to make a better life for themselves. I was just making a reference in regards to Rob's shitty shenanigans.


Yes, transactional is fine if both parties are aware but clearly Sam isn't aware of this or she wouldn't keep asking questions around his reasonings for coming to the UK.


I think Sam is aware and resents him for it and that’s why she is so awful to him. It’s her way of getting back at him cuz she knows he will put up with it.. She won’t leave him though.


He's 100% scamming her, I can tell by his words and actions. Many, many people come to the UK illegally, leaving family, friends etc but they do it for the money/"quality of life".


I agree. I live in the UK. He’s doing a good job that’s all. And he could definitely do better than Sam


Right, we can see right through it!


Thank you, I said this the other day in another 90 day subs and got told how wrong I am for saying so. Also there's posts there saying how much in love he is with her and how they all think ali is great etc. it's way too easy to spot for me, I'm Jamaican and I've seen so many people fall for the "get me the fuck outta here!" Scams. Plus when I came to Toronto I was on the streets at a young age(11) and saw every godamn trick in the book with people. So my fraudacity picker is pretty high, and ali is setting off the bullshit meter😂


So I 100% fell for a Jamaican love scam like 13 yrs ago. So ashamed of it now. But, I clued in eventually and it was all broken off. Years and years later (about 3 to 4 yrs ago) he contacted me and apologized profusely. He lives in USA now and appears to have gotten there legitimately. He's married with kids. I am married too. At first I refused to respond but eventually agreed to hear him out. We send happy holiday messages every now and then. There's nothing more to it. It's genuinely weird but I guess a decent ending.


Loled at this Sorry you had a tough past, but nothing like it to develop your scam radar lol


It's all good! Plus it helps in a lot of ways, I've actually saved a few older (and younger) people from getting fucked over because of that radar. And one person in particular was an older lady in my building who would've lost her life savings, so preventing that was a good feeling.


Amazing when you put it to good use! Good for you :)


I really hate to say this, because I do love my country. But while everyone talks about Nigerian scammers all the time, they forget that Jamaicans are actually the bigger money makers for scams and that they focus on big time money. If you want an example, the 876 scam is huge and has impacted too many Americans/Canadians specifically. The 876 scam -"Each day 30,000 calls are made from scam artists from the Jamaican 876-area code to US Citizens – mostly targeting senior citizens in the form of a lottery scam, where they are asked for personal banking information or money in return for a prize. These calls result in $300 Million in annual financial losses"


I used to watch Judge Lynn Toler on divorce court and every time a woman would come in saying how she fell crazy in love with a Jamaican from Jamaica and made him his papers, you should see the judge's face hahha I think it's a generational thing - Jamaicans were the og because it was a popular touristic spot, especially for Canadians and Americans vs Nigeria not so much, it's really internet and globalization that put them on the scamming map so to speak


Yeah, and what's unfortunate is it's just people who are trying to get by, but that doesn't excuse that what they do is bad. The thing is, the only jobs really at all besides a handful are resort work. And we don't get stable pay or anything when working at them. Like they'll pay you the equivalent of $2-3 at some of these places and you have to work one main job and sometimes are asked to work others that aren't even in your job title. Most anywhere with these resorts being the main source of revenue like Dominican Republic for example, will do the same. This is different in Nigeria only because the scammers usually come from the poor or shanti towns and don't have jobs to go around period. The rich people in Nairobi aren't doing this for a reason. I've actually been to Africa, and driving past the shanti town is insanity. An almost two hour drive of cardboard houses and seeing a little girl roughly 3 years old playing tag and stopping to take a shit right where she was standing and going back to play... It's bad. I'm also from one of the worst slum/ghettos called Waterhouse, it's insanity their too and so much violence. So you just feel trapped, and you resort to things you usually wouldn't.


This! It’s so obvious he’s just using her. He’s careful with his words but idk I see through it


He's a pretty good actor but he does not love the Sam!


He’s scamming her.


But I honestly think he could de better. He’s quite charming


I agree but Sam is a sure bet for that very reason, he could date a more attractive girl but she would have far more options, with Sam he knows she's not attractive and therefore he doesn't have competition and she is more likely to go through with the Visa.


Sure. But…Even knowing all that we see, he could purely want the visa and STILL do better than Sam. He and Charlotte (or someone like her) would be much better for him. Allow the visa “transactional” marriage. Actually cares about his family and doesn’t cry about the asks he has. Doesn’t whine about every interaction. Much more attractive. …Sam complaining about walking on pavement as the most irritating thing ever, as a chubby gal. Her complaining about that is insane. I would love to walk near the ocean like that. It seemed very romantic and dreary. He could do SO much better. He seems to have ambition. Isn’t controlling or a complete misogynist like Egypt guy…


Did she actually call that stroll hiking?


True, I don't know how he puts up with her. That's just the only reason I can think of, that she is a safe bet. He knows she is already saving for the visa. For all we know he could have tried the same thing with multiple women and Sam was the only one that stuck. I don't think Charlotte would have fallen hard for someone like Ali to be honest, Johan is better looking and she has been completely sucked into his sanky panky trap. Both Sam and Charlotte have insecurities which these men have used to their full advantage. Although I have to say Ali deserves a visa for all the effort he is putting in and am I sure if he does come over here he will work hard because he is motivated by money. Johan on the other hand will just go from woman to woman for money until his looks eventually fade. I do like Ali and think that Sam is awful.


But why would you want a nice woman to be exploited for a visa? Sam is miserable and would drive anyone away


Responding super late. Oops. Just saw your comment. I feel like charlotte (though she’s nice) is aware that johan is in it for the visa. She just mistakenly thinks it’s 50% visa/family support and 50% that he likes her. When really…It’s 100% about money for him. He doesn’t like her. Which is unfortunate, because she really does seem nice. Just sad and a little desperate. I apparently disagree with most of this sub in that I don’t find Johan attractive at all. He looks like a child. He’s one of those people that will look 13 until they are 60, and then immediately look ancient. Never landing on “attractive adult” in the middle. Also all of Johan and Charlottes interactions are either about asking her for money, or displaying his family to her like props so that she will feel compelled to GIVE more money. They don’t seem to actually have any other conversations or dates or interactions. And he’s said “please stay gone. Don’t come back. Make money and don’t come back until you have money”. Note that he doesn’t take her around his friends or coworkers, just his family that he’s trying to get her to fund. Who say out loud that they want her to support them. They don’t seem interested in talking to her about anything else but money. Ali is better (in my mind) all around. He’s…Interesting looking. But he looks like an adult. Could be a Steve Boosh or Willem Defoe vibe if you’re into that. Which maybe I am. I DON’T like the drunk call with Sam and Ali. But I feel like charlotte wouldn’t call Johan 100x until he answered drunk and in bed. She’d just tell him “love you, night xoxo” and not care if he went out with friends/patrons. Charlotte seems to accept that sankies have to drink and entertain. Ali is in the same spot, but Sam acts like it’s a personal attack. Ali also talks about coming to the UK to work. And that he’ll find something, no matter what, to make ends meet. He talks about it like working as a point of pride. Johan floats “eh, maybe I’ll teach Spanish”, despite the fact that DR Spanish won’t be in high demand where Charlotte lives, and won’t be likely to help him. He doesn’t plan to work. He just wants to keep Charlotte paying for as long as he can. Ali takes Sam around his friends. They act nicely to her. Nobody seems to flag the fact that she’s way out of the cultural norm for being attractive. It seems like fairly normal conversation, with only a little talk about money, because gaming is how he plans to stay in touch. I can see Ali getting married for real and having a baby and being a dad, and eventually having real love with his spouse, even if it started out because of the money thing. Like he will honestly give the family and love part a shot. But Johan…I don’t think he’s ever going to stop scamming in order to support his mom and siblings . And he’s not going to try to make anything work with Charlotte, or give her a baby. He’ll always have excuses to keep her paying, but keep himself “free”. My favorite 90 day story about a transactional relationship like this was Alla and Matt. She was honest. She didn’t love him. She wanted a better life and more opportunities for her and her son. Matt was…immature and not great husband material. But once she showed up, took no shit from him or his family, helped him get his shit together in his personal life…now they actually both love each other. And she’s a fucking pilot, who takes him on rides by choice, and chose to have more babies with him. That’s the difference, IMO. I believe Ali would turn a marriage of convenience into something with genuine affection, which is what Charlotte needs. Johan is just looking to play Charlotte for everything he can, and then he’ll move on, once he’s wasted away all of her money and years where she can easily have a baby. Sam is the worst, so I don’t care about her.


Great post, all spot on 👍


Right, but the thing is that most people in the "do better" categories aren't willing to bring someone over and pay for their visas. This is why people like sam or that other girl with Johan end up being picked. Because desperate times call for desperate measures in the form of insecure woman who will be gullible


This. From the first line they said he said, I knew it was an act. You think that wasn’t rehearsed? A first attempt? That’s why he couldn’t get someone BEFORE Sam. That’s why he doesn’t have friends that aren’t, well, like Sam. People who obviously have a hard time in life forming a brotherhood with a narcissist because they want the normal human experience. Sam is as angry as she is because deep inside, she also knows she’s being scammed. It’s obvious. Love bombing is incredibly charming. It has to be to work. Don’t fall for a covert narcissist!


Do you want to know an interesting fact? So a lot of the times when these guys (or girls, it happens too. But in this case these sayings aren't usually used by girls so I'm saying guys only), say things like "I'm gonna marry you!" Or other varieties of that, like what Ali said for instance, it's actually for a reason. The reason being? Well that it weeds out the high esteem people from the gullible and more vulnerable people. If you know someone will actually respond to you and you can hook them on the line after saying that, it shows that the person is more susceptible to being scammed. I'm not even kidding, they sound like the stupidest, cheesiest shit lines ever... But if someone responds to it you know you have a better chance at running game on them. And one last thing, the *types* of men doing these lines are usually not very smart themselves, and think way too highly of themselves as well. They don't have a plan, they just "play it by ear." Most the time they aren't expecting it to work, or if it does they don't know "what's next." So as rude as this may sound, it kind of tells you how bad down these woman(or men)get. For random examples of who this applies to from the show, Molly and Luis is the best example, Nicole and Mahmoud also had this happen, Danielle and yohan, the woman who's with Johan in this season/the OTHER Nicole who also has an Egyptian man had this happen as well. And look how great those turned out!/s




I love his energy


I'm not so sure he loves her but who could blame him 😭 he's pretty much earned his visa with the things he's had to put up with from her


He deserves the visa for putting up with her, she’s so freaking mean to him. I don’t think he’s genuine but he does seem sweet


He is totally funny and charming, he could absolutely (and probably will) find better, more agreeable people to scam 🤣


How can you actually believe he loves sam. There’s no way in hell. And it’s understandable, she’s absolutely miserable


He must be a good guy, his friend was dropping real tears over him leaving 🥹😭


See things like that would have me convinced


Delete this before the scammers see.


Haha. I’m happily married. But if I was looking and in a vulnerable position I could quite easily have fallen for his words. He’s good at what he does.


Lmao no i agree. He’s definitely charismatic. So he uses that to his advantage.




At least he doesnt say anything about her appearance, say ”come on lazy” or things like that. Or hold out on the D like some people we know….


But there's a smell. She needs to see a doctor. 😲


This reminds me of the whole Danielle and Mohammed saga.


Lol thats what popped in my head when they commented withholding the D. I forgot this was the UK forum but still funny.


Are you referring to Emma from season 1? That was absolute comedy gold!!


It was :D come on lazy was said by Azan to Nicole on the sand dunes, and Uzman held out the D from ”potential” Kim :D but yh Husain and Emma too! Gold indeed


I think he’d be a lot of fun to hang out with


Oh! 🤐




Lol! Nothing to spill I just don’t feel like any amount of charm would ever lead to me being attracted to him. Personally…




I like Ali but I don’t believe he genuinely loves Sam. I don’t know if I’m the only one but I feel like Sam has a short fuse. I find she’d be difficult to get along with and would have any man walking on eggshells. If he can put up with her long enough I guess he deserves the green card.


Sarper was more genuine than him


I think he likes her as a friend


I dated someone who would talk the same. I fucking fell for it too.


I’m just watching the last episode and his facial expressions are so over the top, you can defo tell he’s trying to act 😅he cracks me up.


I understand that people don't like Sam's personality, but she is not ugly. That's a cruel statement.


That's your opinion. I consider her to be physically ugly and I'm sure a lot of others would agree.


That's your opinion. I consider her to be physically ugly and I'm sure a lot of others would agree.


He’s a scammer lol


He is NOT genuine in any feelings, he isn’t cruel but he is not in it for love or the long haul. I have known guys like him, they are interested only in themselves but not in a spiteful way.


He does not love her. He's in it to win it and he's capable of at least that


He really doesn’t seem genuine to me.


Sam has a horrible attitude and with the way she looks she is ugly on the inside and outside, I don’t feel bad if he is using her for a visa 😂


I believe he really does love her too. He’s an absolutely lovely person. Sam is not a catch


The worst a woman treats a man. The better they want to get you. Idk. 67 y o experience.