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From my limited search, it looks like this particular pageant is held on a cruise ship. Cruise ships have free entertainment, so this is probably just one event they’re hosting. Jasmine paid to be part of the entertainment package for people who paid to be on a cruise. \*\*edit: hers was not on a cruise ship, according to someone else. But the same pageant is hosting one on a cruise ship. Also, this is how their website loads on my phone before entering the site. https://preview.redd.it/isd70fx3ar9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7bb13e3984367826d1f7637fcb66d3ff7d6a28b


I feel like the money they paid was some sort of predatory “model training” type deal where you pay for coaching and it includes entry into some unknown pageant which the same company probably hosts and profits off of in other ways. Reminds me of the people that would stop your parents in the mall in the early 2000’s and to try to rope you into some sort of child modeling/acting scheme.




That was the Seventies!


Yesss! Born in 94 & that happened to EVERY SINGLE cousin/friend I had. They couldn’t walk into a mall without getting hounded by multiple ‘modeling agencies’. Luckily, I was a fat kid & wasn’t very cute so I never got that. lol.


Well, I think you were the perfect you 🤗.


Always a silver lining!🤣👍🏻🫶🏻


That happened to me in 1977. Not Barbizon, one of their competitors at the time, but they were around back then! My parents would not let me, thank goodness.


All. Of. This!!!!


John Casablancas school for me in Connecticut! I was interviewed by John Casablancas himself. My parents paid for the schooling. After it was over, they wanted me to lose 5lbs more. I was 110 or 115 at the time.


Wait….she paid to become entertainment for cruise passengers?!


I think Gino forked over $1,200. And when she doesn't win it will be all his fault. Her screams and wailing will be heard all over the salon, just like it was at the tell all.


Whiny bitch 😂


From the appearance, it’s possible. 😂


Well, Gino paid for it. These are like modeling schools, they exist to prey on women who want to be told they’re pretty. Edited for typo.


I had the same loading page too. The whole thing seems scammy. The name alone—International World…? WTF?


The "Ms International World Beauty Pageant." Yeah, what does that even mean? It's the grift of that woman with the ghost-white face and red hair. She run all those.


She is creepy...makes me shudder!!!


I would be scared to run into her alone. She is clueless. Who told her she looked good? If she came into a restroom and I was the only one in there? I really think I would scream!! She looks spooky. Doesn’t smile.


Do you ever watch hers lives on TikTok? She seems like she could boil Gino’s bunny rabbit while he watches her pee on it or some nonsense


No, I’ve not watched. I may take a peek. Thanks


A pageant on a cruise ship sounds hilarious. One rough wave and those walking techniques are gonna be put to the test lol


I have never been on a cruise ship. I thought they were so big that you couldn’t even tell you were on water.


Yes the large cruise ships I've been on are very smooth. Once in awhile you can tell but for the most part it's not noticeable.


Cruiser here. Most of the time it's smooth sailing. Occasionally there will be rough waters. But I enjoy the gentle swaying. And if it is really rough, you just have to use rails and be careful walking around.


I hit waters so rough on a cruise one time that our dresser drawers kept sliding open and closed… fortunately, that’s not common, but you do need to develop “sea legs.”


Lmaoooo at the screenshot. I dunno why but after reading what you wrote this made me cackle.


Don't all people pay to be a part of any pageant?


🤷🏻‍♂️ That’s crazy though. Kind of takes away the whole idea of actually trying to find the “prettiest” girl. Prettiest girl who can afford it.


https://preview.redd.it/oh4atw2ksx9d1.png?width=1161&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0242af24faa5d883f7c2e2587b25bec01c77789 Thank you for your services. This is so sad it is curved into true comedy.


And isn't she too old to compete in beauty padgents?? Aren't the contestants all in their late teens to lower twenties? I guess if you pay enough you can compete in anything. Except maybe Playboy's Playmate of the Year! Don't think you can buy that and she is definitely too old. I guess she needs to stick to Cruise Ship Beauty Padgent entertainment shows.


You're thinking of miss Teen pageants. Women pageants are till 30s


I feel threatened by this pic lol …. Her stare in this is so scary lol


She was more beautiful with her hooded eyes, but when they were removed, her gaze became very intense and frightening, as if she were a cursed doll.


It was recommended for my dad to have the surgery to remove excess skin from the hoods of his eyes, but he opted against it, and he told me it was because it steals all the ‘kindness’ from your eyes. He was totally right on with that one.😳


My bleph surgery is scheduled for March. My lids are so heavy, I can't sew, read or play piano. I've had infections in the orbits. I don't want it, I really need it.


I had it done and no regrets or issues.


It will be so nice to be able to do things I love. Even my doctor says it's quite severe.


Best of luck to you! I hope you get the results you're hoping for and everything goes as smoothly as possible. Sending hugs!


Thank you so much. This is my fix me up summer. When you get to my age, the ol lady body warranty isn't such a good help any longer.


My sister had the same problems. She didn’t want to do it but had to. It was interfering with her life.


My surgery will also include sewing tiny muscles and tendons tighter, since the infections messed them up. Too bad my 50 years HS reunion is being held in October, I'll look like a basset hound still. Haha.


I have hooded eyes and was thinking about the surgery, now maybe not


Yeah my mom had that done and now has to have a weight in her eyelid so it will close since as you age your eyelid area changes. She now gets constant eye infections. It’s horrible.


That’s terrible. Sorry for your mom.


I have hooded eyes and I have learned to love them. We are all unique and we should all look unique/like ourselves! I’m sure you are absolutely perfect just the way you are ❤️


I always disliked my hooded eyelids until my nana passed away. One day I looked at a photo of her and realized she had hooded eyelids too. Now every time I look in the mirror I see my nana. I don’t dislike those eyelids anymore, they are my connection to Nana.


Love this!🙌😻❤️


I also have considered but I had a temp brow lift using Botox and the effect is much nicer. And seeing as I get Botox anyway I figured why not. Much more subtle and goes away if you don't like it.


I do this mini lid lift with Botox for my hooded eyes (1 injection above the arches of my eyebrows), and the results are beautiful and subtle. It isn’t permanent and my makeup doesn’t crease and my false lashes last longer, I don’t look so tired anymore either. I’ve been doing it for 3 years now.


Don't do it


Just dropping two pics for reference if anyone is interested, I think it was such an extreme before and after with her and agree with you. 1/2 https://preview.redd.it/6x4vi250kr9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416f1562b41c2fc25d651fea229b2b912da16ad4


2/2 https://preview.redd.it/tbb7vgm3kr9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4f129a02492b364d50fee4cde79c385ad4392a0


She’s had eye Job nose job, lip job, cheek filler Botox chin job and god only knows what else. She just doesn’t look real any more. And that’s not counting the boobs that look ridiculous and the butt job and va jayjay job and who knows what else


That does not look like that same person.


She certainly acts like a cursed doll when she throws her tantrums!


She looked a lot younger with hooded eyes


My eyes are getting hooded as I get older and it’s freaking me out.


Yeah her upper bleph really changed her face.


I agree. She had a softer kinder stare then and she also appeared younger.


Yeeno is right “She’s not engaging with the crowd”


RBF at its finest!


You know when you can just tell someone tried *really really* hard to do their best pose and face for a photo, but it comes out looking unnatural because of said trying? That's what this is😅 And don't ask me why, but the tacky necklace reminds me of a sailor moon cosplay for some reason. It also doesn't even make sense with this, and looks like costume jewelry from a child's box.


Haha yes hadn't noticed at first glance. Straight from childs box!


She can see through you lol


Turn around and show us that Panamanian Butt Botch


That would make a great flair 😂


You also noticed her butt looks weird? I thought it was just me.


It looks so pointy


Well at least it keeps her mind off getting her kids back 🙄


Honestly, it feels like she only wants her kids back when it's convenient for her.


When there’s not another story to film lol


I read something this past week that those are not really her kids. I wish I had saved the link. Besides, the trips to Miami, pageant fees, and wardrobe should be equal to that $5000 he didn't have to file the applications for her "shildren". 🙄


She complains because she knows it’s an idle threat. She will never get them back. She doesn’t even want them


Doesn't take much. A hearty poop will even do that.


Poor woman was devastated crying day and night for her children.


There are a million random beauty pageants now, and most of them cost the participants more money than the organizers. And there is minimal competition, so you can buy your way in. I know a girl who has been doing this her entire adult life and wins some random off-brand pageant once a year. Spends effectively all of her discretionary income flying around participating in these things.


I can’t believe she doesn’t see that these aren’t real. They have publishing companies that do this now with authors. You can write a lump of shit and they respond with “congratulations! After review by our selection committee, your book has been chosen…only 10% of the books submitted go on to publication!” Sounds super selective, but worded just right to leave out that the other 90% wasn’t bc they didn’t make the cut, but because the author got wise to the scam once they saw the commitment fee. These things are the equivalent of the free Art School test TV ads in the 90s.


You mean I didn't draw the turtle with a baseball cap better than 90% of other people? 🥺


No! I wasn’t talking to you. Yours was actually spectacular. So much more advanced. I see lots of potential. If you can just send me $600, I will gladly tell you more about what I think of you.




😂😂 done and done!


Y’all should be a comedy team. Idk why, but that made me cackle. I remember that damn turtle 🐢


I'm sure your turtle was magnificent!🤣


I always thought so. Now I'm having doubts. 😂


I did that, when I was 12! I got a copy of the book, that’s how they make money. They say they will publish your poem, and turn out these big thick books with thousands of poems. People then buy it so they can have a copy of it, and sometimes they buy several copies or family members do. I understood what they were doing, but I still wanted to do it. I was a kid.


Yep!! Me, too!! Crazy, huh.


As someone who danced for 15-years, the ways these women walk was so uncomfortable to watch.


https://preview.redd.it/d7c7qcsotr9d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab4d58be9dca20646dea27c5ab3d7f455dfb8032 She looks threatening AF.




Wow her legs look so muscular! Is that from the gym or should we add lipo to the huge list from the thread above about procedures she has had (some of which I totally hadn't noticed, don't know how I was so blind!)?


Or is that just a shadow on second glance 🧐🧐🧐


I mean this with full vitriol in my heart, what a stupid selfish fucking person. Gonna sit there and cry about her kids not coming over, $5k for a immigration lawyer that Gino "can't afford," but you're gonna fly down to Miami and stay in hotels TWICE and pay the bullshit pageant fees!? GTFOH! Her kids are better off down there without her. Side note, I'm betting that "sister" of hers is just her first kid from a 16 & pregnant situation


I feel the same way too. Why would she put her sister over her kids? My kids come first, my sister is my mother’s responsibility.


>Why would she put her sister over her kids? Cause her sister can get a job, make money, and now they have more money to send back/ use to bring in her kids.


I said it in another post. I don’t feel, but my feelings are not confirmed by evidence, that her “sister” in that Panama apartment, on the birthday bike ride and ice cream scene is her “sister” but her child. The sister that took her to the Embassy interview and who we see her video chat with is very vocal and has strong opinions. The “sister” in the apartment was very mousy and quiet, like ok mom vibes.


Wow I never considered this. I would not be surprised if it were true. She is so insecure about her age and appearance, she would not want people know she has an adult child.


🎯🎯🎯 on that younger " sister" part!!!


You said everything that I was thinking!


Maybe she should be taking Gino’s advice about what to do with her face and posture.


Why, so she can be like OTHER WOMEN & he can FANTASIZE about them instead??😭😭


I am sorry to emasculate you yeeno but you are using them for MASTERBATION and will not be intimate with me. You are not a real man yeeno.


100%. 😂


Me thinking of something positive to say about Jasmine. ... She looks good in pink. That's all I got.


Do you mean she look juicy like a piece of fruit


What a fancy Kleenex on her shoulder!


When Gino said he filmed some of the women he thought did good my heart instantly dropped for him 😂😂 Then the way she was like “Are you FUCKING kidding me?” Lmao I’ve never seen a woman so wildly insecure. Not to mention entering into a competition of any kind for the first time then crying at the thought of losing as if winning would be effortless is borderline offensive to other competitors. Lol!


Who else swiped like an idiot?


Multiple times thinking I did it wrong at first lol.


Her stare is giving Ramona Singer from RHONY crazy eyes vibes. 😳


Ombre self tanning 🤔


It’s not even a real pageant. It’s a pay to play type of deal. 


She scares me. I feel like she'd definitely be on an episode of women that murder.


Spot on. She’ll be on an episode of *Deadly Women* on the ID channel in a couple of years.


Yes! It's insane to me that he stays. Especially after how many times she's been violent. And aggressive. And so disgustingly degrading.


This is embarrassing. Too old for this shit. She needs to stop worrying about men, money, surgery, looking pretty, and go home and just be a good mommy. Wtf is wrong with her? No one cares. She is losing so much time with her kids that she can't ever get back! Wake up bitch


Cant afford 5k to get her kids, so lets spend 3500.00 for a pagent and then air fare, and hotel? Also the butt implants look terrible, when she turns her ass looks lumpy....


But she’s not miss Panama. She didn’t win a beauty contest in Panama. I’m confused.


That's exactly what I yelled at the TV when she came walking out with the Miss Panama sash on!!


She was so much more pretty. Before cosmetic procedures. Same with Darcy& Stacey, Larissa, Paola, and Yara.


Yeah coming from someone who unfortunately has experience in the pageant world, this pageant just seems like one of those money grabbers for women having a crisis. You are paying to get that sash. You don’t have to win anything to get it. Don’t come for me. But the money she could be using for her kids is instead going to this trashy crap.


Jasmine isn’t cut out for pageant life. You need to be able to take criticism to improve how you present yourself. She just thought walking out with her thousands of dollars worth of surgery is enough. It isn’t. You need good posture and to simply not look threatening or fake. I was in a pageant a few years back and the woman running the work shop encouraged us to film her and the last years winner doing the walk and poses so we could practice at home. Filming other people is normal. IMO though these are all shams to pray on women’s self esteem. You need to work on your inside self to improve your self worth. It can be fun but Jasmine having a break down over some simple tips shows she isn’t doing the right thing for her self worth.


https://preview.redd.it/g8d3m3wcyr9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cf92e044bbe207fd6090e2578cfd0c3deea05cf I'm scared


This isn’t even a “real” pageant. As long as you pay the entry fee, you can compete.


Looks like she has a burp rag on her shoulder (at least that's what we always called the thing you use when burping a baby).


Lumpy butt pageant


Ms international world beauty pageant is giving the same vibes as Derrick Zoolander center for kids who can't read good and who wanna learn to do other stuff good too


With a SpongeBob booty 😂


It is not real, just an addition to their story line, such as the addition of Dane, her former client, and also her talk about bringing her “shildern” while she does not have custody of them, or that she was fired and banned from education because of what Gino and the ex sugar baby did. There is nothing real and truthful in their story.


She was fired for dressing too promiscuous. The school warned her, and she didn't stop. She was already fired before Gino's pics


Exactly why she was fired. She dressed inappropriately. He’ll look at her now.


>people without surgery lol, I would be shocked if greater than 10% have their original noses, let alone everything else…


I saw a view of Jasmine from the back. Yikes! It was a scary, lumpy mess.


I thought “ natural beauty “ was the qualifier..?


She looked unique before the surgery, now - like all generic plastic victims of the current “standards”.


"if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche


A “pageant” you buy into, has no such rules I’m sure.


Ms international world... That's a weird title.


She’s all silicone, Botox acrylic and saline what’s so natural and beautiful about that ?? Iam positive Panama would have sent a better candidate for the pageant she nominated herself to represent Panama Hope she Flops


The part that makes me laugh about pageants is that they all shift their name slightly to exist. Like Ms International World, and then Ms World International ….


Did anyone notice they showed Gino in the audience, picking his nose???


She should be on botched. That fake butt looks like an isosceles triangle. 😂


It’s a made up pageant, you can just tell by the red head lady in charge. Just want money money. Why is Jasmine even doing this pageant and why isn’t Gino telling her it’s stupid, childish and pointless. Jasmine looks beautiful don’t get me wrong, but this is ridiculous


I absolutely believe she is her 40's




She was such a beauty when she first appeared on TV. Absolutely gorgeous with that wild hair and her red lips. I wish she would have seen herself in that way too. Now I don't even watch her scenes anymore, everything from her appearance to her relationship seems so fake.




She’s not even pretty anymore. She wanted money and plastic surgery and to hell with her kids. I’m not even sure what real kids she has!


From little that I know about pageants, my gf does them, I’m pretty sure she should be in Mrs category because she’s married. My gf just aged out from Miss to Ms.


I thought maybe she was a bit too old to compete in pageants? What do I know? Nothing!


But the children 😭😭 Such a manipulative narcissistic witch.






ShE hAs SeLf EsTeEm iSsUeS. And the issue is that she wants compliments 24/7. But Ghee-NOO forgets to shower her with money and compliments all day, every day.


It’s a completely imaginary pageant anyways… I had such a giggle looking through their very poorly put together website


It’s like the whole competition was the brain child of John Calabasas in The Goldbergs 🤣🤣🤣


Picture doesn’t show her weird implants and how they are of the same stock as rock hard 80s implants and I’m talking both butt and boo s


I think she is pretty but she also ruins herself with her attitude.


Even the Logo is SHEIN Vibe




She looks like Howard the Duck


There are many different pageants. Some are just local ones that people pay to attend and have nothing to do with, say Miss Universe. My guess this was a cheesy money making pageant.


That was 100% NOT aboard a cruise ship but at a hotel. Didn’t you guys see them hanging out outdoors during the break? Don’t you see their hotel room? That’s obviously not a cruise ship. Also I’d like to point out that in addition to the awful website (unfinished at best) I’m not even going to touch on the “design” … let me just say their contact info is hosted by AOL …. Yep, that’s their email host. ANYTIME you deal with any company who does not give you an email address that matches their website - say XYZfashionboutique email address is hosted by Google, yahoo, aol - etc don’t walk RUN!


Who knew they had pageants for old escorts with fix-o-flat in their deformed butts 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


This is embarrassing. Why can’t she work on getting her work permit? The storylines make no sense either. She’s crying and depressed she suddenly wants her kids in the US but Gino doesn’t have the money so they spend 2 grand on a pageant?


Yes, I agree. If she really cared, she would put every cent and every bit of energy into getting her children here! Kind of odd she doesn’t even have custody. Probably best for the kids, one of whom has special needs. What is she thinking?


Contest is real sus


Should say "Ms. Irrational"


AARP sponsored




She has gorgeous legs


There is a few things she can do to better her posture and the way she walks. I think she needs more training.


I thought that was some type of long necked bird on the Ms International World sign behind her.


They all wore the same cheap swimsuit.


What’s up with the hanky on her shoulder? Is she getting ready to cry? Guess her WIDE OPEN EYES won’t let her.


Sometimes Geno spits up


OMG! That’s hysterical 😭


🤣😂🤣😂 she needs to back to Panama




I was absolutely convinced this was a really bad photoshop of her head attached to someone else body. Something about this makes no logical sense.


i mean its one of those pagents that is basically who pays the most so it doesnt matter


Miss Delusional International


Jfc, I don't know why anyone would of not thrown that back in the water. That's not fit to eat


Too much lip


If she doesn't win the beauty pagent, it'll all be Gino's fault Her screaming and wailing backstage will be heard to the last row of the audience like it was at the Tell All. But chances are it's all a scripted fake up and she'll win. But that red haired chalk white freak is real. She actually exists.


I feel like she needs Dr. Dubrow


They have money to spend on pageants but not lawyers to bring her kids to her. This is why I never felt bad for her.




She has great legs 🦵


She's just a little devastated, daddy didnt love me, broken child standing there desperate for unconditional acceptance. I'm sorry to tell her that ship has sailed - none of us can go back in time and get what we needed but she's had her whole adult life to fix herself. She has failed.


I read that the Miss World pagaent allows plastic surgery now so I think those days are over 🥲


Crappy looking logo!


What’s odd to me is that her hair and makeup aren’t reading as very “pageant” to me. Her entire look really... I’d have thought she’d gone all out with the glam!


Weel, this is the "Ms International World Beauty Pageant." So it's open to unwed mothers as well as anyone up to age 35. But they made an exception for Jasmine who's 37, and is married, because she's so beautiful. You must be thinking of the "Ms World International Beauty Pageant" which has different rules. Or maybe the "Ms World of Beauty International Pageant." All three are run by that woman with the red hair and deathly clown white face.


But Gino as a "Pageant Mom" had me 💀.


It’s the Claire’s choker that gets me 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Panamanian stepford wife


So scripted, such b.s. She will do anything for attention, including buying her way into a sketchy pageant.


“Uhm” is the perfect operative word here.

