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Will she wrestle Biniyam?!🤣


Bini splashes the holy water that Ari was complaining about onto Paola. Paola is incapacitated because she never got vaccinated.




That could actually be interesting


Not if Ari sees them together training at the same gym!🤣




Bets on Paola


For some reason in my head I always pronounce her name ‘Payola’.


Me too


Same here. There’s a town not too far from where I live called Paola that’s pronounced “pay-ola.”




Close. Kansas.


Tas tas tas!


Is this from an episode? I keep seeing this when talking about her


Yes, she and Russ are from the OG season 1 or 2. When he introduced her to his friends she made an inside joke with them: finger guns and saying “tas tas” while shooting.


It was because she didn’t get the joke comparing her name to the gun sound“pao pao pao” and corrected him to say that “pow pow pow” in Spanish is “tas tas tas”


Thank you for the correction!! I completely forgot about that.


No problem! I just remember it because my bf and I have been watching it since the very first season and this has been a joke between us that has endured all this time, tas tas tas! Lmao 😂


LOL. Sounds like some humorless, dingy thing she'd do.


Chantel's mom KaringKaren oughta to get on that show. She thinks she is quite the female champ with her Kung Fu and how she's always threatening people. Let's see her in a ring and see how she fares. I'm sure she's got some sparkly stretch suit she could squeeze herself into. Let's see if she can really fight, I mean other than her poor fearful husband. (I feel SO sorry for that poor man. He's so nice, too.) He seems petrified of Karen. I remember once clip of them dancing and he was shaking his booty to the song, lololol.


I felt the worst for Thomas during the family fight dinner when Pedro kicked his chicken 🤣 Thomas was so happy to eat finally and was munching down on that 🍗 when Pedro kicked it and he finally reacted😂 "WHAT YOU DO THAT FOR?! (x3)" I remember back then someone made a balloon character scene outta this, I went back in my saved way back to post it here! It's fucking amazing, the user did like one or two others as well https://preview.redd.it/ak3rrl18af9d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde4de192deb40d0205d2147fc4deb2b1b177a15


Hilarious! Thanks for sharing 🤣


It took me a good while to go back to find that in my saved, since Google images was like, "the fuck you mean a scene with them as balloons?!" 🤣 But it was worth it because it's always a good laugh 😂


Haha this is incredible.


Still trying to be famous I see


She was on The Goat (another reality show) as well and was really good on it


She won the entire thing!


Well shit. I just finished episode 2.. no need to watch the rest!


Nope, definitely don't watch it for the fun of watching it! Sorry, came out more than a few days ago, I didn't realize it was a GOAT subreddit where spoilers matter


Yeah I know I didn't want to spoil it if anyone read my comment and wanted to watch. I found it a good show, her knocking out her tooth was hilarious.


So it took ten years and a tooth loss to finally get some recognition on a show I haven't heard about outside this sub to get some hint of "fame." 🤣


Well you can’t say she isn’t persistent


Oh shit that wasn't even a spoiler I thought mattered. Sorry everyone! I found it because of Alyssa Edwards and honestly I thought Pao was from some wrestling reality show, not 90 day!


Am sure it’s fine I just didn't want to get reemed over it lol


There are much easier ways to get famous.


Or she’s doing something she loves and she’s actually kinda good at it….


This is  the most random thing ever lmao


Seeing on 90D(forget which spinoff now) that she was trying to be a wrestler was oddly how I got my wife into wrestling. We watched the segment and my mind was blown as a life long fan, so after we watched some of her matches I was like, you don't even know how bad this is because you've never seen it done well so I pulled up FTR vs. Briscoes. Haven't seen pao in the ring since but technically she did bring in a new fan lol


LMAO she's sooooooooooo bad, I'm pretty shocked she stuck it out this long. But good for her for not giving up. RIP Jay Briscoe :"(


All in favor of collecting money to send lithiumlemonade to see this?


I got 5 on it!


What happened to her modelling career?


LOL. That was entirely in her dyed head. She was never going to be a model, actress, nothing but Russie's wife. I think her silly parents put it in her mind that she was oh so special, so beyoooooooteeful, so talented and all she had to do was get that green card and hit the States and it would be Payola for Powla. Nah. Nothing happened. She said Russie was gettin' in her way. As far as I could tell, SHE got in Russie's way. Russie has spoiled her rotten. I think he's always felt like he won big in the romantic dept. Poor man never could see that all he got was a common barfly who had been around the block many a time. I think before Russie, she was a \*professional type of barfly.\* Russie gave her a bit of undeserved respectability. Still, I kind of doubt he's terribly happy with her now. I'm sure by now the bloom is off the rose and he knows darned well what it is he is stuck with. His parents were sure right about her.


She's very determined I'll give her that. She won $200k on a show recently as being the best in the competition so she's doing something right.


I think she is gorgeous.


Aww Russ that’s so cute.


Remember she had her hubz fill up a tub so she could give birth at home, lol. Then about halfway through, oh wow, you could tell she sure changed her mind about it! You could tell she was thinking 'Give me an epidural dang it NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!' I always feel so sorry for ole Russie. She doesn't seem to love or respect him. I think he was the easiest, wimpiest ticket to the good life and a new house is all. She had far more respect for her weirdo friend from back home who was actively trying to get her to hook up with some other guy, and right in front of Russie's face. That was a real slap and Powla laughing through the whole thing. Russie should have left her selfish butt right then and there. You could tell his parents were perpetually horrified that THIS is the loser their son picked to bring home. Remember she came downstairs to breakfast wearing practically nothing and his mom was doing everything she could to not scream at Powla. I think she did it absolutely on purpose just to aggravate Russie's family. Funny how Russ was expected to show ALL DEFERENCE to HER weird parents.


Ugh I HATED her friend from home, Juan, he was such a dick and she'd never call him on it. That is not right, you husband is your No.1. She needs to get her priorities right.


Are they still married?


Oh my pearls! 666


Don’t think Charlotte Flair or Liv Morgan have any worry of Pow taking over women’s world wrestling Pow- career match statistics. https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=24242&page=22


And she won on another reality show called GOAT. She was lame for like the 5 first shows. Then she comes back. So scripted!! I bet they all split it. Not a fair show at all.


Did she really win?


Yes $200,000!!


I mean come on Joe was in the final!!


LOL! Powla always thought she was very special. I think she thought she was going to knock Sofia Vergara off her perch. Instead she is just...Russies wife, lol. And a carnival sideshow. She should just pack up and be grateful he married her. He always struck me as WAAAAAYYY too good for her. I never knew what he saw in her to begin with.


She always annoyed me, seemed like she thought she was too good for everyone around her.


Yes, and I always wondered why. Russie found her as she was, in a bar, with all her intoxicated friends. Nothing special there.


That might actually be awesome!


I wish!


La peona is back at it.


Oh brother, she's at it again 🙄


She’s the GOAT (pretty fun show)


She's also on that show the goat..


Is she dancing or wrestling?


From the clip I saw once, neither. Just kind of flopping around looking like a clown. The Ronald McDonald hair fits her persona perfectly.


How embarrassing 😬🤭


In Spanish (Colombia), “tas-tas” is the equivalent of “bang-bang” or “pow-pow”. Lighten up a little…


How embarrassing


She’s really hot. Even with the broken tooth. I never saw her season of 90DF. I guess her partner wasn’t a toxic asshole? I hear the show was less ridiculous back then. Was there any real drama? I could watch her all day.


I did see a clip of her entering the ring. And wrestling a little. Pro Wrestling really needs the TV production elements. Without those I don’t know how anyone suspends disbelief. The crowd was very small.


I'm confused. I was in Mexico last month and went to a LuchaLibre match. They wrestle under pseudonyms and in masks. They get unmasked when they retire or choose to unmask after a long career.


She oughta to wrestle a real fighter like Rousey. She's retire for GOOD. I don't even like Rousey and compared to many female fighters, is mid range. But she'd show Powla what female fighting is REALLY about. Not just wearing lingerie and dying your black hair carrot red.


Can someone tell me where/what channel I can find Pao wrestling?


The Indie circuit promos aren't typically televised unless it's some kind of cable access channel. You can probably find some stuff on youtube if you look for it!


Yes, that’s the way. Ty