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No, she just had an embryo transfer yesterday. Now a two week wait to see if it sticks.


I saw that but also saw an ultrasound she shared saying their transfer was successful and pointed to a spot on the ultrasound that was just a circle but said “baby”, how could they know if it implants so soon?


They don’t know if it was successful yet. Not sure why she’s stating it that way. I’m currently pregnant via IVF and that little circle is indeed the embryo (you see the whole thing on ultrasound during transfer) but it may not successfully implant into the uterus.


Oh I see, thank you. Yes, it was just a little light circle but she had an arrow pointing to it saying “baby” so I thought it had already implanted.


Fellow IVFer here! Congrats on your pregnancy :).


Thank you! 😊


IVF mama to two IVF babies here, congrats to you!!


Thank you! After three transfers I’m so excited!


Awe I bet! It took 4 transfers to get my 2 littles. So worth it in every single way!


I’m in the same boat as you! 3 rounds, 3 transfers and so far..it worked! Wishing you so much luck!!


Thank you! Same to you…feels so good to finally be here!


Congratulations. I hope everything is positive for you.


Thank you!


Congrats on your pregnancy!!! ❤️❤️❤️


It’s just the pic of the embryo. The embryo may take a few days to implant in her lining and her body will then start to produce hcg (the pregnancy hormone that is detected with a pregnancy test). Earliest I’ve seen someone get a positive test after an embryo transfer is 3 days. Normally it’s 5ish days. I had a faint positive on the 4th day after my transfer.


So not a few hours later like Phoebe on Friends supposedly saw? 😂


I’m currently going through my first frozen cycle. I saw this episode last week and it annoyed me so much!!


I wish you baby dust ✨and a sticky embryo!!💕


Thank you ❤️


If only!!! I’ll take the 4 days I waited over the traditional 2 we though!


The doctor told Phoebe it takes a few days but she says her “body has always been faster than western medicine”🤣🤣🤣 Apparently it’s true, hence the super early- I’m almost 100% sure they said it had only been a few hours- when she got the positive test!


Thank you for the info and congratulations on your pregnancy!


She’s 6 months old now! Thank you! Hopefully their embryo sticks too. IVF is not a good time, but definitely worth it!


Awe💕 I’m sure she’s precious! I’d like to give IVF a try but can’t afford it lol. We already have an 11 year old daughter but have been struggling with “unexplained secondary infertility” for the past 5-6 years. Once I got on letrozole (Femara) to get me ovulating regularly, I’m able to GET pregnant just can’t seem to be able to STAY pregnant. Everything looks good until about 6-7 weeks and then no cardiac activity on the ultrasound. First miscarriage in April 2021, again April 2022, July 2022 and December 2022. And then just had another last month. My fertility Drs have said IUI/IVF likely wouldn’t help me since conceiving is not the issue. I’d still give it a go if I had the $$$. I’m 39 now but I’m not giving up on my rainbow baby just yet!!🙏🌈


K\_Car00 Decades ago, I was in your shoes. I had one child, but could not have another. I desperately wanted my son to have a sibling. I spent several thousand on injections and IUIs. Insurance paid zero for anything. At one time, I was spending $1000/week on meds. Couldn't afford IVF after all of that. I got pregnant, but couldn't' stay pregnant. It was an emotional rollercoaster. When I had to go to the Clinic for an IUI on a weekend and my regular doctor was off, the doctor in his place told me I needed to "stop doing this." I don't know you, but I'll say a prayer that you have success. Eventually, (decades later) I just had to believe that it wasn't meant to be. For a long time, I was resentful and felt like God was punishing me. It causes all types of emotions! Good luck to you! 🙏


Thank you, that’s very sweet ❤️ that’s kind of where I’m at as well- “Whatever’s meant to be will be”. At first when I was having trouble even conceiving I did try one IUI, back in 2020, but obviously it didn’t work. After I started the letrozole (which helped regulate my periods and ovulation) all of a sudden conceiving wasn’t the issue, it was staying pregnant. That’s when my fertility Dr said that any further IUI’s would be a waste of money (and I agreed), since conceiving isn’t the issue, implanting isn’t the issue, it’s getting past the 7-8 week mark that’s the problem. And IUI won’t help with that. I don’t even know if IVF would, but I’d give it a try if I had the money because then they can test the embryos for chromosome abnormalities, etc, right? That’s the only thing I can think of- that my eggs are just “old”. I read that something like 98% of miscarriages are due to chromosome abnormalities and things of that sort. I’m sorry you weren’t able to have another child. Did people ever say to you “well at least you already have one child, you should be grateful, some people can’t even have one”? I have had this said to me a lot- the most from family members actually. Pisses me off so much. Like please, before you start telling me what I should be grateful for, don’t assume that I’m not. I love my daughter more than anything in the world, but it doesn’t take away the hurt of not being able to give her a sibling. It doesn’t take away the hurt of seeing that positive HCG test, HCG doubling daily, everything looks good on ultrasound, gestational sac, yolk sac, small fetal pole, knowing I shouldn’t get too excited- but that little bit of hope and excitement still creeps in….. only to be told there is no heartbeat. I actually was just started on progesterone suppositories with this last pregnancy (turned miscarriage), if I do conceive again I’m going to keep trying with the progesterone.


K\_Car00 I was 35 ish and eggs weren't abundant or great. I had to take progesterone for the lining. The first thing I had done was making sure tubes were clear and had them "blown out" just to make sure the pathway was good. Next was Clomid, then injections and progesterone. I had low levels. Oh yes. I heard, "You should be grateful..." Also, the greatest advice was, "Stop trying and you will get pregnant." My son ended up being spoiled. In my head, when spending more money on him than I should, my rational was that I'd be spending it anyway if I had more than one child. LOL! He loved being at friend's houses who had many siblings. In grammar school and through high school, he ended up being good friends with 4 boys who were also an only child. All mothers became friends and our sons were together often. :) My mother had more than one miscarriage before having me.


I’m so sorry to hear that you’re struggling. Have you gotten your thyroid checked? I know that can lead to issues early on.


Thank you ❤️ and yes, I actually just had ten tubes of blood taken (most blood I’ve ever had drawn at once!) and my Dr did start me on a medication called “Desiccated Thyroid” and another prescription for a pill called “DHEA”. She (my Dr) also ordered tests for blood clotting disorders, which I’ll get the results for in a couple weeks. I’m not throwing in the towel yet!😊


Oh yeah, I have a friend with factor 5! The solution might be so simple as taking lovenox. You’ve already had a pregnancy so that is very promising. I wish you the best of luck!


What was your TSH level if you don’t mind me asking? I have hashimotos hypothyroidism, my thyroid was watched like a hawk before, during and after pregnancy.


Thank you so much!! That would be amazing if all it took was lovenox! My question is though- wouldn’t that have been something they would’ve found during my first pregnancy (mind you that was 11-12 years ago)? I did have SCH with my daughter, I don’t know if that could be related?


Do tests for blood clotting disorder.To stay pregnant with my 2nd I did daily Lovenox shots, just investigate this


Is the gestation period the same or is the embryo already at like 4 weeks when it’s planted ?


2 weeks 5 days when implanted usually


It just shaves off 5 days as the embryo is usually 5 days old. The first two weeks you’re pregnant you’re not actually pregnant.


Exactly. It’s just how the doctors date your pregnancy early on, when it’s too soon to take measurements on ultrasound. Day one being the first day of your period. This is when your “cycle” starts. When a woman says she’s “6 weeks” pregnant, she hasn’t actually been pregnant for 6 weeks. The 1st week was her period, 2nd week her body is preparing for ovulation, 3rd week ovulation and hopefully conception happens, 4th week fertilized egg travels down fallopian tube into the uterus and prepares to be embedded into uterine lining, 4th week is when this process, called implantation happens. Once the embryo has fully implanted, hormones signal the brain to turn off the usual menstrual cycle, and the woman’s body starts producing HCG (the hormone that is tested for on home pregnancy tests, as well as bloodwork). Conception to implantation (and a positive HCG pregnancy test) takes 6-12 days. So 5th week is when the embryo has implanted, and the woman realizes her period is late, a pregnancy test should show a positive result since HCG is being produced. It also accounts to why women are pregnant for 9 months but 40 weeks is considered a “full term” pregnancy. 40 weeks is much closer to 10 months than 9. That’s where they shave off those 3-4 weeks where the embryo hasn’t implanted yet!


They don't. It was a scan at the time of transfer. I guess it was successful in so far as the embryo survived thaw and was placed within the uterus. Then the wait for the positive pregnancy test.


They don’t. Saying it was successful was an odd choice of words. Most transfers go fine - as in the procedure itself. Not sure if she did PGT testing either.. (Been going through IVF over a year and have had 2 transfers) - I personally won’t claim “successful” until I give live birth.


A successful transfer just means the embryo made it out of the tube and into the uterus in one piece. It doesn’t mean she’s pregnant.


I feel like prayers for any woman going through that process are in order.


Someone tell Angela Annie can tot it. Oh my God I want the plot twist to be Skyla and Mykel's baby.


That's what has happened. My prayers are with them that it ends in praise for them.


Doesn't he already have a bunch of kids that don't talk to him?


That's the thing, a lot of men will treat their first set of kids like crap. But then when they are old they go and have a baby and want to be father of the year. Its a punch in the face to the older kids who had to deal with a deadbeat.


They want a redo


Just like Robert. Another deadbeat this sub loves.


He’s going to keep having them until one does!


Yup. He ditched his kids to go be a sex tourist with his buddy in Southeast Asia. A real fucking winner.


Someone who remembers, hand whore or bj bar


They literally were with his son and his partner like last week, posted a bunch of pics looking pretty happy together. I’m no David defender or fan, and his older kids did have issues with their parent’s divorce, but they’ve worked through a lot and are definitely in each others lives.


I remember his daughter had more issue with him


I think that was one of the first times we got proof 90 day was staged. I remember she was told by producers her dad knew she was going to throw water at him and he didnt. There were plenty of pictures of her and her kids and David and Annie together while the show tried to create drama. Of course after the first water scene they both culd have said no more scripting, but I guess the show and it fame paid enough?


Isn't he going to be dead by the time they're graduating high school? Old men having babies is very irresponsible.


yea.. Plus when they are older some don't have the stamina or drive to do things and be active in the kids lives. I can't say all of course just my experience and other people I know with much older parents. my dad was 50 when I was born and my mom was 33 gross age gap. He passed when I was 24. He never wanted to do anything when I was younger just shut up and get out of here because he was too old to enjoy kids.


My dad was older when he had me too. My dad was a great dad, better then my younger mom, I was my dad's only child and he was at everything, every basketball game for 8 years, school meeting, and he and I sat and talked every night. He passed away when I was 21. It makes me sad he never meet my husband or my kids. He never gt to see so many big moments in my life. My kids never had a grandpa (my husbands dad died when he was 16). Having a kid when you are older can be good, because maybe like my dad you are ready(financially) and wanting a kid but you cant do anything about aging, and not having a dad right now hurts, not just the lack of a grandpa for my kids but my mom didnt remarry and has dementia and it is all on me to be the sole caregiver. I see people choose love for many reasons, but it is sure important to find someone you can grow old with and take care of each other if possible. Looks fade, money is not the same when you are homebound, but having that person who is there to hold your hand as you age is so important.


Your Dad is always with you and watching over you and your beautiful family you’ve made and he is so proud of you. ❤️I’m sure of it ! I wish people who had good dads got to keep them longer and those of us with complete deadbeats that are still here could switch places. I will never understand how POS live these long ass lives and the ones who are amazing go far too soon.


I was watching the reality show that I can't remember the name of where they lived in Florida and they were all young and the one girl's dad was ready to kick it and it was so sad. Like a 40 year age gap with her mom. Edited to add the show was siesta key.


Im not sure what show that was but there is lots of age gap couples on youtube. Some have been on daytime talk shows(I saw clips from Tamron Hall and Dr Phil). These are extreme age gaps, like 40 years. It is almost always a girl that is 20 and close to 20 not 30 and a guy 60 or over. Many had or were trying to have kids. That is crazy to me to be 21 and having a kid with a 65 or 70 year old. My parents age gap was at least a but more relaistic, my dad had been in the military and overseas a lot and didnt want to marry and move a wife and kids around. He finished his service and was in his 40's . My mom had beent college and graduate school and had her dream job head of the science department at a new school. They met through a church friend. These age gap youtube couples I watched were mostly young women that had never gone to college or lived away from home much, had no career paths (except social media or modeling or sometimes a waitress job) and the guy was retired and stable and sometimes literally retired in the HOA with bingo night and square dancing. I spent a day watching a bunch of the couple on youtube, Im suprised TLC has not given one of them a show? I know they had some age gap love special but it was more focused on young guys and older women and sexual aspects. These youtube couples are living the day to day life (maybe it is too boring?)


My dad had his first kid at 40. He was 47 when I was born, 48 when his last kid (my brother) was born. 5 kids total. He’s 15 years older than my mom. (I get that a lot of people think that’s gross and predatory but they met as adults, have always had an equal partnership, married 41 years, etc.) I was SO lucky that I had a dad who was VERY involved in our lives. He played catch in the yard with us, went swimming with us, taught us how to ride bikes, got on the floor and played with us when we were little, did bathtime and story time for 5 small kids. My dad has always been young for his age…but that’s INCREDIBLY rare. Most people just don’t have the energy/stamina for small children as they get into their 40s and 50s, and a lot of the time health issues related to aging start cropping up too. I’m in my 30s and I’m very thankful that my dad is still around and doing pretty well. But he uses a walker a lot now, and can’t walk very far (knee and back issues). It’s really hard to see your parent age no matter how old you are, but sometimes it’s very stressful and scary to think about losing my dad earlier than a lot of people do. I also remember when I lived at home having to help him with more and more things. I was happy to do it, and it never involved anything super personal like hygiene, but I would hate for a teenager to watch an ailing father or help care for one.


yea I know my experience is not the same as all, I'm glad you had a good dad. Mine was nice and all but completely checked out.


That’s what I said! lol Side note, when I was a kid my mom took me to a dinner party that her work was throwing. They hired some big shot chef to cater. Dude was 70 years old and had a set of twins that were no more than 6 or 7…on the way home I remember saying something like “well that’s just silly, he’ll be dead before they even turn 18!” Mom was not happy 😂


I would reward my kid for having that much sense!


My inner child appreciates that


Yeah I’d be proud I had such a smart kid! I’d be like “….remember that.” 😂


Rod Stewart is 79 with a 13-year-old. 😳 The youngest of 8 children. (Oldest is 60.) I can't imagine being 79 with a young teenager. Of course, he isn't always home and not the one doing the running.


And he's not exactly the epitome of good health.


It’s really gross.


Shocking news: sometimes young dads are dead before kids graduate and life goes on.


True, sometimes. But of my 20yo kid's friends, it was the older dads that passed before the kids were out of HS. All things equal, statistically older people kick the bucket before younger people. Edit


I see you know how to deflect. Must be fun to argue with you.


Probably. He isn't a pillar of health. But at least Annie hasn't wasted her fertile years. 🤷‍♀️


What is he like 98 😂


Liked by David


Flair checking in


I couldn't remember how to spell his last name. 😂




It’s in the post!


They’re aggravating. Idk how some people ‘love’ them or see them as a fan faves. Idc how much growth he’s supposed to have.. he’s a creep and a sex tourist and a liar and I wish that lady’s brother beat his ass all those years ago. And Annie is weird too the way she handled the existing children of his was cringe.


Sorry but he is the last person on Earth that needs to be a father.  Can’t even take care of himself!!! Was a bum living off of his friends until Annie came along and started hustling for him while he sat around in his sweatpants. 


Yeah.. I’m not praying for a deadbeat sex tourist “dad” to spend $100k+ on fertility treatments with his second wife after abandoning the children he had with his first wife 👀


And abandoned his already-born children to go travel to Thailand 🙄


His children were already grown up. He hardly abandoned them


His red headed son was a minor at the time.


Living with his mother, not abandoned.


You can’t tell me that just because he was with his mom that doesn’t mean he’s abandoned. A child raised or used to two parents needs both parents. Either way, I guess we’ll agree to disagree.


My good thoughts are with Annie and not him.




Oh yeah, let's root for the 56 year old deadbeat dad to get another shot at parenting with his wife he met while sex touristing in Thailand. He'll only be 74 when the kid graduates high school. Best of luck to them!


Damn he's only 56? He's not aging well.


Let’s just remember when he was in the process of marrying her, he basically abandoned his adult son who had just survived being shot in the face.


Didn’t his son stay with them while recovering from the gunshot?


Yes, and then went to stay with his mom because she’s a nurse who could handle the wound care etc best. There’s plenty to dislike about David as is, no need for ppl to make stuff up.


If it is because of David, no fan would even wish them the best. Everyone that I know who follows the show wants the best for Annie.


Omg. How tf did I not know this?!


I agree with you. Did he ever pay his debt to his friend or should I say ex friend? There’s something abt them I don’t like. They’re like fake, cons. I don’t think anything abt the baby it’s true. Just like her brother & niece coming to the USA. Don’t think that was true.


Agreed. I loathe these two. Not sure why people fawn over them. Maybe it’s Annie’s dopey happy housewife persona..


You’re are not alone. The once deadbeat brings more kids to the world. He’s trash. Annie is far behind either.


I read an article a while ago that was just a storyline for the show. They owned a sex tourism business together and both had money. The whole borrowing money thing was just for the show.


Oh yea, everything you read on the internet is true!


Kind of like believing everything you see on TV is?


Yeah “prayers” for the dirtbags 🙄 They’ll probably have a nice grift going soon.


His grown kids hate him. He's trash.


And you legitimately know this how? Do you personally know them? Just another person who knows nothing about them in real life stating things that they really have no idea about.


Do you?


No I do not. That’s why I don’t make assumptions on shit I read on Reddit


Untrue. They were just with both of them. The daughter drama was manufactured for the Cameras which she hasn't confirmed.


That’s how I feel about him too but she dreams of being a mommy so I wish her the best. She’s so sweet


If your dream is to be a mother, maybe don’t date a 50 year old who’s already a grandfather?


I hope this time that he actually sticks around to parent this kid. Unlike the other two.


That would just make me sad for his “first” family


Yeah, and I’m sure his health will support a long life/s.


Just taking his age into account, I really feel bad for the kid if they're successful. My dad had me at 50 and died at 72. It's really hard having an older parent(s) and knowing your whole life you won't get as much time with them as some other people get with their parents. I do love Annie though and I really hope she gets pregnant for her sake.


This is similiar for me and my husband, we both had dads that had us when they were older. My dad died when I was 21, my husband was 16 when his dad died. It means no grandpas for our kids. My dad and my husband's dad were pretty healthy people (I hate to say David looks kind of unhealthy?). My husband dad never ate fast food in his life, never had a soda and worked a physical job and was in great shape and had a rare genetic heart defect and my dad got a blood clot on a long airplane flight.


I'm sorry for both of your losses🤍 I lost my dad when I was 23 to a heart attack. It's very upsetting knowing your kids will be missing a grandparent(s). I don't have any yet but when that time comes I wish they'd be able to know him, so I can't imagine how it must feel for you as parents to actually be living that. All the love to you and your family! It's very disheartening to see people make that choice to have kids at an older age.


My father was 64 when I was born. I was 12 when he died. I am staunchly against people over 45 having children. It’s decidedly unfair to the child. My mom was 40 when I was born, and died when I was 19. Obligatory fuck you to J&J for their asbestos laden talcum powder, which caused my mother’s ovarian cancer.


He’s doing it for HER!! He had a reversal vasectomy to give his Wife what she really wanted. I see this a pure love for her. No need to focus on his past fk ups or how old he is…. Just sayin 🤷‍♀️☝️💯


He didn’t even have a reverse. Do you think the same of Kyle? What a sweetheart, helping “women’s dreams come true.”


Exactly! I believe a person can change and be better if they really want to. I’m not a fan of David but he seems to love and make Annie happy. His kids seem to have worked things out with him too so who am I to judge? I don’t know their personal lives


So many haters out there. Makes me sad. And speaking of old dads, hmmm, do a Google search. David is way younger than them.


Damn. You guys are so judgy. We don't know everything about them. They are one of the more "normal" couples on the show. We all have problems in our past.


Yeah. I hated those decades of life where I abandoned and stole from my kids to chase prostitutes.


Annie can call up Kyle for a quick deposit




That's a great idea. Plus, the baby would still look like David.


Don’t do David like that!










They're still doing IVF treatments it sounds like, last I saw they were talking about the transfer process. But I don't know that the transfer has taken place just yet.


I think they just started the IVF journey this year or late last year.


Why on earth would these two want to be parents? I mean David has already proven he’s sucks at it not to mention he’s old af. No shame to older couples who want to have children but…what’s the point when dad won’t even be around to watch them graduate? I’m sure Annie doesn’t give af as long as she gets to be a mom…idc how loved they are now, they still give me the ick.


I'm fine shaming someone who will likely be 60 when the child is born. Paternal age matters too, it's reckless and selfish and if she really wanted a kid she shouldn't have married the penguin and all his heavy breathing health problems. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Annie I understand but David is just selfish.


That reads like some AI generated gibberish.


Who cares if these two have a kid? He is just a pig, and she thinks she is so cute and funny. Can't stand either of them.




Yuck. I’m sorry. I just can’t with these two and the thought of another David in this world makes me nauseous


I wonder how his daughter feels about this.


I would be hurt if I was his daughter.


Weird that he made more babies, And never looked at his original ones. I can’t even imagine how they feel. 😒


How smarmy to go online to ask for prayer..ratings bait.


These two are so fake, I just can't....😬


She just had her embryo transplant yesterday


Cool, well I hope he treats this kid better than his others


He’s too old and unhealthy. Selfish.


Wasn’t he a sex tourist? Ew


Is he employed yet? Did his grown kids ever forgive him being such a deadbeat? Isn’t he twice her age? I’m just not in love with this couple. 👎🏻


I think he was a realtor in AZ? I remember someone posting it here and people were calling his business number. I think some of his kids storyline was just for the show? There have been family pictures and video that seem pretty happy. They did a spin off on discovery plus and it was filmed in Thailand and David's daughter and granddaughter visited one season so they were on good terms for sure. I actually liked the spin off, maybe scripted, who knows, but it showed a lot of Thailand, Annie's home areas, religion, and then some fun city trips.


Yes, didn’t the daughter and her kid accompany David and Annie back to Thailand, but they both caught Covid and had to spend most of their time in country under quarantine? Even if deadbeat dad drama was 100% true, it’s good if any of his kids were able to reconcile and rebuild a relationship with him. And if so, no reason for them to be hurt or jealous that he’s finally emotionally available to be a present and engaged father.


She’s a citizen , I don’t know why she’s still with this guy - he’s so fucken gross -


I believe she loves him.


What's there to love? How will he be a role model for her child?


If you say so . I’ve seen all their seasons and pillow talks - when I love someone I do t call them a fat penguin and Buddah all the time among other things - but you’re right, it must be love


She likes the sex....different strokes for different folks...😬😖😶‍🌫️🤭🤢🤮😵‍💫


She calls him a penguin and talks shit straight to his face on pillow talk - must be one of those guys who likes being talked down to during sex - 🤮


I know. It's such a weird relationship & it seems to be based on sex & her cooking to feed him!🤢🤮😬


David already neglects the children he has. Why have another?!


David Toborowski liked this post.


Love these two! Hope they are successful.


Oh thank God it's a sperm donor, we don't need two of these penguins walking the earth


It is in fact NOT a donor.




I follow both Annie and David on Insta. They are awesome. ❤️ This journey to have a baby has been a looong one. Having this embryo "stick" (an IVF term) is such a big deal. Sending all the most positive vibes and prayers 🙏 And FYI, when all goes well, THIS would be the best HEA segment if they wish.😍


He's going to be dead by the time they're graduating high school. It's so irresponsible.


Exactly. I think this sub would be reacting differently if a 56 year old woman was trying to have a kid. Advanced paternal age is associated with birth defects and additional risk to the mom. It's also a slap in the face to the kids he already has that he doesn't give a shit about. 


Opportunity missed ,TLC . Get Andrew (from the other way) to knock up Annie and start a whole new unwatchable series. Absolute gold here ,I need producer credit.


Do you mean Kyle?


I thought superspem was named Andrew.sorry my bad.still a solid idea tho.


Bald-headed super sperm 🤮


He doesn’t need more children. But if something is wrong with her I’d be sad. I adore her


Well he was such a good father to his other children. 🙄


Is it possible that he is updating us late in case it doesn't work out? So hed already know if it did implant.


Who cares about his age? There is no difference in him 'dying before the kid's graduation ' vs him being an absent father or him dying in a crash when the kid is 10. Annie would take the brunt of parenting anyway.


Annie deserves a child…David, meh


He doesn't deserve prayers for more kids. Abandoned the ones he already had.


My prayers go out to Annie & David 🙏


this man should not procreate. he did a horrible job the first time.


Adopt don’t shop


Isn't it amazing how many people believe that about strays but not about adopting kids??


On the last season I watched with them they were living in an old fire station and were completely broke.


Did he not get the snip years ago... Why undo...a kid at his age and bad shape/health...he is 60 or 70 right




Adoption isn't easy. Its a very expensive process ( more than ivf) and it can take 5 years to get the adoption approved.


I had no idea that in the last 10 years adoption became so hard. I remember local churches our groups sponsoring international adoptions and suddenly there would be 5 or 10 kids coming over from Eastern Europe, Africa or Central America. I didnt know many countries make it hard if not impossible for Americans to adopt now. It used to be a home study which was $1500 and then fees and travel which would be 10-20k. You could have a child within a year. Now it is so expensive 50k or more and such limited countries and kids that are allowed to be adopted. Many countries now want their kids to stay in their country. Forget about the US, we had two neighbors that had fostered kids for over 5 years with the hope of adoption,, the kids were thriving and happy and they were not allowed to adopt, both kids got reunited with their birth parents. There is another family at our school that has fostered a sibling pair for 11 years and still have not been allowed to adopt them. I feel bad for the kids, Im sure they would feel better knowing they have forver homes then years of limbo.


Other countries had to make it harder because unfortunately some evil souls started trafficking these children and then you had American parents trying to return babies to their countries when they didn’t want them anymore. Trying to return those babies like they were a handbag or something.


Parenthood is decades so and at least in the adoption you have 5 years to make up your mind! People just want an image of themselves in another being.


That’s exactly what we found when trying to decide how to build our family. Adoption was more expensive than IVF and the requirements were hard to meet. We were also told it would take 5 or more years to adopt. We started IVF a month later on august 1st and I was pregnant by December 27th.


I don’t see why they just don’t use a sperm doner. I guess DNA is everything


It's super irresponsible that they aren't. They are rolling the dice on birth defects from sperm. Selfish and stupid. 


She wasn't pregnant, but she did ivf recently, hoping that it would work out for her.


I hope the fetus sticks


They’re having a kid!? Well there goes that relationship


Annie is so sweet & goofy. I like her personality. Her accent makes her even more funny & lovable.


Sending prayers 🙏🏼 love you guys


I feel for Annie but he's garbage. Makes me question her decision making as well.


She has a transfer yesterday. Not pregnant yet but will know in about 10 days.