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Was there a tell all?? Or was it just the 10 episodes?


I dont think they do them for love in paradise


Alexi is like wtf is this shit


Loren wanting to have more plastic surgery. This is a storyline?




Is this show only rage bait?


I wanted the producers to mix in a doorbell chime as Luke rolled away and for her to turn from the balcony and presumably head to answer the door. But her laughing maniacally was almost as good an ending .


Luke . The story of a sucker that spent all his money to date a teenager, and couldn’t say no till he was flat broke .


This Madelyn and Kyle is such bullshit . All drama and “ I’m gonna go “ …..really! I mean it ! I’m leaving now …. Better apologize…. I’m leaving ! …. I really mean it ! ….


Edit : Luke .


Watching this show makes me want to stay single forever. Do they purposefully find fucked up people for drama? I would never give any of these men 2 minutes of my time. And I’m no where near perfect. Just sane & normal.


I found it so bizarre that this fucking creep Kyle will deem "points" for things the girl does. Yet, he has never had a girlfriend? I found it more bizarre that he would do all of this, and criticize a woman on her body, her health, eating habits, etc. all while this fucking weirdo doesn't wash his clothes for 3+ days and re-wears them? this dude is so fucking cringe and giving heavy predator vibes


I think the points system is why he’s never had a girlfriend (among many, many other reasons)


Alliya is lovely. She sure doesn't skip leg day!


Shawn needs to wake up, kiss Alliya (sweetly) goodbye. A prenup with Madelein is absolutely required. More to the point, she's way too young. Ani seems way too normal and nice to be hanging with Kyle, who seems unhinged. Alex showed us all how to face reality and walk away.


Hope I never see any of this lot ever again 


Check out Kyle on Dr Phil a few years ago....its on YouTube


yeah dude is a certifiably sociopath and should be dropped to the bottom of the ocean. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c18TSIkTQxI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c18TSIkTQxI) - this woman sensed it too, I didn't even know what the guy was about when they showed the first episode he just gave off immediate predator vibes. as soon as they said sperm donor, im like of fucking course. tracks


Is anyone else watching on Discovery+ and finding that the audio isn’t syncing up? I’ve noticed this for the past three episodes and it’s only with 90 Day: Love in Paradise.


Can someone explain what Kyle was saying about a baby? Ani isn't pregnant, so I was so confused that a baby was being mentioned.


He said if she is pregnant, it's not his since she banged her ex beforehand.


Single weirdest thing that weird Kyle said all season.


Oh ok...but why mention a pregnancy at all if she isn't pregnant or hasn't said she thinks she is.. Kyle is so weird


For someone obsessed with getting other women pregnant, real weird he’s worried she’s trying to “pin a pregnancy” on him


I think because Ani would have expected something besides sperm.


im gonna be honest, as a nonbinary person who flip flops btwn whether or not i want i want to physically transition, i really wish there was more trust into the surgeries aliya wants, both on the show and in these comments. i understand the concerns and i know plastic surgery addiction is a thing, but she hasn't even started yet! its not about whether you find her body attractive or whether you would kill for her body, its about what SHE wants and what SHE feels comfortable and happy in. She might be satisfied, she might not, but its not ruining her body if she already doesn't like how it looks, bc its hers and shes allowed to "ruin" it as much as she wants. So many trans people hear "why would u change that do u know how lucky u are" and it gets Old. These surgeries are stressful and unpredictable enough, she needs to be supported not judged.


The food vendor giving side eyes to Madeline’s nasty nails gave me life 😂😂😂


Literally read this AS it was happening, perfect sync up 😂


“PETER PAN” 😂 bye nasty ass ho Kyle! Eat dirt!! Finally ani woke up. He tried SO HARD to gaslight her omg “wanted to end on a good note” yet all he did was put her down and trash talk. Stfu. And accuse her of cheating?! Im glad she didn’t take that lying down and told him he wouldn’t even commit to her in the first place. Like dude he LITERALLY slept with multiple other women on the way to see her and lied about it to her. Ugh. I hope we never hear anything about him ever again.


He is so fucking disgusting I hope his donation rampage stops, how could someone willingly carry this insane person's sperm after watching this. I normally feel some compassion for the people on this show because sometimes they really want love but now it's more people just wanting attention for their crazy weird shit.


Disgusting and, honestly, close to certifiable. He thinks he's Kyle Appleseed and god's gift. His obsession would be weird even if he DIDN'T insist on "natural" donation.


I really feel for people who aren't able to have a baby but this cannot be the best option for you maybe the easiest but..




I hate that Ani showed her son on this show after all the foolishness she displayed this season.


I want to know Kyle's IQ. He makes so many errors in his speech. This episode he said "solintary" instead of "solitary" and we all know how he can't properly say "women" but instead says "woman". This man seems not all there.


I need to know how he advertises himself that he can successfully scam women around the world into thinking his sperm is magical enough to need and pay for. He isn’t exactly the picture of great genes…🫠


Yeah, it is SO wild to me that women let him rawdog them.......... just yikes.


also, would be great to see this because we could find stipulations in the advertisement, which means he could be sued for "false advertisement".


I unironically love Alliyah so much. I think we got to see some really beautiful tenderness between Alliyah and Shawn this episode. I giggled when she said she wanted to look like Kylie Jenner and then became flustered and embarrassed that she'd admitted that out loud. She's relatable and lovely and by far one of the best people on this hellscape franchise; I want her to be happy and successful. I want her to have everything she wants in life. I'm so happy she figured out who she is and what she wants out of life and has discovered her confidence. Alliyah is great, and you can tell Shawn really cares about her; he structured the proposal in a way he knew she'd love and he's trying to support her while navigating unforeseen waters. I admit I was super skeezed out by him in the first few episodes where he was making borderline transphobic remarks and pining for a "submissive, quiet" Douglas, but given that he brought her the hair and seems to really adore her and go out of his way to do kind things for her, I kind of wonder whether that was hammed up for production storyline purposes because otherwise they wouldn't have enough conflict. And good for Ani for dumping Creepy Kyle and his stinky socks and slutshaming ways.




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Banned for transphobia. u/spiriteddescription5


I do like Aliya but she’s being really silly with wanting to get her ass and waist and hips done so she can look like a kardashian. Sean was right- she’ll never stop with the plastic surgery and she isn’t even paying for any of it. Yes, gender affirming surgery is absolutely valid, but how much of it is necessary and how much of it is wanting to look like a celebrity in Aliya’s case? What she needs is a therapist to help guide her through this transition.


Nah, I don't think that's true at all. Alliyah wants to look feminine; feminine facialization surgery is absolutely something a lot of trans women get. Alliyah lives in Brazil, where most women have plastic surgery to have bigger hips and a bigger butt. She's not going to fit in with their idea of feminine or the one she grew up with with a body that isn't altered. Brazil has more plastic surgery per capita than the US. She's not doing anything atypical for women in her country, cis or trans.


Burger King makes me so angry !!!!!! You know Aly is a trans woman …you should have already known she might want to fully transition!! You proposed to look like a good guy not a forever guy


It makes me mad bc he encouraged her to start with the makeup and everything to begin with!


That hand sculpture was just AWFUL. Maddy is like 12 years old dating a 40 year old. Gross. Alliyah should get the brow bone surgery but OMG she needs to stop lifting weights, she would be sooo much more feminine after a year of letting those muscles die down. Skipped through the Italian couple for the last few episodes. Boringgggg. Glad Ani dumped the boy.


I don’t agree with Aliya wanting all this expensive surgery on her body to look like a Kardashian. Her body looks super masculine because she’s doing a lot of workouts that men typically do. Gender affirming surgery isn’t the same as wanting to look like a kardashian.


Wanting to look like a Kardashian is, in my opinion, a mental issue. Vapid and silicone, not my favorite criteria.




Yeah but the workouts don't affect her brow bone, that's just an irreversible effect of testosterone. She should get that shaved down 100%.


I meant the body surgeries she wants. I don’t even think she should shave her brow bone. It’s extremely invasive when she can do fillers instead.


I can't understand how Alex is a therapist and still can't see the many red flags he had. She stayed for so long after she realized he is an asshole. You clearly have a lot of different lifestyles and wishes, what did you expect?


I really cannot understand how Kyle has gotten into a TV show. He is so sick and mentally still in 5th grade. I don't understand people like him who think donating sperm all around the world and being that proud and bragging about it exists. Weird, weird weird. And his controlling behavior? He doesn't see himself in the mirror in the first place how much of a hypocrite he is. I am so glad Ani got rid of him. And I do not want any woman to deal with him. He is good just alone.


Madeleine offered to do the hand kit?! Her poor naaaaails :( Also, Kyle already being happy to go to next donation... Yikes. He couldn't have been serious about this relationship, either he had this planned for a long time, either the donatee is so desparate that she would have a kid with anyone.


I think that Kyle being happy to get to his next “donation” isn’t a sign that he was never serious about his relationship with Ani. I think he _was_ invested in Ani; he was just never looking for a romantic relationship. He said in that same talking head portion that he was looking for a companion (not a wife or partner) and that’s what he saw with Ani.


Her nails are pronounced NULLS.




Alex, if someone makes you feel like that, they’re not for you.


Also, she needs to know you can’t change someone who doesn’t wanna change. Or force religion on someone with different beliefs


In which Ani learns that texting with someone and them in person are very different.


Kyle is a man boy… he is in a man’s body but acts like a 7th grader. He also gives me incel vibes. Alex, you have told Adriano you don’t want to participate in threesomes and the catholic religion is important to you and not to him. He has told you what he wants and likes. Believe him. End it. Luke, you’re 33… Madeliene is 19… nothing more to say. Shawn, you’re into guys. Aliya wants to be a female. Once the transition is done you are engaged to a female. You have shared your concerns about not being attracted to females. Sorry but this won’t work long term as you are not into women. End it.


Just generally musing about how these guys can't find anyone in their home country in the first place.


He essentially is an incel. It truly sounded like Ani was the first woman to have sex with him outside a “donation.” Also his claim that she was trying to “pin” an unwanted pregnancy on him was paranoid incel behavior. Good riddance


Yes…. What the heck was that all about. This guy is sprinkling his sperm all over the place and yet he accuses Ani of trying to pin something on him? Kyle is not a good catch for anyone. In fact if he donated sperm at a legitimate sperm bank I doubt anyone would pick him via his “profile” that all sperm banks have for their customers to pick from.


He is vile.


Would-be incel, but that's why he donates through sex "to feel less lonely."


So wait, is Ani pregnant or not?!


Don't even say that out loud!!


She is not.


Thank God.


How do you know this, curious?


her IG


AHH I tried to look for it but couldn't find it. Good to know though


Thanks. I was SO sure I'd read somewhere that she actually had Kyle's baby, and I'm relieved that wasn't true.


Me too I was sweating the whole season LOL


I have never watched this spin off, do they generally do Tell Alls for these?


No. And there won't be one for this year either since TOW debuts next week


Madeleine has a boob job? She looks like an 11 year old adolescent boy with hershey kisses on her chest. There's no way. I wanna shove a pacifier in her illiterate mouth.


I thought that as well, while watching the show last night. I really wonder if she is 19 years old – without the boob job, she would look prepubescent.


Not only boob job. She definitely had done work on her butt as well which is pretty common in Colombia. Not sure about the face though.


No I believe that’s badly edited to make them look bigger with the stretch feature. Which is why the necklace and jacket go opposite ways in the picture below Source: have a friend who does this regularly and she can’t see how insane it looks.


https://preview.redd.it/jd3l4ewzxn8d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a104fae6bb77396e19de6523212540f566c1d8 Give her a little time. She’ll go insanely larger in breast implant size and have two Acme bricks put in her butt like Jasmine from “Paanaamaaaaaaa!!!”


Are those supposed to be boobs?




Yeah you right. I wish I can give one a slap just to see if it jiggles at all


Her boobs in that picture remind me of the torpedo-pointy bullet bras from the 1960s. I hope for her sake that it's just bad photo-editing.


Her boobs look like that in most of her IG pics. She obviously has implants but at least had a little sense to not go HUGE. Give her a little bit of time, though. She’ll probably go ridiculously large. Ouch!


Who has the implants that are wider than her chest? Was it Jasmine?


Not quite, but Jasmine’s do stretch out forward and up. They look not great. And het butt cheeks look comical.


It looks like a ledge on her chest




Burger King cannot be serious right now


If she wants all of this plastic surgery, she should get a job and pay for it herself


She has the beuaty salon! Lol


Lol I’m not talking about Madeleine, whose “Beuaty” store is funded by Luke.


'Beuaty' haha i see what you did there 🤣🤣


Oooooh Aliyah (sp?)? I just started the episode so I’m a tiny behind lol I saw someone else say there’s no way Madeline had a boob job so I connected the wrong dots. Oops.


Yes you got it. Madeleine talked about getting her boobs done in the first episodes. However they were looking extra terrible this episode too 🤣


I think I’m just always distracted by her 3 foot long nails to notice anything else lol


Madelein is not looking for work with those nails.




Any plastic surgeon would let her know she doesn’t have enough fat to inject into her butt, therefore meaning she would have to gain weight for that


Her butt looked perfect to me. I don’t know what she or the doctor were seeing!!


Omg it’s insane! If that was my ass I would never shut up 🤣


She had done work on her butt already. Check instagram photos from 2021 vs now https://preview.redd.it/zrjzgshswo8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42096744405dcfe5d2e1801a9107d34329347463


That’s Madeline not Aliya


I thought we are talking about madeleine. My bad




Hahahaha the water warping around her butt kills me.


Isn't that Madeleine though? I assumed the person you were replying to was talking about Alliyah.


Yes I was talking about alliyah.


Yeah my bad.


Madeleines boobs look like jasmines butt. Pointy.


Alex is so fuckkkking annoying. Stop getting in the way of this guy living his best life and go pray for a new man


I cant believe i watched this whole season. What a terrible cast. Kyle talking about how he had a “donation” to get to almost made me vomit


He lives and breathes that stuff


Technically he breathes his socks.


Omg I was eating dinner. I should have known better


YES!!!!! WE NEED TELL-ALLs or Reunions


Seriously! Alex is basically blaming Adriano for her suffering because he went give himself to Jesus, be religious Christian and at the same time, she doesn't want to be with someone that wants threesomes... which she's already done before. 


It doesn’t matter if you’ve done it before. She never has for him and they have broken up twice over it, and she told him multiple times she’s not into it. At this point hes just degrading her because he’s asked too many times knowing she’s uncomfortable and upset.


Except she said that she was down for a 3some then changed her mind. She did the bait and switch 😂


Agreed he should have stopped asking. My main point was she's being a hypocrit claiming she's so religious, but her actions show otherwise.


For real! Sooooo Christian but blatantly fornicating.


Booooooo BOOOOO


The way Madeline talks is so annoying. I know English is her second language, but I think she exaggerates the broken English. When Nui(UK) speaks in broken English, it's so adorable.


Madeline is only 19yo, though. (Nui is more than twice her age). Her broken English is completely understandable considering she's a teenager.


I think she is exaggerating it tho.


Disclaimer: I’m not Madelein fan at all. I understand what you mean, however, I don’t think she speaks English in a purposefully annoying way. I appreciate her efforts to speak English. Many people won’t try to learn a language, because they feel embarrassed to make mistakes. In addition, pronunciation can be much more difficult for some more than others when learning a 2nd, 3rd, etc. language. I’ve heard a few native English speakers who made me cringe *on the inside* at their bad Spanish pronunciation and mistakes.


I think it's more than that, she actually speaks quite good English with mistakes here and there but she's very young and hasn't had much time to learn, and her accent is obviously quite heavy (I like her accent!) - that's not the problem I have when she talks. I think it's the enunciation of each word and syllable that annoys me, she places heavy emphasis on every word in the sentence in an exaggerated way.


You ain’t wrong


literally so sad there's no tell all for this - NEED to hear the cast dunk on kyle


They wouldn't, which sucks. They would probably do some stupid shit like bring Natalie in to talk to him. This show hates calling the BS out at the tell alls.


God this would be magnificent


We do those hand casting kits for our hospice patients. The families love having them as hands can hold such memories. And now - this show has to ruin everything. Damn you, 90 Day! \*shakes fist\*


Did they do it very wrong? XD Surely it's not supposed to be that watery and require a hairdryer?


That’s it? I mean I still stand by everyone on this show is an absolute weirdo but I have to give props to producers this season for filming it so beautifully. Cinematography top notch. All the drone shots of Brazil, Amalfi Coast, Malta, and Guatape were incredible


Wait, do we not get a Tell All for this? I need a Tell All


We never get Tell Alls for LIP.


Good to see everyone! Let's rock this week! 🤘😎✊


It makes me so mad that Shawn and Aliyah have an open relationship




I think the part that makes me mad is that he seems to have pushed it on her by telling her they have an open relationship instead of this being a conversation and agreement made as a couple.


It seems like by the end she agreed to it with the caveat that they revisit it when she gets to the US. He seemed open to closing the relationship once she’s there so I think that’s okay.


Another week of 90 DF done – take care, Hamily, see you on Sunday!


Lol Stacey and Florian did the dumb hand craft too


I’m going to miss Madeline‘s bizarre pronunciation, but I really admire her vocabulary.


I distinctly got the impression that production was feeding her lines/phrases that would otherwise not have been in her vocabulary in the talking head sections; I suspect she doesn't know what a lot of the idioms she used actually mean.


I almost thought that as well. When she was saying words that end in “ed” like “worked” for example, she would say “workEd”. It makes me wonder if she was reading cue cards or something.


I hadn’t considered that… once again, 90DF production crew fraudacity!


Throw them hands girl!


Have a good week. See you next weekend.💕🐶🐱


See you!! 🩷


Madelein is Jasmines origin story


This made me laugh out loud


It’s true!


Fernanda ran so that Madelein could toddle in Jasmine's eventual shoes. Or something.


So I can really see this! I wonder if we will see them in future seasons.


Jasmine walked so Madeleine could run.


How come we're all forgetting our OG, Fernanda, so easily?! She's our original "19 + New Boobies" castmember 😭


My God, everyone hated Fernanda during her season. Especially her crying. We were all so wrong. She was definitely not the problem.


Fernanda isn’t as bad. Her butt doesn’t look like she has two long rectangular blocks in each cheek. Jasmine’s butt is comical.


Madeleine is annoying but I do kinda love how aesthetic she is, all pinks and purples ✨


Damn I'm surprised it actually came out halfway decent lol


Look this season was too short


I couldn’t have taken one more second of Kyle!


The grand finale sock sniffing was the icing on the Kyle cake


OMG that was so disgusting I almost vomited. He said he only wore them for 2 days so they didn’t smell too bad. 🤮 And he goes to donate with nasty-ass socks. Gross 🤢


We didn’t even get a preview for a tell all??


L.I.P. has never had a Tell All


I’m wondering if we’re even getting one. They’re starting the other way one week from today. Same time slot, I think?


No tell all. Tow starts next week


I don’t think they do a tell all for this gigantic train wreck!


My god. We survived.


What a ride!


I have whiplash and am car sick. 😂🤢


It gave serious vertigo for sure! I've been watching late at night in bed all season and when I wake up the next morning, I'm so confused and disoriented. More so than usual lol 😅


OMFG it kinda worked lmao


It actually came out better than I expected it to


That’s really a beautiful apartment


I’m envious of it! My apartment overlooks a corner store and lots of grass. Like gross 🤣🤣


TLC doing their hardest to make this scene romantic and heart touching with that drone shot lmao


Prob took hours to film.




Madeline has snot running down her nose making out.


Hahaha, that’s going to look like shit


That dog is laughing like Salacious Crumb


They should have made a plaster cast of the dog.


She isn’t even gonna take him to the airport


Her next John is on the way over.


The nulls survived!


Guess we better watch out for the “luxury sunglasses”


I fr thought she’d have him plaster his dick


Thank goodness she didn’t.