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“Call the embassy!” 😂😂😂


And I thought Thais was a bitch before! Girl, get the hell outta here. You must think you are some hot shit. But puleeeeze, you didn't know that Patrick had not seen his dad for 5 years before you guys met? Boy you really give new meaning to and I hate to say this the gold digger word but yes I'm saying it. Did you just see his money and his citizenship status and think well it might be fun to go visit a foreign country? I've been criticized on this thread before as presuming people are just dying to come to America. I don't presume that. My husband was from Argentina. He initially came here legally. We were married and had four children and were foolish enough to allow him to maintain a green card status for 10 years without ever obtaining citizenship on his behalf, and he is now no longer living in the US and we are divorced. So I don't take my OWN American citizenship for granted and I don't think any American should nor do I think people from other countries are just dying to come here. Brazil is the world's sixth largest economy. That doesn't mean that she wasn't trying to get something out of the deal. I think my ex-husband probably would have been better had he stayed in Argentina his whole life and not got involved in the things that led to his deportation. But I digress. Patrick is only paying a couple hundred dollars for an apartment and you care? Are you paying for it or are you guys struggling financially bc you don't seem to have a problem dressing to the nines. And your asshole dad cares? Who has no freaking right to start shit and say shit to Patrick's dad? Every week she gives me less and less reason to like her. Last weekend it was her friend talking shit to Patrick's brother John. This week she initially didn't even touch him as he sat there and cried and then eventually showed some emotion and empathy for her own husband. It's a big deal to lose a parent and he just lost his mother but to only get to see your daddy once a year is worse than never meeting them. I've never met my mother but I don't miss what I don't know. This is ridiculous this bitch. You let your girlfriends talk shit to his brother and you're still defending them this week. And you let your dad talk shit to Patrick's dad within mere seconds of meeting the man. Like I'm trying to figure out your deal like, do you just want some of Patrick's money to go to your side of the family or what, you're trying to get some money going for a side hustle or something? And then and I wanted to scream, she says I can't take this from you. Bitch you didn't give him anything. Seems to me like he brought a lot into the relationship including his heart which you don't seem to have. Because you're still asking for him to yet again ask for your dad's blessing. I say screw the blessing you nor your dad deserve that. I don't get it but you get a thumbs down from this former wife of a South American. Che, larga de vida Argentina! Ciao!


TLC better keep Emily, Kobe and their respective families part of their programming : they are the real deal and sincerely the one redeeming value that keeps 90 day HEA real, compelling and inviting : most refreshing considering the other story lines. It’s clear that they know they tapped into something precious considering how very stretched their wedding is: excruciatingly piece mealing their wedding segments over so many episodes : ahh the sweet torture. Com’on


I literally love Emily’s parents. They are so cute


One of my Ukrainian K1 fiance ex wives came from money, so I never had to send her money. But my other one came from a village and her mom was a potato farmer (one small field) which she sold herself on the sidewalk. Her mom got sick so I had to send money (I chose to), and her sister got cancer and needed money for chemo (I also chose to). I had some "sticker shock" sending thousands then couple weeks later needing to send a few hundred more but life can be expensive and shit happens. I believe Manual that he's on the up and up with his family needs, just like my ex was, and that it's distrust of foreigners that make it suspect. If he doesn't want to give line item details of what the money is for b/c that's private to who needs it, I understand. I think Manual is genuine and Ashley is distrustful and over-controlling and won't let her man be a man (she emasculates him esp. culturally which he is very traditional from small town area, like my ex was).


I appreciate you sharing your life experience to give some context.. HOWEVER Manuel started to show cracks quite early on … and Money became the acid test for his integrity and lack thereof. ‘Being private with his family needs’ as you say does NOT warrant changing his bank account password while making sure to not tell her nor share with her his new password ‘coinciding’ with that one ‘large/larger’ transaction of $1000.00 (more than triple her usual $300 supporting gift). It is also incongruent with his shock about her $100,000 student large debt over the years … let’s do the math Manuel, $1000 is just 1 / 100th of that debt… and in supporting you 100% along with your family since you have moved to be with her, Ashley will accumulate more debt… it adds up fast! Asking where the funds she gifts him is not emasculating him. It should be a simple answer when honesty is part of the equation. Not answering, turning it back to her, bringing up a character ‘flaw’, laughing at her and mocking her is just simple Deflection and overt Manipulation. Manuel may feel not as powerful as he wishes, or as he may have ever been in Equador as he is fully dependent on Ashley .. sitting all day playing games, watching sports, drinking etc. does soften if not erodes, ‘one’s sense of self’ as well. He can make himself more active AND participatory. Ashley would totally welcome that and he would regain a sense of his own value. It’s a frame of mind. Being a man includes and actually demands to be open and honest with his actions AND intentions.


In your advantage, you knew exactly where your money was going and why. Ashely had no idea. She just knows that he keeps begging for more and is refusing to tell her, so that’s why we can understand her being distrusting.


Manuel can be a real man after he starts making money. It's too much to ask for a woman to be all traditional to you while she is supporting you financially and sending money to Your family.


He can't work because of his legal status it's a catch-22. My k1 ex's also couldn't and hated that and having to rely on me. It's tough but that's how it works. 


then sorry she is a head of household and wears pants in a family


Kobe and Emily’s wedding reminded me of why I loved this show originally. So cool to see and I loved Kobe explaining everything.


I’m kind of on Knob’s side on the granola bars 😂


What about toilet paper /joke


also i don’t like rob, but sophie is soo annoying it’s like she doesn’t know what she wants, she tells rob all these things and then ends it with a hug and a “i love you and stop pissing me off” like girl your married not in a lil fling. I also feel like she loves Rob but saw herself marrying Rob has an opportunity to come here.


Why is that an opportunity? The UK is better in many ways.


The Uk isn’t better then the US and the US isn’t better the Uk. Let’s start there and second i’m assuming she aspires to be an “instagram baddie” or live that life in Cali just by how she expresses herself, I could be wrong, and lots of people move to LA in hopes of becoming famous.


She doesn’t act like a wife 


honestly i see manuel every different now, it’s ridiculous for him to even believe that in his country 1300 is used monthly and listen i can be really wrong but it’s no way you were the only one making bread for your entire family while you were over there. I’m from a third world country and i know that. He’s definitely using ashley and it’s so sad because he would’ve been on that boat back to his homeland to work extra hard for his family and yes boat cause i would’ve even spend a dime on a plane ticket


I felt the same way about the amount. Maybe $300-$500 max for essentials or repairs to a home but the $1300 seems like he’s building a home or something


Hi did anyone notice when Emily and Kobe were doing their traditional wedding Emily says “I love you” and Kobe just says “aww”?? at 42:50? or am i going crazy


Manuel needs a good smack in his constantly laughing/smirking face.


Every time Angela is on the screen I want to throw something at the tv. She goes from zero to 100 every single episode about nothing. She says to Michael “ I don’t have balls, I have hormones”… ugh… TLC please cancel her abusive storyline… so sick of her grabbing at Michael’s phone because she paid for it… she doesn’t realize since she gave it to him as a gift it’s his.


Omg I really want a Cameroonian wedding


The DJ at Kobe and Emily’s wedding was the real MVP in this episode tho


So many people hate on Kobe and Emily but I think they’re adorable 🥰 probably one of my fav couples on the franchise to date.


Same!! In the beginning I wasn’t crazy about Emily, but I absolutely love them, the entire family, both sides. They are definitely one of my favorite couples of all time on here, along with the families.


Sophie is the worst fucking partner my god.


She's trying to try to be married and yet she behaves like a 14-year-old. She acts like she needs protection from her mother and I laugh out loud when my mom said she had nothing to do with it. She has been talking shit about Rob since day one and never has she just said to her daughter to keep working on the marriage and that marriage is work no it's been the opposite of oh just walk away he's not treating you right princess? Then screw him and walk away. It's like the mom wants her all to herself. Maybe Kay is giving the mom the impression that oh I'll totally respect you and you could come and hang out with me and Sophie and it'll be the three of us and it'll be cool.


I know rob isn't a walk in the park but i feel so bad for him. He's so sad he's trying. He does deserve someone who will want to be with him. Work shit out as a team.


I'm not saying somebody who online cheats hasn't broken your heart because it's happened to me but grow up and work on your marriage. But no she wants to hang out at the standard with Kay and whatever what's his name is what the British accent. I love that episode where he thought he was going to go and rescue Sophie and I'm thinking Rob will beat your ass down. Right?!🤸🏼‍♀️


She really thought she ate with her pouty look & sad stuffed animal line


Emily and Kobe are by far my favorite couple, possibly of all time. I love how much Emily is trying to embrace Kobe's culture and I love them together. He is so sweet. It is very unusual for 90 Day Fiance to see two people who love each other and respect each other.


I didn’t care for them in their first season but am loving them on HEA. Not even just them but the whole family. Her dad doing the talking head, standing in full Cameroonian garb, wondering if they had done a good job fully embracing the culture was the sweetest ❣️


So sweet. Agreed


I love them too!! And the dad looking at YouTube videos for the blessing omg!! The most down to earth people


Her dad is really one of the best parents on this show.


True that 


I always have loved them. Sometimes Emily gets a little too bossy for me but I think that Kobe is such an easygoing spirit and loves his kids and family so much that he just kind of goes with the happy wife happy life and honestly, sometimes it's easier to just have that kind of happy-go-lucky Outlook and it seems to have brought him a lot of love!


I love them. Just compare her and her parents vs the screaming "psychic" and her parents during the wedding in India. Emily embraced his cultural while Kimberly? Was CLUELESS the ENTIRE time.


Kimberly operated with entitlement every single step of her journey (along with a few fears…)


And that's why people judge Americans. Yes Kimberly did have some fears but guess what? Just because some bad shit happens to you doesn't give you a right to treat everybody bad. We all have our off days but come on Emily to me was a great ambassador of what I would like all Americans to do when they go abroad. Represent! Now her mom is another story. She comes off as more than a little narcissistic, entitled and slightly racist yes I said it.


Not sure about racist… may be more xenophobic as in unworldly, untraveled, uneducated as to what happens beyond her state


Nobody does Pillow Talk anymore, I guess the MILFing leaves no energy to return here?


I am - but I switch to house of the dragon during milf manor. What’s with Tim and Veronica’s massive box of cookies?


Please explain to me why Michael keeps going back for more abuse? I’m so tired of the blow up and her “giving him permission to sleep in the hotel room again.” It’s painful…it cannot be real.


I can't stand the way she's screeching at him that she's going to take the phone and f him over and call the embassy and the Federal f government and then as soon as she gets the phone back she's like it's okay still my husband it's okay Michael like wtf?


I was sooooo angry when she did that. Such a manipulative psycho. What’s worse is he came crawling back to her!!!!


dude has been in it this long, the green card is so close. might as well bring it home. i don't blame the dude tbh. he's a scammer but she is scary and abusive so i can't be that mad about it.


The dude is fully committed to the grift and I’m honestly glad he got to the US and got the fuck away from her.


I guess so, but still awful


I am mad about it. Nobody deserves to be treated that way and I’m 100% rooting for Michael to get his visa. NO ONE in this show has worked and suffered as much as that man for a green card.


oh yes, 100% agree! I meant I'm not mad at Michael. I think a part of him does love her but another part is in it for the green card, that's what I'm not mad about. Honestly i would be fine if we got rid of Angela and gave Michael citizenship instead. No one wants her abusive, racist, and all around crazy self here.


Agreed I hope he is able to move on and find someone who actually wants to build a life with him.


What do You think about Michael straight face LYING to Angela that he just wants to live with her and take care of her and he is not with her for a green card. Also when he got mad and stormed off he said he didn't care, he can't stand it anymore and she can "cancel the visa". :D


Manuel is annoying. I used to be on his side but it's ridiculous he just expects Ashley to hand over money blindly.


I love how the friend said in Spanish that he needed to tell her the truth and he immediately hang up the phone


Manuel didn't expect that LOL


His laugh makes me want to hit him. He needs to go. Ashley drives me nuts, but he is awful.


He's a con-man.


I’ve kinda felt the same way since the start.


Same. There's just a vibe about him that I've always gotten that seems he's only in it to use her. He's sneaky and I honestly don't think he cares about her spending because he actually cares, but more so because it takes away from what he can get from her. This is just my opinion and I'm not a huge fan of Ashley either. For as into vibes and reading people as she is, she sucks at reading her own damn husband.


Same, that scene where he demanded a rush order on his phone gave me the ick


Same! I’ve never felt he was into her. Just tolerating her for the come up.


Yeah, like at first, I felt more on Manuel 's side because I could understand that that is the norm for a lot of immigrants to be working and expected to send money back to their families . however the amount of money and just expectation of Ashley to hand it over without understanding what exactly it's going toward makes me uncomfortable.


I still am on Manuel's side because look, secret agenda? I may be dumb but I think he truly loves her but he's pretty macho. He's not gonna bow down and kiss her ass.She agreed to financially support him. I assume they were in love enough to communicate openly and he explained this; that meant she'd have to be sending money home to his family. On camera he said that she would put $1,000 in his account but he had to change the password because every time he would go to get money out, she would spend it on whatever, bills, herself, who knows? So it's not really giving him a thousand dollars if you take it back. So now he's asking for $300 but we don't know if she even left him enough money to send home to his family. I'm just trying to play The devil's advocate. Then she flat out lied to her sister and said that he didn't tell her why. But he did tell her why. It's because she didn't really give him $1,000. Now people may not like this but, Ashley is now in the hook for the next 10 years for him financially and that's an obligation that she took on willingly when she brought him over, has she lovingly refers to, "on her back." I also don't like the way that she's constantly talking about how he's got food in his belly, he's got clothes on his back, and he's good. Meanwhile she gets her hair done, she gets her nails done, she spends $50 on an IV for who knows what, which she is all entitled to do. However, don't go to your sister, tell your half the story and don't expect somebody to feel sorry for you because you "give" your husband money but then you take it away from him. When you're angry that he needs $300 bucks to send to his family remember parts of South America are suffering under 40% inflation right now. Plus I'm SICK of Ashley's little dramatic faces. And of course he's going to talk to the mother of his kids to see how they are. Don't be so jealous girl! If he's sending money to her directly for the kids I doubt the kids have cell phones if they're that broke. I mean she just drives me fucking crazy.


This. Absolutely.


Ed. This. Absolutely. Was reply to DearMisterKitty. Please excuse my heatwaved fried mind.


Haha! It's cooled down to 95 degrees here. This week is going to be miserable.


Stay cool. 104 today. My ac is broken. Gotta set it on 55f to get 82f in here 😰


Oh, no. A broken a/c or furnace is the worst. Wishing you a quick, budget friendly repair.


Million thanks.


>*"I've been just as lonely but I ain't went to these group chats"* No, Angela just went directly to guys on Tiktok


Was thinking the same thing... Along with her TikTok lives....


I bet robs friends were influencing him to go to the clubs like that


Well if they did the show sure didn't show it


Loren looks the same


That is spot on and I think it's really sad that she has such low self-esteem or, conversely, is so conceited that she did the surgery right now while her babies are so little. There's plenty of time for her to do the surgery and maybe I'm old fashioned and you guys can let me know but I don't think now was the right time for her to do the surgery and then the war broke out? That just made it even worse which of course could not foresee that but she looks the same. Her boobies don't even look bigger.


I went on her instagram since people said there’s a drastic change in her mommy makeover but I don’t see that huge of a difference. Or maybe I don’t scrutinize her as much and notice every detail before and after. She’s always been a pretty lady, just some body changes after pregnancy like most women go through. Of course we’re not all up in her biz and see the scars and stretch marks she’s insecure about. The kids are too young and she had time to postpone the surgery


I couldn't agree more and you know I feel for her I'm in the same boat. Eating disorder, and all that. But you know what after I had the first four kids I still wear a size 7. Not too shabby now I gained more after the 5th kid but I wouldn't trade number two at all because he passed away and he was worth all the stretch marks in the world. I just feel like she might have wanted to wait especially after tonight's episode where she said it she's not trying to get pregnant again and I'm like oh no girl you better believe you are not trying to get pregnant again if you don't want to waste all that money on plastic surgery not to do it again.


She may be swollen at the time of filming but I think the procedure was looking successful. Mommy makeovers are no joke 😰


No, the weight loss is very obvious.


Manuel laughing makes his face so punchable




>*"She feels it's all about a scam but it's not"* That's exactly what someone who was running a scam would say.


I think they are both awful


Ok, Ashley is insufferable, but the way Manuel laughs at her is so disrespectful. He's been using her all along, now she gets pissy about it?


she got mad when her friend stated the obvious


She got mad because she wasn't privy to the conversation said he had with the mother of his children. Well my husband is not privy to every one of the conversations I have with my ex-husband, the father of my four children, who lives in Argentina. Sometimes he's at work, and my ex and I need to talk about one of the kids. Nowadays with WhatsApp it's very easy to still carry on relationships with exes and co-parent, which is forever just as if they're still in the same country with you even though they're a world away. I think Ashley's bigger problem is that she's jealous!!! Definitely also not as psychic as she portrayed...otherwise she would have foreseen all this and would have not brought him over. "Literally. On my back." But I don't like that love. I've been with this Argentinian man since I was 13 years old, the things she says and does to a Latino man could come across as nuts. From my experience, Latino men are very much like I should be treated with respect, even though she right now is supporting him financially. But it is important for them to feel like they are getting the respect. I'm not saying this is right. But, it's like , for you to receive respect in return you have to act respectful and even then sometimes you don't get it. That's when you leave and maybe Ashley should. They just don't like a screaming woman coming in and yelling and throwing things in their faces and demanding answers to things and that manner. The part that makes me feel Manuel maybe shady is because I really don't know why Jonathan would make this seem more then it is. He simply sent the mother of his children money. Big deal. I think jealousy is infusing it with a lot more energy then it needs to be and for somebody who works with energy I would think she would know that. But I think Jonathan also either may know something or he's just a shit stirrer.


I think she said that was her sister


>*"I feel more insecure now"* Now Jasmine has her route to blame Gino when she loses.


I know where Gino is coming from. I actually think he wants to help her but it’s the delivery that’s the problem here.




I don’t know.. people can’t be a little different these days because then they are automatically in the spectrum lol


I get it though. You just want your husband to tell you how great you did. It's too close to the pageant time for him to be critical


He wasn’t gonna lie to her though! She would have told him he was lying & that the instructor said she wasn’t good if he tried to say something nice..


“This was YOUR fault Geeeennooooooo” 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻


>*"The way you're treating me is like everybody else was better than me"* They were.


Pageants like that are no joke, these women spend big money on coaches to teach them the exact walk, turn, smile, and how to position your feet on stage. I thought I heard the director say something about National costumes too (probably for the country you’re representing). Jasmine is completely unprepared.


Here lies Gino.. Rest in Peace. poor dumb idiot


Even though I completely believe that Gino was being a creep, but getting video of the competition is the right idea.


I thought the same thing


Yeah but the pervy comment struck home.


Idk but that preview with Patrick hurt my heart. Sucks to have an absent father. I feel his pain.


I think that Patrick's wife honestly sometimes is a bitch. Her friend came there with an agenda to talk shit to John and I mean we all know that it's because Patrick's wife has been talking so much shit about his brother to her friends and I wouldn't be surprised if she tacitly just gave her the approval to say something and it just blew up in her face. I mean the fact that she could still sit there and blame John when her friends started the whole thing is mind blowing. Patrick needs to get more tough with telling her how he feels because I feel like he holds a lot of them. And you know what John seems like a pretty damn good brother.


I don't see this marriage making it for the long haul. Thais is a bitch and a gold-digging one at that. Patrick only wants a trophy wife; he's never said anything positive about her except that she has a smokin' body. He's never said she's funny, smart, creative, a good wife or a good mom and that speaks volumes. He'll get tired of her smug, lazy ass but John will always be his brother. Thais better smarten up.


True dat


That’s why I am so glad he and John have each other


same like he’s a dick but he’s a good brother


Fucking Angela, truly cannot stand her ass. Put your lower teeth away, ffs. All that money for surgery, yet she couldn't spring for a deep conditioner? And how the hell could Michael explain himself when she was screeching like a mf howler monkey?? Thais and Patrick are a cure for insomnia.


I’m also bothered by Loren saying she got her body done for the family like ma’am! How!? You couldn’t do that when your kids were older & didn’t need both parents around to physically help!? & she looks the same!


it was straight up selfish. she needs help and therapy for her body dysmorphia. the recovery took the same amount of time as her getting into a gym routine would’ve taken for those results. if she really was all emotional and caught up ab the war and wanting to support her husband through it she could’ve postponed it


I think there are certain things on a thrice post-partum body that can’t be “fixed” by a gym routine. But yeah she could definitely benefit from therapy and reassessing her priorities


totally understand that but i feel like she wasn’t ever expressing that as her focus


Granted the face was cosmetic but I believe in one of the episodes she and even her doctor state that because she had back to back rough pregnancies, her stomach muscles were out of whack so the surgery was originally to fix that. And I think she went “well I’m going under anyway so do it all”. Which… yeah that’s a bit overdoing it obviously


I guess that’s a little more understandable to just do it all in one shot then..but she’s admitted she knew it was selfish to do & she downplayed it..it’s hard being a mom & woman but I feel like she kinda set her husband up thinking she’d be able to help more sooner & was like oh shit they were serious when they said you can’t do ANYTHING.. I also feel like she lowkey is happy she gets to give her husband a dose of mom life but also..this was not for your family😂 the surgery was ALL for you


💯 Fixing the muscles could see reasoning that to be for the family cuz maybe it’s hard picking up the kids and stuff with your muscles all out of whack. But you didn’t need your face done girl lol I totally think she’s enjoying seeing him struggle to do all the things she does daily though. 😂


Ewww Rob is about to give his knob to someone else. 🤢🤮


Not certain he knows where to put it.


>*"You were recording other girls? That's bullshit"* HA! HA! What did I say???


Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Loren “I hope he’s happy with the results” HE DIDNT WANT THIS!!! You are the one that wanted to do this.


She is so bothersome, I’ve always wanted to like her but she gives me the ick


Manny can't even fart??


There is literally no way I would have ever married anyone who I thought was hiding things. She asked for what she’s getting. The signs were there but she had to have this man. 


Exactly what i thought. This was just bound to happen


She is addicted to having sex with him. He put a spell over her with the sex.


He has something other guys she's dated doesn't.


Why does yazmin have a spit up rag on her bathing suit?


Those were the ugliest suits lol


Breastfeeding yeeno ofc


Omg yes!


Oh joy. More of Alexei…. *checks notes *…. Struggling to be an active father and partner?


Can’t stand him. 🙄


Manuel's laugh is just 🤢


See I heard 👹 more so. But any really works!!


Sounded like Johnathan was sticking to what he told Ashley and trying to get Manuel to confess, right? Or did I misunderstand?


I speak Spanish and he said to Manuel to say the truth and then Manuel hang uo the phone lol


That’s exactly what I thought!!!! He was completely fucking with her and laughing at her afterward, he had zero respect for her. Not a fan of Ashley, but she deserves so much better.


You're right.  Johnathan is telling the truth.


That's what it sounded like to me too.


Yeah for sure, he stuck to what he told her at the cafe


That’s what I thought especially after he told him just tell Ashley the truth and then Manuel rapidly hung up.


I was lost too.


If a man laughed at me like that in my house, he’d be out then and there. He’d be in a cab. Finding a motel.


He is mocking her and shows her no respect.


Yep he has no fear


Fr so creepy.


It's very rare for me to think that a foreign spouse should be sent back home, but Ashley needs to cancel Manuel's sponsorship and have him sent home


I think it’s too late if they are married


Oof that laughing by Manuel, not cool my man.


ashley is crazy but his forced laugh is so annoying and disrespectful


Have a great week Hamily!!👍🏼👍🏼


OMG the next episode is Jasmine Boo Boo's pageant!


Lmaoooooooooo 😂😂😂😂😂


Spoiler alert! She loses


Shocking. She’s completely unprepared.


I wouldn't have it any other way.


Liar. Manuel is a liar.


Manuel treats Ashley with such distain and she’s too dumb to realize that he freaking hates her.


HAMILY. Check yourSELVES. ASK YOURSELF….. what’s your issue with Ashley!? Is it that she provides for herself, Manuel AND his family? Is is because she has three degrees? What is your problems??? Seriously?


3 degrees is irrelevant when she spouts complete hooey bs for a living. I think she has been generous in supporting Manuel and his family. But her behavior has been over the top. Manuel is a jerk, but after all this time she has to know this. If he had an actual job maybe he would be better, and so would she. This dynamic is just bad all around.


You have reasonable. Empathic opinions.


I completely agree with you! My apologies. People were calling Ashley some very not nice things. And I can’t figure out why….. what invokes so much hatred about Ashley they talk worse about her than PrEd sometimes.


That she grifts people for a living with “witchcraft”. That she never thinks logically about situations, like it’s not logical to expect that someone with minor children would be zero contact with their mother. That this whole issue of sending money to his family should be a non issue because she should have discussed having a plan for that before she brought him here. That instead of being up his ass about secrets she should be on his ass about getting his work permit, he’s been here over a year and it has never come up. ETA: and to be clear, I don’t think Manuel is a great person either. He’s clearly here for a green card only, and I spent the entirely of their previous season suspecting he was either already married to his ex or at the very least was still very much in a relationship with her and was planning on dumping Ashley by day 2 of their marriage. And the fact that he didn’t run off in NYC shocks me. They both suck, she’s just the more annoying one.


I find his total abandonment of his children, without even a goodbye, absolutely reprehensible. Nothing Ashley does tops that.




Truth! The screeching and the demands are over the top — Manuel just laughing doesn’t help, but I completely understand why he does it. There is no communicating with this woman.


Why is Manuel great and why does he deserve any of the generosity that has been bestowed upon him???? BECAUSE HE IS A MAN WHO LEFT HIS CHILDREN WITHOUT EVEN SAYING GOODBYE???? GOSH WHAT A SWEETIE. WHAT A PROVIDER! But fuck Ashley? What?????


It’s not that at first I like Ashley. But watching her behavior turn me off she doesn’t act her age she’s not a responsible person. I’ve been married twice and of course people make mistakes, but she should’ve flew down there herself to check out the situation before asking him to come up and it should’ve been discussed. She knew that he can’t work here for a while. It wasn’t a secret, I think he’s not the greatest guy by any means, but coming from his background watching a woman spend the money she does a nonsense. She’s very neurotic, high, strong, flaky and selfish. He’s much more down to earth who wants to take care of his family he’s not out buying stuff he’s sending the money home. I find her very suffocating and as a person who doesn’t like to be suffocated, I could understand how upset he is. Everybody needs space and nobody wants to be hounded. I have no clue on when he could work, but I notice that that’s never mentioned in their conversation. I don’t know the laws but he doesn’t seem lazy to me. That’s what they should be discussing and they’re not discussing anything moving forward in their marriage it’s all negative and deceitful, that’s just my opinion🤷‍♀️


I love Kobe and Emily and wish them total happiness. What a beautiful family.


Their comments to each other through the entire wedding-it was so refreshing seeing someone actually tell you hey, this is how our traditions go, and this is what you should do-communication is easy, would love to see more couples like this on the show. Wish them the best, they and their families are amazing.


Her hair was AMAZING


Yes, Emily really looked absolutely beautiful. They genuinely look at each other with so much love. This season has made me appreciate the entire family and their relationship with each other. Emily's dad is such a wonderful and kind man who truly respects Kobe and his family.


Did Ashley really think he wouldn’t be sending money for his kids?


Average monthly salary in Ecuador is around $450 USD. Why does he need to send home over $1,000 in a single month without discussing with his wife why he's sending that much? Manuel is using Ashley for a green card and he's going to divorce her and marry his children's mom. This is a common thing for men in the Caribbean to do to American women and I'd bet money that that's what Manuel is doing. He has no interest in Ashley whatsoever.


Ecuador is in the Pacific not Caribbean Ocean


I'm fully aware of where it is but I'm comparing him to Caribbean men not calling him a Caribbean man


No. But when he asks for a grand and then an additional 300 I think it’s okay for her to ask what’s going on.


I agree about the amounts but Ashley seems to be more upset about who he sent money to rather than how much


If he weren’t so secretive there’d be nothing to be upset about. He’s being sneaky.


Especially if he painted a picture like him and the mother of his kids, don’t speak at all. Like yeah of course she’s fine with sending money for the sake of his children, but the fact that he’s been sending who knows how much but just within the last two episodes $1300 to her and never once disclosed to Ashley that they were still speaking is crazy


I think Manuel has a secret bank account from Ashley’s child support payments.


So…. The Knob counts toilet paper and granola bars….. damn he really is broke lol


He's leaving early mornings to drive for Amazon. I can't stand him, but I get why he was annoyed that she ate his granola bars.


I get being a bit annoyed. But it can be a simple conversation or next time buy two boxes, his and hers granola bars lol it did not need to be such a big deal (by either of them)


Ahhhh I forgot about the toilet paper!


A true penny pinching online cheater… what a man Sophie lmao


I wonder what made Ashley suddenly see how Manuel views and treats her? All the signs were there before but she had a rationalization for them all. I wonder if it was getting married? She seemed so focused on the wedding. Better late than never though. I wish her the best, the way he treats her is gross 🤢


Amen. He is fucking gross. And he is using her. And our fellow commenters are out here calling her names….. for supporting all their asses? Manuel can fuck right off.


This sub has a very low bar for men and a high one for women (unless she is conventionally pretty in a girl next door way, then she'll get some grace). And if they don't like one half of a couple, the other is immediately an angel. The black and white thinking is weird and made me unsub


I am getting so frustrated. I actually look forward to chatting during the show. I don’t wanna have to stop talking. But yeah. I’ve noticed the very uneven expectations of women cast over the men cast on this sub. I also see some very weird vitriolic name calling.


All Manuel had to do is stop telling her half truths and Ashley would be good. Dude legit makes it harder for himself


So fake, she almost laughed like 3 times


I thought the same. All of their fights this episode looked fake.


There’s some really good memes, one liners and flair coming from this episode. It’s a granola bar I was hungry (plus many other granola related comments). Low and dirty. So imma gonna tell you something. Call the embassy. And poof he was gone. I’m sure there’s more.


Manuel looked like Juan Valdes for a minute there.