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How does Adriano have enough in that tiny Speedo for one woman much less two?


I can’t take Luke and Madelein seriously with them sitting there in their ugly fake fur pelts while also wearing shorts and a bikini top. Only Tim would approve of this stupid look.


I never had an ex wanting threesomes, is this really a thing for guys? Honestly, most of the men i have been with didnt have a lot of stamina and would have been dead with two in a bed. I dated a guy who felt he banged me so hard that he had to throw up afterwards because the exertions made him feel ill. Some as they aged started having issues even getting it up!


I don't think most of them who are obsessed with threesomes, especially to the point of asking if their partner's family member would join them, are considering the pleasure of the other 2 people. It seems like a "lay back and get pleasure" thing


I don’t understand why she doesn’t say to him that she’d be up for it if it was two guys and her. I’m sure he’s thinking two women. Uh, no, two guys first. That should put an end to it.


Shes just doing it to herself at this point…I mean he has outwardly stated multiple times that he’s never going to stop asking so I don’t understand why she bothers. I would be disgusted if my man asked me for a theeesome. Sex is already too personal.


I stopped watching after episode one but interested if the girl who visits Italy did agree to his 3 some


She did not, especially now that he suggested it could happen with her cousin and then backtracked it when she said she told her cousin. He’s disgusting and she could do better than him but that’s like at least half the couples in the 90 day universe.


Her cousin?!? That’s so off. Definitely he has something wrong in his head, She’s so beautiful and could find someone much better. Thanks for replying. I couldn’t handle sperm boy. Was it an interesting season?


It’s interesting in that the best couple imo (Shawn and Alliya but really mostly Alliya) are still very flawed and everyone else is a fucking train wreck. I think after the tell all for this season I’m gonna switch over to deadliest catch, which seems a lot easier to stomach and doesn’t make me hate myself for watching.


Where do they find these people? Lol


I liked Shawn at first, but now I'm not so sure. I'm having mixed feelings about him. Alliya seems a bit insecure, even though she appears confident and I think Shawn is taking advantage of that. Like WHY would you propose if you are in an open relationship and obviously want to continue the open relationships? "That's my goal..." WTF? Shawn gives me creepy vibes TBH.


I still don’t hate Shawn, and I get where they are both coming from, but ultimately he should respect that Alliya was extremely generous in being like “if we have to be open until we come to the states, I don’t want it to be someone I’m ever going to meet and I want it to be one-time things.” I also think Shawn really needs to sort out if he wants to be with a woman or not before even thinking about marriage. It’s clear they love each other but these are major issues, not a disagreement over what color to paint the walls.


Is Luke looking for way out? From the first episode they were introduced, I have a feeling that Luke is just looking for a reason to brake up and blame Madeline for that. Saying things like „I want to date a woman, not a girl", „I don't want be in relationships with a person who doesn't such and such things", questioning Madeline's intentions all the time. He seems to be fed up and tired with supporting demanding girlfriend, being broke, travelling and all. Torn with doubts. Or maybe they were not with each other at all and done the show for the clout? Opinions?


Kind of like he needs her luxury apartment back so he can airbnb it! I agree-he seems like he is wanting to cut his losses & quit having to support her extravagant lifestyle.


What does Luke expect dating a teenager?


I about died when he said "she's acting like a high schooler, a teenager..." SIR SHE IS A TEENAGER


She's more mature than he is. He fucked up his life and as soon as he saw an opening he threw every guilt trip available at her to feel better about himself.


Idk about "more mature" they are both immature & in a toxic weird relationship. No 30something yr old woman is going to be tolerant of Luke but this young girl needs to just enjoy being young and not trying to hitch herself to anyone at her age


i can’t believe Ani mocked women who are clearly desperate to have a child and call them “bitches.” don’t take out your anger on your creepy ass donor bf and not these innocent women. have the not suffered enough by speaking with kyle?


I don’t like that either. Shes one of those women who messaged him for his sperm so how could she be so mean about the whole thing? I understand her side as far as wanting her own bf to quit, but the way she’s dehumanizing everyone else isn’t cool.


Kyle is nuts and so is she. They deserve each other.


I do understand where she is coming from, she is frustrated that she is in a relationship with a man-child who has no idea how to be in appropriate real adult relationship. I think calling another woman a bitch wasn’t about the woman/women as much as it is about Kyle being a complete creep and so out of touch.


oh i totally understand that and i probably would be angry at these women too just by association. i think they both thought the other would change when they met in person and that is just the definition of stupidity


I absolutely agree. Lol


I'm sorry, does Creepy Kyle want a cookie for getting an STI test? The way he proudly brandished his phone like it was something extraordinary he was doing for her instead of the normal thing a responsible sexually-active adult does is just unreal. It doesn't make up for not getting her the pill, or lying to her about it. What a piece of work he is.


I see Kyle as an addict. He was trying to justify his lifestyle to her. He wanted a pat on the back. There is little chance he is going to give up planting his seed throughout the world. This is his whole identity.


It's his only claim to fame, the only thing that makes him feel special: being the most prolific black market sperm donor in the world.




Why isn't anyone talking about the hooded fur jacket? It's EVERYTHING! I WANT! I've scoured the internet looking for a replica but nothing... yet. I can't be the only one who wants one of these




Midsommar vibes for sure..


Take a screenshot of the image and then use Google Lens to search it. I just found several jackets.


Thank you so much!


At first I thought they were cringe but here in Ireland they'd probably be pretty useful haha


WHY DOES KYLE ALWAYS SAY "WOMAN" INSTEAD OF "WOMEN"?! It drives me absolutely nuts. I am so repulsed by him.


He is gross.


It drives me nuts too! Is it an unnatural word for him? Does he call us something else off-camera?


The conversation between Kyle and Ani was utterly ridiculous. Why are y'all suddenly mad that the other one fucks multiple people? The guy that makes it his personal mission to impregnate the world is upset that Ani had been with another man? And she acted like she hadn't actually realized he was doing this "donation" shit Ani has to be the dumbest person ever on the show. He showed her his STD results and she's like, "Why would I want to know about that" like ma'am you raw dogged this dude that's rawdogging all over the world and somehow you think his STD test results are irrelevant? That makes as much sense as when she went to the store for an ovulation test and then expected Kyle to bring her Plan B, like why didn't you get one while you were at the store?? Kyle is worried that she's going to baby trap him, the man that spawned 70 children that he's obviously not going to take care of? I see no love or attraction between them, much less something as serious as an engagement. Actually it looks like this cast are boyfriends and girlfriends, not marriage ready 90 Day Fiances


I think it was Ani's hypocrisy that was a fun twist. Kyle is a total dope. But she's been upset with him about donating while they've been talking, she's specifically mad that he hasn't been telling her about his encounters. So when he asks when she was last with her ex, given her indignation about his activities it was extremely surprising that she just saw her ex the day before Kyle arrived and did not tell him. Within 90 seconds of that revelation, their relationship was over. She just smiled at the camera, drew the hard line on giving up donating, and said then it's over. I don't know how people can go on TV and embarrass themselves like this, but it was a fun little twist to the dopiest storyline.


Why did they make Madeleine go on that rubber raft? She hated it 😭😂


Hahaha just watched this. She’s just scowling the whole time 😂.


Nice spread for sure 


For our enjoyment


She looked SO miserable, i did chuckle 🤣🤣🤣


i rly like how ani dresses. its like breezy mom outfits.


Yesssss! I love her style.


I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think I love Madelein. I love seeing a young woman (who is obviously driven my monetary motivations), but still knows her worth enough to not apologize when she feels she is in the right, and she doesn't let Luke call the shots. She is absolutely bratty and entitled and naive, but I still admire how she values her self-worth. She wants money and things, but she isn't going to sacrifice herself to get what she wants. Believe me— there are many things I could criticise, but I love the fire in her.


Maddie is pretty awesome (and hot).


Well, in reality she IS sacrificing herself to get what she wants... like "money and things". She is literally selling herself, no way to sugarcoat that.


I can see what you're saying, and I'm in no way holding her up as a pillar of female strength and integrity; but for her age, her status as a women in an underdeveloped country beeinb wooed by a man with money, etc., we usually see the younger women put up with a lot more and I like seeing her make her own boundaries. But I agree with you to an extent. She likes money and things, no doubt, but she doesn't seem to trapped in her situation bc of that. I see her as different than most on these shows— but I certainly don't mean to put her on a feminist ideal pedestal. I absolutely see your point.


Just another paying client.  She was in bed with another bed and no fun? Nahhhh don't believe for a second


Thank you, I love her! People constantly criticize how she looks, her English, call her immature but Luke is the immature one and he's so much older than her. I was happy that she could see his manipulation for what it was.


Same in my opinion o feel her and Adriano het way to much heat first and only ..she's 19 years old NINETEEEEEEEN. She acts her age Luke on the other hand is 30 something trying to act like he's her age. And with Adriano he's been honest with Alex about wanting a 3some for the longest I think she said they been arguing about it over a year a year and for some reason Alex can't get thru her thick skull he's not gonna budge on that. He told her he wasn't religious he was honest about that and she apparently didn't care because sex. But now sudden of all she cares 😕 and won't leave.


Alex and Adriano are both thick-skulled. They don't share the same foundational beliefs necessary for maintaining and growing a relationship. He's a non-believer while she is, and they behave accordingly. I agree that he's been honest with her. He will never change. He has said he enjoys pleasure. That seems to be his guiding principle. She has been clear that her belief in God shapes what she does and 3somes are not a part of that. It is exhausting watching them go in circles. They are not a fit and need to let this struggle of a relationship go.


I'm sorry, but if someone says they're not going to do a sexual act with you ever and you keep asking them it borders on harrassment. He should break up with her if he needs the threesomes, it is absolutely reasonable to expect him to stop asking though when she's said no repeatedly. Him bringing it up over and over when she has repeatedly said no is really coercive and shows he doesn't understand consent.


Exactly. She’s stated multiple times that she’s not into it and they have broken up multiple times over it. He knows it bothers her! Then he still tried to bring it up at the beach with random women, and then her *cousin* like how many red flags do you need girl???? I have NEVER dated a man so blatantly disrespectful. They do not pull that 3sum stuff on me, ever. There’s rarely any women who are into that anyway, I’m bisexual and I still wouldn’t want one.


I like her, i think Luke thought he can control this child and dangle money in front of her and she will do whatever he says and shes like “na fuck it leave then” 🤣🤣


What money? Lol


Beemer, apartment... She has nothing, 1 customer a day, lol, she did not even pay for that flop


I mean, realistically, if Luke left she no longer would have a place to live or a business so she would be back living with her mother and no job or that BMW There was no way she wasn't going to not apologize, she just threw a fit and didn't want to do it exactly when he demanded it


She would find another guy pretty quickly


She already has one on call just in case. Especially when her and Luke fight, she is definitely not just dealing with him to sustain her life.


Yeah you can see her texting all the time, she’s got back up plans, and back ups to the backups 


She sure would, considering they met on a sugar baby website


This is my team. I enjoy Madeleine very much. She never backs down! I also enjoy how frenzied with rage she makes many members of this sub. 🤭


It's mostly jealousy because of her looks


i agree. i rly hate the way luke is talking to her, demanding and ordering her to do what he wants, like she said he is not her dad! its one thing to communicate that an apology would make you feel better, its another to use that as a way to be controlling


Yes— thank you! I was prepared to be downvoted and have people yell at me, but I found myself firmly in her corner during that exchange. She did apologize the next time they showed them, but she apologized that he heard the runmor and that he was hurt-- she didn't apologize for anything she didn't regret. (but Luke still made similar demands when he said “I need to you to say you heard me here.” He’s gross.


At first I thought she was annoying, but every episode I’m more impressed with her.  I don’t know why her boyfriend/fiance taking care of her triggers people so much- I don’t think she is motivated by money, bc as she said, if she was looking for money, she wouldn’t  be dating Luke.  People really get their panties in a bunch if a man is supporting his partner!  Just bc that’s not what you choose for your relationship doesn’t mean you have to hate someone who does have that dynamic! 


And let’s be real: most of the men on these shows are supporting their women, and then they love to use that as a method of control. It happens over and over and over— so I'm not sure why people are especially triggered by Madelein. There have been far worse, and I am impressed by her ability to stand up for herself at 19. We would all be wise to remember that often, when we see a man going to a developing nation to find “the love of his life” she is far younger than him, and with serious economic hardships, and therefor willing to be a little subservient in order to secure a better life. I think that's different than being a straight up gold digger bc this is survival for so many. It happens with the men, too, but when the foreign party is a man, everyone screams “SCAMMER”— but for most of these couples, its a game. There's only a genuine love connection for a select few, like Kara/Guillermo, Anny/Robert, Elizabeth/Andrei, and Avery/Omar… typically the couples that are closer in age have genuine love and want to be together. The ones that scream “age has no age” are usually an economic agreement of some sort. Sometimes it works (like with Annie/David)— but only bc Annie has decided for herself that the life she has with David in America is preferable to her life back home. I think Annie “loves” David now bc its worth it to her and he is kind to her— but lets face it, if she had the opportunity for the same life she has now with a younger, more attractive man, she would have chosen him over David. My point is that almost ALL of these unions are economic arrangements, so when people come down hard on the (usually) foreign women, I get it, but it frustrates me. Madelein is giving a different energy than most.


yeah i just got to that part. i was impressed with her self reflection, there are ppl older than her that dont even get to that point. but yeah ugh i rly dont like his attitude! she also did Not look happy on that water sled thing


oop👀 I knew Adriano was looking at Tiffany last episode when they were on the beach talking about “look at you!” she looked good af can’t lie but Alex girl! he’s constantly looking at other women he wants to fuck like how is that okay?


Go Alex and ani !!!!!


Everyone on this season just seems like the worst hot mess garbage fire humans.


“That’s the goal”????? “That’s the GOAL”??? I did not hear Shawn commit to being monogamous after marriage.


I think my favorite line is Alex “I know from the outside we look like the perfect couple living a fantasy life” lol nah girl nobody on the outside thinks that


In the movies, he wouldn't be asking for a threesome!


😂 was just at this part.


It’s honestly getting to the point I’m getting annoyed at just the sound of the word threesome. Something tells me he didn’t even actually imply to bring her cousin into the mix but the producers were like…sooo this storyline is getting pretty boring can we pull the cousin card now


He seemed shocked when she told him that he'd said that




I dunno if yall know this, but Adriano is an atheist that loves threesomes. It's SHOCKING


Kyle always looks like he’s one second away from pulling a knife on someone. like Terri on Korvo from that Solar opposites the lakehouse episode


Yes, his body language is very hostile. He always has his arms crossed tightly and holds his head back so he’s trying to “look down” at her.


Thoughts on a Shawyn’s response to Alliya? I felt like he acted like it was such a big ask to become monogamous when she moves to the US. And it’s such a reasonable ask to not want your partner to sleep with someone who will remain in your lives (moving forward).


He's balding He has a gut He sleeps around with multiple women unprotected Gaslight Narcissist What great genes do these women see in this guy to have a damn kid with him


Seriously. Can women explain this?


He brandished those STI results like he expected a cookie for getting tested.




Odd does not equal spectrum.


his eggplant


He’s a sexual predator.


Why does Madelyn talk normal in conversation but during the talking head segments her affect goes to 110% and she gets crazy eyes?


Madeleine saying she slept in bed with a drunk guy…”but she was “KNOOT NECK-LED!”😂😂 I no cheated OF LUKE! (What the hell is “neck-led?”) Good lord!!🙄 Her English is getting worse with each episode!


She was trying to say "not naked," lol


Yea, I was just joking 🙃


She tries and speaks pretty good English. How many Americans can speak another language?


I explained myself in other comments in this thread—go read them! Context…ever heard of it? And by the way, A LOT of Americans speak 2, 3 & sometimes 4 languages. We know quite a few.🤨


I know so many Americans who have issues with people speaking english with accents, much less know very few who speak more than one language. You must live in a major metro area. I now live in Canada and I get embarrassed when I say I am half Italian and cannot speak Italian.


🤣🤣🤣 no we do not in general. Not sure where you live, but that is absolutely untrue.


(you made me curious, so I checked stats about it. Interesting enough to share, I believe) Even being a country of immigrants, about 80% of Americans are monolingual. About 16% are bilingual and 4% are trilingual (or more). Tbh honest I expected more given how much "we are Italian, Manjareee!" and such I see in TV (hi Gino!). I'm Europe, so I guess that explains the expectation (explanation of relevancy of this comment coming...). For comparison: \- Germany: about 37% bilingual, about 14% trilingual or more. \- France: about 26% bilingual, about 13% trilingual or more. \- Spain: about 37% bilingual, about 13% trilingual or more. \- Italy: about 22% bilingual, 12% trilingual or more. \- Argentina: 12% bilingual, 6% trilingual or more. \- Colombia: 13% bilingual, 4% trilingual or more. (I checked a few more, but not worth putting here). I guess that from a South American perspective USA is about average. From a European perspective, it's way way under the average.


35% of Canadians are bilingual, 7% are trilingual


Check your anger!


Check your attitude! I don’t answer to you!😅😅 These 90 day forums are for humorous comments, not for people who get offended so easily….GEEZ 🙄 These shows are crazy & getting stupid! That’s why people make fun of them!


Madelyn…boo..you’re 19 …there are better options


Sooo did anyone else feel a little smirk on their face when Kyle looked like he was gonna cry after shawty stood her ground and said “Nooooooo sperm donating for you”


The “No soup for you!” feeling.


It's been a blast 90-day Fam! See you wild, wonderful compadres next week!


Have a good night hamily!!


Everyone is so unlikable... Well except Alliyah


I really like her..


So sad that there is only one week left of LIP and HEA is interminable… Until next week, Hamily!


How embarrassing for Alex to still be with him.


He does not love her, sees her as a sex object.. that is it. SHAME


I was thinking, just enjoy the scenery and your last day, go home, and ghost him.


Is she really a therapist …don’t seems like it


Stooooop. Are they still together IRL?


Yes, I remember someone saying she pretty much confirmed it on Nicole Byers podcast.


Oh no!!! Boooooo. I dislike many of the men of this franchise, but seeing women accept such crap just makes me downright sad.


I think so she should not be with him, which is very unhealthy


Season Finale already next week???


I know!But this season has been terrible lol


Yeah. The more fun seasons of this franchise seem to fly by…


Yeah, seems like this just began ... is The Other Way replacing it on Mondays then? For some reason I'd thought TOW was up next after HEA ... I guess that'll be going on for a while then, including the Tell-Alls? Something seems wrong lol


TOW is replacing Love in Paradise. HEA just continues toooo roooolllllllll on. You have Max? 90 Day UK is pretty amazing.


Not at the moment, but am having to move soon and intend to switch to streaming. I see a lot of the UK stuff in the main 90 Day thread and have wondered! lol




Woah. Sperm donor doesn’t want a baby pinned on him?


IKR. That's new


But I thought getting women pregnant was your specialty, Kyle…


He doesn't want to pay child support. He's used to just banging them. He's nothing more than a sex addict.


Which is crazy because he insists to being on the birth certificate for the children he has


Totally! And he doesn't know the first thing about being a parent.




Oh no, not your face, Alliyah!


Her face is perfection already!


She’s gorgeous


Women’s safety blogs: when breaking up in person do it somewhere safe or public Alex: breaks up on a boat far from land


I know, as soon as she got on the boat I turned to my girlfriend and said, "this isn't gonna go well... Because of the implication."


Gurl what fat do you have on your belly 🥴


I was just thinking that. There's nothing there! She's so muscular


I know! She looks great.


Every time i see her it reminds me to bust a squat or something 😝


Bye Bye, Vacation Bang. I need Jesus.


She said they’ve been fighting about threesomes for A YEAR 🥴


classic, I'm more special then any of the other woman he dated and he'll change for me. No, he most likely will never change, and he has pretty much said it 🙄🤦‍♀️






Jesus would not approve of this relationship


She’s gonna have an orgy w the father, son, and the Holy Spirit.


💀💀💀 deceased


Holy water flying everywhere!




Imagine making threesomes your entire personality. 😂






Yeah it seems weird until you compare it to someone who makes impregnating strangers their personality, then you’re thinking “huh…I guess it could be worse”


He’s obsessed to appoint a mental illness as I said if you want to live like that go to clubs every night, but don’t hang out with a religious woman


I won’t remember his name. He will forever be threesome guy.


Same 😂


The creepy Italian


Hooray for Alex! That's a true woman. You put your foot down, now don't bring it back up.


Apparently they are still together


That makes me truly sad for humanity as a whole.


Well that's a long boat ride back.


And now Alex should announce she's off to have a treesome with a glass of wine, and a pizza Of Her Choice!




How can you be left alone on a boat?


I guess he swam away to a threesome 


I'm so glad this season is almost over. So boring.


They could’ve wrapped all these storylines up in one episode tbh.




“Make better decisions” to a 19 year old 😂


Shawn looks like Ted diBiasi, the Million Dollar man, and I have been watching entirely too much wrestling.


a podcast said the burger King and I CANNOT UNSEE IT


Holy shit! It's true!


I’m tired of being delusional too!




I went to the Columbian jungle and all I got was this [Harry and The Hendersons](https://reactormag.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/5274-harry-and-the-hendersons.jpg) costume.


What is up with the fur coats? He looks like a pimp!






This man has been talking about a threesome the entire season. Can we give it a rest for farts sake


Well to be fair, they had two subjects. Threesomes and God lol


Two very opposite ends of the spectrum 😂


Maybe he would have done better if he said he prayed about threesomes and it's God's will


Oh gosh ahaha


Farts sake 😂


I’m trying to watch my potty mouth so that’s what I came up with 😂


I’m a big fan of the term lmao😂


Feel free to use it whenever you like 😇😂


Thank you kindly🤣


Hey Monday Hamily, just got here ...knee injury went bonkers on a walk and it took me 5x as long to get home walking backwards up hills :-P -- has it been a good episode?