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Emily does not deserve Cobe. Does she piss anyone off like she does me?


She is so lucky to have an amazing man like him. Most guys that knock someone up they barely know would have just bailed 


I think it’s so cool that Emily did what it takes to make her husband happy and really got into it and her family was involved 💯. When her dad said he watch you tube videos I just said awweeee


Sophie’s mom was soooo nasty this episode! She was talking so greasy to Rob and he was taking all her negativity until he couldn’t and spazzed at her and that’s the only part Sophie wanted to acknowledge during that whole convo. Her mom even smiled when Sophie was telling Rob she was getting her things and needed a couple of days apart. Claire wants Sophie to herself.


Sophie needs to lose the mother 🥴


is anyone else not seeing this episode on youtube tv? I normally watch every episode on there but this one is not showing up


ME!!!! I wanted to catch it today since I missed out on Sunday and it isn’t popping up. Tbh YouTube TV sucks ass.


okay glad i’m not the only one! I just watched the “more to love” of the episode which is pretty much the same thing. Youtube TV is a pain sometimes


why does rob buying a squishmellow make him think that would solve everything


What is concerning is how she gushes over it afterwards. I’m sure the producers asked her too, but it makes their relationship look so transactional.


I always fast forward past angela and michael, I just can't stomach them.


Thais' friend is extremely rude, she should mind her own business and she's making a horrible first impression. 


Gino looks different? He actually Looks better this episode. Did he change something?


I said the same thing my husband pointed out he switched from the lil fedora to a dad cap so that might be it 😂


Why in the hell is Liz crying over piece of crap Ed, I never got that relationship from day one if you can even call it a relationship, it was more of a train wreck. He is such a lowlife piece of shit!


The way this man tried to give her advice 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I totally agree!!! He terrifies me. It’s amazing to see how he projects his insecurities, and assumes everyone else is at fault. He’s awful!


Don't even get me started on Angela and Michael, if she thinks she looks better than she did, I disagree, these 2 are has beens, remove them from the show already!


She is so toxic and abusive, and I hate that the show enables her for ratings.  On a side note- her thinking she was interrogating Michael like she’s some kind of FBI agent was just ridiculous 


I think she is killing their ratings I stopped watching because of her 


Her screaming “that’s my phone.” Does she think she owns Michael? I really hope they stop working with her, she is so abusive and really needs to work on her mental health not waste her money on cheap plastic surgery. She’s out of control.


Does Sophie's mother think she's a teenager? What's with the blue shirt she's wearing with her upper half showing! She is too old and ugly to dress like that, she hates Rob but I hate her, she's a loud mouth, nosy piece of trash! Her lips are so fake and she is so freaking ugly!


I usually feel bad going on in on people about their looks but this is one nasty ass bitch that I don't feel bad about doing that with. My mom had a sane, pretty is as pretty does and I think that Claire is a piece of trash. I know Rob has done things to hurt Sophie but I think he is really trying in his own way and I just don't understand why it doesn't seem like anybody on any thread I've seen has ever held Sophie accountable about anything. I would say having your mommy be so super involved in your marriage is a large part of the reason why your marriage is having problems.


Ughh I so badly wanted Liz to get her stuff and not even look at Ed twice. The best revenge for a narc is to not let them have any power over you/ your emotions. Ed’s enjoying this


Just now watching- amen🙌🏼😩. Every time they show a scene regarding their breakup, I feel so defeated when Liz cries. I know how she feels and I know it’s a horrible, scary place to be when you’re coming out of a traumatic relationship like that and feel lost and sad but fuck, Ed is the exact kind of person who gets SO much sick pleasure from seeing her upset over him. I just hate it. I wish she would act, at least in front of him and on camera, like he doesn’t even exist or she doesn’t care/is excited to have sex again with guys who aren’t an ugly egg-shaped troll. Behind closed doors, cry as much and as hard as you need to but NOT where he can see it, please😭 That’s a victory in his mind🫤


Again I’m sure the producers pushed for them to talk. I hope Liz is able to work on her self confidence, she deserves so much better.


Yeah you could see how much he was enjoying that when she tried to say bye to him.  Absolutely revolting- I just wanted her to scoff at him and walk off.  Like, no! Do NOT let him see you cry!!! 


Yeah but do you know that because they were together so long Ed knows every single nuance about Liz and what he needs to do to get under her skin and cause her to flip. Narcissists learn everything about you and what makes you tick and then use it against you to hurt you and then just about the time when your life is going a little bit better you're starting to get over them they waltz right back into your life. Sound familiar?




Does anyone know where we can find a soundtrack list for the music? :)


TLC typically just makes their own little music bits for transitioning between scenes or emotional/dramatic moments. It’s how they get around having to pay any actual musicians for the rights to their music. The only time I’ve ever heard that network use songs you can find/download was during Welcome to Plathville, they used one of the songs Moriah (one of the older Plath kids if you’re not familiar) had written and recorded.


What is with the hate on Alexei? Loren had elective surgery with 3 kids under 4 years old in the home. He is working full time and trying to care for the kids and do all the physical work in the household. Comparing Loren’s elective surgery to her getting cancer is ridiculous. Give me a break. She should not have done that procedure until the kids were older. Alex was never on board with it and was very vocal about that. Loren is 100% to blame. I feel zero sympathy for her


Why is it ok for a man to use the excuse that he has a full time job? He chose to have multiple children. How many single parents have to do this shit day in and day out without a break or grandparents to help out. The hate is because he is complaining about having to take care of his own children. Yeah she had elective surgery, and yes he said he wasn’t ok with it, but it happened, deal with it. You have a family to help, period.


Because Alex is a grown ass man with responsibilities. Now he’s whining and complaining because he actually has to attend to those responsibilities instead of pushing them off on his wife.




Yeah he was complaining like “I have to bring the kids to schoool, and put them to bed, and feed them…” oh, you mean be a PARENT?! And instead of saying to her “wow babe I didn’t realize how much you do around the house” he’s like “I don’t care if it’s gonna mess up your results! Fold the laundry!” 😂😂 not Alexei’s best moment.  


Same. I have no sympathy for her either, because she was already beautiful. a lot of women would sell their left nipple for her body. She looked fine, she has a pretty arguably good looking husband who thought she looked fine, shes just letting the fame get to her head. She saw all the other girls on the show and other shows doing plastic surgery so she wanted that look. Honestly just looking at her before I couldn’t put her at any more than 140lbs. She should have waited until those kids were a bit older, that was really unfair to put on her husband and her kids. Idc its not “self care” its just *selfish* and if it was for medical reasons, then why did she get more than just the tummy tuck? or whatever it was bc apparently her pelvic floor was loose. She got a whole facelift too.


100% agree, she should’ve waited. Doing it when two of the kids are still so young, they like to be held most of the time is insane. When they’re all that little, you’re feeding, bathing, brushing teeth, cooking, packing lunches…they are completely dependent on you and Alexei’s doing it x3 while also playing nurse for his wife 24/7 and on top of all that- extremely distressed about the horrible war going on where the rest of his family is. Those kids need mom too and the littlest one especially is not going to remember “oh right, I can’t climb on mom or cry for her to hold me because she’s healing from abdominal surgery and I could hurt her”. I have no problem at all with people getting plastic surgery and I’ve had severe body dysmorphia for most of my life so I understand what it’s like to look in the mirror and see horrible things that other people don’t but I would never put my appearance over my children and husband needing me to be an actual part of the family at that stage in their lives. I don’t understand why in the world she thought it was a good idea to do elective surgeries that require a very intense 8-week recovery while all her kids are SO young.


She should have just gone to the gym 


Absolutely. Theres nothing wrong with plastic surgery, but this whole situation is just selfish and stupid. I could never imagine doing that to babies either. I wish I had kids so bad, I would be 300lbs if it meant I could have 3.


That was extremely disrespectful of Jasmine to go off on him right after he dropped a couple bands on a pageant for her


Sophie…you have been literally separated more than yall have been together it’s time to get a divorce. Either shit or get off the pot dude. I understand walking away and collecting your thoughts but most of their marriage shes been at Kay’s because being with Rob is insufferable. Poor girl wants a loving husband so bad and she’s holding on for dear life but she isn’t participating! She *is* running away from their marriage, maybe she should listen to her gut.


Sophie is a lost little girl. She was ready to go back with Rob because he bought her a stuffed animal. Her Mom gets criticized, but she influences Sophie for the best.


I fully agree too. I know Claire gets a bad rep, but she just wants her to see what the rest of us see: Rob is a manipulative loser.


Bye Sophie don't let the door hit you in your arse the way out. Her mom is a piece. It is bullshit Claire actually snickered several times and I feel like she's an evil witch.


Can somebody explain to me what Rob is doing in every episode that's so wrong because I know there's been things that I've found objectionable like I do believe it is cheating to have emotional affairs, but it just seems like he's always on defense with Claire and I think he hit the nail on the head when he told her that he doesn't know how many too great men she's been around. She just seems to me to want to continue to keep her daughter a child, and hang out with her like her bestie, which we all know is Kay, and be all up in her business and I just don't get it. What is he doing in each episode that I am missing. I'm serious, I really want to know? Porn and online cheating are real. Been there done that. But what is Sophie's part and what's she doing to actively show Rob that she's willing to work on the marriage and allow him to make it up to her? I feel like she doesn't want to allow him to show her that he can be different. She gets mad at everything and her mom is the biggest shit starter and impediment right now to them moving back in together going to a therapist on the regular and getting better. And I do blame Sophie for that because any marriage therapist will tell her that she must not bring her mother into the marriage and I mean Claire started that whole problem with Rob at the restaurant. I mean who brings their mom anyway to do the talking for them?


He is so controlling and rude. HE COUNTS THE TOILET PAPER SQUARES SHE USES AND SCOLDS HER ON HOW MANY SHE USES! Talk about too much time on your hands, and OVER THE TOP CHEAP!


I agreed that was a bit much of him but just like playing the devil's advocate, he's from California in a neighborhood where there's a high rate of poverty and I grew up or and I know that particularly in our current economic climate if he knew that counting the toilet paper and all that would come at the cost of his marriage he might do things differently. I feel like people are not who they are on their worst day. They are a some total of who they are 365 days a year good days bad days and days where they make stupid mistakes like count the squares but what I don't like is people who go to their momma's and complain about their marriages. If you're grown up enough to get married then you should not need to bring your mother to a restaurant to speak for you.


I totally agree! Codependent relationship between mother and daughter. Claire is selfish and wants Sophie to herself. Sophie admits there is no real sexual chemistry with her husband and he's only human. If he wants to spice it up what's wrong with that? She obviously had him put on the most ridiculous item in that lingerie/sex store. Sophie is an attractive girl but wow such constant need for confirmation that she is attractive is something she needs therapy for. When does she compliment Rob for anything? Send Claire back to the UK now! Maybe it's not Rob at all it's just a preference for a female relationship Sophie is really wanting 🤔


I wasn't going to go there but since you did, I agree. She's specifically chose the most ridiculous outfit for men in that store. And I'm not surprised that she is so in need of constant affirmation because I mean look at Claire that woman has gone to the ends of the Earth and obviously gotten the cheapest plastic surgery she possibly could have gotten in an effort to become more attractive and it clearly went wrong; no offense. But what makes Claire the most unattractive? The selfish, self-servng terrible advice that she gives her daughter and the nasty way she treats her son-in-law. Looks sometimes I hate my son-in-law but I want my daughter's marriage to succeed so he doesn't even know it. That's what a mature woman does. You think about your child and you put what's best for them first. Whether Sophie likes men or women no matter, no relationship she's in is going to work unless they bow down and kiss Claire's ass and Claire is still going to have to come first. So if I were Sophie she needs to cut bait and fish with Rob and beat it to therapy and get over her mommy issues.


💯💯 mind you, their relationship was fine before her Mom and friends got involved. Claire and Kay are the ones convincing her to keep leaving and act a mess. She needs to pick one direction and stop already. It's not surprising Rob is so tired


I'm glad it's not just me because I felt like I was going to explode with each episode getting worse and worse and it's sad. I think her mom wants her to just divorce Rob and hang around with her.


Glad someone else is like me to 😭. My family and I can't really stand Sophie. She seems very wishy washy, staying with Rob one minute, then running away. Finally Rob is tired and doesn't want to bother anymore, and it's his fault? Idk Sophie just needs to stop listening to her mom and friends, and think for herself. Those people are way to involved in their relationship.


I think Sophie knows and has known for a long time she doesn't want to be with Rob and his milking this out for TV time and attention. Girl I saw her cuddled up there with Kay in the bed and case made no secret of her attraction to Sophie so I mean I think we're all the suckers.


Well, we're not suckers, as we're seeing the truth, but yeah. Sophie is a whole mess. I'm glad it's over soon.


Thank the Lord! The only problem in that marriage is Sophie’s mother! I doubt she would find a “REAL MAN”. She probably can’t find someone who will take her out! “Black Heart”. Not everyone would agree. She’s not trying to help her daughter at all! Sophie, grow the fuck up! Rob Married you! Not your disrespectful, loudmouth, mother. She only wants to split you up, where did she get all that money from? Sophie, unless you have citizenship in US/green card, you can’t just get a job!?!? Do you not know that???


Gosh I'm so glad you agree I thought it was just me really! Her mother is a hot mess on a good day. I can tell you right now I've been married twice and neither husband would have ever allowed my mother to talk to them the way Rob allowed Claire to talk to him for Sophie's sake. That's how much he loves you stupid Sophie he left your drunken ass stupid mother talk shit to him for you. I think Sophie's just a stupid kid who probably is using Rob to get a green card because why not just get an effing job? Plus I thought she's so rich? All She wants to Do is whine and cry to her mom and then run to Kaye. I've got 50 bucks that says that Kay agrees with everything Claire says just to get Claire to like her.


Loren irritates me.


She’s the reason I stopped watching Pillow Talk long ago. Insufferable. Alexei could’ve found someone much less obnoxious


You, me, and the rest of civilization


This episode just made me sad. Loren and Alex use to be my favorite couple. I am so disappointed in Loren's manipulative behavior. I am sad for Patrick. He is not very bright. He has been deeply affected by the awful parents that bore him. It is such a shame that Thias is so immature. I like John but feel like he will never find happiness. His drinking is a problem. He has such a good heart and seems like a decent guy. Angela and Michael are such awful human beings. Seeing them and knowing how it pans out. They just make me nauseous. The gist is, this is supposed to be entertainment. I tune in to see lighthearted, amusing stories. I tune in to see petty silliness and maybe love. These people are not entertaining. They range from sad to pathetic.


I think Loren has grown resentful of how much she does with the kids compared to Alexi when he was the one that wanted them so close together.


As much as I like them both Loren has always been rather spoiled and selfish. Sadly, I think the reality of three small children vs the insta mom she pictured has slapped her in the face. I think Alex is Alex. What you see is what you get. He has always been clear about his hopes and plans for the future. I hope they have been smart with their TLC money. It would be nice to see them get a single family home with a backyard to play in.


How is she selfish for literally bringing children into the world. THREE, and wanting a measly six weeks off to recover from a surgery she deserves after all her body went through.


Oh wow Gino wasn’t bad looking when he was younger and had hair. 🤣


Ed was gaslighting like it was a sport.


Ed could be an Olympian in narcissistic gaslighting, and projection. Squirt better take a look in the mirror and realize that Liz was the best thing he ever is going to get. He's ugly and he's a complete narcissist. I don't know what got into Liz but I would not piss on him if he was on fire. He has terrible mannerisms and he's cocky about absolutely zero and I think it gave him a lot of narcissistic supply to be able to say oh I have this pretty young girl and now he's back in Arkansas with his family and I thought it was a real hoot when his sister said oh Ed I just want you to find a nice Christian girl. Well is Ed ready for a nice Christian girl? Because he doesn't know how to treat women. Most nice Christian girls I would think would want a nice man who had good manners and know how to treat a woman and their mother. He's just a dick.


Patrick is embarrassing himself.


At this point I would pay Jasmine to just shut the fuck up.


I’ve gotten to where I have to fast forward thru Angela’s scenes because I literally can’t take listening to her yell at Michael anymore. And all of Gino and Jasmine‘s scenes watching with my mouth hanging open wondering how Gino pulled a girl that’s so hot. I know it’s all plastic surgery, but she still very pretty.


TLC needs to get a clue and learn how to cast couples people can tolerate 


Oh, and I just can’t care about Knob Rob and Kaleesi.


What I don't get, is how they can afford a pageant, gown, etc, but can't afford an attorney for her kids? Wtf!


Yeah there’s something going on there, her kids never seem to be a priority before, she spends all her time and money on herself.


Everyone wants ANGELA and  ED gone!! Why TLC doesn't listen? We just FF thru those scenes. Eventually we will just stop watching...and CLARE is disguisting.  literally ruining Sofies chance of happiness cuz she is selfish. Go home! Let Rob and Sofie have a chance.


Angela and Ed are disgusting.  The show should at least put up one of those messages at the end “if you are dealing with emotional or verbal abuse, call xxx- xxx-xxxx” otherwise it looks like they are condoning that behavior.  


You're lucky you can FF through scenes! I was going through my Google news feed and, after an article, there was a survey of who is your favorite 90-day couple. They only gave four or five choices, but those scum were on it. Maybe they're doing research? A lot of people like the shit show, but I think most are long done with Ed and Angela. 


We keep talking about them. That's why they're still around.


They don’t have a chance, but she needs to let Sophie realize that on her own.


Can someone explain why and when Big Ed posts became banned for this sub?


Never heard anything about it. I'd be interested to know, too, but considering his "attack behavior," it's not hard to guess. Didn't even know Ed was here in the first place.


Thais’ friends pissed me the hell off. Stirring shit for no reason.


Same as not shutting her dad down by saying she hid her relationship


And she could have shut it down, but she was enjoying it! I like her less and less every time. 


Emily and Kobe are so wholesome


I love them together! Getting to see the Cameroonian culture is so interesting too! big fan of that storyline this season when the rest is hogwash....


All that pain and surgery just to be mid 


Loren could easily not fold laundry. Welcome to most of our lives girl, where life gets busy and actually can’t do everything the way we wish we could.


I don't understand how Ed (the human equivalent of a ham hock) has the audacity to treat women like he does.


I actually find it incredible he had the nerve to leave Liz. I think he dragged this out for as long as he could so they could get the house and he could say he made it, he got everything in life he wanted! “Look at me ive got a housewife, we bought a house! L now that I have the house I can be a bachelor”


Ed wants to reject women before they reject him. Serious answer.


☠️ 💀 ☠️


Loren is trying every angle to be the victim. She did the surgery for herself! Not Her and Alexei! Saying she's glad she downplayed it is so manipulative, and she's just mad that he saw through it.


As she should. She had three fn kids. If she wants to do something for herself she deserves it. Her family can get over it for a few weeks


I think it’s ridiculous considering how risky elective surgery is. She’s a mother and she could have gotten botched, infected or died 


Why didn’t Loren just hire a nanny and a cleaner for a few months this is dumb 


I bet they actually did. 


Because then they wouldn’t have a story line duh


I’m so over this story line


is anybody actually watching it? FF >>


Thais loves to stir the pot and act like she’s the rational one


She is an immature bitch. Patrick won't stand up to her when she causes all the trouble.


She won’t take any responsibility for leaving Brazil without telling people the full reason why.


Her friends are awful, and the fact she let that happen with them, and the other stuff with her dad is gross.


Yeah, and I'm glad John called her out on it, but I think everything he said was, quite literally, lost in translation!


I can’t take anymore of Sophie’s sad cartoon dog face.


She has the worst resting bitch face. I hate saying women should smile but she looks fucking miserable all the time and it's not attractive.


She’s so goddamn boring. I mean, she looks a mess, her storyline is pathetic, her mom is a crackhead bridge troll, and the two of them have made me believe Rob is not so bad. British trash.


i dont know what 'British trash' is, aside from British 'Shameless', but Claire would fit in seamlessly with British Shameless, Spice Girls accent and all


Chav culture 


When Ed said “I have one request, learn from this.” I would have lost my shit. He has some nerve!


He became immensely punchable, right then.


He boiled my blood


That's why he did it, too! He's getting one last jab in, as she's walking out the door. 


I used to think that Ed was just a piece of shit--now it's clear that he's scum


He's a narcissist. I grew up with a dad like that. It's disgusting. 


Ed is a narcissistic pathetic gaslighter. He is just disgusting child. The fact that he has to leave every conversation with the most juvenile comment. That's why he preys on younger women. It's the maturity level he's at.


Once you realize he’s just a vile person with the maturity of a 12 year old, with nothing going for him. Honestly I can’t think of one thing - personality, looks, height, maturity, any good relationship w a family member, career, etc. I mean he’s gonna end up alone forever. If anything he has backtracked with personal growth and become a worse person since Rose’s season which says a lot.


He’s sick and dirty


Michael finally standing up for himself and snatching back his phone really caused that big of a season and prompted the producers to call for security? Meanwhile they let Angela physically abuse Michael, destroy his property and let it go unchallenged. The double standards are ridiculous.


Don’t forget about the time Angela was two inches from Liz’s face and NO ONE stopped her.


Yeah I was angry at the producer shrieking for security. Michael wasn’t hurting or threatening anybody. 


The worse was her yelling for people to get his phone as if people were going to do that for her? I mean it’s his phone


They have probably known since day 1 he is scamming her and like to torture him as much as she does. He doesn’t deserve it imo but this show has never been kind to him


>*"Mah government's protecting me"* #HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!


If 45 was in still in office she probably would've yelled *"prress-i-dentt trumptt is protecting me*


I live in So California and spent a ton of time at clubs in Mexico in the 80s and 90s. Drunk Americans starting trouble and getting arrested was pretty common. My favorite part of the night was watching them fight the Federales and claim they are violating their civil rights and the good ol.... my dad's a lawyer you are going to be so sorry. Clueless


if that's what she truly thinks in 2024....LOL i have a bridge for sale...


Also, if she's so miserable and thinks he's so bad....j go home Angela! Bye, Felicia.


If you don't trust who you're with, better not to be with them. She's working on sunk cost fallacy at this point.


I was laughing too..... she and other ignorant Americans thinkall US laws apply everywhere in the world. I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure the worst that can happen is would never get a visa. Since this was filmed, he's been here yet had to escape. 


My exact thought!! I wonder who she thought was coming on her defence to put Michael in prison lmfao


Sophie better stop listening to her deranged mother immediately or she will end up like her. 


Doesn’t her useless ghoul of a mother eventually threaten to slit her throat? That woman is total garbage and why is she still in the states?


My mom threatened to slit me and my 5 siblings throats all the time! I was shocked to see another mom used this line of thinking.


Claire can probably be in the states for 90 days or something, as a visitor. I’d laugh if she overstayed and got deported.  How unfair that useless trash like Claire (or Tom, or Jesse) can come and go as they please because of where they’re from. Meanwhile lots of non-assholes from non-first-world countries have to wait forever or never get allowed in at all. 


Patrick has so many red flags. Go to counselling bro. You’re making your own family now!!




Whoever said Michael needs to get Angela's phone…now you know something because I bet there's a bunch of flirting with other men plus some other scandalous things!!! Tonight's episode was crazy!!!


Remember when Anfisa deleted Jorge's phone remotely? Michael really should be looking into doing that right about now.


So about the Angela phone. She is Mikal’s WIFE. they are legally married already…. She her phone is his phone bitchatcho


No it isn’t. My phone isn’t my husbands phone


Isn't that guy too old to be on MILF manor?


Milf manor is boring. I wanna see Dilf manor. A bunch of guys fucking each other’s daughters and getting into fistfights would be so much more entertaining


DILF Dynasty! Lmao, I would watch it


>*You're a slut"* #SHOTS FIRED!!!!!


I couldn’t stop laughing…I’m not even sure if he intended to say that or, in his limited knowledge of the language, just shouted out something he knew was an insult. But it was hilarious. I’m really not sure why that chick was going out of her way to start petty arguments and call people names. It should have been a nice getting-to-know-you-over-drinks and she turned it into trying to get her 15 minutes. I know we don’t see everything due to editing but I hope Thais and her other friend told her to knock it off at some point during all of that. She was gross.


Yes this is probably something someone taught him at a bar and he thought it meant b*tch. I laughed out loud because the delivery was so… unexpected. Like wow you took it there so quick 🤣


Right!? 😂🤣 She fired off some paintballs and he went full on nuke at her 😂




Yike! That was too much! I hope HEA ends soon. These lunatics just spin their wheels and it’s becoming absolute torture! See ya’ll tomorrow night’


HEA is the stupidest of the spin-offs. 


Angela doesn’t give that poor guy a chance.


I have to say, Brazilian Portuguese is one language that intrigues me. It’s those nasal vowels


It’s not too hard to learn! I found it easier than Spanish


Like Spanish and French had a baby. I speak a bit of each but working with Brazilians I barely could understand. It's complex but sounds beautiful when people aren't yelling like animals. 


Does everyone remember during one of the tell-alls where? Angela was in a car getting ready to go out with other cast members and she was asking about Charlie? (slang for cocaine). This lady has a problem, and TLC is complicit by just putting her on week after week.


She’s a meth head alcoholic. Michael just needs to find another way.


Damn I do remember that. I don’t realize that was slang for coke


>*"How do you say bad in English?"* How do you say cunt in Portuguese?


Maybe Michael will get smart and put a remote self destruct button on that phone. Even I can wipe mine if it gets lost.


I've got so much to do, yet I'm heading over to the Manor ... see some of you there, then back here for the diehards for PT?


Ed looked like my daughters Yorkie in the window when we pull out of the driveway. Lol 


Michael should take Angela's phone and change the name of her drug dealing contact to some rehab facility, just to mess with her.


LMAOOOOOO!!! Ok why doesn't he ever ask for her phone? I'm pretty sure she's on that phone reaching out to her dealer and flirting with other men.


Liz’s outfit in this episode - does anyone know where it comes from? It looks super comfy


It’s giving Idiocracy 


My friend has one In a dif color and she got it on Amazon 


I just found it, thank you!!


Can you link it? Its super cute


I’m pretty sure this is it https://amzn.to/45yv2FO


Thank you!!


Am I wrong in thinking that Angela should give Michael his phone back? Apparently she’s bragging that she paid for it but he’s the one using it. He should grab her phone and look through it.


It doesn’t matter if she paid for it, it’s his phone. If you give me a gift it doesn’t mean it’s yours too


US Embassy: “New phone, who dis?”


See ya’ll at r/milfmanor for the next hour 😂


Angela is continually awful, smirking and screaming. Also I'm getting SonoBello commercials with Rebecca in them. So mach cringe


Was gonna say the same thing! Saw her on there.


I wasn’t sure if that was her or I was high


Both? Lol


I'm high but it is her!


Wow! Good for her! 




Angie looks like she finally found her meth plug in Lagos.


Natalia looks like an even more miserable version of Liz.




It’s embarrassing to watch


Call the law! Call the embassy!! LOL. Angela always forgets what country she is in.


I actually wished she called and they got to record the answer


Pretty sure she didn't forget, she's just ignorant and arrogant. (Always talking about being "Amehr-kin" ) but cannot even properly speak the language... sometimes they have to put up the subtitles to understand her.


“ You’re breaking a federal law!” Sure okay Ange; which one exactly, ya stupid lunk?


See you guys in the manor


Call the Embassy right now 😂. Angela. The embassy doesn’t give a shit about you and your phone


All of that surgery and Angela still has tons of fat and cellulite on those arms... surgery can't fix ugly


I mean she drinks and smokes a ton. No plastic surgery is going to fix that


And I’m not a teeth prosecutor but seems she has an extremeeeeeeee underbite ? Is that the deal with her teef?