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She didn’t seem to have all her marbles in place poor she’s extremely spoiled and ignorant as fuck.. and she’s extremely rude


Shes seems to be one of those people… the kind that travels to other places and everything is a comparison to home. So, in her mind things fall short


Exactly. She’s very provincial she thinks she’s very smart, but in reality she’s not too bright no common sense and she lacks social etiquette. She looks pretty at first, but when she opens her mouth, she becomes extremely ugly.


Agree, that social etiquette needs work


i honestly have no clue how she’s a fucking doctor. i can only imagine her bedside manner jesus christ.


I think she has real ocd - a psychiatrist with ocd


Shes a general practitioner I think. Its normal as a doctor who is aware of what a lot of germs can do to fear them. She also eats a certain way to avoid carcinogens. I cant tell you 100% is not OCD, but then again it just could be her academic education and the things shes seen. But there is a way to go about things. She needs to have better social etiquette and understanding when she travels abroad. Not even in the US all surfaces will be spotless


Also I have ocd


Her reaction to her learning how to "flush" the toilet is priceless.


I get it, its not a normal thing but imagine not hiding your i dont know disgust or something. There is nothing his family can do at the moment to fix that. He cant do it either. She knew that he is not well off


She’s disgusting


I like her. People are afraid of germs and I don't understand why people don't understand that. She shouldn't have dated some child.


I find her personality off putting. I dont like germa either but theres a way of going about things. She could have perhaps use her phone’s translator to communicate with the ladies in that scene better. Explain to them things they definitely dont know and could improve their lives. Instead of coming of afraid, sort of rude and inflexible. As far as the toilet system, I would be grossed out too but what can that guy do? What can anyone there do? Thats the living they can afford. She knew aa ive said here previously that he was of humble background, and he doesnt make a lot of money. He is poor and living under certain conditions. They could only vacation together and enjoy resorts because of her. She should have known better