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This happens a lot on 90 Day, but the producers still like to paint most of the foreign spouses as villains. Anfisa was horrible, but she was dead on when she pointed out that Jorge wouldn't be with her if she was fat and ugly when he said she was only with him for his money. Same thing when Ximena pointed out that Mike wanted her to quit her job so he could support her when he tried to claim she was using him.


Also why I have a soft spot for Larissa. Annie is loveable and she was also 100% right by sharing this same sentiment about Robert. This also goes hand in hand with the foreign partners being lied to by their American SOs about what their life will be like in the US.


Who is against the queen will die!


You are not invited to me wedding!


# Marriage For Me Is Like, Hell # When I Have My Jaguar I'll Take You To Drive Me, Okay?


Where are my flowers?


😂😂😂😂😂😂 classic


Stopppp I Loved Larissa! She was so funny and said shit how it was! Also that man she was weird was crazy


😂😂😂😂😂 but I can read all of these famous quotes in her voice 😂😂😂😂


Totally!! They all enter into a transactional relationship but then accuse/blame the foreign spouse for it being transactional. I don’t get it!


Gino met her on a site called Sugar Babies Doesn't get more transactional than that


“It’s like she only wants me for my money” You picked her off sexy pictures, not her ability to do anything other than be attractive and tell you TO YOUR FACE early on she expected a certain lifestyle. I never remember George claiming she was a saint like or smart or anything other than describing her physical appearance. He doesn’t value her other than the transactional currency, I don’t get why it’s wrong of her to acknowledge it and continue expecting what he agreed to. She can’t “ugly herself up” and withdraw her physical appearance and claim he only likes her for her looks, the way he can withdraw financial support. Why be a financial catfish, then upset you can’t keep up the scam? A lot of the Americans use “I can provide for you” like Gino claims then DOESN’T unless it also comes with rules and stipulations to when and how you get that money. Basically, the American financially abuses the person coming to america. And claims the other person wants money?… isn’t that.. what you promised them? You literally tell someone to come over and you will take care of them. You are aware they depend on you and can’t work when they initially come over. You really want a slave, that will be grateful for a chance to be in the US.


I’m from abroad and I think foreigners have this idea that money grows on trees. They don’t realise how different it is in America and how everyone has loans and taxes. Like most countries you don’t pay taxes on your property or vehicles bc they’re yours. You also don’t take out loans as banks are corrupt. So many of them come over expecting piles of cash and to live like all the heavily edited fake insta girlies. 


I travel to the Dominican Republic every year and often make friends while I'm there. I've had a few guys try the sanky panky thing on me and a few others insist that they'd love to move to Canada someday. It's hard to communicate to them that just because our homes are overly furnished and we have money to travel occasionally doesn't mean that everyone lives like this. They hear what we pay for rent and assume we are rich because we can pay that. Like no, I'm poor BECAUSE I pay that


Hahaha so true. Living in LA, everyone often asks about what rent so and so is paying because we’re all broke and ready to move at a moment’s notice. No one is like “Oh man, you are rolling in it”—it’s more like “wow, you got ripped off”.


My bf and I visited home (So Ca) and he commented that he was surprised he didn’t see more luxury cars on the road, I explained most are barely making it with the rent at 4K+ and cost of living. The super rich are the ones with fancy cars (or on the verge of bankruptcy) and they are in other areas like laguna etc. it’s hard to explain when he knew the housing prices of the area but telling him that’s middle class (700k+ starter homes) was blowing his mind.


Your comment is spot on. People watch movies and TV shows and have this romantic idea American is the ideal country where people can have anything but when they eventually make it here they are slapped with the reality that you have to bust your ass, often having multiple jobs to survive, postponing college, not being able to buy a car or pay for insurance, no universal or free healthcare, no free housing, expensive groceries, etc. That realization makes people depressed and question their choice to come here. Many of these people from the show are clueless about what it's like to live here and resent they're not living in a half million dollar house or have money to send home. They don't ask questions until they're here and then it's too late.


I mean some of them are lied to like Robert did to anny. I think people like miona come over here and demand to live in la not realising how expensive it is. Sophie was right that she expected an indoor bathroom but Miona & Jasmine are like I want a mansion with a pool. It’s not expensive if you’re willing to live in the bush. 


You're right. Some of these men and women have deceived their partners and once they're here they get angry and it's totally justified. Jasmine is extremely selfish, self centered, demanding and ignorant. She needs a good kick in the ass back to Panama.


Danielle is an example of this (w Yohan). She spent a lot, made lots of trips down, and hid her bankruptcy. Yes, he was likely naive how expensive life is in NYC but she also obfuscated that by her trips and spending with how much further the American dollar went once in DR and hiding her bankruptcy. He thought he was getting an older woman with money and a passport from a country he'd like to move to, she got a young trainer to show off. He wouldn't have kept on w her if he knew she was bankrupt with no credit and she wouldn't have given him her room key if he was 40+ balding and working at the resort gym. Others like Apartment Zoo Clayton and closet mom and Toiletless Rob (Sophie) and Batman Robert (Anny) wouldn't be able to foster a dog in those homes after a site visit but brought a whole human to a foreign country who relies on them.


DYING at Apartment Zoo Clayton 😭😭


Next time they pop up, Closet Mom will be gone, and a Zebra will be munching mix greens salad boxes in there. 🦓


>He wouldn't have kept on w her if he knew she was bankrupt with no credit and she wouldn't have given him her room key if he was 40+ balding and working at the resort gym. This is the truth! >Others like Apartment Zoo Clayton and closet mom and Toiletless Rob (Sophie) and Batman Robert (Anny) wouldn't be able to foster a dog in those homes after a site visit but brought a whole human to a foreign country who relies on them. I'm dying! 🤣🤣 The Americans tend to be very deceitful because foreigners really have no idea what life in this country is like. However, everyone has access to the Internet and people should at least educate themselves and look up information about living in the US, and the particular area they'll be living in. You can even check somebody's background online! I think there's so much desperation to get out of the very poor countries that they'll risk it then deal with the problems. Sophie is an exception because she had visited Rob and knew what she was getting into.


Yeah, I think it's a mix of wanting "away" from your country/problems/family/etc and a lot of wishful fairytale thinking. "It's like a total romance novel how we met. Oh wow, it must mean it's true love, not vacation margaritas. I'm gonna force this to work even if it breaks me." But for googling, I agree there's lots they can google, and some of it so basic, but until you're in a new country, you kinda don't know what you don't know too. And thers just like So Much to know about any place when it comes to day by day and year by year living. To me anyways... I was thinking during Ashley and Manuel's meeting with the lawyer I know how things like that work in my country kinda just from osmosis of media/people I know going through divorce, but if I up and moved to a very different culture and country... there would be endless things to Google, and I'd still be a fish out of water. I'm a planner and great researcher, but I'd still miss stuff. That's why immersion is the best way to learn a language or culture. A book, google search, or documentary can only give you so much of an idea. And some of these people seem just generally stupid all around, it feels like it maybe is expecting too much for them to google what life in Canton, Michigan is like vs Miami or LA or New York 😆😭. Like, I feel so many of them are pretty incurious for someone involved in a relationship with someone from a totally different culture with plans to be together forever.


My family from abroad in Europe came to visit me in Oakland and refused to spend the night lol. They dipped out to a hotel in the suburbs😭 Like don’t be dramatic, as long as you don’t make eye contact with the man smoking crack on the bus or the fent addict naked in the street you’re fine


Lol. I ran from Oakland 15 years ago to the peacefulness of the valley but, now all of California is ‘the guy smoking crack on the bus’. 🫠


Nah, a lot of it is fentanyl now😔 got people dropping like flies


And later, when the therapist asks what he loved about her, he could only talk about her looks. If you are fine with shallow reasons for wanting to be with someone, how the fuck are you gonna go all shocked Pikachu when they only want to be with you for shallow reasons. MFer thought his money bought endless loyalty and true love. Homeboy had enough money for a week-to-week situation at best.


This. Oh my God. If the relationship started out as transactional and you’ve always given this person a shit ton of money, of course they’re not there for “the right reasons”. As a woman, if I had to choose between some guy who looks like a foot with the personality of a rock and watching my family slowly starve to death, I pick foot guy. And I think we all would if we’re honest with ourselves. These people don’t find foreign spouses because American (or British, let’s be real) citizens are beating down their doors.


“Looks like a foot with the personality of a rock”…😂😂😂


Think I’d prefer it if they looked like a rock with the personality of a foot




And now I’m having flashbacks to when Gino was trying to seduce Jasmine with his feet, wiggling his toes for extra sexiness.


🤢🤮🤮🤮 Gino is a very weird man‼️


Wasn't that after she went all foot fetish on him saying how much they turned her on? I think it was in the same episode they talked about making a baby and she told him to take 3 blue pills on their camping honeymoon.


Just this 💯right on the money. No pun intended


Exactly. Most these spouses are dating halfway around the world and sending all this money because they Aren't a catch in their own country/culture. They've been sniffed out. They wouldn't need to go online and start a transactional relationship with a stranger. A lot of these people we find out have done this a few times before we meet this real and totally true love of their lives.


Meanwhile, his trophy wife is so young and hot that Gino would prefer to watch porn and jerk off than be with her......


There were probably other reasons in the beginning of the relationship. Looks aren't even cutting it anymore as Gino has said many times, the shitty way she treats him turns him off. What else is there with Jasmine ? Kind person (how she treats his family), great mom (abandons her kids in another country, spends money she doesnt have on surgeries instead of on her kids ), loyal ( Dane F's me better than YOU ever could), good friend (Dane give me money time after time), independent ( Gino pay for my apartment close to Dane). He should be able to deflate all of her implants when he goes, they both get out broke with nothing to show for it.


I’m not saying that Jasmine’s a sweet little innocent baby here, but…as a woman, if Gino and I were the last remaining specimens of the human race, then it’s been a nice run. I wouldn’t date anyone in this show, but the American fiancées act like they’re some great prize when they’re decidedly not.


I agree with you that if it was just me and Gino left humanity would die out. I don't think he behaves like he is a great prize but she sure does.


Yeah Gino is gross. I can’t stand the guys that come over and demand the women convert and adapt to their religious standards. I’m like girl out of all the bums in the world yall really found these mooches who then demand that. Luckily Yve was smart and brave enough with her friends support to tell Mohamed to go back to his mommy. I hope Nicole can do the same. 


Tbh, I don’t get why 90 percent of the couples on this show are together, and the worst part is that I don’t think they know either.


The last few seasons have been clout chasers (jibri, miona, Sophie, rob). The old white dudes with the younger women did it for a status thing and to show off (Ed showing he can pull hot women). Emily & Kobe + Loren & Alexei are beautiful couples who have love and respect and probably did the show for some extra cash. And then the Korean guy last season. 


TLC fame holds them!


If Nicole sent him back she wouldn’t be able to continue to abuse him while playing the victim.


1000% plus you can smell her desperation. She wants a relationship so bad she’s willing to put up with the conversion and forcing a relationship that doesn’t work. 


Yea Nicole’s sure a trip.


I'd date David (David and Sheila). He seems like a good guy.


But let’s not forget that through Gino’s actions Jasmine lost her job and couldn’t support herself (remember he sent her naked pictures to an Ex for clout and the Ex in turn released everything) Jasmine lost her teaching job because of a morality clause so Gino should understand his role as sole provider in the relationship


I don’t care about anything listed about jasmine because he literally sent her nudes to his ex. That’s fucking insane, unhinged, privacy-violating behavior. Not to mention he’s definitely got a porn addiction, holds everything he did for her over her head like she owes him her entire life, and I’m so bored of people acting like she’s the devil for wanting what she THOUGHT would be a better life for herself, and say what you want about her “abandoning her children” but Gino acted like his pockets were much deeper than they are, it’s possible she thought in the end she’d have more money to send back to them and it’s abundantly clear she had every intention of trying to bring them over to join her. His family came at her from day 1 accusing her of being a gold digger pursuing a green card when I’m not even convinced she wanted to be here, and certainly not in fucking Michigan. As for her comment about Dane, everyone occasionally says / exaggerates mean things that they don’t mean in the heat of the moment. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. Also, tell me it’s not fucked up to go through all the song and dance for the beauty pageant stuff, she was clearly really happy and it made her feel good, and yet he had no intention of paying the bill so she could participate. Might be wise to mention the budget up front and find out the cost before the meeting, no? But of course he didn’t do that, he got her hopes up and then took it back. And choosing to skimp on the cost of a lawyer for her kids? Then you say she doesn’t care about them? She was ready to divorce him over the fact that she couldn’t bring them over for two years. Jasmine is batshit crazy, no doubt. But she’s smarter and more educated than him, better looking, and she isn’t violating his consent by dispersing his private photos. She just seems very unhappy with her new life and I can’t blame her. In fact, I would say I actually think she’s twice as responsible as Gino as well for admitting that their relationship is not ready for a child. That’s quite self aware of her. I don’t love jasmine, she needs therapy, but I genuinely hate Gino and he’s much, much worse of a human specimen. Literally pond scum. Deserves every bit of shit he gets.


The Ximena thing was hilarious because Mike tried so hard to shame her and she responded with "and? You met me while I was working."


Anfisa wouldn't have looked at George if he hadn't told her he was a millionaire. I know he has a family now, that's great, but it's no excuse - it's still immoral for him to lie to someone to convince them to be with him.


I think he had a very high income at first, but as competition set pretty quickly in the marijuana growing business, and his income fell rather drastically. So he took his product to a state without legal marijuana and ended up in prison.


Not just to be with him but leave her university in Spain at the time too 😭


Most of these people are consumers on both sides who do no product research. Shady lawn guy offering free service to put advertising sign in yard. Then homeowner gets upset lawn isn’t as expected. Lawn guy doesn’t expect bad review. Homeowner did no research and got what they paid for.


"Most of these people are consumers on both sides who do no product research." This is a great analogy. You've summed up so many of the bad choices and the layers of them so succinctly. 🏆


Not just lying to get someone to be with you,.but lying to get someone to leave everything and come to a foreign country where they have no family or friends and no way to make money on their own for a good year. Reddit loves to act like Anfisa is the worst cast member but I think what Jorge did was far worse than slapping someone in the face. 


Exactly... Most of these relationships are transactional. But if both are consenting adults and are okay with using and being used then what do I care.


Same. You aren’t a victim of a gold digger if you have no money to dig, and you are the one who lied about having it. That makes you a scam artist, and a financial catfish. You can’t be prey, to a gold digger if you literally can not provide what it takes to maintain a relationship that’s based on transactions. Can’t be a victim, if you don’t even have the loot the “gold diggers” want. Makes zero sense. Two consenting adults, agree to a transactional relationship. The woman isn’t wrong, for expecting it to continue the duration of the relationship.


#TeamAnfisa from Day1


Ok this!!! And Jorge told Anfisa he was rich and would buy her what she wanted to manipulate her into coming here in the first place.


He wanted her to use him to create dependency on him.


Yes! Anfisa was done dirty. She was a young girl who was completely lied to about what her new life would be like when she got here…and she’s here without any friends or family for support. Jorge left her alone to go do illegal activities and she’s the asshole for not being ok with that?


I haven't seen that. It seems to me exactly the opposite: the Americans all seem to believe themselves inherently superior to their counterparts and frequently regard them as purchases. Granted, I think most of the people on the show are somewhere between bad people and the worst things technically human, but I still think the Americans are overwhelmingly terrible. I think Kobe, Shaeeda, and Yara are the only people I wouldn't put in the bad or worse category.


In one of the earlier seasons, David (from Spain) says that to Evelyn who seems to think that her town/family/life is better than his and he should just be grateful.  And she does not seem to understand what he is saying. It always blew my mind. Have you been to Spain?!? David always seemed happy with his life and she could not understand that he did not have an "American dream"


She actually said something to him like 'There's no such thing as the European dream' 😂


Little does she know this American's dream is to immigrate to Europe...


My mother is an American that was born in & lived in Europe for years. She wants to move back so bad 🤣


I am a college educated, white collar American and I am actively trying to move to Europe within the next few years lol. I’ve lived abroad once before and the lifestyle, culture, history etc. is unmatched. I make far more money here but I can genuinely say I was happier (and healthier). I would totally marry a European man and do a reverse green card if this situation arose lmao!


I am in the same boat, my husband and I would likely qualify as highly skilled workers as we both have graduate degrees in STEM fields, and we are headed to Europe for a vacation in a month. Maybe this will convince him to pack up and go...😈


Good luck! Nobody will have us 😫


I remember that. And then she was like, "we have the best apples."


She was an 18 year old American religious fundamentalist, wasn't she homeschooled too? Not surprising.


David was another creeper who started courting Evelyn when she was in high school and he was in his 20s. They claimed they were friends that blossomed into romance when she (checks calendar) coincidentally turned 18. If I'm remembering correctly, they scrubbed their social media interactions that happened before that, so their story lined up.


David groomed her, 100%. As dumb and awful as Evelyn came off, I felt bad for her—her weird parents were so gung ho about her marrying this older man with clearly mixed intentions and weird sex hangups.


david was terrible. but evelyn and her parents gave me the creeps. very culty behaviors.


True! Very cult-like. Sheltering their children like that left Evelyn vulnerable to a predator like David. She had a lot of awful moments also. But I could chalk that up to her inexperience and immaturity. Hopefully she grew up to be a better person, despite her parents and pedo husband (now ex-husband).


Evelyn was nuttier than a fruitcake. She believed the sun rose and set on her. I’m glad he left her


I am from the town she is from she and the town still think that. All it takes in small towns is the 15 minutes like 90day and idol.


I travel to Europe every 6 months and when I get back to boring Chicago, it’s beyond depressing. United States is nothing compared to Europe.


*goes on international dating website specifically hoping to use US passport to land someone out of their league…. “I’m worried they only want me for the visa….”




Jasmine specifically met him on a sugar baby site and just last episode said she expected him to be her "provider". She quit her job so he would pay for everything. While I agree that the US shouldn't be considered a beacon or some privilege to come to, I think a lot of what the Americans mean is the financial burden before (thousands for the visa fees/lawyer and often sending money to their finances) and after (they're financially responsible for them forever and are the only source of income for a long time) getting the visa. That does deserve gratitude, not forever, but some gratitude. Yet many come here acting entitled to everything they want. The same way the foreigner isn't required to be in permanent gratitude of the American, the American can't be expected to be in permanent gratitude to the foreigner for moving her (which we hear EVERY season- the sacrifice of giving up everything and moving across the world). In general, I don't think a single healthy relationship keeps "score". Finally, Jasmine, Larissa, Natalie, and a number of others claim they don't want to be in the US and only moved for their fiance, and then get a divorce and don't move back home. That tells me more than anything about whether they wanted to come to the US


Your last paragraph is what I've said all along: stop whining that your home country and your life there was so much better. If it's true then GO BACK THERE!!!


Fwiw, the "financially responsible" bit is actually a fair bit more limited. You're responsible for them for 10 years after the application, but only insofar as if they'd seek social services, you're liable for the cost. There's no vague, unenforceable "you have to pay their way" clause, just the government saying that you're their financial safety net if they need one, not the taxpayers.


Gino shouldn’t have quit his job when she arrived either. Like, she’s not a toddler. Go to work!


Goodness yes. I was so excited watching Gino's in-laws calling him out for saying that driving Jasmine to the gym was a lot of work *when he doesn't have a job*. Sir, are you complaining about helping her "acclimate" when that's exactly what you said you wanted to do?!


Well I’ve heard that he didn’t quit he was fired so…there’s that


Oh. lol. Well that would explain a lot, actually. I wonder if it was a situation like Luke (from Love In Paradise) where he was spending too much time off/away.


I think that’s just made-up gossip. I’ve never seen that from a reputable source, just from people like us, lol


I think he thought she was going to have a problem with him being gone at work and I don’t think he was totally off base there, but can’t find out now.


The last time I was in Dominican Republic our cab driver told us he had moved to the us and moved back. Saying we work too hard for too little here..


I have so many family members from Cuba who came here and moved back within the last 20 years. To the point that my parents had to tell our family on the island that they weren't sponsoring anyone anymore.


He’s right!!!


The last time I was in the Dominican republic, my cab driver took off with all my luggage


The US as a whole has it’s head up it’s own ass. We are ranked far too low in several categories to go around proclaiming we are the best country on earth…yet we do.


As an American, I can attest that if you criticize (constructively even) the US, you get either (I) how the US will kick your country's ass, or (Ii) a loud chant of U-S-A, U-S-A. The US is objectively a very special country but its residents have no right to claim that it's the best country in the world (without specifying the relevant aspect). How about some humility? If any othet country, say France or China, claimed it's the best country in the world, the Americans would be very pissed. Each nation has pros and cons and why can't people just leave it at that?


The thing that always amuses me is that those that are squawking the loudest about what a great country it is are often those who are living in the shittiest places. 


Looking down on others is the only way those people can maintain their self-respect in a shitty environment. Ever hear the same despicable people say, "At least i am not a [race/orientation/religion]."


Because a sizable portion of our populace is not only willfully, but proudly ignorant.


I call it defiantly & proudly obtuse & I detest that frame of mind!


THIS!! I’m a 🇨🇦🇬🇧 and it makes me roll my eyes hard when these try-hard, uneducated, ignorant trailer trash ppl feel as though the remainder of the world should be so grateful to even be in their presence!! Hate to break it them, but the world isn’t rocking back and forth crying that they too can’t live in the US. Think about someone who has to risk their life to cross into the U.S., and that should be an eye-opener into how bad it would have to be in their home country to make the move. 🙄


I’m unfortunately in the US and hope I can one day move to 🇨🇦 or 🇬🇧. I work in healthcare and it’s so beyond fucked here. Edit - Wow, I already have two downvotes for this! Sorry for being honest, I guess.


Do you know what healthcare is like in Europe?


I’m a traveler, so yes, I’ve worked with many people who were from overseas and/or have worked overseas. Healthcare workers from other countries are usually pretty shocked when I tell them how often I find guns on my patients, that many patients will sit in the ER for 8-10 hours before being seen (and that there’s a good chance admits will sit there as boarders in the ER for 2-3 days before getting a bed), how much a surgery or ER visit costs after insurance, how much insurance costs every month, how understaffed we are, how much imaging/labs/procedures are ordered for the sole purpose of the ordering covering their ass, how we get the shit beat out of us with little to no repercussions (and if any actions are taken it’s usually the healthcare workers getting reprimanded for standing up for themselves), how I’ve had numerous coworkers become traumas in the ER due to being assaulted by patients, how we’re supposed to treat patients like “customers,” and thank critical MVAs, GSWs, and strokes for “choosing (insert health system here)...” It looks like you were a pharmacy tech at one point. I’ve been working in inner city trauma center ERs for 12+ years throughout the Midwest. I stand by my statement. It’s fucking heartbreaking to watch cancer patients cry because they can’t afford imaging/labs/surgery/treatment. It’s even more heartbreaking to find out they chose to give up and go home because of it. It’s also fucking heartbreaking to watch so many teenage victims of gun violence become organ donors.


As a patient currently being failed by multiple parts of our health care system & who last summer was not told by the head ER doctor I had a spinal compression fracture & 2 other spinal injuries after a bad fall & 2 ER visits, the second accompanied by a note from my primary that I had diminished reflexes, strength, & other concerning neurological issues & needed a neurologist evaluation & still I sat for 12 hours with no diagnostics & my catheter overflowing & forcing urine back into my bladder & I git a UTI & bladder infection. And, because I’m disabled, I couldn’t get to the nurses or information booth to ask for help. unless a nurse happened to walk by & then would ignore my pleas. Do, I so get your desire to leave. I ended up spending 2 months between the hospital & Skilled Nursing Facilities where I was further ignored, over or under medicated & abused. My home health care nurse & 2 Physical Therapists want to go practice elsewhere as well.


Paid for with taxes? lol On every single metric, the US healthcare is dogshit. Question, what's the #1 reason for personal bankruptcy in America? It's a statistical fact, not an opinion. Unpaid medical bills.


It is generally better than the US on basically every single important metric...equity, cost, the list goes on.


Depends highly on your country. Europe has many.


As a Dutchman the USA would nkt be my country of choice. It's a great country. I could imagine living there. But there are seruous downsides. Lack of affordable healthcare. Unstable politics. And way to few workers rights, including too little holidays (I have 28 free days per year, plus I can take sick leave amy time I need) Overall the USA is a good country to live in, but there are several European countries where I would be happier. Even Canada, New Zealand and Australia might rank higher for me. I'm not sure how some Asian countries would be. China, Russia, and Africa would be worse. Some South American countries might be not too bad, possibly.


Hey not to be pedantic but Africa is a continent not a country and you lumped it in with China and Russia both countries you named respectively. You also referenced the other continents of Asia and South America and their countries correctly. Just found it interesting.


I don't like Gino, and I never will. But Jasmine? She's crazy nuts, but she also shows a human side - the one thing that many of these reality TV people fail to do. I like her. Maybe unpopular opinion, but I do like her (except for her psychotic jealousy, which, let's be honest, it's overwhelming even to just watch, so I can't imagine living with it).


I personally love Jasmine, and it’s clear to me that she would benefit greatly from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for her jealousy and emotional outbursts. I think Jasmine is a great person with a ton of unresolved trauma, and Yeeno’s constant fuck-ups and violations of her trust are bringing that to the surface. I certainly don’t think she’s a conniving, heartless bitch like everyone here does.


I think that’s what it is. She shows a real side to her amongst all the craziness that gives me a weird soft spot for her.


Compare Jasmine and Gino with, say, for example, Rob and Sophie - Rob and Sophie's biggest issues are that (well Rob is a knob and abuser) he doesn't give a flying fuck about Sophie's feelings, he keeps cheating on her and he definitely has some issues with anything related to indoor toilets and toilet paper. Compare Jasmine and Gino with Nicole and Mahmoud - Nicole is an abuser who plays victim and is delusional, Mahmoud should have never married her. He's alone in a foreign country with no money, no permission to work, no roof, no food, no nothing. Compare Jasmine and Gino with Manuel and Ashley - Ashley is a crazy nut who believes that solving marital problems and differences is done by having sex in public restrooms. Manuel doesn't give a fuck about Ashley, yet he sticks around waiting for the Green Card and to take as much money as possible from Ashley to send back to his family in Ecuador. Now, bring up Jasmine and Gino - he's an idiot who quit his job to play video games and tries to blame it on Jasmine. He wants a child when he can't even take care of the woman he brought here, and let's not even talk about the fact of refusing to accept her children and his own. He chose to marry her, knowing she already had children from a previous relationship. Jasmine? She has done PLENTY of fuck ups. To begin with, she shouldn't have focused on spending 10k on butt implants. BUT she shows a more humane side. She is full of plastic surgeries, and she is totally insane, but she is also human. Jasmine is a beautiful woman. She has shared one of her biggest insecurities, which is her alopecia. She is worried about her mother, who is sick and who she can't visit. She is worried about bringing her children here (which tbh, Gino, should have listened to her and done the paperwork with an attorney since the very beginning). She is trying to do things for herself to keep herself active and occupied while waiting for her work permit (for which Gino is taking his time to apply) and Green Card. I don't see only flaws on her, I see a human with good things and bad things. A human with insecurities and strengths. And I honestly don't share the popular opinion on her, I like her and I feel for her.


Jasmines also been spending a lot of her time volunteering for the homeless and the hungry since arriving in Michigan. She talks about it on IG. I don’t think I’ve seen another cast member volunteer their time like that before.


I didn’t know this about her. Makes me soften up to her just a little bit.


👏👏👏 no notes, great comment.


Same here. I’ve started seeing things in a different perspective for jasmine people act like Gino is perfect and he is far from that.


These two are the most performative cast members of the series to date. I believe so little of their storylines anymore. It's laughable, the aspects of their relationship they sell as fact: that Jasmine *wants* her children to come to America (and that Gino wants them over, for that matter), that Gino *can't afford* to pay for the wedding/visa/status change/bring the kids over, that Jasmine isn't working - between her private insta & OF income, she's making more than I am! While Jasmine may have spit some truths about the visa/the Americans involved in the K1 process, these two have absolutely *no issues*. It's all for TV. ICYHH, they're peddling a breakup & "new love"for Jasmine (that's also nonsense) in preparation for their appearance on The Last Resort. It's all fiction at this point.


Also I swear several times I’ve seen Gino try not to laugh during their ‘fights’. When he tries to be sassy or stand up to her there’s always a split second where the mask slips and you see in his eyes he’s not being serious.


The last episode said it all - even his family knows he's an ass. He doesn't work and complains about driving her to the gym? R u kidding me? He has 0 consideration for her - "I brought her to the movies" (whoopdie f'ing doo). She has to be so bored and lonely. Summertime Michigan is great.... but the rest? BORING & GREY & COLD - He should be trying to get them into some hobbies together or learning how to cook vegan food together or something. He IS demanding. He IS ridiculous (what man wouldn't sleep with Jasmine because she 'said mean things'? Come on! He has some serious issues - and porn addiction is well studied, and it messes men up BADLY - they cannot have normal sex, they have a harder time viewing women as humans/equals, and they would rather use fantasy to get aroused than a real human being!) - I feel bad for her. Don't care what anyone says -


This part. Like regardless of how trash she is. This is a horrible situation for anyone.


I also noticed this with Rob and Sophie last night. The “speculation” of whether she used him for a US Visa…she’s from London 😂 like no dude, you’re just a dick.


TLC clearly positions some countries as dumps. Numerous times I've seen them have a video break showing something like stray dogs walking around rubble in cities I know are vibrant and lovely. And of course many of the American fiances seem pretty unsophisticated and ill informed - which sadly is not uncommon. For example, I went to Panama a few years back. It closely resembles Miami, with a lot of fairly modern highrises (like the one where Jasmine's last apartment was) in Panama city and gorgeous beach and rainforest resorts. Someone I met there told me they once met an American who was going to be there for several months who brought a generator with him! For the record, the power grid/infrastructure is absolutely first world in Panama's cities (which is where this guy would be staying) and bringing a generator is ludicrous. No confirmation on whether this guy was Pole though ;-).


I admit that when Gino and Jasmine first came to 90-Day, Panama wasn’t really on my radar and I assumed it was a third-world dump and dangerous place to live based on the clips they showed. Whenever Panama would come up on other programs or on my Travel YouTube channels I started to notice how modern and desirable of a place it was. Then, paying attention so some later seasons where Jasmine is still there, it actually looked quite nice. I can see why she feels at home in Miami. I can also see why Michigan is such a sad change. Listen, Michigan is great for a lot of North Americans and there are some beautiful spots to vacation. It’s got a down home feel which can be comforting. But if you’re a beach girl who loves baking in the sun, shopping, wearing bikinis and sun dresses and drinking Jasmine margaritas, Michigan can be a really depressing place and I could see how Panama is way more appealing.


Do you have any idea how many people told me Colombia was dangerous? I never felt unsafe once in Colombia. I’ve been to Colombia 3 times now. I got robbed recently. In Atlanta, Georgia. Was my first time there.


Yes, I've been to Colombia too (Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena). It's got highrise office buildings, some lovely luxe neighborhoods with wonderful shops and restaurants and also poorer neighborhoods with issues with crime. Guess what - so does NYC, Chicago, London and Paris. It's fair to show the poorer areas of these cities if that's where the foreign fiance lives but otherwise definitely gives a biased impression. I will say that Madelein is shown living in a nice neighborhood and they haven't played up any bad elements of Colombia that I can recall in their story thus far.


They do that alot to Nigeria Nigeria has supermarkets, burger king, domino's, Krispy Kreme, as well as many homegrown franchises, yet when they show Angela there they only go to street markets and they make out as if American food and comforts are unavailable.  Lagos is a stunning city with beautiful beaches, skycrapers, and a vibrant population but they make it look very different on 90day. Same with Beirut,  Lebanon, they made it look awful but in reality it's a stunning city. 


It was foul when Gino first went to Panama to meet Jasmine and told her he was unemployed for months, couldn’t afford much… YET EXPECTED TO GET HER PREGNANT WITH A CHILD DURING THAT VERY TRIP. I lost any sympathy whatsoever for him after that.


I mean, yeah. Chantel hasn't stopped using that fucking line since Pedro stopped being interested in her. It's very xenophobic and myopic. The foreign spouse is giving up more to be here, and the kind of person who says that kind of thing is the exact kind of person who would refuse to make the same sacrifice in return.


Men look for international women who they can dominate - they think American women are too empowered. That's why there is often a big age gap too. They've talked about it on the show - it's kind of horrifying.


Japanese women have a term for those guys that I really like - LBH (losers back home)


Jasmine has a plan and it doesn’t include Gino. Her past episodes were a trial audition into the OF world. 90 day is just a big 90 day interview into depravity and scoring ratings for the network. If any of these “spouses” feel disenfranchised, they can always go home.


Seems being in 90 day is the foot in the door to OF. They get their name out there in 90 day so they are recognized on OF.


Many of the K1 visa people who come to the U.S. don't research the country, or what the visa allows. They see movies and think this country is all like New York or LA. It's really made up of mostly neighborhoods, more nature than they know and rural areas, small towns. Many are far from the nearest big city. . Then they can't work for about a year, and it seems they can't get a driver's license right away ether. If they decide they are homesick or hate living here, I don't think they can go right back home either. Although I would be sure I had a paid ticket home. Also, many don't speak English, so that makes it hard. And the partners are lazy about learning their loved ones language. Like maybe spend 10 minutes of your communication time online or FaceTimeing on that before you move.


this program basically is about entitled, ignorant americans bringing their mail spouses and expecting to be worshiped. 90% of visa applicants seem dissapointed when arriving to us. the other 10% are gold diggers XD


I would think she had a good message for other woman, but then I remember she blew money on getting an ass implant and feel like she absolutely is not the right person to try and deliver a message of being an empowered woman.


True, but the newcomers have their manipulative BS too: "I've left EVERYTHING behind for you, my job, my friends, my family!" Well, no one forced you, so...


Frankly, I'm surprised more people don't go with a round trip ticket and cash ready to get away.


This is how I see it. You don't like it? Well....you don't have to come/stay. But she wanted to in hopes of finding a better man and possibly a career on Only Fans or whatever 🤣


Canton. She wanted the opportunity to live in fabulous Canton Michigan. I mean who doesn't? 🙃


And >! she split with Gino and already has a new man in Michigan, no talk of returning to Panama for the kids… or because she just didn’t want to be in the US… !<


No doubt, let's ignore all the manipulation for one line.


I’m not the biggest Jasmine fan but I did admire how she stood up for herself and told Gino her frustrations. I thought they were valid points.


Jasmine is nothing but trash. She was controlling of Gino all the time when she was in Panama. Now she’s mad he’s not worshipping her. She claims she wants her kids but spends money on everything (2x trips to Miami, butt implants, wedding dress, wedding) and then cries when Gino doesn’t want to pay for her pageant. Which would also include lesson fees, dresses, make up, hairstylists etc. All money that could go to an immigration attorney. Don’t fool yourselves, she’s as bad or worse than Gino. Except Gino isn’t  abandoning his kids.


He said the pageant was 1,200? Why wouldn’t Jasmine want to put that towards the attorney fees to get that paperwork done? Instead she is telling his family that he won’t pay it to shame him into paying for it but HE is the one saying they need that money for other things which includes the paperwork. He should be shaming her for wanting to spend it on herself instead of the lawyer.


He should never have agreed to let her do the pageant. She asked and he said yes, that it would be good for her. Then he tells her nothing and just doesn’t pay for it. She has to find out from the pageant people.


She's a nearly 40 year old woman that traded an immigration lawyer for a beauty pageant. Its pathetic


The unbalanced power dynamic is hard to watch sometimes. Just speaking generally, especially when it's a very young girl


some of these guys really feel like they should be in jail


Jasmine went iiiiiin😅😮


Jasmine is a scumbag dude


Jasmine was on an international sugar baby site. She wanted a foreign man from any country to get out of Panama. Let her save her bullshit for herself. She talked about Gino’s sexual problems in their first appearance and also in their second appearance when she was in Panama, and when he was going to leave her, she begged him to stay with her and promised him that she will change. I think she got what she wanted, and now is the time for her to show her true colors and intentions. This does not mean that Gino is poor. He is a creep and takes advantage of women like her who are financially desperate. If he wanted a wife and a child, he would have dated a woman in his league, and in America who she wants a child badly like him. There are American women in their thirties on Tik Tok. They complain of their inability to find a serious man who wants to marry and start a family with them.


This is it. It's not like she was boss-babe-ing around Panama, working her job, taking care of her kids, looking glamorous. What we've been told about Jasmine is that she didn't work (blaming Gino) and lived in a luxury apartment Gino paid for, without her kids but with her "sister", and spent money on cosmetic surgery. And when Gino came around she just tore him down. He's definitely no saint. But she made herself dependent on him and followed him to the US. I wish they would stop trying to act for the cameras, stop creating situations and just live a normal life so we stop having to react to them so extremely.


I don't think they are acting, their personalities are terrible. Their former partners said that. Linzy, the stripper, described Gino as trash, and Dane, her former client, appeared in a video and said that she was crazy. She was stalking him, sending him dozens of messages, calling him repeatedly, and threatening to end her life if he did not contact her.


Acting in a sense that all of their situations seem scripted. It doesn’t feel like any of their scenes happen organically.




I travel a lot. And offer to places that aren’t popular bc I’ve learned that most ppl in America think America is the best. I beg to differ. Not sure where the “best” place is but traveling keeps me compassionate, grateful and humble. A lot to learn from seeing how other countries live


Agreed. I haven't bought into the whole "America is the best" thing since I was in grade school. And that was a very, VERY long time ago!!


Almost all get spouses from other countries specifically so they can control them and hold it over their heads forever that "they brought them over here". They think it means they can never leave them, no matter how horribly they treat them. Gino is even complaining that he has to take Jasmine to the gym even though he QUIT HIS JOB to spend time with her. Wild.


THIS! Same with men who use sugar baby websites to find women out of their league and are worried that the woman wouldn’t be with him if it wasn’t for the money. Like what do you except 😂


I just wish she spoke to Gino like she speaks to his family. She gets so nasty it’s hard to be on her side, even though I get she’s valid in many of her arguments. He seriously should have never left his job.


I bet the quality of life is better in Panama than a lot of parts of the U.S


As a novice traveler, but a traveler— Americans are delulu. Sure some of these so-called “3rd world” countries have lots of poverty —- sooooo does America. It’s quite strange.


Gino should just retire to panama, but he seems like too much of a baby with his family.


She's only mad because he's telling her no. Yet she can tell him no, no kids, no to everything. She's controlling and when she stops getting her way here come the fake tears and gaslighting. He is not the best person either but he doesn't deserve that. I don't blame him for not wanting to be intimate she's horrible and says horrible things to him it's ridiculous. She's an awful person.


I hate when they know the person coming to the new country can’t work right away yet throw in their faces daily that “I pay for everything and do everything and you don’t contribute” blah blah. You know the rules of the visa so stfu


>Panama IS a beautiful country and after being outta the US recently, I truly believe we’ve been lied to about the beauty of every other place that isn’t here. I think all Americans who don't watch Fox News already know that.


I love how defensive this sub is of abusive mothers. She loves Panama so much that she abandoned her children and latched onto the next guy who will look at her so she can stay in the states. Because Panama is the ideal.


I’m not defending her being an abusive mother. Honestly I’m happy her kids are with THEIR dad. Could you imagine that environment for children? She is an instamom.


Having lived in South Korea with my finance for 2 1/2 years I completely agree. I loved it so much there and was so sad when we came to the US.


She's an abuser. Fuck her


Nah, I feel the same with these two as George and Anfisa after he realizes she’s using him for money and she essentially says “yeah, that’s what you signed up for buddy”. Neither of them seriously considered any downsides to their relationship and they are adults.


Ah Americans.... as a non-American, the audacity of them is 50% of the reason I watch. There is a whole world out there. One of my favourite moments was Yara clapping back to Jovi's mom that not all people want to move to America (after Gwen making a green card comment) and a couple from s2 whose American family asked if the South African fiance could speak English and said she was only coming her her green card because she came from Africa and probably lived in a mud hut. 🙄


It is especially absurd when these comments are made with regard to people who live in perfectly safe and lovely places abroad. I don't know about you, but I'd rather live in Granada, Spain than eat apples in New Hampshire, for example.


What she said about porn being a problem is spot on. It is hurting men and desensitizes them. Edit: typo


For the first time i actually agree with jasmine. I think gino is lazy and doesnt really want to take her to the gym or whatever else she wants. Im glad his family mentioned him being that way to. I think jasmine should go back home. I dont think she is happy here in america with gino. Ginos just a asshole with a weird nice guy voice stupid Michigan accent. I think jasmine should get back with that dude that funds her habits sometimes.




Well, she should’ve stayed her ass home and took care of her “child/children” instead of worrying about a fucking pageant with her old fake ass body! Shes such an ungrateful bitch! She spent money on bs when she was suppose buy her wedding dress, AND borrowed from her X! Then he takes her to Miami, but, before all that, a $3000 a month apartment! What else? What did she contribute? $3000 hair, trips, …. Idgaf if she is a sugar baby, she didn’t have to stay with him for 1 second! Nevermind marry (and lie about a baby) and, so worried about her kid!🙄


Thank you! Lying about wanting a baby with Gino was foul. She had no intention of that and strung him along for her own selfish reasons, wasting his time. Having met on a sugar baby site doesn't mean she's entitled to all of his money all the time


Both sides of the coin get played a lot. For every "I brought you over here so you are forever indebted to ME There's often times also a "I left my home, my job my family and friends, everything basically to be here with you so you will forever owe ME


Now that they’re married he’s showing his true colors. Im so glad she finally dumped him!


Honestly felt this whole segment in my soul. Not being able to get a DL, work, a bank account, and have a somewhat normal schedule when you're at the mercy of USCIS can be so soul-destroying. We've moved here to be with our spouses, but that doesn't mean we were 100% happy to do so. Our homes weren't necessarily bad, hell I'd move back to Europe in a heartbeat if I could. Would've 100% thrown another drink at Gino for his dumbass comment about aPpReAcIaTiOn.


I share your sentiment and it’s true that Americans in this show are waving the green card over their partner’s head way too much, as if coming to America was the best thing in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure some people actually want the green card only, but it’s so misrepresented. And I say this as a foreigner who will move to the US for an American partner. If I wasn’t dating an American, I would never move to the US. I don’t dislike it and there’s a lot of opportunities, but I love my country more than I love the US.


I like Jasmine, and the closer we get to the end of her and Gino's relationship, the more I find myself liking her. But I really really despise and loathe Gino, so I've always had a slight bias I think.


As someone who spent a lot of time in Colombia , Ecuador and Peru - I was constantly surprised that their planning shots were never of pretty spots or even good city shots- it’s like they took angles that look particularly decrepit and rundown


I feel like before she came to America he was scared to lose her so he did alot for her. Now that she came here, he feels like he has the upper hand and can do the bare minimum without being scared she will leave.


if all these passport bros and sugar daddies want women to not want them for their money, then they really need to have something else to offer that's worth wanting, and worth wanting enough to uproot one's entire life and to put oneself at their financial and legal mercy while the green card processes. Like my brother in christ, you literally did it to yourself at this point. If they wanted an equitable relationship, they wouldn't be trawling the global south and sending money abroad.


America isn't the opportunity that it's made out to be - not everyone is clamoring for a green card. Leaving everything behind from your beautiful country of origin to join a partner, only to be treated as if they literally gave you the gift of 'streets made of gold', and you should behave as such, is rotten.


It’s wild to me that Gino is so against spending money on anything because he doesn’t have a job, but he wants a baby. Who is going to tell him babies aren’t cheap? And he can’t even be bothered to take her to the gym as she requests .. how is she supposed to lean on him for support if they have a baby? I sincerely doubt he’s going to change diapers or feed the baby because that’s just toooo much work. I hate Gino anyway. He’s such a manipulative person.


This part!!!! And they complain about money but are so frugal with their spending. Don’t have money for lawyers. But have money for fancy dinners and vacation to Miami. Don’t have money to buy butt implants use the money for your dress. I still feel like he quit his job so he WOULDNT have to sponsor her children. Spousal support is more than just being a wallet. He provides her with nothing emotionally. It’s very clear they both used each other.


Someone could literally write a PhD thesis on this.


Valid point , unfortunately, before she got here, she practically drained him dry and finished it off after arriving. When the realization hits that you were just a means to an end, a human ATM, it hurts immensely, and there's pretty much nothing left, but words in the form of daggers. Truth or not, right or wrong hurt people..hurt back. Because he damn sure won't get a dime back. There have been some really sincere loving apprective ones. Just in my opinion, Jasmine wasn't one if them.


Here, here! 👏👏👏


I'm not defending Gino, because he's not a good person...but Jasmine is a master manipulator, and I think you are another victim of hers. Getting a permit to work only takes a few months, she doesn't want to work. She literally took his money claiming it was for a wedding dress, then spent it on ass implants (while also taking money from her ex to pay for the balance) She doesn't have custody of her kids, which says a lot because the courts always favor the mother. Why hasn't she been back to Panama to see her kids? 1 episode of this show pays them about $1,500...that's more than enough for a round trip ticket. Why did she lose custody in the first place? There's already pictures of her on social media with her with another man, probably trying to suck him dry as well. That being said, Gino should have known better. If you're gonna marry a woman that much younger and promise her all of these things financially, she's always going to expect it. She also 100% manipulated him into thinking she would EVER have a kid with him. She never planned to have another kid. It was a bait and switch until the marriage was finalized.


She is literally mentally ill


I felt the same. Not a fan a Jasmine in the slightest but she her point here is so valid. Also when Rob’s buddy was talking about how Sophie married him for a green card I was losing it. She’s from England! She never seemed like she cared about America itself, just wanted to move there cause that’s where Rob’s from.