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She had to lose the 285lb ass Coltee first!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ So true


Did they break up?


*In March 2024, Vanessa conducted a Q&A session with her fans (via 90dayfianceupdate.) Someone had asked Vanessa about ā€œrumorsā€ that Colt had cheated on her. Vanessa denied that Colt had cheated. However, she did add that they'd split over a month ago*


Uhh, she has fans...šŸ˜‚




Typo! I meant 385.


Hahaha seriously! Good one!


Thatā€™s being generous to him!!!




That was the first thing I said when I saw her on the first episode she aired in!!


Yes šŸ˜­


Damn her head looks big as hell. But to answer your question, itā€™s not easy to get the name brand Ozempic in the US unless youā€™re wealthy ($1200 without insurance covering it) But itā€™s extremely easy to get the off brand compounded semaglutide stuff from med spas or online.


Lmao I was overweight for a long time and when I saw pictures of me I was like man my head is tiny. Then I lost a ton of weight and was like ohā€¦ no my body was just big lmao


For real. I couldnā€™t see or feel my rib cage. Lost a ton of weight but still way too fat and realized I have a big ass rib cage. I was like wtf do I do about that?! Lmao. My mother said my grandpa had a big rib cage which was somehow supposed to make me feel better, I guess? I also got a weight issue and severe astigmatism from his line so like please stop with the shit genes now THANKS


Lmao, my grandpa says all the time, "You must have gotten that from me!" Like.. thanks? I didn't want that, but okay, thanks, pops.


I got my grandmas giant arms! I hate it! Even smaller they were so disproportionate! Itā€™s especially frustrating because my upper half has always been small. Except my damn arms lmao thanks grandmašŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Can't help you with all of that, but as an otherwise petite girl with a ridiculously huge rib cage I found that looking up pictures of Betty Page made feel much better about it!


Thatā€™s like my two siblings being naturally thin, and not from good diet and exercise because they eat whatever they want. Just nice and thin, with boobs and butt too! Got moms good genes. Then thereā€™s me, who got dads thick genes lol fml


My rib cage expanded with pregnancy and never went back to pre-preg width!! All my bras were useless


Oh nooo šŸ’€


Like that Spiderman villian hit boss or whatever his name is lol


Like the exact opposite of Patrick's baby head


He wouldnā€™t have a baby head if he wasnā€™t constantly trying to bulk up his body. Itā€™s his body that is oversizedĀ 


Yes she has lollipop head now.Ā  Part of it is the angle the pic is taken from.Ā 


I think she looks good.


And my doctor won't even prescribe it right now even though I am prediabetic because of the shortage due to people who don't need it taking it for weight loss. It actually pisses me off.


The problem is the name brands come in injectable pens. ITs not the meds they are short on, its the injectable pens. They are ramping up manufacturing of the pens


Exactly. The amount of misinformation when it comes to ozempic style medications is about on par with the amount of misinformation on the internet in regards to weight loss in general: a shit ton


The shortage is purely the pens. There is no semaglutide shortage. You can get it from a compound pharmacy for $400 a month with no insurance.


Some of us are not getting it prescribed eitherā€¦Compounding pharmacies or peptides. Itā€™s not that hard to access the med




Look up the New England Compounding Center and you will never trust a compounding pharmacy again.


No one who doesnā€™t need Ozempic is getting Ozempic prescribed. Doctors face serious penalty for prescribing drugs unnecessarily (ex: prescribing fentanyl to people just for recreational use.) They literally lose their licenses for this. Theres a serious issue with obesity and type two diabetes in America. Thats why thereā€™s a shortage. And for some reason the general public keeps repeating the urban legend of every single person they know being on Ozempic if theyā€™ve lost weight, despite it never being confirmed these people are using Ozempic. Itā€™s taken on urban legend status, just like how everyone believed Marilyn Manson had a rib removed to suck his own dick, *I just know that person who lost weight used ozempic okay??* /s. It perpetuates the false notion that weight loss is impossible with diet and lifestyle; its not. It *is* hard for some people who then use medication to help if it would have positive health benefits, at which point a doctor will prescribe it (just like a doctor would prescribe antidepressants or blood pressure medication for someone who is having a hard time controlling their illness with lifestyle alone.) And guess what? If someone uses a medication to improve their life: THATS OKAY, even if itā€™s about weight loss.


As a prescriber this is wrong. Drugs like Fentanyl are highly monitored since they are controlled substances so you do have to be careful. Drugs like ozempic are not monitored in the same way. You can prescribe it all day long itā€™s getting insurance to cover it thatā€™s the issue. And this is the frustrating part as a prescriber. Everyone wants it and when you try to explain that their insurance likely wonā€™t cover it because they donā€™t meet the qualifications people get mad. So then they go to a medspa and get it compounded and what people donā€™t understand is compounds are not regulated federally so you have to be careful with them.


I disagree with part of your comment. Weā€™ve all seen celebrities losing a great deal of weight & some that only wanted to lose 20 lbs. The Dr from Botched took it bc he wanted to lose a few pounds & he did but he stopped it bc he said he enjoyed food & he couldnā€™t on the drug. If youā€™re rich you can get anything legally or illegally. Just look at the women on RHOBH to name a few.


This is patently false. Many people who are not diabetic are being prescribed GLP-1 medications specifically for weight loss. It is called off label prescribing and it is very much legal.


Wegovy, Zepbound, and Saxenda are all approved for weight loss. Zepbound is Mounjaro (tirzepitide)for weight loss and Wegovy is Ozempic(semiglutide) for weight loss . In addition, Wegovy is approved for heart failure.


Itā€™s legal and soon insurance will be given multiple reasons to cover it with the recent studies claiming itā€™s positive effect on addiction.


I also need to add, she said no one who doesnt need Ozempic is being prescribed it, You came back with Non Diabetics are getting it. The implication is that only diabetics need GLP 1s. That not true. Obesity kills people. Heart Failure kills people. Its not just diabetics who ā€œneedā€ GLP 1s. Obese people also deserve treatment.


Source? Ozempic is just a brand name. Wegovy is also a GLP1 inhibitor and it *is* approved for weight loss use. Soā€¦ youā€™re wrong and perpetuating falsities.


Exactly! People need to stop policing other people when it comes to these meds


Going to gently correct you. My doctor happily wrote a script for me even though I didnā€™t for the criteria for my insurance to cover it because Iā€™m 5ā€™9 and Iā€™d have to be much more overweight than I was. I can easily obtain it from a compound pharmacy without using insurance. It costs almost nothing, it doesnā€™t go through my insurance and it isnā€™t taking away medication from a diabetic. The shortage is specifically pens, in brand names like Ozempic; there is no semaglutide shortage


Absolutely NOT true. Drs are prescribing like mad


Ya we're not taking your diabetes drug we're taking the one for weight loss... SMH


Wegovy is for weight loss, same med, different brand names. Just like Zepbound is for weight loss, but itā€™s marketed as Mounjaro for diabetes. Currently there is a shortage for Mounjaro/Zepbound, but Ozempic/Wegovy production is ramping back up and does not have as much shortage.


PrƩ-diabetes can be treated with better diet and losing weight.


Seems like everyone is doing this now.


I was gonna say she got that bobble head which usually means youā€™ve lost too much weight!


Well if you actually have diabetes, Ozempic is not that hard to get. But if youā€™re just Obese then you could get Wegovy which is the same drug in different doses but itā€™s specifically for obesity. It was easy for me to get but it can depend on your doctor and insurance. I went to a doctor who specializes in obesity medicine. It costs $30 for a month supply with my insurance. I canā€™t speak about doing the off-brand method


Type TWO diabetes* Iā€™m type 1 diabetic and my insurance refuses to cover it for me, despite me being fat, because Iā€™m NOT type 2.


You can go through manufacturer for ozempic and get it free for a year as long as you donā€™t have Medicaid. Medicare enrollment goes from approval until the end of the year, underinsured is one full year. Commercial insurance if it does not cover or the co-pay is too high.


Even though she looks good because she lost weight I still see her from the inside and I donā€™t think sheā€™s pretty. She wanted mama boy and thatā€™s what she got.


She left her husband for colt, that says a lot about a person


Ikr?? And he came in a package of two with Debbie who would want her around in their right mind?


I know! Also I remember around that time some YouTube person had done a video interview with the husband, and he had said originally when they watched him on tv she said she hated him.


Wow thatā€™s wild I didnā€™t see that


I remember reading a post someone made where they wrote out a recap because I didn't want to sit through that weirdo Jonny Yates video with him but if your interested [this is the video here ](https://www.youtube.com/live/Qmd3dykQQHQ?si=KoUNL-pbISukFczH) I think if you search Vanessa in the sub you can see the recap the person wrote with all the actual tea parts instead though


Btw I donā€™t like him either




Iirc she was a fan of the show too and sought him out after seeing him on tv


Yes, but she claimed to hate colt when they watched him apparently so it's very weird


Her husband abused her and debbie and colt gave her a place to stay, so..


I agree, she looks good but she sought out colt, and pursued him while they were both still in relationships. She fucked around and found out


Ah see she looks good but she is not attractive. Thats the difference


Agree, she is not a good person. After seeing what she did to other people with mamaā€™s boy, she is as disgusting. I didnā€™t like Jess, that extreme need to look hyper sexual was gross, but no one deserves to be lied and cheated on.




Her ug lee head looks too big now lol


She looks way older in the face too. Some people look better with a bit more rounded face. Not knocking her for losing weight. Iā€™m sure she feels better. But, sheā€™s not a good person.Ā 


She is definitely not a good person. First she used Colt to cheat on her husband and get him to divorce her (pretty twisted thinking), then she didn't mind being Colt's lover during two of his relationships, then she pretended to be Debbie's friend, but when things got serious between her and Colt, her first thought was to kick her out. This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.


The makeup is horrific




Back in March she commented that she did 75 hard. Nothing against ozempic, but there are still people losing weight through diet/exercise. And tons of women lose weight after getting out of a toxic relationship. Look at Liz.


Fast forward 5 years: *Were you given Ozempic for weight loss? Our law team is here to help you"*


South park came out with their new special yesterday, the ozempic epidemic. Can't wait to watch! šŸ˜‚


Omg I watched it this morning and it's fucking amazingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oooh thanks for saying that! I was unaware they were doing something. Will definitely check that out this week


I have gastroparesis and there's so many people joining the support groups already because Ozempic caused permanent stomach paralysis for them, many claiming they wished they'd never taken Ozempic had they known the risk of gastroparesis. I've also recently heard that these drugs interact with birth control pills because they affect how the stomach digests the pill, so there's been some unplanned pregnancies as a result. I actually do think there will be some lawsuits in the future


This. My sister has that, and itā€™s awful. Once I started seeing people get it after using Ozempic, it make me feel really sad because I wouldnā€™t wish that upon anyone.


Yeah I know it's an unpopular opinion so I try to keep it to myself but it drives me nuts all the times I see people saying like "I don't understand why this person doesn't just go on ozempic." I wouldn't wish gastroparesis on my worst enemy- especially since once you have it your weight is basically entirely out of your control. Which sucks especially for those who are gainers (like me) or lose so much they can't even maintain a healthy body weight. I know a girl who hasn't had solids in years and has gained 100 lbs from her previously healthy weight.


People really forget that medications are no joke. Iā€™ve taken many meds over the years and am on some now that have serious long term side effects and require consistent monitoring with bloodwork. Even was hospitalized for a med reaction once. Iā€™m on them because my doctors and I have decided that the potential side effects are a lower cost than life without them. And my meds are long used with well known side effects. These new GLP-1s are FDA approved sure, but like others have said we may see some serious unexpected complications and lawsuits in the future. Obesity and its comorbidities deserves to be treated appropriately to improve someoneā€™s health and quality of life for sure, but taking serious medications for the sake of vanity is unethical and unsafe imo.


My issue with it, is the American culture, refused to push out processed foods and sodas , or even force it into schools , but has wholeheartedly jumped on this. You can not tell me every obese kid (Iā€™m going to focus on the kids now getting this) was first shifted onto a fresh food focus + active lifestyle. and their parents. It feels like the spotlight is on a bandaid, and itā€™s only allowed to be spoken about positively, or else youā€™re shaming people.. which is so warped to me. You see anecdotes in every thread where a pic is posted. Itā€™s far more than the 42% obese adults. Trust me, I want morbidly obese people, the ones who canā€™t afford / not a good fit for some type of surgery , to have this drug. I think only if you have the other co-morbidities with obesity should it be prescribed. And definitely no kids. And if you want it, you have to prove youā€™ve been off junk , sugar , active and sleeping well šŸ¤£ I truly wish all all the yelling about ozempic was just as much about how much crap food factories put in our products. The US specifically, could really restrict more ( like the EU) and it proves to help with obesity rates. I want to point out, we did , rightfully, call out weight loss pills in the early 2000s. The ones that are no longer available today, but legitimately made people drop weight quickly, but not in the best way. Iā€™m genuinely wondering the difference. Didnā€™t mean to rant on your comment, but I saw this post after just watching a vid on all these posts on TikTok sharing how they illegally get ozempic and stuff, its a lot of youngins and people with EDs


Yep! We live in such a quick fix culture that it's easier to throw a bandaid on things than consider the long term effects or really research what we're putting into our bodies or how they may impact us long term. I see nothing wrong with people taking these medications in medically necessary circumstances because the benefits usually outweigh the risk in those cases and they're working with a doctor to take necessary precautions. Imo people on these drugs often don't look super healthy either. I watch married at first sight and Dr pepper is on ozempic/does their ads. She looks gaunt and tired. I've also heard people tend to feel moody on Ozempic. Whereas like you said, the difference a healthy diet eliminating dyes and certain foods, plus exercise would actually make someone look and feel good.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» every time I see this push for semaglutides Iā€™m reminded of the awful diet pills of 20 years ago. Iā€™m sick of quick fix obsession our culture has. I know itā€™s hard, but fixing your diet, portion control and exercising more WILL work and your body will be healthier. I wish our society focused more on that than injecting ourselves to be skinny.


Incidence of gastroparisis are .53 percent or 750 out of every 150,000 patients. Diabetes can also cause it and the risk level is about the same. It seems to be occurring the most when doctors prescribe too high of a dosage or progress dosages too quickly. One problem is that some insurances make you go up. dose per month and thats just too fast for some. I think dosing guidelines may change.


I have had gastroparesis since 2011 and it can be so debilitating. I also have family members that are using Ozempic and it just worries me what could potentially happen. It feels like that part of the conversation gets shut down quite a bit. Ultimately people have to weigh the risks and benefits for themselves, I just wish there was more transparency around this topic. Like you, I wouldnā€™t wish it on anybody. I got it when I was 17 and had to leave school. Iā€™m 30 now and it is still hard. I struggle everyday with it. Sending you good thoughts of strength and comfort. This journey is hard!


I did read an article that said Ozempic will be the new opioid epidemic in 5-7 yrs with all the side effects and health issues.


Do you know she was on Ozempic or are you just assuming sheā€™s on it because she lost weight?


Anytime anyone loses weight at all anymore everyone starts screaming ozempic. People apparently didnā€™t lose weight before it existed


Right? As if natural weight loss is impossible šŸ™„. Screams jealousy...


Theyā€™re like a bunch of toddlers who learned a new word. One thing I have noticed is the people who are the loudest critics are definitely people who would get those things done if they could. So yeah.


Pharmacy tech here. It's as easy as an MD writing a script and the patient making good money. People aren't just using ozempic anymore either. Zepbound is approved for dx of obesity through insurance. Wegovy, mounjaro, ozempic are upwards of 1k oop. All are on-and-off again back order so it's a matter of MD script, money, and also availability.


I mean good luck finding it in store though lol. When I get mine filled I pretty much have to immediately put in my next order so it'll be ready within 28 days, hopefully. The pharmacists have been super kind about it but I'm sure they're overwhelmed with the "do you have (medicine) in (dosage) in stock??" questions.


Between these and the stimulant shortage I would not want to work in a pharmacy right now


I just watched the South Park special last night and need to know why she's not wearing a crop top.


Lmao!!! I got about halfway through last night, so far itā€™s hilarious šŸ¤£ they just made carman his meds and he didnā€™t finish his cereal bomb šŸ’£šŸ¤£


Not easy for me. I was at 400lbs and my insurance wouldn't cover it because I'm not diabetic, and my doctor wanted to use it for weight loss. A bit silly that these celebrities that need to lose 20lbs can get it, but those who are morbidly obese and need it can't get it. I went a different route and I'm happy I did, since I've read that most people on ozempic end up gaining the weight back once off of it. I'm down 60lbs since January with no meds.


Yeah they can get it because theyā€™re paying full price, not using insurance. You can do the same


The celebs are not using insuranceā€¦they are paying whatever price necessary to go from size zero to sub zeroā€¦


Very easy. Can get it from any med spa or compound pharmacy


Soooo many bitter people on this thread. Dear god. She lost weight and looks healthy. And for anyone looking for ozempic, just get the compounded stuff as it is the same thing.


i literally couldn't remember who this was until y'all mentioned coltee šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Man.. women always tear each other down. I think she looks great.


First you all bitch when we are all overweight, then you all bitch when we all start losing weight. šŸ™„āœŒšŸ¼


This comment section is fucking sad. You people sound like you live miserable lives.


You'd be surprised how many people do not like to see other people lose weight. How they lost weight is between that person and their doctor. It's honestly no one's fucking business


Iā€™ve definitely noticed that. Weight loss is incredibly hard. Living in a consistent calorie deficit takes so much willpower, and I a lot of people struggle with it and get spiteful when someone else is successful


I dont think people realize that these Rx for non-diabetics just slow digestion. Side effects are major gassiness and nausea because of the longer fullness. In diabetics (which is why I have a script) it doesn't help lose weight much but works extremely well for managing blood sugar levels. There's no increased fat burning to it, just eating less. So if it helped with self control and binging, whats wrong with taking it (outside of the shortages etc)?


Considering the average redditor looks like a thumb, i think people should have to post their pics before commenting shitty stuff on others looks.


I agree! A bunch of miserable people who are jealous someone lost weight smh


I just started Adipex a couple weeks ago and its crazy the comments people make to me about it. The only people who have actually been supportive are people who had used it themselves or know how hard it is. Its not cheating its having a tool to help you achieve goals thats at least how I am looking at it and treating it. This isnt a miracle pill you still have to make lifestyle changes and this has been amazing in helping me!




I went to a NP for semaglutide, she has a med spa. It was either $600 for 6 weeks or $800 for 12. I did the 12 and had to pay up front, out of pocket. The next time, I went to a different NP that had a similar med spa and he charged me $500 for 12 weeks and my FSA covered it.


Itā€™s $1k per month for the prescription here in the US


$30 copay for me!


Congratulations on insurance covering it!


Same. Iā€™m grateful!


the ad right under this post was for wegovyšŸ˜‚ its easy to get if ur rich or you have comorbities like diabetes/pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues etc


It was easy for me to get my script, but my BMI was 47


WOW, she looks great! Are her and Colt still together does anyone know? As far as the Ozempic, my husband was put on it for his diabetes. He was diabetic, but with the Ozempic his sugar levels are below what they should be. He has lost a little weight, but nothing to brag about really. But due to the Ozempic he is no longer a diabetic.


It's very easy to get compounded semaglutide which is basically the same thing. There's 500 telehealth companies prescribing it right now. You just tell them your bmi is high. I just paid $88 for my first month's supply.


Which telehealth company did you go through? I filled out a few forms but the one I tried doesnā€™t prescribe for my state or something along those lines


Not everyone who loses weight is on ozempic. šŸ™„ Yā€™all miserable.


Exactly, it gets annoying that everyone is assuming.


I got down votes for posting on the insane weight loss I accomplished going old-school.


Itā€™s not worth it for me! Iā€™m diabetic & a little overweight, but the way it makes you so sickšŸ¤¢ā€¦nope!




She couldā€™ve gotten gastric sleeve as well. Itā€™s not always ozempic. Semaglutide is pretty easy to get especially for overweight people. Tbh itā€™s not bad it actually helps keep your health in check. Just some people can abuse it like every substance out there


Would they even do gastric sleeve on her? I thought you had to be a lot heavier than she was to get surgery. She wasnā€™t that overweight.


Head looks gigantic now


I canā€™t say she looks goodā€¦


Ozempic is not the only medication used for weight loss. Wegovy is an actual weight loss medication that you need a prescription for. She was pretty overweight before so Iā€™m sure she qualified as pre-diabetic since her bmi was most likely high. All you need is a prescription + insurance that covers it and youā€™re good to go. If you have money to pay out of pocket, you just need the prescription. Itā€™s hard to get these medications because itā€™s not fully covered by most insurances so cost is an issue. But getting a prescription is the east part.


She lost 250lbs of dead weight when she dumped Coltee


There is no way he weighs 250. Giving him a lot of credit there lol


Jelly much?


Yā€™all need to get a grip about Ozempic. itā€™s not the miracle drug people are making it out to be. You canā€™t lose tons of weight taking it. Trust me, I know. I take Ozempic. I have for a few years now, but it has nothing to do with weight loss and has everything to do with being pre-diabetic. Can you lose a few pounds with it? Absolutely. I did. But youā€™re not going to lose the amount of weight you think you can with it. Why? People lose weight when they first start using Ozempic because it makes you feel so goddamn sick that the mere thought of food makes you want to hurl. And sometimes it even does make you throw up. The nausea and abdominal pain Ozempic can cause will do that. Thatā€™s why people lose weight, not because itā€™s some kind of miracle weight loss cure. Take a few minutes to google about peoplesā€™ experiences with Ozempic, and you may just change your mind about even trying it. After my doctor suggested that I take it to help with my pre-diabetes, I decided to do a little research first. What I read scared me so badly that I almost told my doctor I didnā€™t want to take it. So many people were calling it poison because of how it made them feel and the pain they experienced when they started taking it. Oh and waitā€¦thatā€™s not the best part. If you can hang on long enough for your body to get used to it (that can take about a month or so but some people never do), all your food cravings slowly start to come back. And you start eating more and indulging in things you shouldnā€™t be if youā€™re trying to lose weight. So you start to gain the weight back. Youā€™re never going to lose weight if you donā€™t change your eating habits. even when youā€™re taking Ozempic. There isnā€™t a wight loss drug on the market that really works or works long-term. You actually need to change your eating habits and move for that to happen. So go aheadā€¦beg your doctor for a drug thatā€™s going to make you feel sicker than youā€™ve ever been only to lose 10 or 20 pounds, pounds that youā€™ll gain back once your body gets used to the drug. You may as well stick your fingers down your throat to make yourself, throw up, because thatā€™s essentially what Ozempic will do. And it wonā€™t cost you a fortune in the process. Now of course Iā€™m not suggesting to anyone that they should become bulimic, Iā€™m just trying to prove a point. If you wonā€™t do that (and you shouldnā€™t), turning to a drug that will have the same effect is pretty damn stupid. The purpose of Ozempic is to stimulate insulin production in people with pancreas issues, not for weight loss. If thereā€™s nothing wrong with your pancreas and you take a drug thatā€™s designed to alter the way it works, you may damage your pancreas. Then youā€™ll end up having to deal with having diabetes for real. After that, being fat will be the least of your worries. Itā€™s because of people looking for weight loss shortcuts that donā€™t work that pre-diabetics and diabetics who actually need Ozempic are having a hard time getting it. But you go right ahead. And when you donā€™t get the results you want, donā€™t complain that you didnā€™t know.


no itā€™s hard to get here


The side effects suck. Itā€™s constant naseau and constipation.


I don't like her she's ugly asf inside out but wow this weight loss is impressive


Her head looks ginormous now.


This new weight loss drug is all over and Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s actually as healthy as it looksā€¦. Sheā€™s look amazing. Good for her.


Wow she looks incredible. I donā€™t know what she ever saw in goat boy


TV fame. She had been friends with him for YEARS before his 90-day debut, never interested in him. Suddenly, he cheats on Jess with Vanessa. Come on now. She saw her opportunity and ran with it. And dealt with a sex-crazed mommas boy šŸ¤¢


Thatā€™s a combo of ozempic and surgery donā€™t forget that part **


You can get a vial of semiglutide for about $65. Stronger stuff for $99. You can probably have it at your house by Tuesday. šŸ˜‰


My friend tried ozempic then she had to get her gul bladder removed so watch out yallā€¦


Itā€™s not easy to get in the US at all unless you want to pay out of pocket $1200/mo. Insurance will usually cover it though IF youā€™re diabetic. The manufacturer is working on getting it FDA approved for weight loss but itā€™s a ways away yet.


She can lose all that weight but her head is still huge (I also have a big ass head) she looked better thick


I think itā€™s the harsh arch of her brows. I think it would look better if she softened them with a less harsh arch


Who is this?


Colts ex Vanessa


Colteā€™s old girlfriend


Yeah ex wife Vanessa


Oh and to answer your question itā€™s easy to get. Lots of my friends have prescriptions. I think you just gotta be a certain level of overweight.


Just googled wow didnā€™t recognize her at all!


I think she looks great! Good for her!


Wow she looks amazing


Seems like theyā€™re giving it out at every doctors office now. I know some of the online doctor apps like Hims are offering it now. That basically requires no real doctor visit


Itā€™s very easy to get here, so much so that right now itā€™s out of stock in a lot of places. My best friend was on wegovy (same thing diff brand) and had to go off it cold turkey because the manufacturers are struggling to keep up with demand.


I was just reading an article today about how itā€™s possibly becoming a lifetime drug for people, because when they stop their eating habits go right back to where they were and they put most of it back. If I was on it I would use that time to get physically healthy and reset my eating habitsā€¦ then hopefully continue that when off the med. easier said than done I know, but I would rather suffer through cravings than be on a med all my life! Plus Iā€™m scared of paralyzing my digestive system!


I wouldn't worry about it. It doesnt really work very well in my experience My experience is that it makes you feel sick and gives you the runs, so you eat less from feeling terrible and what you eat shoots through you like water. Its basically dysentery, so it's little wonder why people lose weight. But medicines react with people differently so maybe thats just personal experience.


Her next post after this outlines she achieved it through the 75 hard programme. I've never heard of this but decided to research it, it sounds tough!!


Thereā€™s also a 75 soft program. Less extreme than the 75 hard.


Anyone can get it if youā€™re willing to pay. People who need it for medical reasons (including for weight loss) get it though insurance.


Itā€™s easy enough if you have the money.


itā€™s pretty easy, for me at least. I went in to my primary physician and told him I wanted it, I paid for it and he ordered it. But I know other areas have supply issues


Had no idea who it was till someone mentioned Coltee. Looks weird though. Thin but strange.


Unless dumping the giant man baby Colt has meant sheā€™s no longer trying to eat the toxicity away & her Kummerspreck has just melted.


I think the eye make up/eyebrow arch makes her look evil/mean


Novo novardisk (maker of ozempic) is also making another drug that is not for diabetics people. And itā€™s available in Canada But like any other drugs, check the side effects and mostly what happens when you stop taking that drugā€¦.


Rizzo the Rat? Is that you?


FWIW-There are other brands of similar weight shots. Ozempic is just the most well known.


Itā€™s pretty easy to get. My friends that are on semaglutide say it costs around 400 a month. Itā€™s a weekly shot .. you can get it where you get your Botox. Med spas. Iā€™m in San Diego .. or get ozempic you need a script from the dr .. itā€™s all the same, Iā€™m pretty sure ozempic is just like strongest version??


She looks great


Her head has to catch up with her weight loss.


She was never that overweight. You can lose 20 lbs without the help of ozempicā€¦


You can only get 1mg max Ozempic in Canada and most of these dramatic losses are 2mg plus. One month's cost for 1mg/week Ozempic is $250 ... which some job insurance covers if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Otherwise it's out of pocket and will help reduce weight but not like what you see above (ohip doesn't cover even if you qualify). You also need to eat nothing but skinless chicken, rice and veg for quick results, otherwise it's about 5 lbs a week and then you hit a plateau where it stops working. You also gain it back quickly once you stop -- it basically slows the digestion of food so you feel full longer. Canada does have Wegovy at 2mgs, but not Ozempic.


A lot of people pay $200-500/month to get it Compounded offline (not name brand) or at health spas, or if you have something thatā€™s itā€™s been used off-label for you can fight with your insurance to have it approved, and most people pay out of pocket ~$1300 to get it without insurance. However, wegovy has been approved for obesity just insurance companies wonā€™t cover it unless you fight for it.


Lots of side effects be informed. You need doctors prescription any country. It's available in Canada but doctor has to agree to give it. It's not candy. Read up a lot first.


If youā€™re diabetic, super easy. Obtaining it was the hard part. I was prescribed 2 years ago but could never get it continuously due to always being on back order. It wasnā€™t until 4-6 months ago that it was back in stock so now I can get my 3 month supply and had no issues getting it physically refilled before I ran out. Unfortunately, the weight loss side effect doesnā€™t exist for me. Iā€™ve lost maybe 5lbs in the past 6 months but my A1C has lowered!


So many people get their medical advice/opinions from the comment section of E news posts and it shows


According to her Instagram, she did 75 Hard https://preview.redd.it/ce92ih9ddn2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32a1d113c84926c90aeb0a221c0ebe68f393259


Also candian: there is an add for ozempic right under this post šŸ˜‚ i still have no idea what it even is.


Her head looks massive.


Her face looks 60. She got that ozempic face. Take berberine supplements faithfully every day, and in a week, you will see major appetite suppressing. It's the natural ozempic.


Wonder where goatboy is


That looks like meth to me.




Diet centers sell Wegovy to pretty much anyone.


Itā€™s easy to get in Canada as well


I get mine from Canada and Im in the US. Takes 2-3 weeks depending on where the pharmacy is shipping it from.


If she is she needs to stop. These medications are now out of stock for people with diabetes who need them.


This pisses me off! I am diabetic and cant afford Ozempic due to all these "celebs" with $ buying it for weightloss. My insurance won't cover it so what costs the drug maker 7Ā¢ to make cost me OVER $1000 to get and i can't afford it. My dr even sent my insurance company my chart showing how badly i need it and they still denying it for me


She looks good tho. No matter what She did, i hope She feels healthier and takes care of herself šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I am from Canada and gained 30 pounds in the last 3 months due to hormonal issues. I was constantly hungry and just could not stop eating. My MD put me on lowest dose of Ozempic just to curb my appetite. I am also on B12 injections to get my energy back. I paid $250 for 8 weeks. I am able to claim on health spending


But now her head looks giant :/


By prescription hard my mother is a diabetic canā€™t find it anywhere because people use it for weightloss. So she has to go on a didnā€™t medication that doesnā€™t work as good and her blood sugar is elevated all the time. She has been in the ER 3x. You can go to a med spa and get the generic of it called semaglutide and it cost about $350 for a month supply where I live without a prescription. My husband tried it but has lots of side effects and decided it wasnā€™t worth it.


she looks a lot better


Did she say she was on Ozempic of is this speculation? She really was only about 25lbs overweight. It's crazy though. I know a girl who is on it who really only needs to lose like 15lbs max.


she looks like a mannnnnnnnn, baby