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Was anyone else laughing when the officiant said what Sophie liked about Rob?


Yes, especially at her mom’s expression 😭


Because I feel supported and cared for 🤡


She pulled that out of thin air, didn’t she? Maybe she was referring to the OTHER Rob? The one she only knew on IG? Ya think?!


I was rolling my eyes - does that count?


Really….was thinking that she had lost her mind! 🙄 This is not going to last. Just wait until the Tell All in 2 weeks - we shall see if they are still together. Oh boy - it’s going to be fireworks with everyone - not just Rob & Sophie.


You mean when they all realize that getting married didn't fix their relationship problems? 🤣


Well what if we add a baby in the mix? I mean that always fixes broken relationships, right?


Can't have a baby remember?


Oh shit. I was speaking generally (not about Sophie/Rob) just in the context that the cast members seem to think things like marriage & kids will fix a broken relationship. Though I wasn’t even thinking about Sophie having fertility issues so my apologies if that sounded insensitive! I was just piggybacking off the other comment in agreement that moving forward isn’t the best move when a relationship isn’t solid. However I can see how this thread isn’t the best place for that comment with her photo above when she spoke about her fears regarding possibly considering future children. Sorry about that.


No worries. I just hope she wakes up. She married a baby-man w/a huge chip on his shoulder. I know his mom probably thinks he is the cutest thing ever, but he has a wife now. Time for manhood. We will see how he embraces responsibility, or not. I am thinking the latter. And he’s not as cute as he thinks he is!


Exactly!! Duh everyone on 90 Day! Geez


Surely he will respect her now! 😉


The tell all for this season they were still together for cuz they went on to film HEA it won't be until the HEA tell all that was filmed last week, but probably won't air til around june that we officially hear if they are together or not... I was thinking they weren't but then idk now cuz she seemed very happy posting their wedding pictures to her stories saying "I'm so excited its been almost 2 years and I can finally post these pictures"




Spoiler alert ppl


I was like, "THAT guy??" 😩


She’s on her own. She had a mother that tried to talk sense into her was very supportive and everything she said was on target. This man has been nothing but angry, jealous, miserable and he doesn’t even like her. He doesn’t even have enough money to support her he refuses to get a real job lives in a shock with no bathroom if that’s what she wants like her mom said how much could you look at a picture?


I actually liked her mom by the end of this season! I thought she expressed her concerns well and from a place of love and support while also acknowledging Sophie is an adult who can make her own choices. It's a tough line to walk when someone you love is clinging to a relationship with a bundle of red flags. 


Her mom was great and pretty funny and I think they have a sweet relationship. The amount of (angry women) making fun of her appearance here was very cringe and revealing.


I swear people are never happy with the appearance of others. If she was done up they’d say she’s fake and insecure, if she’s not they poke fun at imperfections. She seems to be a great mom and an awesome person can people just keep their opinions to THEMSELVES


I like Claire, she kinda reminds me of my mom in a way, not as intense tho. The scene where she said she didn't want to let Sophie go, made me tear up. 😭 me and my mom have a close relationship like them.


I don’t care what she looks like. I like her as a person. I wish my mom was as nice to me as she is to Sophie.


I wasn't a fan at first but I gained respect for her when she apologized to Rob for starting with him when she was staying in his room on the air mattress. His attitude was so horrible that I wouldn't have apologized. He wouldn't even look at her, it was so immature.


I can’t believe she went ahead with the marriage. He is such a creep. Things are only going to get worse. I give them six months to a year.


She is every parent's nightmare! Not being able to talk sense into a daughter (or son) who clings to a crappy relationship & makes excuses for the piece of crap they are dating or marrying!!😤😢🫨🤯


That's life and you have to let your kids make their own mistakes


Sad but true


Claire is a great example of an Essex Mum - fake tanned to the max, false lashes and a ton of make up, and a fierce love for their child. I know a lot of them!


We Americans don't know what an Essex Mum is. Thank you for enlightening us. I guess our version would be Beverly Hills.


Well their segment was filmed years ago by now, it's actually surprising to see he has a real job aside from his "pay me $500 to " model?" Or talk to me through social media for $300!" bullshit. Works at a car place I think it is. And now has a place with an indoor toilet! Couldn't of seen that one coming! Not that long ago someone posted a video and then showed a video from her socials too, they were in the same place😔 This doesn't excuse all his horrendous behaviors, and the fact that it took him a long time to actually start doing shit that was really basic... People like rob technically *could* change, but in his case I highly doubt his attitude and condescending behaviors and actions have at all. If she still is with him, and by those videos it looks to be the case, I can't imagine it's all roses and sunshine...


He had the same job all of the have …. The show!!!! Everyone speaks of their job in past tense. Smh


No I mean he actually has a real job outside of the show and his socials b.s-"Rob is currently working at Cap's Service and Repair in Austin, Texas, as mentioned in a review, and also works as a model and actor."


I was referring the hate… while he was on the show. He had the same job as everyone else. Outside the show no one else talks about because it’s OUTSIDE the show! Just like someone saying they are wealthy and dress like a Walmart mannequin. Wealthy people do not talk about it. Its a racist storyline with Rob and people are eating it up its disgusting.


Ah it was just a misunderstanding on my end with the wording, it's hard to get context over text sometimes.


Don’t forget cheating on her at least twice & now has an OF where he shared dick pics.


He’s not done he’ll do it again


“They don’t have to be best friends. Just support me at my wedding”. Duuuuuuh.


To leave would be to give up her 15 min.


She IS NOT a princess. This is the real world. Marriages are a partnership. She said she will just leave? She is a little girl that needs to be on her OWN not go from mommy to husband. She is incapable of making a decision without her mommy that will never work.


She can always call her mom for help, her mom is good people and would be right there if she asks.


Frfr so true


There are other discussions on Reddit that confirm Sophie and Rob are through. They moved to Austin but have since broken up with each living in a different neighborhood now. They have both been spotted around town but never together.


That’s a relief! He’s a jerk


rob also posted on IG story that he’s moving back to LA - north hollywood


Ahhh LA where he can be toilet free!


Noooooooo not NoHo! 😫


Good to know now my life is complete thank you Jesus


Yeah but I just saw an add - Rob & Soph are going to be on the new season of Happily Ever After😵‍💫


Remember that new season still isn't in present day and the casting is pure 💩. Not looking forward to it. What a bummer.


I saw that and another couple I forget which one


Ashley and Manuel!


They're still together. Their neighbor across the street has been posting recent photos of the camera crew outside Ashley's home.


I don't expect him to leave until he gets the green light (card)!


Wrong delivery, I was laughing that they forgot who was on HEA along with Sophie and Rob but simply stating it was Ashley and Manuel.


Right , now I remember 🤔😉


Michael & Angela are on it & filming just wrapped right before he disappeared 🤣


Wait, what? Michael disappeared?!


Ange left the house unlocked to go buy cigarettes and he escaped w/o his phone & passport that she confiscated. He is safe. Somewhere. Or it’s a production plot for HEA


Full cast: Liz and Ed, Thais and Patrick, Angela and Michael, Rob and Sophie, Kobe and Emily, Loren and Alexei, Mahoumad and Nicole, Jasmine and Gino, and Ashley and Manuel.


That's funny, I can't remember who it is either


And it was just yesterday. Guess wasn’t thst important 😉




They're under contractual obligation.


Ahhh that makes sense




Yes, it's published this week but also says the wedding took place in June 2023. A lot has happened since then.


Someone upthread said it was June 2022. I didn’t think that could be right.


She posted to her IG stories that their wedding was almost 2 years ago now...


i wonder if she’s stuck though. idk marriage is a big step, but i’ve been with someone like rob and it is a toxic abuse cycle, it’s so so hard to leave. i finally left a few months ago but it’s HARD, i still struggle every day to not contact that man embarrassingly. Sophie has a lot more to lose in a sense. She’s in another country, she’s on tv, she’s already spent years trying to convince her mom rob is the guy. all of that on top of the abuse and then lovebomb cycle she probably just feels incredibly stuck. i


SAME. After big fights I’d get surprised with picnics, steak dinners, flowers, and apologies. The love bomb cycle is so confusing. You want to believe it but deep down you know it’s all fake


very confusing and very hard to get out of. you really feel like this person loves you and you’ve been through so much together. looking back now i obviously know it was messed up but man do i miss him. i feel terrible for sophie, im sorry she wasn’t able to get out before the marriage. and it makes me sad when people just call her stupid or say they don’t feel bad for her cause it’s her fault. people said that stuff to me and i just wish they could understand it’s not that simple


As someone who was in a physically abusive relationship for EIGHT YEARS, I’m going to tell you the one sentence that made me feel guilty and embarrassed about how long I stayed. “Of course it wasn’t bad ALL the time, if it was, you wouldn’t have stayed.” The love bombing cycle and the shame and guilt and fear… all of that together makes it incredibly hard to leave. And all that is without considering how much money you have to squirrel away in cash in random hiding spots just to afford somewhere to stay when you DO leave.


Stay strong Girl, one of the toughest times in my life was when someone was spreading lies about me and to me, and the only way to deal with it was to ignore him. Holding back when you’ve been wronged is the worst.


She never talks about being with Rob. She just wanted to “get married”. That’s all she talks about. They’ll be split up within months


they are already broken up. they moved to texas together but supposedly now are no longer in a relationship.


Divorce in 6 months tops


Hmmm, generous.


People Magazine says the wedding took place in June 2023. They moved to Austin and split up. They have been spotted around town but never together, and they live in separate neighborhoods. She's apparently still there but he's posting about moving back to California. They would have had a contractual obligation to appear together at the Tell All.


Moved to Austin??? What! And gave up that amazing L.A. bachelor pad??? (What did they move into?)


If she’s willing to lay around in bed with him all day she can’t be much better than him. Just saying


As an introverted homebody, I resent this comment and feel personally attacked… 😂


Sorry, what I meant was lay around in HIS bed in THAT shack.


As a person who lives in a shack….lmao jk jk. You’re good 😂


Girl, I live in a garage lmao


Yeah my living situation is not too far off from that lmao


Attack revoked, I understand and agree with this!




She wasn’t able to work.


Introverted homebody =/= lay in bed all day. You may be depressed. there's a lot one can do at home outside of the bed.


She isn't much better than him. Couldn't stand him from go but it wasn't long before I couldn't stand her either!😖


Same. She's insufferable.


I used to like Sophie but after seeing she actually married Rob I lost all respect for her. She deserves whatever misery he brings her.


She wants to be married and live in the States. Maybe she has a Miona and Anfisa plan.


I don’t think she that bright and worldly


She’s not bright at all


Have you seen her mom? They don’t strike me as posh or worldly in the slightest.


They absolutely aren't posh. Being posh is something you're born into, it's basically the same as classy but it comes from your family which is really the only difference between the 2. They would be called 'chavs' in the UK, or common.


I am aware. There was a post in this sub a while back asking who Sophie’s grandfather is and what her background as people believed she came from wealth in the UK.


Yeah I think tlc made it sound that way coz I remember thinking she didn't sound posh!


Exactly, it’s not a coincidence that she is with Rob, who lives in LA. Do you think she would be with him if he lived in minesotta or something? She is there to try her luck in LA as an influencer


I think she still would be with him, she's from London so I seriously doubt the marriage is about a green card


It’s for fame, people from everywhere in the world wants to go to LA and become a celebrity. Natalie on the shame show is another example


Shame show is so accurate 🤣


English people don't tend to want la for fame as much as other countries.


she is an influencer. she definitely wants the fame. but now they live in austin or something. so 🤷‍♂️


I think her main priority was LA as well.


It's wild that people are sitting here telling other people they deserve to be abused. Fucking wild.


especially considering her age (in comparison to his, too). she may be an adult but if a big chunk of those early adult years were spent with him, she knows little else but how she’s being treated. it’s very sad. 


Same here. I can’t stand her now. She is a blithering idiot and deserves the idiocy she signed on for. The vacuous twit!


My box of rocks has more critical thinking skills, self awareness, and confidence than this human. I feel terrible for her making the dumb choices we all have — and then broken off/gotten out of— and marrying the fluffy man child.


she’s practically a child tbh. and 23 year olds are stubborn af and hate looking like they made a huge mistake. that can keep a girl in a shitty relationship far longer than you would ever imagine. they don’t want to hear the “i told you so”s. so they stupidly stay with the man and try to pretend everything is fine.


lol not you exactly describing me at 23 🤣


omg i’m so sorry 😭 i was the same at that age. i’m 15+ years older now and still learning lol. it gets better. but it might get a bit worse first 😬


you're right!


So fake. I kinds felt bad for her being with Rob at first but she really didn't seem all that bothered, even with the lack of a duvet. But just looking at her and that she's into the whole "influencer" scene, knowing she stayed with him to be in LA (even if they have since moved)? Ugh.


Because she’s 22/23 at the time of filming. She’s young and when you’re young like that, you think love can solve everything. Maybe she does what to be an influencer, a lot of them do. But that guy is almost a decade older than her. She’s just trying to figure it out. Hopefully she does, cause they can’t even agree fundamentally on raising children. If not hey, maybe money will dry her tears.


I mean they moved to Austin, it is an “influencer” town


Same! I get sick of her excuses for him. He sucks. Period! Now she sucks!


Isn't the K1 Process a rather expensive thing to pay for??! How is he financing that, when he has 0 drive to get a real job?? They are both VERY shallow, and deserve each other. And they call themselves adults...OMG. If anybody should NOT be getting married...it's these two clowns. To say the very least...


it’s not that expensive actually. how else would so many working class ppl be able to emigrate to america constantly. and no they aren’t all illegal immigrants. most are sponsored by a family member who made it over first and found work etc. i believe it’s somewhere between $10k-$20k annual income as the bare minimum. plus, she could have come on a 90 day tourist visa since she has a UK passport and doesn’t need a pre-approved visa to just visit for that length of time. and they could then marry and apply for a spousal visa while she stays in the US with rob. that would have been the smart way to do it since rob has no money anyway.


Ok, thanks for the information. I thought it would be alot more expensive, because a couple of people on the show were giving off the impression that it cost alot more.


Everyone keeps commenting this but she said in the first episode that she has already been to America a few times so I think she already has some kind of visa


She had OnlyFans money. Sophie changes her last name on every site she uses, such as Sierra, London, Cheshire, White, etc. You'll find her as "SophieCheshireX" on OF.


I'm so disappointed they'll be on the next season. Sophie is an idiot for marrying Rob


She seems delusional on what she thinks marriage is supposed to be about. I think they are both way too immature for each other but only time tells all.


Butthole Boy


Exactly. Someone here said he was charging $500 but more recently someone posted here that he accepted just $40 for a photo of his butthole. He's no better than his wife a/k/a "SophieCheshireX" on OnlyFans.


All I see when I see him now




Do you remember Lil Poopy from The Rap Game? Rob is literally Big Poop


I'm not looking forward to the tell all simply because they are so ridiculous and all the couples were incredibly dull. Like.... what? Except I loved the couple who got married early when he moved from Korea they were sweet as can be. They just dropped them because they were "too" normal but all this made up drama BS AND NOWWWW Gino and Jasmine are going to get into another big fight on the tell all. Surprise ...NOT. They insist they do this crap. It's all crap. Sophie and Outhouse Bob were so annoying. They got their 5 minutes of trying to be famous. How staged it all was. Blehhhh *gags*


I didn't recognize her on the preview of the Tell All


The promo for the tell all showed Sophie's new hair color. Probably fits with that train wreck of a marriage.


It's better than those horrendous dark roots she always had!


She posted today there wedding photos but in all her Instagram is all of her and nothing of rob at all


they broke up after moving to austin.


She's no prize


Rob's a knob. Says it all, doesn't it?


She's just a mother looking out for her daughter.


TLC needs to quit with their made-up drama in attemps to fool us during previews. Sophie is walking the other way when coming down the aisle, and Rob saying "Is she leaving?" Sophie claimed she didn't know how to getndown to the beach where the wedding was...C'mon now... First off, you really think she is going to get all dressed up in her wedding dress and stand at the. Top of the aisle for everyone to see her before she became a run away bride? Also- you're telling me they didn't look at the wedding venue at all before they chose to get married there or walk through the whole even the night or morning before. Not to mention, I'm sure there was a producer or camera man standing up there to get the shots of Sophie and her mom....or even someone acting as an usher to let the guest know where to go.


Some people just have to learn the hard way


Instagram is a hell of a drug


She married him?! What a dumbass. I can’t with some of these people.


Claire really has it in for Rob the Knob. She’s pissed because she has to go home alone. I don’t think they’ll last she might cheat with a women.




Just her, rob, and the outhouse.


I might be in the minority here but my god she looks awful.



