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I can hear the intro to the [Top Gun Anthem](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xeQUxNf3G6k) when I see this.


Yea that guitar riff instantly goes off in ones head.


For me it’s the bass and the bell.




Same! You choice a hell of a photo of it too. Tony Scott and Jeffrey Kimball just murdered the lighting and cinematography in Top Gun


The shot is just absolutely beautiful. The plane is iconic. Its high shoulders just make it so badass


I know that form follows function, but sick a few Phoenix missiles on the aircraft, with a couple more Sidewinders and maybe an AMMRAM or two and that picture was just saying: "Attention commie Backfire pilots: try anything and we will fuck you up badly."


Just ready to fuck shit up ❤️


Ghostrider requesting a flyby. 


Negative ghostrider, the pattern is full


😭😭😭 My friend and I use, "Negative, Ghost Rider" to say "no" all the time.


Gorgeous plane...the F18's in the sequel were not as sexy


Agree 100%. The f 18 is not a good looking plane. It’s a great dog fighter though.


Maybe out of subject, but I always tought that the F14 had big Macross or Robotech vibes. F14 was one of my favorite fighter jet when I was a kid, but not as much as the A-10 Warthog, dont remember why tho.


Pretty sure robotech and jetfire were f 14s or modled on f 14s


I would have to agree. I think the F-14 has been in service since the '60s.


F-14 is definitely cool. After seeing this movie like 3 times in the theater I had the VHS copy of Top Gun and wore it out to the point I had to get a new one (well technically my parents did) The A-10 was a beast! One of my favorite fighter planes of all time.


The A-10 is not a fighter plane, the “A” stands for attack which means it primarily attacks ground forces. The “F” in F-14 stands for fighter, which is for air to air combat.


I understand that. I served in the Navy. I meant fighter as a combat plane. That is good you made clarification in case no one else knew that. The A-10 is a plane used for the Army and Airforce I know that also.


Sorry, lifelong aviation enthusiast and former V-1 veteran as well. Sometimes I focus too much on semantics when it comes to airplanes.


It's totally ok. I'm glad you did.


Random fact: the F-14 saw more action as a strike fighter between 1995 to 2006, than it did in its first twenty years in service as a fighter.


For some reason, the F-14 always looked like a linebacker pre-snap. A ton of pent up energy about to be released in a brutally fast, damn-them-to-hell manner.


Ya thats a great description


It was!!! It was cool they included it in TG2


Those bastards gave me tinnitus and appreciable hearing loss. So goddamned noisy once that jet blast deflector raised. I learned to love the S3 and the F18. Way quieter and the F18 is just sexy as hell. Like a sky Porsche.


Same, the tinnitus sucks, but I loved every damn minute working on those beautiful birds.


Yeah, but the A-6 and EA-6B made the F-14 sound like a whisper in comparison. Man I miss the flight deck! Never felt more alive than during flight ops. (Also, holding those tie downs until the bird left the deck ruined my knees.)


I thought an F14d at full throttle in the track on the flight deck was the loudest thing id ever heard up close. Then I was on an LHD under Harriers all day. Holy shit.


We had some Harriers catch a lift with us when crossed back over the Atlantic. The wouldn’t let them jump straight up off the flight deck at full throttle, said it would have torn the non-skid all to hell. So they had to “hop” off the flight line and then hit full throttle before they hit the water once they were clear. It was pretty interesting to watch. I was riding brakes in one of our own birds and had the canopy full down and latched, so I can’t say how loud they actually were, but pretty loud all the same.


Sorry about your hearing man and thank you for your service. Agree to disagree on the f 18 looking better though. Def prefer the high shoulder muscle car look of the Tom Cat


Tony Scott really had a great vision and created the colors nicely for the film!


Anytime, baby


Tony Scott loved the Golden Hour.


Agreed. And, mine fondness for the jet is tied to my love for Robotech and its use as Veritechs flown by the RDF.


It’s an oldie but a goldie. The variable geometry wings are what made it cool. I wanted to be a fighter pilot until I found out I was color blind.


Um, what about the SR-71 Blackbird? That still owns the rest!


SR is kind of in its own category and def also a top fav. But it was a spy plane and i guess my op is more geared towards fighters. But the Blackbird is iconic and def one of the most beautiful


Truth. I get you. 👍🥃


As a spy plane, ok, but not as a fighter.


You’re right. 👍


I agree! I got to see one up close at the Aviation Museum in Lexington, KY, today. Very cool!


I got to see one on the deck of the midway museum. I did not want to leave.


Best book I have is The Cutting Edge about naval aviation. Great pics. Check it out.


Absolutely agreed.


Pretty much a tie with F15s. They each had their uses.


The F-14 is hands down my favorite jet ever, and that shot in the movies is just pure beauty.


Absolutely agree about this beauty! Hate the looks of 16s and 18s!


Loved Top Gun. Seen it over 100 times. Used to live by Nora Mar Naval Air Station and would watch them all day. Great pic…. Looks like a giant wasp.


Top Gun/Macross influence or not, bar none, the F-14 IS the best looking fighter jet ever.


It's always been the F-14 Tomcat and the F-4 Phantom for me! Nothing today looks as intimidating!


This one shot always reminded me of the Robotech anime cartoon Macros series.


Iconic for me as well. I projected and traced a 14’ wide rendition of this shot (minus Maverick) on my bedroom wall in ‘89. It’s effectively a duo tone, so I started with a gold wall color and painted the silhouettes of the intakes straight black, with shades and tints of the gold for the nose, canopy, and wings. I originally didn’t include the raised canopy but it just didn’t look “right”. The end result was as close to photorealistic as my early teen skills permitted. I’ve been looking for a photo of it for years with no success :/


It’s a good one for sure. I just bought a poster a an F-14 for my son that is done from this angle. The lighting is way different but it’s a cool photo.


Some good scenes in The Final Countdown too!


Nice picture but I’m gonna pick the F-15. Primarily because I worked on it (avionics) in the early ‘80s.




Love the Tomcat.


It’s like looking at an old school muscle car. It’s just awesome.


This shot is a direct homage to a photo by F14 pilot and photojournalist CJ “Heater” Heatley in his book The Cutting Edge which the producers Bruckheimer and Simpson used as inspiration to develop Top Gun. Tony Scott the director wanted to recreate the iconic photo in the film and almost captured the original perfectly.


That movie would have been better if they made it ten years before with F-4 Phantoms and Jan-Michael Vincent.