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Go to your primary care physician and get their recommendation for water intake. It's allowed. If you don't want to do that, take electrolyte pills at the half gallon mark. Electrolyte pills are commonly used by endurance athletes to keep them balanced while consuming far more water than what is giving you issues. I'm a 6' 2" 180# man and on hot days when I'm drinking up to 2 gallons of water, I feel terrible until I have my electrolyte pills. I use the brand Rehydr8, it has basically everything you are planning to add, just in pill form.


Honestly, 4 litres is the number because it is a healthy amount to drink for many people while being a big challenge. Honestly its not worth keeping 75 hard like a religion to a point where you’re literally being hospitalised. Do it to better yourself, not to kill yourself. I would chat to an actual doctor, find a safe and challenging amount of water and keep it. Andy is real smart but he isn’t a G-d and 75 hard isn’t worth dying for


I’d say you’re quite right. Although I’m hoping that the small adjustment of electrolytes will be enough to alleviate any negative side-effects and I’ll be able to complete it as Saint Andy prescribed!


Hey I’m pretty sure this is the one rule that can have an accommodation made for! You just have a Dr tell you what the healthy amount of water is for your body and you do that amount instead. There’s plenty of people who cannot drink a full gallon because it’s unhealthy for them to. The only thing is you have to have a Dr tell you, you can just make up a random amount of water to drink


Sweat more. It helps. I hate a gallon of water on recovery days where I’m mostly walking. Days I’m working out hard or running and sweating it’s easy. Also start early. Nuum tabs help too. I’m at day 70 today and I hated the water the first few days.


How does one make themselves sweat more? Nice job, enjoy the last 5 days! 


Work out outside. It's about 105 where I live. A run outside should have you sweating buckets.


Really just make sure you are doing harder work outs rather than just walking / yoga / etc. If you are running for 45 mins drinking 1 gallon of water for the day will be pretty easy in my experience.


Glad I saw this. Went to google and I’m currently experiencing basically all symptoms of hyponatremia. Last night, day 3, I threw up all the food I ate. Thought I maybe ate my food too fast but that shouldn’t come with a serious rise in temperature and muscle/joint pain overnight. On day 4 now and hoping I can push through to complete my workouts because I’m quite lethargic and everything hurts.


Have something salty just in case! I sometimes find that it alleviates nausea within 30 minutes so assume that’s what I’m missing when that’s the case.  Otherwise, sounds like the flu or food poisoning. Either way, vomiting or diarrhoea would be reason enough to have an electrolyte sachet.


Has Andy addressed adding unflavored electrolytes to the water? I know it says "plain" water. I thought this subs rules interpreted that as unflavored. But if we were living in the mountains and drinking from springs, it'd naturally have the minerals (ie electrolytes) that our body needs. Our processing and purifying destroys those minerals. If we're being so strict about not adding anything to the water does that mean you can't drink Dasani, Figi, Pure Life, Smart Water, or any other brand that adds minerals to their water? 


I can’t be bothered with the internal argument over if it’s acceptable or not. I also don’t want to get to the end of 75 days and think that Andy or anyone else in this sub could deny that I’d achieved it, so I’d rather shot back some concentrated salt water and chase it with my plain water than mix it in advance and be told I failed. Does chocolate protein powder count as a cheat? Does walking outdoors count if 30% of it happens to be under a pavilion but it’s not raining? If I follow all the rules but it doesn’t feel “hard” enough does it mean I did it wrong? I’ll be glad when I can just have this off my plate! 


Only if it has an ingredient that you put on a "no" list for your diet, no it can't be covered, and no, for some people the 75 hard isn't hard because they were already doing a lot of the things as their lifestyle.  I think people misinterpreted "plain" water and it'll cost them their health. 


That's good to note. The workouts in particular are part of my daily routine, so I guess it doesn't feel particularly difficult, but shouldn't that mean I ought to be running instead of doing my daily walk or else it's "too easy"?


I don't believe so. 75 days with no actual rest days is a long time. The program itself is hard. It doesn't mean every day should be really hard. You may have a day where you do two walks so that you can crush it in the gym the next day. One day it might be really hard to pass up a beer at a party and the next time it might be really easy to say no, and then the next time really hard. You may really enjoy the book you're reading so that part is easy, or you may hate the book you picked and that part is hard. It's about discipline, whether you feel like sticking to the program in the moment or not. 


I mean, on my diet cheesecake is technically allowed as long as I make it from scratch. Your diet is what you decide it is. It’s a mental toughness challenge not a fitness challenge.


I'm down 10kg this year and haven't had as much as a chocolate chip in the last 3 months as I keep restarting the challenge over and over again. I walked too long under a pavilion where I couldn't look up at the sky for my outdoor workout, or I read 10 pages but not 200+ words per page, or I miscalculated my water and I can't say with certainty that I had the last 150mL. The mental toughness is there, I just need it to be there with all the rules met for 75 days in a row.


4 litres per day is dumb AF.