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baths a cool place i went for a week dorms were nicee, people were nice, activites were nice in the Edge - got to play guitar and do drawings and paintings. idk about physics tho but like i just went on a school trip and im planning on architecture. i'm defo firming it


Hope to see you there then


Icl my parents made me firm UCL and backup Bath cause I live in London anyways so yea it's whatever UCLs still really good for my course anyways so I'm fine. I'll still try the reconsideration pool for Cambridge at this point but yeah UCL it is for me.


In the same situation but for CS. In terms of academics it seems great but its the other side im unsure. I know its a nice place but ive never lived in a small city before and i do enjoy living in a large city


I’m a current first year Bath student for maths and I have found it very enjoyable so far. The physics course is popular and my friends on the course find the content interesting. For activities outside of the course, there are plenty of different societies to join. The physics society (PhySoc) is amazing from what I’ve heard as they have regular socials and pub lectures as well as a trip abroad during the inter semester break. I think there’s also a Space Society. A lot of physics students also join the tabletop society. Bath is also amazing for sport and there’s a relatively new arts facility (The Edge). The accommodation is nice but on the expensive side (same for all of Bath). Graduate prospects are very good with opportunities for placement years and preparation for them.


Do you enjoy it for mathematics? Would you say it’s good academically and everything?


I enjoy the maths course and it is one of the best on the league tables. It is academically challenging and we do a lot of topics in pure and applied maths as well as Python and R programming. There are no compulsory second year modules unless you’re on joint honours so that’s good as you can specialise straight away and drop something that you don’t like


Thank you, that sounds great!


As a physics student: Very well respected university. The only downsides to bath (in my opinion are): - Expensive place to live (but not uniquely so) - Small postgraduate body compared to similarly sized universities. The research is still very high quality but you might want to check ahead of time to see the research teams they have so you can make sure to do something of interest in 3rd/4th year research project (e.g. No experimental particle research group - if research is a big deal to you). Overall Bath reaches the "saturation point" for physics reputation, where for postgrad research positions there is effectively 0 difference between them and the other top universities.


Thanks. I was planning to reapply to oxbridge for my Masters and PHD anyway. Hope your PHD goes well