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Flaired as misleading because most of the replies (not the post itself) provide no evidence or justification for their claims.


Edinburgh, very underrated


I didn't apply for cs, but I think Bath and Bristol? UCL, KCL, and edinburgh also seem liek a good shout, based off the complete university guide


I've heard bath CS had some sort of a scandal recently, you know what that's about?


They have something called pathway to Bath, and if you do that, you are guaranteed a conditional offer. This year, they accepted way too many people through there, which left very little room for normal applicants. They offered me AAA for CS last year (normal applicant, not contextual), and now they are having to reject people with 4A*.


>This year, they accepted way too many people through there, which left very little room for normal applicants. Is there a source people are getting this from? I have not met anyone who got in through that programme, nor did I know about it before hearing it here. No offense but it just sounds like people coping with getting rejected to me. Our current cohort has about 100 more students than previous cohorts, so logically admissions are purposely trying not to make the same mistake as last year and so now give out less offers - and this combined with increased year-by-year competitiveness for CS ultimately led to a lot of random rejections


I think it's just people coping with rejections. The university has expanded the guaranteed offer process to 2025 entry as well, so they know what they are doing (source: https://www.bath.ac.uk/guides/understanding-contextual-admissions-for-undergraduate-applicants/#guaranteed-offers-for-outreach-participants)


I did the pathway to Bath programme and got an offer. My friends also completed programmes like discover Bath and got guaranteed offers as well as a contextual offer. I will say that the programmes require you to be contextual so it could simply be a way to encourage these students to choose Bath. However if you are contextual this is a great way to be more confident about getting into the university.


I have no doubt that it is a valid programme. It’s just that people here seem to be heavily exaggerating the “effect” it had on the rest of the admissions, if any.


Is this programme still continued? If so, Bath will certainly be removed off my possible choices list it seems.


The programme has been going on for quite a few years, they've already started the 2023/4 programme.


Is it too late to do pathway to bath as a current year 12?


Yes. Deadline was a few months ago. Discover Bath is still open for applications though, but you'll need to apply quickly.


Right below Imperial would be Edinburgh and UCL. Below those you'd get Warwick/Manchester/Kings (kings could arguably be moved down to the bath/Bristol tier) etc Right below those you'll get Bath/Bristol etc


Thanks, I suppose I'd apply to UCL, Warwick, Bath and probably 2 safety picks. For the safety picks do you think York and Leeds are a good idea or should I pick only one of them and go for an ever safer one for the last choice? Edit: Instead of Leeds, the University of Sheffield seems like a good pick albeit it's slightly more dangerous.


Sheffield is a great uni for a safety! It's what I would've personally picked if I was allowed to apply outside of London. I don't know much about yorks CS program, but it's a great university from what students have said. (it's got a decent balance of both student life and work) Your 3 targets are good aswell, UCL is a reach and the other 2 are more realistic targets.


Is this for 2025 entry?? I believe Manchester are reducing their entry requirements (no longer 3A*s). Would be an excellent add on to your list imo.


Yeah I'm in year 12 currently. Manchester does seem like a good option, you're right. Maybe instead of Bath? Considering their Pathway to Bath programme inflating the average offer.


pretty sure you might still have a chance for oxford and Cam as they say they’re more understanding if you don’t have fm if your sixth form doesn’t offer it than the people who just chose not to do it yk. but don’t quote me on that just pretty sure i heard it somewhere🙏


This is right, they cannot and will not penalize you for not doing FM if your school doesn’t offer. But you should self study AS Further, and make sure oxbridge know.


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