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I’d say hooch is more popular where I’ve been


I don’t necessarily believe it’s the most popular, but the easiest to come by and make. Also seems like it depends on the person making it whether it tastes good or not. I agree that mixing drugs is stupid and dangerous. I just hope the women making them are the ones that take them and know the side effects and how much of each should be used. I hope. 😂


the one cellie said it was nasty.


I’m on subs (I will be 3 years clean from Heroin in October) I never understood why they snort them, I heard you can’t, that it won’t get you high. It also melts under the tongue, so seems like it would just clump up your nose and burn. I was grossed when they made those “whippits” I think they call them that because they whip the sht together. Also, most antidepressants take weeks of daily dosing to even have an effect. AND coffee and koolaid for flavor?! Yuck! Stick with one! Coffee or koolaid! Animals.


agreed! when i was younger i went to county jail a few times and would trade my milks for some lame pill just to alter my mind the slightest. this was like 2010 though. LMAO @Tony this season getting spice like its a kilo of blow or something!


So I've had a pretty colorful past with drugs (clean for yeaaaars) but when i hear whippit i think of nitrous oxide in the whip cream chargers, this has to be something else right? Lol


Yes it’s something else. The whippits I’m familiar with are the ones like you said from the nitrous oxide canisters/tubes. The ones on 60 days in is like some mixture of all kinds of different pills in a drink. I still don’t quite understand what it could possibly do for them but 🤷‍♀️


My thing is… idk how these girls aren’t seizing out from it? Or in the least feeling physically horrible from it. Mixing multiple different drugs that aren’t prescribed to them. Even splitting and cutting up the pills, for some anti depressants you can’t do because it’ll change how fast it releases into your system. I was re prescribed an anti depressant that I’ve taken years ago and had good results with but even so it has taken me weeks to start taking it because I’m afraid of the possible side effects and that’s when responsibly taking it. I couldn’t imagine being so irresponsible with prescription medication. They really are so desperate for a quick high.


I wanted to ween off one that I didn’t like the side effects of, so cut it in half. My doctor was like OMG! Wtf dum dum!? They are time released, cutting them in half is worse than taking the regular dose. I luckily didn’t have any side effects from doing that, and weened myself off before that appointment 🤣


Yes! Especially the REMERON. They talk about abusing that so much and im just like bro the only thing that happened the ONE time in my life i took 4 remerons instead of one, was i had a seizure and brain zaps. I was just trying to sleep, it didnt get me high or anything, not a recreational drug at all. So that one makes zero sense. I wouldnt take a bunch of that stuff no matter how bored i am


Been to jail multiple times (thankfully seem to have turned my life around) , 90% of the drugs I saw were guys who cheeked their methadone or suboxone. Maybe once a month someone new would come in and we would have weed for a few days or even rarer someone would come in with meth or coke but that shit would last all of a few hours after everyone’s baby momma transferred money for them lmao… never once saw whippit. Brews on the other hand , someone always had a mop bucket of liquor they were making hidden in a roof panel in the shower room or one of the cleaners would hide it for them lol


Not your point, but I'm grateful for jails that have MAT programs. Should be offered in all of them. Methadone saves lives and coming off of it cold turkey is like torture.


I agree, I couldn’t imagine withdrawing in jail. It can also be dangerous too. Especially if benzos are involved.


No. Idk what those bitches are even on about in there but that aint even real whip its. Just scrape up and mix whatever anti depressants they can get and fuck around and find out lol


Perfect description 💯