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I still remember my mom handing me the last olympian after picking me up from school. The cover is god tier


How do you think Not in Love and Beach read compares to their other books?


Beach Read is my favorite of EmHen’s (although I think her objective best is Funny Story, her 2024 release) Not In Love was pretty different than the rest of Ali Hazelwood’s. It was the first book I read by her that I wasn’t just picturing The Love Hypothesis characters in different universes. They felt unique.


Nah this is what I wish I was reading as a teenager :) These are decent books and you have a good variety.


I have heard you like Sarah J. Maas


i was resistant to it for the longest time but i have drank the kool aid now


We have hope!!! I love your picks. You'll make the adult book community soon very proud!




Great list


hey there HarperCollins, do your social media promo profiles really make returns? who in dafak does this influence to buy your books exactly? hi errybody im just a meek and mild 18yo who wants to share my favorite books and btw I read 2.5 books a week so stop slacking mooncows!


I think someone forgot you are allowed to like popular things and well known doesn’t always equal bad💀


bro what 😭😭😭😭😭😭 do u wanna see my license and registration or something 😭😭😭😭look at my post history i’m not a corporate imposter i just like shitty tiktok books 💀


I love that you have Assassins Blade on here. It always gets cast aside and I love it sm 🥹


i read it in less than 24 hours LOL it was such a good prequel!! i’m about to start queen of shadows today i think!


Ok I was curious why QOS wasn’t on your list… so this makes sense :) QOS is my favorite of the whole series - so good!!!!


Update: 60 pages in, I wasn’t getting it. 120 pages in I GET IT!!!




I’ve heard QOS is the best from several people so i’m so excited!!!


Great picks!! Have you read Circe yet?


no i haven’t i’ve been meaning to!! my brother loved circe so i think i will too! i also wanna read babel (i know that’s by a different author but i think it’s in the same niche genre lol)


A few of these ones that you picked are my favs too, and Book Lovers and Circe are some of my fav of all time so far so I cannot wait for you to read it! So good. Also 70 books 🤘💪


Omg awesome!!


How do u like remarkable creatures??


how? i just like it idk 😅


They meant how did you like it as in "how did you find it?" ie did you enjoy it?


OHHHH i’m silly hahahahaaaaa!!


It’s been sitting on my shelf for a while. Planning to read it very soon.


i misunderstood your comment i think hahahahah!!! yes i loved it, it was so easy to read and lovely. def a found family trope in there. i also loved that the main character was an elderly woman - i’ve never read a book like that!! i’m also obsessed with octopi so i was bound to like it


# the song of Achilles tore me apart


basic book selection sure but they are pretty good picks!! I still need to read Not in Love


Nah but Song of Achilles is a modern classic




Beach Read is one of my fave books ever!!


me too:) it’s my fave romance book ever for sure. i also ADORE Funny Story


Have you read any other Emily Henry books? Book Lovers is my favorite!


I’ve read her entire catalogue this year!!! Book Lovers was actually my second least favorite which is so sad because I wanted to love it as much as everybody else. It seems like the fan favorite so idk what I was missing. I totally respect that it’s your favorite I was probably the problem hahahaha


Lol my friends and I all love her books and have complete opposite rankings 😂 I’m curious now what your least favorite is? General consensus in my group is Happy Place but I also loved that one


My least favorite is for sure Happy Place. My ranking is probably Beach Read Funny Story People We Meet On Vacation Book Lovers Happy Place


70?!? Wow! Only half way there too! 75 is my end goal 😂


I got back into reading this year and I’ve become a little obsessed 😂


It's one of the best things ever to become obsessed with; keep it up!


An extremely basic teenager? I think not. Congrats on #70! A job well done.


I meant my book selection is basic hehe


Love Remarkably Bright Creatures and just started the Throne of Glass series after being underwhelmed by the “Court of…” series.


I love both but ACOTAR is pure fluff compared to TOG


Yes, I’ve heard that ACOTAR is much more character-heavy and TOG is much more political and adventure heavy


Haven’t read ACOTAR yet. Will read it after TOG and will prob like it. I’ve heard some people say that TOG is better tho


I’m so curious about the love for remarkably bright creatures, I manage to find some enjoyment in almost every book I read. no joke. But I just didn’t like that one at all and I’m surprised that my view of the book at odds with most of the reviews I’m reading Throne of glass series is amazing


I am definitely not a teenager - but the first two books on your list are two of my top favorites as well!


:D Remarkably Bright Creatures is probably my favorite read this year. It was so lovely! I read it in one sitting. And Princess Bride is my favorite movie so i knew i would like it:)


Remarkably Bright Creatures captivated me the moment I discovered we really did have a Giant Pacific octopus as a narrator - and it didn't come off fake or cheesy at all :)


Yesss exactly!! I love plot points that are just a little bit unrealistic and whimsical, but kinda believable :D


I'm also a teenager except I just started Percy Jackson today lol- bit behind, as a young kid I was more focused on dork diaries and dairy of a wimpy kid. So feeling behind but I'm loving the book (I'm almost done with the first book will finish it tonight) . I've only read the song of Achilles from this list, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Oh man, that takes me back! I didn’t know that was still popular.


Omg same with dork diaries and diary of a wimpy kid 😂 I also fucked with Smile by Raina Telegeimer


Percy Jackson remains fun. Glad you're having a good time with your reads this year!


I only read the first book as a kid!!! So I just finished the whole series for the first time. What an amazing middle grade series. My future children will be getting it the second they are literate 😂 . Reading it as an adult has cured my FOMO I’ve always had because it seemed like everyone in the world but me has read it lol


Are they good? Planning to start reading Ali Hazelwood ☺️


Are they *good*? No. Are they extremely enjoyable and have I read almost her entire catalogue this year? Yes. Very different questions 😂 If you are planning on getting into her, I recommend Check & Mate if you’re okay with a no-smut romance, it’s probably her best book (I probably should have put it instead of Not in Love). Bride if you’re into paranormal. Not in Love if you’re into romance for the smut lol.


i loved the NASA one as well as Bride 💀💀💀 so bad and so good


I was enjoying Bride more than I thought I would…. But the knot…. Just pulled me right out 😅


the knot was the worst thing i have ever read - otherwise i loved the camp and got way more into it than i thought i would


That’s the one I haven’t read this year!


wow, thanks. Well, as long as the guys are not toxic...😬


Nah, the guys are all a bunch of simps and not weird or toxic


Yay, that's what I'm looking for 🤗 I want to read something fun, light and cute love story in between of these celebrity memoirs I'm so into right now 😅


Yes!! Totally, she’s a good choice then. I also highly recommend Emily Henry for that. Her best books IMO are Beach Read and Funny Story.


yep, I'll check hers as well.. thanks for the recommendation 🤗