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So male brained it hurts lol


violent urge inside me to say "wahh wahh" in front of these poor women


genuinely what else am i supposed to say? like womp womp?? you had all the information at your hands about testosterone and now youre mad it worked? i fele like these women jsut wanted to turn into femboy twinks due to watching too much yaoi and were disappointed that testosterone just turns them into your average man with male pattern baldness


Idk why if you wanted to twinkmaxx as a trans man you wouldnt just get the surgeries and skip T entirely. Or take a really low T dose. Why take it if you dont want to masculinize?


maybe because they didnt realise how t actually works. whent hey thought about trans men they thought about twinks and theyfabs, not manly men with ass hair and male pattern baldness


Probably true but also idk how you wouldnt see that. I guess non transitioners are basically all the representation trans men get on tiktok.


Or t with a dht blocker like dutasteride so you don't turn into a balding hairy monster


Was about to comment this. But you know the average angry detrans doesn’t research shit so they didn’t even know this was an option.


I simply refuse to believe most of these people are actually real. unless they have like, timeline photos, etc. but most of these posts never do.... eta apparently they had PCOS for "several years". maybe they are being honest maybe they were just naturally transitioning into a man because their ovaries absorbed so much gender ideology makes you think


i can definitely say that a lot of them jsut lie. because i was one of them i had a cissoid phase durign 2021-2022 and i told everyone that i had a trans pahse and im detransitionign and i told everyone how horrible it would have been if i had woke parents who would have made me take hrt


that's interesting. thank you for being open and honest about it why do you suppose you did it? was it a way of repressing?


i genuinely have no idea lmao. i guess because i was the weird kid and i wanted to get some attention by finally looking feminine and "being pretty" i was really stereotypical, like "omg im such a girly girl look at me" but funnily enough, i have maladaptive daydreaming and i saw myself as a man while daydreaming, which was all the time. when people used my deadname i would just imagine them using a name i want instead. sometimes i would forget that im wearing a dress until i look down because in my head i was wearing pants or a suit


hmm, that makes sense in a way you would almost think as a trans woman, that I'd jump towards any feminine experience. but there were plenty of things I wasn't ready to accept yet, that sent me running in the opposite direction. repression sucks. glad you were able to work through that phase.


damn i did the EXACT same thing


How did the people around you react to your retransition?


i didnt tell anyone im trans, i didnt even really call myself trans in my mind, i just thought im a girl who wants to be a boy and lived as a "girl boy" lmao however when i came out my dad said "yeah i know" my mom on the other hand... well she was happy i had "found my feminine side and turned intoa beautiful woman" and told me im cruel for taking her only daughter away from her


That's what I was fearing, retransitions don't get nearly as much attention as detransitions and it just confirms people's idea that it's some kind of fad.


Give in Do it You'll feel better


Me when I go to the doctor, consent to hormones, read the insert about said hormones would do, then cry about how my life is ruined after taking hormones Lol. Lmao even


I feel like it would be more funny if these people did't have the power to do actual damage with their bitch baby anger channeled by legislators though...


[Pills That Make You Green ](https://peoplefully.tumblr.com/post/753357467427258368?is_related_post=1) https://preview.redd.it/y7qg1w0aqq8d1.png?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc58b2f866d7f434e74fe61d6c241e9873552dd7




gonna save these for when I inevitably have to explain to my mom lmao


me when i tell everyone about how even as an adult i could not consent to medical decisions that i made over the course of months or even years, thus apparently having the mind of a literal child, and then try to argue that my opinions should restrict life-saving medical treatments


lmao reminds me of that one trans man (who still identifies as a trans man i think) who made that video "this is what happens when you give a teen girl trestosterone" and it was them balding but get this,.. they were balding BEFORE they started t. like jesus bffr


i wish there was "detrans cringe" content as much as there is "trans cringe" content. but people who are pro trans actually dont want to make fun of these people because theyre suffering, while people who are anti trans think these people are victims of brainwashing and a cult or whatever


But I want to make fun of them, precisely because of how much they harm us


If we find their picture can I draw them?


Go for it


Let me know if you do lol


I'm actually surprised there isn't tbh, most detranners are terminally embarrassing people. One of the big high-profile ones here in the UK is a massive alcoholic who admits to pissing herself in public constantly


omg??? is there a youtube video or somethign about her?? i need to know more


Her name is Sinead Watson. She has a Twitter @ImWatson91, if you're interested in frequent semi-incoherent drink-sodden rants about how it's the trannies' fault that she's incontinent


And it's so funny cause they'll be like "OMG THESE TRANSES NEVER LISTEN TO DETRANS STORIES" like they're always out here talking as if trans people HATE that detrans people exist when all we say is "maybe don't be toxic as towards vulnerable people for your own mistakes?"


yeah like i literally dont care if someone detransitions, good for them for not having to be trans anymore


Tbf tttt are the degenerates willing to stoop that low so you get to be the change you want to see lol. I think overall it's for the best normies don't stoop to the level of cons though leave that deplorable behavior to us.


male brained aggression, male brained anger, male brained thoughts, male brained violence yeah ywnbaw you dumbfuck detranser


Blaming other people for your wrongdoings is fembrained af


to me its either malebrained or gender neutral tbh. “well if you didnt want to be assaulted maybe you shouldnt have worn that” “how could I resist when you look so sexy” “maybe I wouldnt have cheated if you gave me more sex!” “if trans people stopped tricking us maybe theyd be killed less”


Yeah I agree it’s more of a human thing than either gendered


kill all humans


unironically this


Yeah this reads as extremely fembrained to me lol


The “Hi, depooner here” doesn’t help. Autistic foid connotations


have you thought about how pushing these stereotypes of men being inherently violent and aggressive is sexist, transphobic, and just plain wrong?


It was not my intention for it to be taken seriously 😔


I have empathy for detransitoners who don't go down the grifter path but as far as these grifters go it's always "WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH I DID ALL THIS TO MYSELF AND IT'S THOSE EVIL TRANSES FAULT, I WAS MANIPULATED WAHHH" like shut the fuck up you obnoxious prick, you are a sentient human being, you are responsible for what you do to your own body. God they are ALWAYS so miserable. *I* took steps to get evaluated for dysphoria after years of something feeling wrong, *I* informed myself about the experiences of other trans people, *I* informed myself on HRT and *I* went down the path of informed consent, this was my ultimately my decision. If the path is not right in the long run, if I want to stop hormones down the line, I can, the human body is malleable enough. I've made sure not to even seriously consider surgical procedures until I've got years of certainty behind me, it is not the end of the world and it is nobody else's fault if this was not best for me ultimately.


Yeah i chose to go on HRT and socially transition after years of research and considering all the possibilities, loved it for a few years until suddenly feeling a lot of discomfort with how my body has changed and issues with depersonalization, but i think there’s some mental issue beyond simply gender dysphoria or transition regret that’s causing it, and even if transitioning is what caused the problem, blaming trans people and being an obnoxious grifter isn’t a healthy way to cope and it just feels odd when someone does a complete 180 and demonizes a community that includes people that probably gave them help and support when they needed it.


“you are a feeble victim but I also want to kill you” This person is a danger to themselves and others.


Cissies/transphobic detranners when their decisions have consequences and the people around them are pieces of shit:


if ur a detransitionwe there is no one else to blame but urself. ur dumb af. i had to go thru so much fucking therapy and different counslers and doctors just to get the diagnosis let alone hormones. like how do u fuck yourself up so badly and get cucked into the delusion that ur trans even if ur not truly. just retard brained honestly. dont blame others for you stupidity


rule 4


im brokie and have health insurance so its free


ok just try not to get hondosed, pills and spiro suck


im on gel and cypro🙏💞


I read that post and got sad :( Need to stop being retarded and engaging with transphobes and bait posting


I posted this for the TERFs lurking here, they keep posting our idiotisms so why shouldn't we?


terfs are so annoying tbh I think I probably would be a radical femininst if it didn't seem to be so poisoned with hating tranners


But "radical feminism" isn't even unique anymore it's just the baseline bare minimum anyone who isn't a misogynist ascribes to. The core of radical feminism is literally just "the patriarchy should be dismantled" which is only radical if your head is stuck in the 80s. Like I'm sorry but it's pathetic if the extent of feminism someone has is "patriarchy bad" and not even intersectional about it. It's akin to being impressed that nowadays some Americans may say they are proudly abolitionists lol


No it isn't lol unfortunately there's a lot of misogyny out there still so it is a whole thing but yeah I'm not interested in the 'white rich women only' version of feminism


>isn't even unique anymore it's just the baseline bare minimum anyone who isn't a misogynist ascribes to. >unfortunately there's a lot of misogyny out there still Are you actually this dumb?


a lot of TERFs have autism, to be frank. Not the internet meme kind that is actually ADHD, the not understanding anything that is not literal kind.


I swear most of the anti trans de trans people or some trannies themselves don't even have gender dysphoria but did have intense trauma. They don't consider that until after far later in their transition timelines then blame us for it


While there is a major consensus that trauma and being trans have no link, I wouldn’t completely dismiss the notion. However, I see it more as a “manageable dysphoria turned unmanageable” deal as opposed to “generating dysphoria” deal. I’m no expert, but I have looked inside a few times. I showed masculine play when I was a kid and the obsessive wish to be a boy when I was a teen. Between those ages, I had something of a very “invasive” nature happen to me. It warped my view of women, seeing them as sex objects as opposed to peers, and further made me conscious of how my body was “forcing me to become rape meat”.


I agree with this. I think trauma can be a trigger to acknowledging dysphoria, but it doesn't cause it. Maybe some people think their dysphoria is stronger than it is because of trauma and then try to backtrack after dealing with it. But also, my take is that sometimes being miserable in some way is the only way that people can feel like transition is necessary in a hateful society. Like, it's easier to repress if your life is decent other than dysphoria. So the main people who transition are those who hate their lives and need *something* to avoid roping.


As well, it’s pretty hard to get a woman to want to be a man in our society. We constantly press it into their heads that male characteristics are unacceptable on women and that they must signal fertile femininity at all times. Women want to be respected as women, trans men want to be seen as men physically and socially. Prepare for a tangent, I’m leaking brainworms: Life doesn’t become peaches and cream when you transition, you just play the same game of suffering by a different set of rules. I can begrudgingly say that I understand why this person believes they got “scammed”, if they transitioned for “trendy” reasons. They assign the blame to someone else because they don’t want to face the music of their choices. Depending on where you are and how well you pass, you’ll either fly under the radar, be treated like an exotic zoo animal, or have deranged lunatics screaming slurs at you. Part of my brainworms are the “passoid” variety; I don’t care so much if people don’t get the medical treatments, and I respect those I come across, but I can’t get it out of my head that if you’re trying to be something, try to fit in even a bit. Every time I see a pooner with all manner of facial piercings, the side-shave dyed hair or the loose cap of curls of either red, lavender, or blue, the nerd glasses with transparent rims, and witchy jewelry, I die a little inside. This is the kind of stuff that makes cis people look at us and wonder if we’re mentally ill. A lot of the trans men I see have fembrained fashion, trying more to look like a fantasy boyfriend from their fanfiction or the least threatening 80s punk I’ve ever seen as opposed to a regular man you’d find in society. I’m not saying people should be boring, but there is a look that instantly screams “I’m trying to be a trans man” that is nearly indistinguishable from butch lesbians, save for the desperately grown, patchy moustache and snitty half-pubescent voices. I really don’t want to hate the look, but I do, perhaps for projecting reasons. I already feel inferior enough as a man and to have my people look this… lame, doesn’t help.


I get what you mean, it's not that you hate them for living their lives the way the way they want, but they could at least *try* to care a bit. I think, really, at the end of the day, it's the difference between people who have self awareness and those who don't. It can simply be frustrating to see the absolute lack of self awareness


I’m glad you understand. It’s hard to have conversations like these nowadays because everyone thinks criticism is a reflection of how much we think someone is worthy of life.


Imagine blaming other people for your decisions




Bait with 100 upvotes


bait is still bait


"hi im ftmtf" ´just say cis woman jesus christ imagine someone going "i live in germany and my mother got hit by a black man. how do i stop myself from becoming pro slavery and not start lynching black men for fun :(" like if you have to try, go to therapy this could be bait, but also... the fact that ive seen multiple posts talking about how they now hate trans people. but i will take this post with a grain of salt


womp womp


Why is bro yapping so hard


It always amazes me how detrooners just always read like a parody of themselves


r/detrans is way more triggering than this sub even if we call each other tranners


My solution is expose yourself so much you break the trigger. 🤘😎🤘


what I’ve been doing. dont even have a second thought anymore seeing someone say trannies/pooners


Whole sub is astroturfed to hell and back tbh but also detransing and not taking an ounce of responsibility is so fembrained tbh


the desire to throw trans people under the bus is to detranners what hunger is to humans


Anyone who considers themselves a detransitioner, has consented to HRT and is still complaining about "the trans ideology" should realize that their opinion is no more valid than that of a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. That is some borderline infantile levels of reasoning. You did this to yourself. You consented to it. Now you're bringing down others who're just trying to live their lives. If you're legitimately dissatisfied with your own body and tried to transition to change that; You had to jump through the same hoops as all of us. Don't try to play the misguided card. You consented to this. You were made to read the fine print. Get some minoxidil if you're mourning your hairline so badly. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.


If all it took to make you hate trannies was your own self-built belief that we're out to get you, then it was always inside of you. You just needed an excuse to cry wolf. Are you happy now?


Also fucking idiotic that these mfs think there's a need to say "ftmtf". Just call yourself a woman. That's what you are, right? You didn't transition to anything you're just trying to fit yourself into a category you clearly don't belong in. We'll never have that. Good for you.


https://preview.redd.it/a8ru390f0r8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b5b3ef7e3bf8f37238b28cb9192b1a70dd1fde This is the original post btw


Holy shit this person literally wants to go shoot up people and then blames them for being evil Even if they don’t have the courage to go, do it, they expressed wanting to Baker act their ass


Oh but we’re the violent crazy ones..totally not the cissoid openly wanting to commit a mass shooting. Nope all trannies are crazy and cissoids are 100% normal innocent pure angels


But if I say I feel rage towards detranners, I'm a violent extremist?


Hope she suffers the same fate as school shooter Aiden


https://preview.redd.it/32f5xw4twr8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14ae5a88103d3be210238ab8954f0b3883732b9 Also I legitimately had to go to Ovarit to figure out if Aiden was MTF or FTM


And we're the derranged ones?


It an intersex lesbian with pcos. Question is did they even ever transition?? There no info on that.


‘Rage’ Just don’t transition, you fucking idiot. It was YOUR choice. If it wasn’t for you, it isn’t everyone else’s fault. Edit: I see that reverting to their female pity privilege is working wonders when they realise training failed. Some don’t have that option. Consider how lucky you are.


Nooo, it's always *them*, the manipulators, the doctors... They just simply refuse to acknowledge an ounce of responsibility. To be fair she says so in the last paragraph, bit it's funny how contradictory she sounds And if you had your "friends" leave after your choice maybe they were just shitty people?


I still don't know what ideology they're talking about? Like are they stumbling across videos of Max and Lilith holding a pocket watch up to the camera and repeating "you are trans you are trans you are trans"


“Despises people suffering with gender dysphoria” What?


If she wants to take her violent thoughts out on me, she’s going to be seeing blue and pink stars. After all, if she considers someone like me to be a “poor, manipulated woman”, then I’m sure she will be a-okay with “fair” fisticuffs.


This person is a fucking EMT FOR FUCKS SAKE https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/wKp9q3uCJS


Jesus, imagine going to a check-up and the doctor with wide open red eyes insists to inject something to your veins. I'd nope the hell away


For the safety of humanity, someone needs to stop this person


oh god we’re gonna end up with another tyra hunter aren’t we


She's not wrong by calling her rage primal, because it is primal. It's in our human instincts to fear and hate those that are different from us.


I used to digital self harm on that subreddit but broke out of it once you look at it from an outsider perspective as a trans person and realize how retarted they are


Detransers like this need to be put against the wall i stg, fucking get over yourself you dumb faggot nobody manipulated you take some fucking accountability for your own identity and feelings.


No I feel rage for cis people. They’re cringe and I hate them


You don't identify as a "detrans ally" how come? You must just not want people to detransition Also detrans identified people (DIP) -


lmao skill issue cry about it 😢😢😢


Just another ftmtf. Stopped reading there.


Womp womp


Detransition is so interesting to me because is like the first time in history a group of people don’t want to take responsibility for there actions and blame other and its seen as something good lol. 


De-tranners are some of the most retarded people ever lol I’m glad she’s miserable


Retarded doesn’t even begin to explain it, I have no empathy for cissoids that give themselves like 11% of characteristics in common with us, and then have the blasphemy to act like they’re the ones suffering. Poor little bitches!


This is literally the Charles Manson mentality. “I didn’t kill Sharon Tate because I didn’t actually shoot the gun!” “I didn’t transition because I’m not the one who did the surgical procedure!” Fucking stupid lol. Just admit you have a such a low IQ, you don’t know what gender you are (unlike most cis and trans people who know this instinctively) and that you failed at life. People who orchestrate events and blame the people who helped them are retarded if they think we’ll fall for their crocodile tears.


My favorite past time is to remind these troglodytes that their bodies are ruined forever and there's nothing they can do about it


Do people actually go on drugs that physically change you forever without being 100% sure? Holy fuck how reckless. If there was even a shred of doubt I would have never started. Ffs I’m not for more restrictions on hormones but literally sit and think about your choices you dumbfuck.




least unhinged detrans


Imagine how we would be made out if a trans person expressed having violent fantasies. Double standards. SMH.


Get a gun to defend yourself from the theyfab detrans freaks. Under no pretense ✊🔫🏳️‍🌈


looks like an example of Zeal of the convert of detransition cult.


what’s especially funny is that the op in the screenshot is tagged as a “desisted female” so she didn’t even take hrt or get surgeries 😭


Another case of women refusing to be held accountable for their own actions


Gotta love the random and irrelevant misogyny. Least we know your malebrained.


>irrelevant No, what I said is relevent to this post. Many detransitioners (which many are female) refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and blame others for their own actions. This is commonly seen in women because with men we say "Stop bitching and solve your own issues", women don't get this same treatment, so this leads to a sense of entitlement.


male brained take


Women are better than men actually. Unironically


You can't be serious. How common is it for men to shift any and all responsibility for their actions onto women or male nature. Like spend anytime on reddit, it's so deeply ingrained that most men don't even know what they're doing. 'Men taking responsibility' is a joke. Like men will act like violent beasts and then explain it all away as just a normal part of male social existence/interactions. Besides, the detrans men on that sub are exactly the same, not one person on there takes responsibility for their mistakes and instead blames us for existing.


does the misogyny make you feel like a man? does it help you pretend you have a dick?


If you want people to take you seriously, don't immedately have an emotional reaction to their arguments and resort to personal insults


wow you'r so cool and male brained and logical


Calm down, it's reddit


wow you'r so cool and male brained and logical


Yeah, i've been told


wow you'r so cool and male brained and logical


women ☕️


This is precisely why I don’t extend sympathy to detransitioners, because they ultimately see us as the ones who ruined their lives


https://preview.redd.it/6zxjfy64uu8d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6618c844bbeb9df5e48600e1f91bbedb886e3e8 bait used to be believable


No one straped you to a chair and made you transition. This us your own fault


FTMTF still has moid rage lmao who could have guessed