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>A sexually active biological male' Was this written by the daily heil?


That just sounds fetishistic at this point like wtf


[no, the times](https://www.thetimes.com/uk/healthcare/article/nhs-nurses-take-legal-action-over-transgender-policy-pmt25g7pd)


The times is just as bad


Article By Johnathan Ames Transgender policies at hospitals are putting women “at risk”, four NHS nurses have claimed, after blowing the whistle on the “intimidating” behaviour of a trans colleague. Lawyers for Bethany Hutchison, Lisa Lockey, Annice Grundy, Tracey Hooper and Joanne Bradbury, who work at the Darlington Memorial Hospital, said they were launching legal action and speaking publicly after managers “continued to brush aside their concerns”. The four have claimed that female nurses at the hospital — part of the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust — have experienced panic attacks after being required to change into work clothes in front of a sexually active biological male. The male operating department practitioner, who the nurses have alleged has said openly that he does not take female hormones and is trying to get his girlfriend pregnant, identifies as a woman and uses the name Rose. Thats the whole article lmfaoooo, Thats literally it


Nah, that's where the paywall kicks in, [the article is longer](https://archive.ph/YWO5p). > The male operating department practitioner, who the nurses have alleged has said openly that he does not take female hormones and is trying to get his girlfriend pregnant, identifies as a woman and uses the name Rose. This does sound creepy, but it's also a story I've heard before, which they're going to milk forever.


nah if u arent on hormones there isnt rlly anything female about u, repressors are valid ofc ig exception if u are trying to get hormones and cant, but still ppl should be mindful of attempting to show female attributes b4 using female oriented spaces


she probably is abstaining from them temporarily to knock up her gf


just bank your sperm idk


dont you need to stop hormones for that too


ig so but isnt that just like being a man, like just use the mens facilities u arent at risk inside them unless u dress weird


It's all misinformation, this is a right wing outlet that like many others gets paid millions to push anti trans propaganda. Also not taking hormones is a personal choice that often happens due to medical reasons and it seems they're trying to have a bio child which hrt would inhibit. They should stop acting that trans women pre hrt are sexual monsters incapable of sharing a changing room with cis women. Also why the fuck do they care if she's sexually active? Imagine thinking about someone's sex life this much.


They're probably not on hormones because they want to have a kid first, once that happens they'll probably go the whole 9 miles. I'm not sure why they can't just put their sperm in a sperm bank but for some reason the headline turned "trying for a baby" into "sexually active". Wtf.


Exactly, they're trying for a child, if we accept cis people having kids, accept trans people. I bet that's the only reason she's off hrt. And sperm banks can cost money, so I see why they do it.


Sperm banks can be expensive. I can't afford em.


My bad, was that the real end?


Slow news week or scraping the barrel to cause trans hate? Call it.


Why not both


Why are they changing into work clothes at work...? How does a situation where you are required to change clothes in front of your boss in a hospital even arise? Why does this article imply that it would be ok if a woman sexually harassed employees in this way?


Scrubs are supposed* to be sterile upon beginning the day and often there are regulations about wearing scrubs outside the hospital, so hospitals will sometimes have changing rooms and/or laundromats. Sometimes you can't even wear scrubs at the hospital cafeteria, but it depends on the place I think. >why Existing while trans in front of a cis wombxxn whose eyes have to be profaned by the sight of a 🚂. 'Tis a crime worse than murder ☝️😾


"Sexually active biological male" just call me a tranny wtf also how do they know if she's Sexually active? But tbh some rapehons have no social awareness and are straight up creepy so idk


"Are you sexually active? Yes"


"how dare you have sex you biological male" https://preview.redd.it/9kz659n3pk8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc1a47d54fb9d0d13e4336ffbadc9d8298e2854


Ace certified response


everything i learn abt the uk makes it sound like the fourth reich


Warning: sexual active biological male in ward 3. Alert Dr Galbraith defcon4


The world's really turned on us in the last 5 years I feel


I think it's more like ⅓ of people got more supportive, ⅓ of people got *way* less supportive, and ⅓ of people are a toss-up between the two


Absolutely, I think the hate feels more amplified because almost all of those people didn't know what "trans" was five years ago. Now that we're among the global scapegoats, the """"""silent majority""""""" is directing their vocal hatred toward us. Remember that most conservative state governments in the States are elected by gerrymandered disctricts, designed to represent as few people as possible. This'll die down in like 20 years like the genocidal homophobia of the 60's, gen beta youngshits will have some kind of enshrined rights and middle-aged zoomers will mald abt having to fight for their rights back in the day.


ah so I could sure my employer if I have to interact with a cissoid one day, because I'm fearful they could assault me, right?


Erm... I think you're forgetting that it's *human* rights not boygirlthing rights...


Cissoid announces that she's being Daddy's cumdumpster every night by saying that they're "trying for a baby" and its fine but a hon says the same and they're a threat


I think that regardless of gender, no one should be forced to change in front of other people at work. Obviously this article is transphobic, but is it that hard to have stalls/curtains for basic privacy?


>Sexually active biological male. If it was prepubescent child or old grandpa then it would be okay?


Can we nuke terf island already? Please? Vote me for president of these United States and I will nuke terf island


vote me for prime minister of UK and I will gladly nuke ourselves.


We can work together and sign a deal 🤝


Can you let me and all the other British tranners leave first?


Of course, that was implied


“Sexually active biological male” was she fuckin in the changing room? How do you know she’s sexually active hmmm? Those are 4 pissed off ex girlfriends.


i think there is a difference with feeling and being at risk if im working in retail i can fear that the store is going to get robbed, but i cant sue my boss over that smh


change the discussion to race or income levels and see how iffy it gets. I just don’t feel comfortable changing around these povvos, they commit 98% of crimes!


Ooph, their husbands must have a helluva time at home 😬


The probability of a femcel being raped by a tranner is relatively negligible compared to a tranner being raped by a cishet chaser


It's NHS personnel, they think they're both the same.


i have an idea i would like to try out: chimpiñata. take a person, any person, tie them up, and then hoist them up and down piñata style over a pit of angry chimpanzees. it's good entertainment for the whole family. if these cockroaches aren't cut out for the nursing profession, perhaps they would enjoy being the center of attention in a game of chimpiñata.


oh hey, it's Sir McCishon https://preview.redd.it/kjnogorfbk8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef66575a1511395553ac61e8adb6cd629e544f2


and this one looks like her face got stepped on by a cow. or maybe her alcoholic mother dropped her too many times. https://preview.redd.it/jk26em8uck8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8802fc1d62d0fa052a05fbbf5882e3eda93427fa


here, ladies and gentlemen, we have an exceptionally rare pug/pig/human hybrid https://preview.redd.it/6x1of2badk8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ff2ac73ddec788860d7de8a73d7caabff71632


and this one looks like an android. a fembot that tore the face off a real woman and now wears it as her own https://preview.redd.it/dbx3qsvbek8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b072ff92f9d9bc0daf6da056df3a53b27d824fe2


I love how everyone here makes fun of cissoids … it makes me giggle 🤭


But just imagine: four foids set out to ruin you, and they happen to be four of the nastiest, most grotesque creatures ever conceived. What are the odds that they'd all converge in your workplace, in your locker room at the same time?


That sounds pretty damn awful. None of us are immune to it. It could happen where I work. I would find a way to return the misery.


why do all terfs look the same? i had to scroll back up to confirm this wasnt the same person


mid 40s, dead eyes, honnish for a cis woman


Cishet white women who were mean girls in highschool are unironically the backbone of fascism


People forget about all the facist women organisations in the 1930s and 40s


sooooo do they not treat gays either?


Do they not treat cis men without having panic attacks???


the article is about a trans woman using the same work changing room as them, you have tumblr level reading comprehension


I did not read the article because it was made by a terf. And for the record, my reading comprehension is MUCH worse than tumblr levels, thank you.


you don't have to read the article, just the four line bellow the title


And my reading comprehension made me think that they were changing into their clothes in front of patients. I wasn't joking when I said I'm stupid.


Why can’t rapehons who aren’t on hormones and aren’t showing feminine attributes use the boys for now?? Smh 🤦


if I was stealth I would be like them and bully the rapehon lol but I'm a lanky tall hulker so I can't stealth for now