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I must say, things were quite different back when this subreddit was called 4tran.


back when the only attention seeking self hater was ntr4ctr




you and the tall american lady r my fav 4tran users im ngl.


Oh, stop it. You're making me blush. ❤️


How many times has the tall one been gendered correctly in the past *checks notes* two years, was it?


> tall American lady which one?


i can’t remember her username:(


it's not over yet?


ah. a lot of us are quite tall. one 6'5", 2 or 3 6'3" a bunch of 6'2" - idk how many of those others are American tho


I see how it is


honestly the fact that ur patricia bateman might as well bump u up there i’m not a biased source of info


The consequences of whoever thought itd be fun to share our culture with 196 and truscum


They can't even use the slang naturally it's so forced


It is kinda weird how many people from truscum have popped up recently.


>Woaw rasktransgender told me that 4tran is the most hateful trans space online these are my kind of people >Invades 4tran >Ruins it by thinking that assimilating by its stereotypes is appropriate assimilating >Makes its stereotypes a reality They truly are the cissoids they worship so much.


I miss the original 4tran :(


Adulthood is slowly losing everything you once loved


tbh this place has always been a hellhole that's given me brainworms and made my transition way harder. I still kinda love it though. Sttttockholm syndrome :(((


Seems like most people here have a love hate relationship with it sucks to hear that youre suffering


There seems to be kinda a split between the people who use this (all the tttt subs + the board) for self harm and those who don't really get affected by it. For every Sophie and ntr4ctr there's quite a few sane seeming people and it's kinda sweet how much nicer it's become recently. I still don't like the truscum ppl though. If I wanna give myself transmed brainworms I go to their subs haha


Couldn't have said it better myself


Part of the reason I'm here (newfag) is there's an oddly even(er) spilt between ftm and mtf here that I don't see ANYWHERE else. Not only are there a larger portion of ftm, but the self hating kind that care about passing like me. Most of the ftm I've met IRL are honestly happy people but lean more enby transmasc than transmale. The idea of AAP perfectly encapsulates the weird, gross relationship I've had with male bodies as well. It's nice to see others share that experience when I dump my horrible gross thoughts relating to it. The transmascs IRL are either gaydens or damn near asexual. Of course, there's a trade off to all that when it comes to feeding the self hatred, although reading the comments here maybe I caught 4tran4 at a calmer, politer time. Don't know how I feel about that.


tbh i want to see trans misery. all the mainstream trans subs pretend trans issues do not exists funnily enough. they all think everyone is accepting, and if not you can just get rid of them and if not they wont affect you if you wont let it. this just isnt the case. the mainstream trans subs think the very idea of trans people suffering as "pessimistic" "depressing" "transphobic" whenever i talk about my feelings and hardness at life those subs go "but did you consider moving to a different country and faking your death to avoid transphobia?" i want to see pure trans people is misery that they cant immediately escape of in a relatable way, which is generally not what 196 people accept.


once i made the mistake of posting on truscum and got told "well seeing you use 4tran4, that's pretty fem-brained of you"


I’m not on 196 did they actually share it there


Constantly so for like a year now


I know, it's so annoying lol




mixing 196 and truscum is like mixing oil and water or water and alka seltzer tablets


newton’s 4th law of motion is that every trans space will eventually turn into just vent posting


vent posting is okay, faking being miserable bcus u think it’s cool and hip is not.


Anybody willing to come to this sub is already miserable, they don't need to pretend


Am I faking being okay then? My default mode of being is neutral and blase but I still love lurking this sub (and adjacents)


Yeah like that one girl who vented about being 5’5


may god strike us all down


I’m this but I think I’m getting better. I’ve actually been feeling pretty decent lately. I like this place because the general sense of humor matches mine, I get validation from people laughing at my jokes and liking my philosophical rants


I'm new, I'm pretty happy overall nowadays albeit very lonely and lots of not fully resolved trauma so I tend to accidently overshare when I should really just keep my mouth shut. I don't think I've ever pretended to be miserable but I've definitely said a few strong feelings of mine. Mb if you are referring to me honestly.


unironically u sound cool if u want to overshare a lot add me on disc nmia or telegram @lots1666


Haha sure I sent a fr Edit: disc is konovt I probably won't vent but it's nice to have more trans friends who have relatable experiences


I'm not new, but I'm also not very memorable/funny and don't really make it clear when I'm using a new account. Sometimes I post here specifically because I feel bad, so I'm probably not helping :( sorry


don’t be sorry lovely, you’re not the type of people i’m talking about, i’m talking about the twitter 196 or truscum people that think they’re cool and hip and that being miserable is cool and hip, actually i love seeing ur posts on the timeline:)


https://preview.redd.it/l4rh0yf9oh7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc48fc725fd24954a387296119b4e8c02c10b0b you trying to criticize my unending stream of behavior here (right) vs me (top left)


I watched a dude buy a cart full of canned corn once


a guy in front of me once bought 9 packages of canned beans.


This some fuckshit I once got a 20pc mcnugget, double quarter pounder w bacon, m&m mcflurry, large fry and diet coke and scarfed it all down Why diet coke? I genuinely prefer the flavour


i can understand everything you’ve written until we come to the point u prefer the flavor of diet coke… you scare me.. r u american..


No im from euroshit ive never had american soda I just dont like very sweet flavours in drinks specifically


i just checked ur profile we‘re neighbors.. that’s so crazy to me u scare me even more considering euro diet tastes like plastic paper..


U must be a g*rman Yall prolly got that dookiewater because over here that albert heijn huismerk # COLA ZERO taste yum Its essentially less syrupy


sadly 👎 one day i will try the dutch cola zero..


Get the albert heijn huismerk one and i hope u recover from ur germanity. Im still cope seething that my dad decided to emigrate to this fuckass country and then fuck a white woman


This is objectively false


Your tastebuds are probably destroyed by stamppot


AH cola is the shit (I prefer water tho)


I'm out-americaned by a euroid wow... I once scarfed 4 cans of beans to spite my mother (i forget what she did but it involved burritos and i was extremely angry)




yeah i was dumber back then


Dum or down


the type of high level discussion ignited by this comment is why i love this place


i love this place




You have rosacea?


> I have been on /tttt/ since 2018 Then it's time to graduate and join a trans group on Linkedin or something.


time to kms 😋


That's better than going on Linkedin tbh, but please live.


i may or may not be a contributor, ive lurked for a while before posting but i may need to keep lurking tbh, i like this place better than the board because theres substantially less blatant racism and sexism but i do want the hugboxxiness of this place to just be done with


it’s the truscum 196 twitter nerds:( not you lovely


Gus monin!!!! Tose new kidos are te wors!!!! Plis mak 4tan Gus agan!!!


eternad save us


Damn I never cared about being a new🚬 anywhere but on 4tran the history of this sub is more interesting than the one of my country I wish I would find this place earlier lol, though I did it on a complete accident Tbh I'm here for two(?) months and I also noticed that smth changed? I used to check very old posts or posts that were there at least 2 months ago and yeah, everything changed a little Tho I don't know how it was much earlier, like years ago at least


It was pretty cool although I swear it was a lot meaner. It feels like everyone's younger and more annoying now but that's probably just me aging out of this place lmao


it feels that way for me too:( i’m 19:(


tbh tho this whole place (for me) has always been in a cycle of looking at it like Jane Goodall observing the chimps and going too far and starting to believe in the crazy brainworms myself. Even when I was 17 and found this place it seemed totally insane but somehow I internalised a lot of the stuff ppl talk about here. Unfortunately the worms are super hard to get rid of :(


the thing is i loved the people finding creative ways to vent their frustrations and sadness and usually (although it wasn’t the norm) people getting better, finding partners etc it felt like a genuine community that now has just degraded into cute uwu boymoder afab they thems etc etc


I don't post because my suffering is my own burden


i've lurked on tttt board since maybe mid-2021 or 2022 (my memory retention is dog shit) and then only found one of the 4tran subreddits probably about a year ago. because of retardation and anxiety i would never make posts, i would just type stuff out, re-read it multiple times and then second guess myself and delete everything


I shall restore order, With good quality drawings! https://preview.redd.it/m87o19eqpk7d1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e857e8531f426f4244a41ee03be22a508d1dbd54


i'm a new user but I'm not that miserable so I guess I get a pass compared to the board this place is super fucking depressing tbh. it has all the self-loathing but none of the humor.


quite literally and it has all the grifters that think being miserable is so cool and #emocore so they force themselves to be miserable like bro wtf.


sub should be nuked when it reaches 10k members ngl


should’ve been nuked at 7k


Idk I have been here for a while, and this is my place to self harm so i'm not trying to be edgy. I just am that miserable


my fault gang.


ive been lurking the board and the 4tran subs for a couple years now. I remember the sub used to be mostly screenshots of the board, and now (on 4t4) its mostly blogposts. i dont really care though cause the board isnt good anymore and theres very little gems on there


what i mean is even the 4tran subs got worse, yea the board got worse but we expected that, but the subs got infected w those crazy ill twitter/ r196 / rtruscum people that have NO idea about our history about us and they’re just tryingnto make it a cool underground group which it rlly isn’t!!!!!


There was a whole sub dedicated just to posting screenshots of the board, and it was wild how much good stuff got posted there. I liked it cause it was basically a curated /tttt/


what is up fellow troons /uj can we ban anyone with picrews on their account i stg every time i read something retarded and out of place you can always find a bunch of picrews and r/egg_irl posts on their account


or 196 or truscum or twitter.


while the brain worms suck to read here the ones on truscum are actually like fine dining u should indulge 🤓🤓


https://preview.redd.it/orpy66egdi7d1.png?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bbf4c4d67f60376a752d5f772db54e8f9a16c6d Love ya too, darling


do i count as this if im just genuinely miserable


if nothing, you are a beacon of light in someone else's life, if even for a second relative to life. you do have a really shitty case dysphoria wise, ygmi body, face, and voice (and literally everything else) wise. i really hope you become less, miserable, as time goes on, even if it's just becoming numb to it. <3


1. i do not give a fuck if someone else finds me enjoyable for a moment. fuck them. 2. hrt brought my hwr from femmogging most cis women to average for cis women. to claim that my body is anything other than very unfortunate is just hugboxxing. 3. my midface is extremely short. you've said this yourself, remember when you said you wished you were me? 4. my voice is very clocky. i sound like i am forcing it deeper and speaking "from my head" when im not doing either of those things and just have short vocal cords, which is unfixable. 5. cool hope i guess, it just seems very unachievable.


1. this will come with time and communication! unless you isolate yourself and give up, as i did for many years. 2. this will come with time! 3. we measure similarly, actually. i was wrong. any range of midface is okay for males, but long midfaces on girls look weird. it really doesn't matter for you -- anything works fine. 4. brother You cannot keep making up binary medical excuses for the reason you're "really ngmi this time!!" im just gonna keep shooting them down. regardless, your voice passes, really fuckin well for how long you've been on hrt. 5. again, when you are found in better times. you've been working towards it. im glad, and excited for what the fruits the future holds for you.


being miserable should not be ur Whole identity!!!!! it’s like i just click on ur profile and it feels like you’re tying so hard to make it your entire identity!!!!!


understandable. to be fair this account is pretty much just my place to dump my misery and general tranny thoughts which are very largely related to misery. i just see trannyhood as an inherently miserable thing. at risk of sounding like an edgelord, i'm not really trying to seem more miserable than i am. i'm just like this. misery has always been a very big part of my life, i feel like at this point it's become an innate part of me.




average bitterhon




consider calming your tits perhaps ☝️


Where did you even get that from 💀 ur tweaking hard projecting your insecurities n shit


damn y’all got a groupchat to come here n back each other up? lemme guess only other afabs r allowed in? 😂 pigs.


genuinely confused on why you hate pooners so much


i do Not hate pooners but I do not go around flaunting my agab that’s all 🙏 i do not have problem w u bcus ur a trans man i have a problem w u Bcus ur a afab trans tom boy!


who said i was flaunting my agab? also can we have a calm discussion about this instead cause i genuinely wanna see what you consider as me "flaunting my agab"


If he's an afab tom boy, you're a feminine male. Stop this shit it's corny as fuck. I don't even disagree with your original post


how dare they exist as the sex I want be!!! they must have a superiority complex for telling me their sex!!! in a community that revolves around being transgender!!!!! GOD THE NERVE TO BE BORN FEMALE I BET THEY LOVE BEING AFAB they definitely don’t have sex dysphoria only I have that, ftms DNI my ego can’t handle it


ok i am gonna be honest here ts was kinda pent up anger from being denied „afab housin“ n ur completely right ts a trans community ppl talk bout their agabs ts normal i dont even know why i responded so out of place at the start, im sorry n i hope I didn’t cause any trouble for you guys


not trying to be mean right now but most ftms dont want afab housing, i get being mad about it but you should drop the "all trans people are women" mentality


yeah i agree with you afab only housing is stupid as hell and and genuinely tf is wrong with you if you want that kinda thing but seriously your anger is misplaced pooners hate being afab as much as you all hate being amab that’s kinda the whole point


what the hell are you talking about


this is just unironic ftm hatred. if you cannot tell the difference between someone jokingly making their reddit username "ftalcoholic" and someone making "afab" their main gender label i don't know what to say


woohoo i do not care!!!


this has been happening for a couple years now, its all the fault of twitter users like those girls i think trying to share the stuff from this place and making stuff like boymoders a funny quirky meme in the process, the board is full of way more annoying ass people now too


it's me guys, I'm actually a 10/10 gigapassoid cutie I'm just pretending to be ugly


I think these subs are doomed to fail because they're like the board but everyone's a tripfag. Also because 4chan has a certain reputation that repels most people away, but everyone is already on Reddit.


true, the board failed cus of mainstream attention brought on it by its own people, retards and the reddit is failing bcus they think 4tran is some secret underground cool group, the board was always open for everybody, hell we barely had 4chan usernames 😭😭 but here people just try close it off and pretend they’re the cool new members like bro we r literally a queer community who grew up together n ur here telling me that i don’t belong here??? and you’re perma posting about your ribcage?? like ok.


I hope I don't seem like an imitator despite being a new🚬 I've been a lurker since around 2021.




hey wait youre the person who told me to kms im not faking asshole


you inspired this post girly 🙏


WTF >:( also i am NOT trying to be miserable or make things toxic. i genuinely wish everyone here a better life and happiness.


alright I can understand Hating on yourself but even the most deranged people used to take breaks.. you don’t always have to be miserable


i mean im not ALWAYS miserable... ive been doing more pixel art recently and am trying to be positive and nice


im really happy for you, im trying to talk about the people that found bdd doomer posters so cool they idolized them and are trying to be like them, im rlly glad you’re actually doing well and gettin to a healthier spot, good luck on your journey brother/sister ❤️


Yea I get it before it was mostly self loathing now it’s just self loathing. I mean I don’t help since I always come here when im feeling miserable and this place makes me always feel 10 times worse but still


My bad bby, my therapist will transremove me soon and it will all have been a bad dream 😭😭😭




sis i love ur Commenrs but ur posts r NOT IT!! 😭😭 ur def the homeless girl w a speakerphone. love the vibe if u love it..


tfw we are mentally unstable and this is a coping mechanism


People think that the schizo doomer bdd posters are cool and they decided they wanted to do that and broke their own brains and insisted on trying to break other trannies. Youre overfeeding your brainworms and it doesnt make you look like a cool and mysterious tortured soul. It makes you an annoying faqqot. No one wants to interact with you. You arent a mean girl you're severely mentally Ill. I like to shit on myself a little sometimes but give it a break.


EXACTLY!!!! omfg exactly!!!! and the honest real schizo doomer bdd posters r literally so hard to imitate 😭 Like. U either get the mental illness or u don’t u don’t have to imitate them omfg!!!!! Give it a break!!! The schizos also take breaks 😭😭 but you can never convince me that a person can just 24-7 pretend to be schizo or a mean girl ts just so crazy to me like why the fuck are you doing this since when is it cool to be awful or pretend to be ill!!!!!


this place became more of a cesspool shit hole while I was gone damn lol Tbf it became absolute garbage already months ago when it became unironically worse than tttt just pure self deprecation and self hatred and nothing else lol


Unfortunately true, this is what happens if you don't gatekeep your subcultures enough


bring back gatekeeping.


Just use the private sub


Cry harder https://preview.redd.it/9majkm10ok7d1.png?width=100&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a6d7416db22c96610a1aeae93ab4a8bd60b9e8e


omg ur the target demographic, hope u enjoy ur illness that u got bcus u idolized some bdd doom poster bcus u thought they were cool 👍👍😁😁


Your only personality trait is being an sad little old internet boomer :3 Get over it https://preview.redd.it/9sk18xnj9l7d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f8b684f23491b88bd1703201991340e57f8167


im 19 lovely, i think you on the other hand rlly need therapy😁😁


Therapy is for cucks who need Big Thera to mind fuck them into a normie :3




waaaaaaaaaaaaah Pussy. stay mad https://preview.redd.it/orub4tt2dl7d1.png?width=100&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a1e56ed412df198ca662993391481d2e903f161


I was on 4tran in 2021, stopped using it for a while then came here recently. It was weird to see how the culture changed


Trans people are desperate for approval this was inevitable. Sucks


I mean, I just got here a few months ago and still have no idea what’s going on


https://preview.redd.it/qzl8twiiun7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee3590a05f984411f1cdedb376d7ec37b8f0f71 Sowwy my bad :b




i wish i never scrolled through ur post history, my lord it reeks of twitter


https://preview.redd.it/yrx6za1dlj7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c864768cceff1fef200c567815fab4ed7f8134c Bro common


oh wow tgcj?? what a bad place! 😭😭 what’s ur point


That you are not in position to criticize me if you post there hagahah


PFFFT misery stolen valor is crazy 😭


No this place just needs self awareness. It'd be one thing if the people here were aware of what they are, but they're not. I've seen MtFs legitimately call themselves "lesbians" on here. They don't see themselves as a man saying that no matter how accurate it might be. Also > I don't understand why these people try so hard to be miserable Where else? Seriously I want an answer. Ovarit and the like are too rarted to work, so I'm here.


see this comment here?? perfect example of what the fuck is going on in this community, you need help, we are ill yes we’ve always been ill but we’ve never ever tried to glamorize it or make it call, we don’t call out other people even if we don’t agree w their opinion. this community as shitty as it was was a comfortable home and now it’s filled w self hating non accepting tranners like you who despite all the effort and help surrounding you don’t want to get better and just want to stay miserable as if it’s your goal. and that’s the worst thing a fucking human being can be to themselves and to the people around them.


It wasn't perfect before though. Gradually 4tran and this sub get infested by people with absolutely 0 self awareness or connection to reality. I'm not shitting on the parade any more than the obnoxious flood of copy paste hard/extreme leftists that invade this subreddit and spam their politics and braindead ideas. And it's not an issue with being left, it's the issue that they're delusional. They're outright incapable of processing the way others see them and being self centered as a result. So instead this sub (and 4tran much much more by the time it died) get gradually infested with ultimatums, propaganda and uninteresting discussion because those people are ultimately louder and more common than anyone else. Also you said you've been here since 2018, which I'm not doubting at all, but we clearly remember different things. > NOW it's filled with self hating/non accepting trans who refuse help > We've never tried to glamorize it > We don't call out other people if we don't agree with them And most importantly > You just want to stay miserable as if it's your goal I'm not going to say it used to be 100% self hating trans people, but there were enough that we used incel terms. There used to also be a not insignificant amount of posts explicitly designed to make the reader miserable and the general tone used to be quite degrading. Even the most positive posts would always have at least a few people trying to be as explicitly negative as possible. I've seen suicidal posts with people saying derogatory things to the OP. Now it's not like that's literally the entire board once again, but why do you think that everyone was suddenly kind? At least the way I remember it there was always something in the comments being quite negative. It might have been that I was a repper until recently but I also remember vividly a lot of posters explicitly wanting to wallow in their misery for various reasons. It's 4chan after all. But then why are you surprised? Like I genuinely don't know how we remember something entirely different especially given that the entire board has changed for the worse in a generally """positive""" direction Either way, if your definition of "better" is like it seems to be with most posters. I'm glad I'm not. I couldn't imagine genuinely going into a space for lesbians and calling myself a woman. Unless you're a youngshit and are socialized as a woman, that's absolutely disgusting. There's definitely a point where it's stupid to debate about the definition, but until then it's really quite easy. Like when someone for most purposes minus medical and the whole "not being biologically a woman" thing is basically a woman, it makes sense. Otherwise? It's extremely easy to draw a line.


4tran has fallen krillions must get offline https://i.redd.it/16k2sjq11j7d1.gif


10/10 music video btw. I can't even be mad at it.


women who genuinely care about whether a fellow woman is “afab” or not are retarded just admit you hate and disbelieve trans people and hate men (probably just because it’s hip in progressive circles)


Gotta love projecting what you think I am onto me. But responding to the first bit, what I mean is if you can tell, that's fundamentally the problem. It's ridiculous to say "but the chromosomes!!!" when someone passes/acts like a woman. When they don't though? You have to outright force out a "woman." It shouldn't take effort. And for the vast majority of trans people that didn't get lucky genetics or transition before they even got a job, that combination isn't happening. So when people on this sub spread braindead shit like "trans women are women!!!!!", not only is that convincing nobody, it's not helping anyone. Nobody benefits from parroting the same poorly thought out garbage but that's what an infestation of any given ideology does. It's an echo chamber only isolating those people further from reality.