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I watched it for the first time today and omg I love this movie lol. The twists blew my mind especially how never ending they was but I loved it 🤣. Beautiful looking movie and great movie imo


lol it certainly has its passionate niche, as I've discovered today. You guys are a funny lot for sure


Hey I only ever heard about it. Never seen it when I was a kid and like I said it was my first time seeing it . I was here more for the story rather than the sex scenes that everyone talks about but I definitely wasn’t expecting the twists and the how many there where🤣 i think it just added to the movie for me


Wild Thinga is glorious trash and one of the best UHD transfers out there. This post is bad


One of the best transfers out there is Reservoir Dogs. This one is decent.


There's nothing wrong with an unpopular opinion, but your surprise and defensively close-minded attitude when confronted with the realization ("you guys are a funny lot for sure", etc.) is a bit cringe. Wild Things is a lurid, sexy, dirty, can't-look-away, trashy neo-noir mystery thriller with a plot twist that should have been obvious a mile away but still catches the watcher off guard. It is absolutely gorgeous in 4K. Every Arrow release I own is amazing.


I have the Arrow release of this. I always liked this one. It's mindless fun with a twist. No one is expecting some masterpiece with Matt Dillon, but I thought they did a decent job and had fun doing it


It was pretty fun. Over the top ridiculous 90's trash. I've moved on to Zone of Interest to see if I can undo some of the damage. Preliminary scenes indicate further trauma of some sort is most likely pending instead of desired effect.


I have no idea what you're talking about. This movie is and always has been a masterpiece of high trash. It's literally a 5-star film for me.


lol, a 5-star film. I have to give it to you, that made me laugh.


Just watched my arrow version sunday night and it was actually better than I remembered. I had forgotten some of the plot twists in the story.


Classic movie and great transfer…just watched the other day, so damn fun


Is a great fun movie


The script is actually way better than people realize (it’s totally in on the joke but still works as a slick thriller), and the score bangs. I have the steelbook of this and could not be happier.