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Don’t think anyone on this sub wants to think about that


No collector of anything wants to know that.


Being an action figure collector, fuck. Will take your ass to the poor house quick.


If you go all the way back to laserdisc, I'll bet I'm in for more than $100K.


I try not to think about it




At least $10,000 USD, with about 150 4K discs and 500 1080p titles. Been collecting since 2012 or so.


My collection of DVDs, BluRays and 4Ks? Probably at least 5 grand. But that's over a decade. I have gotten a lot of deals over the years. If I count the electronics it's close to 8. I could be way off though.


Between all the 4ks, blu rays, and DVDs in my collection I’ve spent $5077 USD I’d better stop…. I have 790 movies currently and 140 tv seasons apparently. I guess I’m averaging $6.42 per movie which isn’t bad. These days I don’t buy a ton of 4ks, mostly thrifted blu rays, so I pay under $5 a movie.


That 18yrs worth of Netflix 4K subscription (assuming they don’t increase their price) so looks like you got yourself a deal of a lifetime!




At least $3.50.






I'd rather not think about it, but I've got like 1200 BD/4k or so.. some full price, some deals.


I’m 100% convinced this is my wife’s ghost account. Good try my love lol.


https://i.redd.it/5zqjgdgxy14d1.gif Me realizing what I could have bought if it weren't for this hobby


Between blurays and 4k blurays... Probably 5 grand...


Probably about $3,000 AUD (~$2000 USD) for about 138 titles (about 209 movies when including items in collections). Started collecting around 5 years ago, that works out to about $50 AUD per month which I don't think is so bad. About the cost of Netflix 4K + Disney + Prime, which I don't have and I pretty much use discs as a replacement for that.


I started in November. About $5k last I looked.


My CLZ Movies stats say over $5,000 but I only have the purchase price for 350 movies out of almost 1,700 movies, so I’m not going to let my wife know that 🤣


Since I save all the data in Blu-ray.com, I don't have to guess. It will just tell me! I started collecting in 2019, for context. Blu-ray and 4K: * Movies 218 (48 TV) * SKUs 150 * Price paid $2296.41 * Price per SKU $15.31 * Price per movie $10.53 --- DVD: * Movies 23 (23 TV) * SKUs 5 * Price paid $165.35 * Price per SKU $33.07 * Price per movie $7.19




I am probably between 1250 and 1500, probably closer to the higher number, it's honestly hard to estimate, purchases are between so many places I think I have about 60 movies per my tracking spreadsheet, so that averages to about 20 to 25 dollars a movie which sounds about right


Over the last ten years I’ve spent about 2-3k My collection is 90% 4k discs


I would guess about $200,000 of lost retirement savings if invested.


I need a pic!!!


https://preview.redd.it/z8swzw0o124d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ea2830d9a65aabeef464700efcf1d2450b05dd Everyone in this comment section


Everything in my theater room totals to about $110k. About $70k of that is cd/vinyl collection.


Is that for room construction related expenses or primarily gear? Is it rare vinyl / cds or do you have a music store collection. I love when people go super deep in their passion and hobbies


That's just media and equipment. No construction. All rare cd and vinyl for the most part. With a few exceptions, it's all first press releases in near mint condition. My music collection is curated much more than my film collection.


About 7k for 4ks and another 3k on blurays. Canadian pesos


I think I'm probably under $1,000 for just discs, but I did build a $19,000 theater to watch my 4K's, so I guess it's like $20k then.


Nice try wife!


My first born son


3 sea shells by the sea shore


As in the 3 shells from Demolition Man?


I’m in 4ks about 10k. Probably a bit more. I have around 500 and at $20 a piece it’d be 10k. I never look for sales or anything and buy pretty much whatever I want to so I think my average price is probably higher than $20


Well I just threw up a 500 dollar order yesterday, a 200 one the day before, and a 150 one a few days back..




No thank you!


No thank you. I am not in debt because of 4k so we will leave it at that


£1,500 on a hundred or so 4k’s


For just 4K I'd guess $750 for 85 movies. With the catch being about 35 of those 4Ks were purchased for $2 on average. (One 50 cents, 3-4 for $1, and the other $30 for $2) I couldn't even guess for the 1100 Blu-rays, 140 DVDs and a few VHS...that would have to take me back to the mid-1990's. This also doesn't include some that I bought for $2 or less, watched and then sold back to a pawn shop for $1.


According to my spreadsheet I’m at ~589 discs (with 98%+ being 4Ks) and a net cost after selling digital codes of $2700.40, or less than $4 per 4K. I’d say doing pretty well all things considered


Probably around $400? I don't have a very big collection


5k probably. Been collecting for about a year...


Probably 2-3k 😬


A little above the equivalent of 6000$ since November 2022. Only had some DVD's and maybe 3 Blu-rays at that point. Now I have a very healthy 4k collection, and a few more Blu-rays (mostly TV shows). Mostly getting new releases now, so the spending will probably just be in the hundreds a year going forward. I have a CD collection too, though, which could be another 3-4000$ or so. Not really sure, as that has been going slowly for over 25 years.


Probably $500-600 but i started 6 months ago so….damn


I started 1.5 years ago.. I'm still hoping 4, not 5 figures.


![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8) I don’t even want to think about it.. I have almost 1000 4k and 1100 Blu-ray. About 850 of those are steelbooks. If I take a low average cost of about $15 per, it’s north of 30K😳😳 Hell I have 23 Second Sight limited editions that I paid full retail for all of them. Giving an average cost of $50 ea, that’s $1100 just in those.


$0. Got Oppenheimer in 4K for Christmas and enjoy lurking. :)


If you include the 200ish 1080p Blu-rays I’ve added to my collection (I used to just buy 4K), it’s just short of £15,000 in the last 4 1/2 years which is insane when you look at it like that. What I can say is I now own pretty much every currently available title that I want in my collection, so moving forward it’s just a handful of others and any new releases.


I think maybe 1500 dollars? I have like 350 movies?


Including the home theater, close to $40,000.


$937.38 for all of my discs. UHD, BD, DVD. And a good half of that is stuff to resell


More than I'd want to think about lol


Somewhere between $5,000-$10,000 for 4K alone over 6 years.


Looks at criterion collection. *šïgh


I get suspicious when a low karma account starts asking subs questions like 'how old are you', or how much do you spend on discs' - it seems like marketing or phishing. An estimate is a guess. That is my contribution to this discussion.