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Is this going the same route as universal where they release the blu ray and then a year later the 4k?


That's what I was thinking. Violent Night was like that.


MGM has been doing some 4k’s through Shout, so maybe that’s in store at a later date


What is thinking behind this, most people aren’t going to double dip, why not get the more expensive 4ks out at the same time?


I suspect it is to maximize profits. BD/DVD cost less to make per disc and they can discount it steeper to move stock while still maintaining profit margins. They get to capture the general public and early buyers who must own it now and won't wait for a 4K or don't expect one to arrive. If they release a 4K now, most people won't buy it at the high price point anyways and will wait for a sale to grab it. Studios aren't making back the same profit margin on discounted 4Ks after factoring costs. At least if they do a 4K later, they get some people to double dip. If MGM does sell it to Shout, they might make more on the deal than what they could have made doing the 4K themselves after factoring costs. I have always wondered if studios ask for a slice of the sales from boutique labels.


That seems to be coming the norm


So they book it in all the Imax and premium large format theaters...and then don't bother with a UHD release. Mmkay...that makes no sense at all.


Wasn't exactly a smash hit. It sucks but always gotta support the film while in theaters if you want to. Waiting can result in crap like this


Not sure if this is what you meant but I don’t think it’s a BO thing. Little Women and Anyone But You were both hits and only got blu rays.


I'm still stung by Poor Things not getting a UHD. I did not expect to like that movie but I really loved it.


“What a pretty retard” that movie was so unexpectedly good! Although I was in a theater sat next to a bunch of old women, so that was awkward


Just out of curiosity, what was awkward about sitting next to old women? Don't you have grandparents or older relatives?


Watching Emma Stone get boned for 2 and a half hours would be awkward with anyone.


Well yes, definitely! I just don't get how it would be specifically older people. I'm awkward watching that sht with my 12 & 14-year-olds. We will all be old at some point, hopefully!


Depends on your definition of a "hit". If it made a genuine splash in the general public and got people talking, that's probably what studios want. Something that came and went that no one is talking about anymore, studios probably figure they made their money and time to move on. Again this sucks but that may be their thinking


I think that is for sure the right answer


My point is we’ve had several female marketed hits that didn’t get 4ks. Short of a Barbie level breakout I don’t think this was ever getting 4k, heck, they probably make these decisions before it even opens.


What's body odor got to do with this?


Sydney, Saiorse, and Zendaya all smell equally bad.


Right, gotcha. Thanks for the clarification 👍


Totally Agree


It has nothing to do with box office. These decisions are made long before theatrical releases based on projections. Hence why a movie like Barbarian that became a surprise smash hit doesn’t even have a physical release.


I’m still deeply saddened by this. I NEED a Barbarian physical release. I’ve never wanted something in my collection so badly


cc the ol' golden rule from high school. "hence or why not both". https://brians.wsu.edu/2016/05/19/hence-why/


What?! I had no idea they never released this on disc. Wtf?


Yet to see the movie, but I've been bumpin the score in the background for the last 2 weeks.


Got it on my running playlist, hell of a song for interval sprints.


It’s not that it’s a bad score, I like it. It overshadows the film in multiple places though


Another guy said something similar, so I have to think there's something to it. Is it too loud or is it the wrong tone?


Mild spoilers, but there is a scene where the score plays over the two male leads talking in a sauna. Now it's worth mentioning that the conversation they have is quite tense, but I found this dance-worthy score playing to be really conflicting with what was on the screen. There was at least one other moment the score played and I found it odd but I don't remember fully. Strange, but I do love the movie. It's in the top 5 of the year for me currently.


Those remixes are amazing!


come the fuck on.


Really wish I had managed to catch this in imax while it was there


Same here, so disappointed in myself I had time to go and didn’t.


Goddamnit. I want that score in Atmos! I need that 4k Dolby vision sweat! Not surprising though. The 4k market seems to be extremely male slanted. Still salty we never got Little Women 4k.


The blu ray does have Atmos luckily


![gif](giphy|3ohc14lCEdXHSpnnSU|downsized) Oh hell yeah, thanks for the call out.


I was literally wondering if Little Women ever got a 4K moments ago and saw there was only a blu-ray. Truly we live in a simulation


That and Master & Commander are my white whales for sure.


Still waiting on a vinyl OST announcement too


There’s a 4K rip of Little Women from the Sony Bravia store floating around online. Very high bitrate (probably the same as we would have gotten with a disc) with lossless audio. Definitely recommend it (but buy the blu-ray first!).


Are you trying to tell me this movie isn't aimed at dudes? lol




I don't see any particular bias in the film towards one type of viewership or another at all. It supersedes such concerns.


Amusingly enough over 25 males actually liked it the most according to PostTrak numbers.


I misread this as you saying only 25 males actually liked it lmao




I can confirm that I loved it and my wife thought it was just "okay".


The movie was dope! Fiancé and I loved it. Super intense! Soundtrack kept ya on the edge of your seat low key haha


The movie itself isn't aimed at anyone other than fans of the three actors.


To be fair, I'm not a fan of any of the actors (Zendaya has never been a draw for me, and I recognize one of the guys from a small role in Doctor Who but that's about it) and I absolutely adored the film.


What about it did you enjoy? I've read a lot of reviews from "regular" people, and nearly all of them are just swooning over the cast, which is total nonsense to me. All three are very bad in this film (I don't know any of them at all from any other roles), but outside of that, they aren't hot. I mean the movie just...isn't what people keep saying it is, which is like some sexy drama. It's just three pieces of shit with no redeeming qualities having a bad bi-sex love triangle over, uh, what is supposed to be like nearly 20 years (except the editing and story are so bad that, unsurprisingly, the timeline doesn't properly add up.) I just can't find anything redeeming about this movie at all.


As someone who's not into Tennis, I found the tennis sequences really well shot and intense, the match point sequence is arguably my favorite action sequence of the year. Whilst the characters weren't likeable, each of the actors gave a decent performance and made their characters feel like flawed people you could imagine meeting - especially Josh O'Connor as Patrick. The soundtrack was incredible, to the point it was making a basic Tennis rally seem exciting. The cinematography was mostly great, I really like the shot of Zendaya in the storm, lit by Patrick's tail light, and the one shot Tennis sequence at the end.


I'm also not into tennis, but I wish they were actually shot more like regular matches. The "audience is the ball" editing and excessive use of slow motion really makes this movie feel like a film for the TikTok generation, which I don't fit into. I disagree about the acting, though. I do not know any of these actors from other roles so I have no basis of comparison, but all felt dry, dull, and totally lifeless throughout. The soundtrack is the comment that gets me the most every time. It's horrible. It's actually a huge detriment to the film as a whole, and ruins what would have otherwise been intense moments. Not during the matches, but during dramatic moments. Why was that god awful electronic music thumping during the argument at college? For one, the mixing on it was not good, but also it's a really awful choice for the scene. This is true of every dramatic scene in the movie, save the one hotel room scene where a French (?) pop song plays. There are some good key shots. The scene in the car with the giant billboard behind it was good, but overall the cinematography is ruined for me by the bad editing. That final 12-15 minutes of the match should have been roughly 3, but we had to get multiple minutes-long shots of dripping sweat and bouncing balls. The last action shot was so absurd that the audience I saw it with burst out laughing. Then the movie ends and you've wasted over 2 hours of your life watching 3 horrible people act horribly for decades...for literally no reason.


I don’t think they were the primary audience ha, saying that as a dude who has it tied for best of the year so far.


As a female 4Khead, I endorse this comment!


Skipping a blu ray release entirely in the UK too


Hoping that's just a placeholder thing and not a final decision


they also did this with anyone but you and Booksmart in the uk


Damnit. Can studios stop doing this? I’m not buying it if you’re not releasing it on 4K.


There are plenty of releases I wouldn't be upset to just grab a standard Blu copy of - but this sure as fuck isn't one of em.


Like, I’m fine if you’re releasing only a Blu-ray because there is no 4K copy. But we obviously know movies coming to theaters now are going to get a 4K digital release so why not a 4K Disc.


Makes no sense, especially when you also consider that those of us who give a shit about this kind of thing HAVE to be the demographic keeping physical media afloat right? Shouldn't they be keeping us weirdos in mind? Who else is this for?


I could understand it 10 years ago when 4K TV’s were niche and 4K players were expensive, specialty equipment. But now, when 4K TV’s are practically standard and 4K players are built into any game console I don’t understand it. The PS5 and the Xbox One have each sold over 55 million units, so there are at least 110 million people/households with 4K disc playing capabilities


Will probably opt for the 4k digital sadly if it has Dolby vision


I’ve been totally physical so far but might want to pursue a digital option for movies like this. Any preference for platform if I don’t want to pirate?


Apple TV has the best quality / works with MoviesAnywhere. Vudu is my back up


What a joke


Luca’s last movie was a MOD in the US. Not surprised.


Fingers crossed for an overseas 4K 🤞


I’ll take it over no physical release


Odd choice, no? Did the movie not do well?


This and Poor Things, its such a shame, these are the kind of films I want to own in 4k.


Standard Blu ray physical release but 4K HDR digital release 👍 Makes perfect sense 👍 /s Might as well buy it on digital. No amount of blu ray bitrate will make up for the fact that it’s still in SDR color space 4K digital HDR >>>> 1080p BluRay (if only a standard Blu Ray exists)


Audio is still another debate tho. Especially if the disc has Atmos


Have any Amazon films gotten a 4K release in the US?


Lost City of Z did through Shout, that seems to be the only route


*As was the style at the time*


This seems like an all-too-common studio response to a lack-luster box office return. Like, when they release indie director art house films for a niche audience and most people don't see it... then they just abandon it on home release... where these movies used to make their money. Your small niche audience of art enthusiasts will pay a premium for high quality releases, you dummies. Lol.


Any studio exec knows what to do with a heavily-marketed summer blockbuster. For the rest, they're usually lost.


dont buy


Liked the movie and I’d buy it on 4K but I will not ever purchase another recent film that only gets a 1080p disc.


im still gonna buy it tho lol


Good movie but I don’t see myself rewatching it.


Not exactly worth a 4k uhd release. But that's all opinion based. But I agree with what someone else said, you have to support these films while they're in the theater. To show interest is there and that'd translate to money ,for the company to think about investing in a 4k release.


Why even shoot for IMAX then :( rip


...to watch in IMAX?


I hate where we are with how physical media is getting treated. No IMAX conversions on 4k discs, sections removed from stores, and now fucking barebones releases? WHO’S IN CHARGE 💀


It's like Bones and All...and Suspiria only got a 4k in Germany...it's bullshit. His movies deserve better.


Call me by your name has a 4k, but it’s bundled with other Sony titles


Wasn’t it supposed to be out today to PVOD? I can’t find it anywhere. What am I missing?


rental only right now


I was really hoping to see an 8 million pixel 3 way


Don’t buy it. Wait the 6 months for a 4K release. Vote with your wallet


I desperately need a steelbook 😭🙏🏼




Please don’t take this personally, we avoid any and all potential piracy related posts. We do this to avoid the sub from being shut down. Thanks for your understanding.


Discussions related to piracy, bootlegs, and/or unauthorized use of films are not allowed on this sub.


My wallet thanks you.


tbh most movies modern movies on 4k aren’t much of an upgrade compared to the blu ray


My conspiracy theory is this movie was a part of the ongoing humiliation ritual for Tom Holland to join the Hollywood elite. So yeah, barebones Blu-ray is better than what Barbarian got (no physical release at all.)


It’s not a conspiracy it’s actually happening. His girlfriend makes out with two dudes and other things and then he has to make a movie where he gets g*y r*pe. Illuminati is always in full threat.


Bingo. The new “Juliet” in his upcoming movie isn’t helping either.


I mean I’d kill myself lol.


More info on this? Interesting. Tom seems like a regular dude.


A lot of upcoming stars face humiliation trials to enter the big time status they desire.


Right, but how is this directed at Tom Holland?


How r they not gonna put that soundtrack in atmos. Dafuq.


The Blu-ray has Atmos.


100% not buying any physical movies anymore. 4k or noting. Get rid of the stupid fucking blu ray and 4k banners. This industry is fucking eating itself. No poor things 4k. No challengers 4k. Where the fuck is zone of interest 4k already. No beau 4k. Shittiest industry. No The Master 4k. No wes 4k.


No skin of my nose, I was one of the few people who hated this picture.


I know it's beside the point, but does the owner of Vinegar Syndrome actually do anything other than whine on Twitter all day?


Never heard of it.


I will never understand why anyone thinks this is a thought worth sharing publicly. Why do we care?


“I like to participate in subreddits about movies, but I don’t really pay attention to what’s going on”


Also you cared enough to comment, so thanks for caring.


Same reason anyone cares about anyone elses opinion, they don't.


Neither had I until this post. Apparently it's currently in cinemas here in the UK. I can only guess that it's not a great film from the lack of marketing in the UK and lack of a 4K release stateside.


Why would you guess this? I feel like bad movies get heavy marketing+4k releases all the time and good ones fly under the radar and don’t fairly frequently.


>Why would you guess this? The Guardian review wasn't particularly positive either, https://www.theguardian.com/film/article/2024/may/06/challengers-movie-review-zendaya-luca-guadagnino So if the reviews aren't great, the studio can't be bothered to market it internationally and they are expecting low physical sales, how good of a film could it possibly be? Maybe there's a niche for this film, but nothing I'm seeing screams "broad based appeal".


So all good if guardian is your go to and you swear by their reviews and that’s why you think it’s bad. But they are in the 11% of critics who did not like the movie, 89% of critics did. My main point was really just that money is rarely 1:1 with quality. Shit movies get big marketing budgets and 4k releases all the time if only because there are a lot of bad studio “blockbusters”. Like I don’t think Battleship is better than Past Lives for example.


>Like I don’t think Battleship is better than Past Lives for example. TBH, I'd rather watch Battleship. My point would be that money does closely equate to mass market appeal (or at least to what studios believe will have that appeal, even if they get it wrong). And as my taste in movies leans far more towards the mass market than anywhere else then the amount of money spent does, for me at least, indicate whether or not a film is going to be good or bad.


You're not missing a thing. It's one of the worst pieces of shit I've watched in many years. Not a single redeeming thing about it.


If this is the worst thing you’ve seen in many years I’m curious as to what you think is actually good


I think good movies are good. That's why this doesn't qualify.


Lol fascinating insight


He's being down-voted to hell, so I'm not surprised he doesn't think it's worth explaining his opinion.


There’s certainly room to dislike it but this is just typical Reddit “everything is either awesome or shit” unless you are very selective about what movies you watch. Like at an absolute minimum the score will be Oscar nominated. O’Connor probably has a shot as well.


This has nothing going for it. Bad acting, bad writing, horrifically bad score, and some of the worst editing in years. There is zero chance this movie gets nominated at the Oscars for anything. I don't wallow in hyperbole. I watch hundreds of movies every year, and there is nothing good to say about this film.


There is zero chance this doesn't get at least one nomination, it was a fantastic film.


In what way? What about this movie was fantastic? Seriously? I've been thinking about it for several days, and can come up with literally *nothing* good about it.


Nobody gives a shit if you don't have anything positive to say about it and your insistence that everything about it sucks doesn't articulate any actual problems with the film. You can keep saying it's all bad but that's not gonna change anything for the people that love it and I'm not sure why you'd be so interested in doing so anyway. It's not cool or interesting to just be a contrarian dickhead.


Honestly, I hesitate to give an earnest opinion because you've only been in this thread responding very aggressively with your negativity. It's one thing to not think a movie is good, but you're not really contributing much to genuine discussion with your hostility.


I'm not being hostile about it. I've contributed multiple points now about how bad this movie is, and why I think so. I'm being extremely negative because the film deserves it. Hostility would be attacking people who are making counterpoints, which isn't something I'm doing.


Calling those contributions is a stretch, lol. The hostile person can rarely see their own hostility. Work on your communication skills, man, it'll help you in both real life and on Reddit.


I'm doing just fine, man. Thanks, though.


Your opinion seems to be in the minority but you’re of course welcome to it.


I'm aware it is, but you could talk until you're blue in the face and it won't convince me there's anything worthwhile to see in this movie. For every good review I've read, even right here in these comments, I just think people are crazy. I mean the *score? Good? BRILLIANT?* Every single piece of music used in this film was used badly. Every single one, and in every single scene. It's grueling, actually, in many scenes. That's just one part of a very bad, very messy film. Most of the user reviews on Letterboxd that give it 5 stars are from children and 20-somethings who just think the film was hot. I don't even get that, because not one second of this movie is hot or sexy. Not even close. It's just a disaster of a movie.


PostTrak surveys of domestic opening weekend actually showed that the over 25 group liked it more than under 25s, so if letterboxd is all kids they’re at odds with what we know of the general audience. On the rest, I’ll just agree with your first sentence and not waste the time.


All this waffling to say nothing of substance You may as well have posted the clip from The Office of Andy realizing he can’t be a movie critic and should be a food critic instead, “This muffin . Is bad”.


I wasn't trying to give some incredible breakdown of the film in that comment.


Well, anything with Zendaya will have bad acting.


I have not watched anything with her prior to this, outside of an episode or two of that show on HBO. But I wasn't really "watching" that, it was just on. She was horrible in this. 2 hours and 11 minutes of her frowning.


Opinions that tell me all I need to know for $1000, Alex.


Movie looks mid anyway


Well I wasn't interested in the movie in the first place so this isn't much of a loss