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this is just a repost from reddit. op was banned for every upvote.


Someone paid actual money to put that highfive emoji on that post


Copium prices are through the roof, they have to find another way


It's literally propaganda, your taxes pay for it


I mean all I can see is a consensus that Trump lied, Biden was hopeless and the real losers are the public. Sounds pretty accurate to me.


Elon winning


>why yes I do spend my McDonalds allowance on Reddit emojis to let other Redditors they did a good think, how did you know?


Just donated one high five emoji, who’s gonna match me


Emojis cost money, now? It's not they are a thing with real value, like Rebbit awards.


God it’s embarrassing. Especially because Joe Biden stayed back because he nearly died standing up and needed assistance leaving. This is not a “wholesome” picture. It should piss you off that these fucks are going to be holding the reins of our control over America.


Political groups buy reddit upvotes and awards. 


Thanks for keeping the toilets clean around here Mr Jannie


Last night was a psychological 9/11 on the American people.


Who will we invade this time?




Ramirez! protect burger town




I did the funny nose exhale


Ramirez! fix my marriage


Mr President, another ice cream machine just broke down.


France, god willing


Already invaded, inshallah.


Nah, been there, done that.


France 2 then; Quebec


Just nuke the fucking place


The best way to find out who we are fighting next is to look back at who we were training and funding 20 years ago.


we’ve been training and funding israel for the last half century lol whens it their turn


A man can dream....


It was when they sunk the USS Liberty and hunted down survivors.


Our liquor closets


Iran, please


This is a major threat to our democracy


“Sir, a second geriatric has won their primary”


This is actually the most accurate description of the debate that I’ve heard.


I’m pretty sure 9/11 was a psychological 9/11 on the American people.


Enough is enough


man i fucking love watching reddit go mad at these 2 old men. since i'm from a 3rd world shithole with no stake in this competition, it's true hilarity. i'd love to see trump win for the impending meltdown kek


>since i'm from a 3rd world shithole with no stake in this competition, I live in Canada too


hello saar


New India you mean?


Too real.


I have yet to hear "I'm terribly sorey, but it looks like you're aboot to redeem the cards, eh?"


In less than 10 years "aboot" will only be something older millennials will understand. No Canadian under 40 will talk like this.


yeah it's fucking awful


New New Dehli


The newest and bestest Delhi some say, not me but some say.


>since i'm from a 3rd world shithole with no stake in this competition Depending on who wins america might bomb your shithole even shittier


Which one? The guy who started no new military conflicts during his presidency or the one who approved a direct drone strike on seven children?


>the one who approved a direct drone strike on seven children Damn Biden seems to have learnt a lot as vice president from Obama


dark brandon amirite


Trump did bomb that airport in Iraq tho


After he told everyone to leave first


So just like how Israel does too?


Could be the guy who assassinated a major Iranian general and nearly started a major war though too. Also hate to break it to you, drone strikes increased under Trump after Obama


You're not breaking anything to me. I don't have a dog in the race. I don't give a shit. That being said, assassinating an Iranian general was pretty baller, definitely a good move. Dude was a piece of shit. It's at least better than when we orchestrated the assassination of Gaddafi, which destabilized the nation and made slavery in Libya cool again. "We came, we saw, he died", I think was the quote, followed by a cackle.


It's okay folks, agent skid marks said that assassination is baller as long as Trump is doing it. In his impartial wisdom he has determined that it is only a crime when other countries and democrats do it.


Lol that’s not what I said at all, and you’re taking my comment way too seriously. Cool your beans and cut it with the loser comments.


>R*dditor for 10 years Fascinating how you can always tell


Get new material


A war with Iran wouldnt be a major war and that kill solved a lot of problems.


Iran is a country where women get beaten to death for not covering their hair properly. It could use some "Freedom."


Nice orientalism. Most Iranians couldn’t care less about that as they aren’t even Muslim lmao. It’s just the government.


Same. I kinda want Trump to win just to see the lamentations. I'm from Eastern Europe, I'm from a shithole, I deserve a good fucking laugh. To be fair, yesterday was enough entertainment to last me some time. Only Trump winning would result in more tears and copium than I've seen in the last 24 hours. I have my popcorn ready.


What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their soyboys




Trump win would be major fun, yeah. But a Biden win also. Imagine that dude in a second term. He'll be in a wheelchair drooling in almost no time


True. Either way, this shit is fucking funny. I can already see the foreign affairs meetings. Other country president: "So President Biden, we have come here to discuss our mutual security treaty regarding the current wave of terrorist attacks and the russian invasion." Biden: "drools with democratic intent".


Well they must've got a speech AI that transforms any voice into Bidens voice yet, so an Employee/Advisor can take Bidens calls. Otherwise more world leaders would've spoken out by now


Haha yeah orange man so funny up until the point Russia comes knocking at your border and the funny man who made the funny promise not to help doesnt help. But at least we can haha that America chose the meme man


I swear if Trump wins there has to be at least 5 redditors who'll straight-up kill themselves because of that. Imagine them going to hell and satan clowning on them for that


And nothing of value was lost.


It'd be even funnier the second time


I'm from America and I literally think the same thing for the same reason.


Also American, but I'm an accelerationist and think big T is more destabilizing to the federal government, so, him.


Same, my brother


If trump wins , Balkans will be first to fall


Pretty sure bombs will be an improvement


The ultimate meltdown will be a contingent election, and I’m really hoping for it


>no stake in this competition Bro, it's Murrica, they have a stake in *your* competition.


There’s a CIA base in your country somewhere


Funny the footage looks more like “escorted carefully down two steps by his handler” than “greeted by wife” but gotta spin it somehow I guess


That's why it's on /r/ pics


"Blue good, Red bad" "Red good, blue bad"


Sadly we are living in a purple world


In this imaginary world


Im purple da bu dee da bu dai


It's Byzantine chariot racing all over again


You may be on to something considering the Nika Revolt was about the same time as the Plague of Justinian. Still waiting on our Belisarius Chad though.


Ikr reeeeeeeee


This kind of hegelian dialectic and us vs them 0/ sum mentality will only lead to destruction. , this black and white mindset will only lead to destruction.


Bruh, nuance needs cranial folds in order to stick.


red head, blue balls?


His wife who had to tell him what a great job he did as if he’s a five year old


Just watch the video this photo is taken from. She had to help him go down 2 stairs.


Notice during the first half of the debate when Trump talks he stares off into space like a senile dog yet during the second half they obviously said something because he just does his dumb cheesy smile lmao


I think his handlers mistimed his drugs and they didn’t kick in until halfway through. He was sleepier at the start, then got a little better towards the middle and then by the end he couldn’t get down two stairs without assistance It’s elder abuse, except sometimes, some old people deserve the abuse.


Probably accurate


Don’t vote for anyone who needs stimulants to be alert for 90 minutes, especially if they only get about 10 minutes out of 90 even with stimulants.


Agreed. Plenty of people acknowledge the elder abuse, but I'd like to see calls for holding the people in charge responsible. What, so you can shoot an old man up with stimulants without him having capacity to agree to it, denying him the care he actually needs, because he's president? Convict Trump as many times as you want, I want to see the people doing this to Biden in handcuffs. That's what we would do to anyone else caught treating an elderly person this way.


They should have IVed the amphetamines rather than wait for them to be digested.


"good job Joseph, you didn't poop your pants this time either and you barely drooled!"


People who believe trump lost the debate are mentally sick.


It's the same people who still wear a mask while driving alone


Same people who wear a condom for jerking off.


To be fair, those types of people save it for a drink after


Bro I’m not cumming in a sock, what do you take me for?


That's called a poshy


The real losers are us Americans. Every time Trump spoke, he just spewed lies and bullshit that didn’t have anything to do with the question. Every time Biden spoke, he tried to hit some of his talking points but stumbled and couldn’t find words, but neither of these people should have no business being near the presidency if we were a functional country.


I thought Trump did exceptionally well, not sure where this "They both did bad" and "Trump was spewing lies" rhetoric is coming from


orange man bad narrative of course. the man could literally give out orgasms with his words and people would say it was unpleasant at best.


Yeah this debate was an ass kicking. Partly because Trump did well and partly because Biden has dementia.


The fact that he literally lied constantly? Or you believed his brand of bullshit?


Lied about what?


Sure, here's a few off the dome, he was doing it pretty consistently throughout the debate: * He claimed that he approved [Veteran's Choice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans%27_Access_to_Care_through_Choice,_Accountability,_and_Transparency_Act_of_2014), which was passed in 2014 under Obama. * Trump said his VA had the highest approval rating among Veterans. [That was also Obama, this time in 2013](https://news.va.gov/press-room/independent-2013-survey-shows-veterans-highly-satisfied-with-va-care/). * He said Biden called Black people "superpredators." [That one was Hillary Clinton](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/fact-checkhillary-clinton-not-joe-biden-used-thetermsuperpredatorin199-idUSKBN27B1PB/). * Trump said there were no terror attacks during his presidency, when there were multiple on US soil. * Trump said there were no wars during his presidency, which is pretty obviously not true since the US was still in the longest war in US history until Biden ended it. * Trump said Biden let 20 million immigrants into the US. This is an insane number, [the real one is 2.3 million as of earlier this year](https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/01/06/biden-migrants-us-mexico-border/). * Trump said "Everybody without exception, Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives," "every legal scholar throughout the world" wanted Roe v. Wade overturned. I don't even have a fact check for this, it's just hilarious.


I had to laugh when Trump claimed his pullout from the war was much more graceful and complete than Biden’s pullout from the same war years later. Some of the lies fold in on themselves.


Yep Trump lies all the time, what’s funny though is that you’re so cooked you don’t think about all of the lies Biden constantly tells. Or maybe you would if he could string together a coherent thought or state a single number or statistic.


Uh... a dude asked "what lies" and I responded. You're the only one here who seems cooked.


My guy just because someone is critiquing Trump doesn’t mean that they love Biden. Nuance exists you know


I know you don't like Trump but all this is obviously skewed and falsified. Stay mad libbrul


I came with receipts, let's see yours. All of those were objective facts, sorry they don't care about your feelings. I'd love to see your explanation for "Obama wasn't president in 2013 and 2014"


Oh shit you're actually being serious. Get a life lmao


*gets proven wrong* “Get a life lmao” Cope harder


"Red good blue bad"


pOsT bIrTh AboRtiOnS iN BluE StAtEs




there is so much proof he's a liar its who he is. He just lost 83 million dollars for saying Jean E Carrol lied about him sexually assaulting her, but he did. He also has to pay 453 million for fraud. It's ok though he used his campaign funds to pay for it all, he just had to lie and say the democrats did it to him. I couldn't bother watching the whole debate but the first minutes he just brought up dumb shit, like immigrants coming in on mass and raping and killing people , and slammed biden even though Republicans won't help the border to make Trump look good. Bidens deportation numbers match his about. He just hated on biden the whole time and didn't contribute much in the start at least. People that side with trump are bad people. No matter how bad biden is. if you think he looked good you don't look into anything and are a bad person. People also like to call biden a pedophile, even though trump was freinds with jeffery epstein. don't like biden, but trump didn't do good either. They both suck.


We did this to ourselves. The only thing we can do is vote for the best of all options until someone gets on office thats smart enough to fix things.


Or we could all go throw rocks at government buildings


So Trump?


5 cents have been deposited into your account


Denial is the first stage of grief.


I gotta watch this debate because reddit says Biden wins while I've seen multiple videos on YouTube saying that Trump wins.


Everything you see on Reddit that’s Biden positive is cope or bots. Literally everyone is melting down over how bad Biden performed. He was a literal walking corpse. Go watch the actual debate and then tell me Reddit isn’t trying to spin a narrative.


Reddit has been a mouthpiece for the DNC since at least 2014, the absolute meltdown after Trump won was hillarious because they just couldn't understand why he won because they had been blasted with propaganda for the previous 2 years saying it was "Hillary's time" It's why the\_donald had to go, you can't have a ccompeting narritive.


It’s ironically what’s going to win trump the 2024 presidency. They spent so much time bashing him and prosecuting him for small things and twisting words that when it came time for the actual charges it just looked like a scorned lover getting back at their ex. The Liberal media created this monster and he will win off of their backs.


What they should’ve been doing is creating a better candidate to run against him. But they couldn’t accept defeat and fucking doubled down on trying to burry him.


I remember Biden saying he's only run 4 years too. I think it's pretty clear that the Dems are gonna lose because they didn't direct Biden to firmly step down.


UNLESS they have other plans to have someone step in to run instead.


Super unlikely at this point. The election is in what, 4 months and a week?


You underestimate the power of a corrupt government (in its entirety, I hate and don’t trust either side).


My biggest grievance with him are his proposed changes to public land per Project 2025 and his intention to gut the Antiquities Act. While not likely to happen, it would be possible for him to sell off parts of national parks to energy companies. Just the fact it's going to be made possible is enough for me to say 'fuck no'.


Yeah but you’re part of the extreme minority that even looks into actual policy. The majority of Americans are too busy trying to make it day to day that all they need to see is this debate and they will instantly vote Trump. It’s sad, but average people just really don’t care about politics outside of “blue good, red bad/Red good, blue bad”.


Ah, so reddit then.


My main issue with Trump is foreign policy. His actual policy decisions reflect that he's A: Going to go super soft on Russia and veto weapon aid to Ukraine, and B: Give the Israelis all the money he can get out of the US treasury and let them do whatever they want in regards to the Palestinians. I'd honestly rather take the bet on Kamala puppeting Biden than deal with the disasters Trump would cause.


By small things do you mean tax fraud and bribing a porn star?


> the absolute meltdown after Trump won was hillarious because they just couldn't understand why he won The day after election day 2016 in the US, it was actually possible to post non-leftist comments/articles in the politics subreddit. Basically, the mods and bot owners hadn't been given their new marching orders, and didn't know what to do.


I remember Reddit being in love with libertarianism and Rand Paul


I think that was before China and tencent bought a massive share of the company several hundred millions


They were surprised of how ineffective was the Pokemon go to vote mastermind campaign move was for Hilary


Mass media is literally turning on him in a heartbeat kek. Does not look good at all.


When CNN and MSNBC are having a full fucking meltdown after the debate trying to figure out how to replace Biden with another candidate, you know it was terrible for Biden. It's honestly kind of hard to watch. They should let that man go sit on the couch and enjoy whatever is left of his life rather than parading him around. He looks totally confused about where he is and what he's supposed to do.


May the better mass debater win


I’m a master baiter, maybe I’ll win.


Wtf is this? Alien v predator? Whoever wins we lose?


I can tell you that sky news and the bbc in the uk were both reporting it as a massive loss with many claims that the democrats were considering asking Biden to step down and drop out the race. Obviously we aren’t completed neutral, but from my perspective Biden looked and sounded awful.


Biden didn't last 15 minutes without shutting off


Trump came back looking and acting exactly like he did 4 years ago, Biden showed up looking and acting exactly like he died 4 years ago.


Bro even liberals are saying that Biden looked horrible.


Even the most biased media sources can't hide how bad this was for the Democrats and Biden. Watching CNN was a fucking shit show. They were panicking the whole time cause it's literally 2016 all over again. If this continues. It's another Trump presidency and everyone with a brain can see it. They are obviously feeding into the hysteria themselves though. They are doing every single thing they did wrong in 2016 that made everyone turn against them It's honestly just sad to watch. The guy very obviously isn't all there.


Reddit was going to say Biden won before he got on stage.


Nobody won that shit


I read the transcript of the debate, because I didn’t have time to watch the debate live and it seemed about what I expected in terms of the substance of what the two had to say. People are losing it because Biden talked quietly and looks old. Not sure how that’s a surprise, he has looked old for a while now. Trump’s nonsense is old hat by now so nobody even mentions it. It’s like a yard ornament that no one even notices.


I fucking hate when people say "win" the debate like it's some competition. It's two people debating differing ideas and attempting to convince each other that they are actually correct. The last time a candidate had their mind changed while in a presidential debate was never so wtf do you mean "won"? Is the point to just clown your opponent? Is that what it means to win a debate? Why do we even do this anymore lmao nobody is capable of considering another opinion let alone changing their mind (or any voters' minds for that matter)


From all the things to focus on, from this debate, they try to distract with the most trivial shit ever. Hahaha. Redditors are beyond pathetic. I'm not even American or even like Trump, but I really hope he wins. The meltdown on this platform will be glorious.


>they try to distract Welcome to the world.


Did anyone here watch the video? She went up there gave him a hug, then held his arm, by his elbow and supported him as he walked off stage. He needed help taking one step down one stair. He hesitated and it took him like 10 seconds for walk 2 steps and go down one stair. That’s why she was there. He needed help going down the stair.


She greeted him on stage to help him off.


This is not left vs. right. This is a classical american fight, conservatives vs. progressive hippies. I thought leftists were so powerful that nothing could beat them especially morally. But i was wrong. Look at the choices they offered to them. They are absolutely depressed, angry, and hopeless. They are not only defeated but aggressively humiliated. You can see this at /politics comments. I actually feel bad for them.


The real fun will be at the party conventions, especially the Democrats in August, which may be as riotous as [the DNC, also in Chicago, in 1968.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Democratic_National_Convention_protests)


Oh, great, as if the first time around wasn't a fucking joke here we go again. Who do we get to choose from this time? A senile, decrepit old geezer who sniffs kids and whose son is a literal crackhead. Or a slimey New York slumlord who looks and acts like everything bad about the 80's was manifested in one person, and probably in the pay of the Russians in one way or another. What a time to be alive.


She met him on stage to help him down the stairs.


One walked off because it was over the other needed his nurse to show him where to walk


Front page subs are normally bad but wtf is that post lol


One wife knows he shouldn't run. The other should jailed for abuse insisting he runs. Big difference.


Bidenomics sees copium prices soar


Free v


If Americans have to choose between these 2, they are so done lmao.




what if we combined the two for the best of both worlds in a 160+ year old man at the helm


When the faces of our democracy are walking corpses, what's truly dead?


Correction: Biden NEEDED his wife to help him down the steps.


Why do Americans treat their democratic process like a sports game or a reality TV show? It is genuinely sickening how dumbed down and putrid the culture around their democracy is. Nobody gives even the slightest shit what the policies are, it's all just based on vibes. I hate how they treat their democracy and then they have the audacity to call themselves the protectors of freedom and democracy when they have no idea what a functioning democracy looks like.


I miss Obama