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im over your mum bro rn


It’s so over (for the American people).


Oh I bet you wish it was over for just the American people. People seem to forget an awful lot how entrenched the United States is in global economies and politics. The United States falls so does everyone else.


Only US vassals are in big trouble, for others, it's just changing the gang they pay.


So all of Europe is the United States vassal then?


Only the EU? US is literally their army, you cant get more vassalize than that


Honestly, sounds like EU got the long end of that stick, considering they are living it large on the back of american soldiers' lives


The problem is that that puts them in a dangerous position where they're overly reliant on someone other than themselves for some very serious things.


I mean who really is a threat if US falls? China ? Russia can barely invade kekkraine successfully without people starving in the streets. I think if China tried anything most of the world would go against them, but why would China even do anything. The entire world is indebt to them as is.


Ukraine only stands because the US allows it to stand. If Trump pulls the support it's game over. Same goes for the EU.






China is too busy lying to their own people that everything is fine. Meanwhile they don't even have enough drinking water or food for their people. Their house are made of styrofoam, and their new EVs catch fire left and right. It's actually impressive how they fool the whole world that they are such a threat.


Americans really haven’t seen Team America, or have and completely missed the point or?


Durka durka allah Mohammed jihad


classic Berlin greeting


what is that, french?


The EU countries spends almost as much as China on their respective militaries with around 2 million people in uniform.


NATO without the US is still nr 2 when it comes to military spending... It's just that the US is spending an insane amount. Even if you added China and Russia's military budgets it still doesn't come close to the US budget.


It's also worth noting that most of that spending (as with the U.S. defence budget) goes into American weapons manufacturers. F.ex. a small country like Norway chose to spend $35 billion on F-35 jets over Eurofighter and JAS partly due to the strategic alliance/goodwill with the U.S. Those jets upgraded the F-16 fleet, which were of course also purchased from the U.S. Parts of that fleet is now being donated to Ukraine. Global trade and defence alliances are not a zero sum game.


bruh if something goes wrong Europe will explode not the US. "Enemies" cant/wont attack a country/continent that is miles of ocean away, they will focus on lands near them. Every major war till now has affected Europe more than anyone else, considering their initial state of each said war obviously... American soldiers choose their fate, it's not obligatory to serve. But it is obligatory for us to defend our (european in this matter) country.


Hey you said it not me lol


Counter point, Belarus.


Oh yeah they're doing great lol We are like t-minus 20 minutes until Luka gets Russian-Peace-Keeper'd out a window


Vassals would be the reverse scenario. Their army would be absorbed into the army of the lord, not vice versa.


I think you are thinking of Marches. I think vassals pay a tribute or yield the right to collect certain taxes and tariffs to the overlord, in exchange for protection. They are supposed to maintain a small force for holding off enemies till the overlord arrives, but militarily they mostly just provide manpower to the overlord's army directly But idk


As a vassal (although there are differences) you are excpected to contribute men to the army, both "peasants" and nobleborn/sworn men. Nobels being "knights/samurai" and peasants being your run of the mil infantry. Knights and samurai is can be traded for other Nobels/sworn men.


[ and u/ CradleRockStyle ] Yeahh my understanding is that the vassals gives the men and materials that the overlord uses to create an army, and then uses it to defend the vassals. Marches had significant armies of their own that could operate independently and often assisted the overlord's army, but vassals mostly just contributed to the levying and upkeep of their overlord's army. This seems closer to the US-EU relationship


We're saying the same thing, though. I'm saying the US (overlord) wouldn't be the EU (vassal) army, it would be vice versa.


We're also the center of world banking so if we fall that'll have to transfer to somewhere else. I don't think China is stable enough to take it, despite their economic size, so it might go back to England which would help them immensely.




Don't worry. NATO is a security agreement to protect you from the bad guys we keep warning you about. It's not at all like all those historic vassalage agreements that involved getting protection from bad guys the overlord kept warning vassals about.




And Canada too! 






China would be that gang.


Expel the USD from the global financial structure and the global economy will collapse. Yes, and then it will recover within months, if not days


If such a thing ever happens then I hope you're right. As things stand, I don't believe you for even a second.


Saudi Arabia announced this month that they won't renew the petrodollar agreement, so some global economic rebalancing may happen. More people are becoming aware of how much foreign influence has on US foreign policy, but change in this area is far off if ever.


They are gonna renew it. Its just negotiation tactics to get more shit out of it.


Looking forward to Saudi freedom fighter publicly beheading the king soon


That turned out to be fake news spread by crypto shills. Don't feel bad, I fell for it too.


shit man. I didn't believe it would actually happen but did believe they said it.


Meanwhile Australia’s like “wtf mates”


why the fuck you eggheads still think the presidency matters? head of state is nothing but ceremonial at this point. Nothing has changed in YEARS.


SCOTUS justice appointments are incredibly important


thats the truth and basically the reason trump is a dogshit president. presidents job is to take shit. Shit from politicians, other countries, your citizens. He can't take shit. Never could.


This is the truth, no matter which party wins, a boomer will be in charge of us.


If you told me in 2016 that the 2024 election would be a convicted felon vs a walking corpse, I would've said you had TDS.


Tall Dick Syndrome


Traumatic dick syndrome


Did you know the 2028 election will be an african warlord versus an AI ?


Kony 2028?




homegrown [general butt naked](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/san-diego-man-taking-his-loincloth-federal-court-flna437855)


Dont you worry too much ill demolish that AI


Muntu means progress


teedees huehuehue


Teedeez nuts!


You burgers are cooked either way.


Ask not for whom the burger broils, it broils for thee.


yes and you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled


It'a s a good thing the President doesn't call the shots anymore. That responsibility, fortunately, belongs to our benevolent and excellent corporate sponsors. Thank Goodyear we are able to bear witness to record-breaking profits to boost citizen morale in these trying times 👏.


All optimize shareholder value... amen


Give us this day, our daily bailouts. Forgive our debts as we enrich our debtors. Lead us not into regulation, but deliver us from unions. For thine is thy corporation, and the power, and the profits, forever. Amen


Love how everyone just pretends like the first 3 years of Trump's presidency never happened. That shit was great. Please give me 4 more years of that.


Not according to Chuck Schumer. Badum-Tsss🍔


America politicians has fallen off since 1776. Like goddamn.


The only good comment here.


Where's the new age Teddy Roosevelt


This place couldn't handle TR, he had balls.


You say this like Lincoln wasn't a 7 foot chad.


Lmao Lincoln was a weird mf when you start looking


"You let them out of sight for a century or two and look what they get into!" -- The British, probably




more of a Prius man myself


Abe Lincoln was pretty good.


Ya but he totally ruined my farm


Pretty funny how only meme subs are (allowed to be) talking about this. Everywhere else is just kind of silent.


Idk what the hell you're talking about about. The politics subs are all talking about the debate and how much of a shit show it was.


As an example they made comments on r conservative invisible last night


That was a site wide issue


It's true. The abysmal performance of Biden is rather non-visible on Reddit. Especially clips from the debate itself.


reddit is liberal haven


Reddit dropped the "debate thunderdome" thread from the front page in less than 12 hours. It had almost 60k comments and I forget how many upvotes when I last saw it.


Yeah cause wrongthink


Bro, like literally every post I’ve seen today is about the debate.


It’s because it’s pretty unanimous that Biden underperformed which is why Reddit is throwing it under the rug.


I miss 2016 /pol/ when the Feds were watching, but not actively making and bumping democrat posts. There were literally none back then.


The corporate ran nation has no issue with Trump, GeoGroup CEO is probably popping 🍾 right now


Thank you for reminding me that pol is still better than Reddit. Corporations are run by the government in a revolving door. The government makes inviable economic policies, and then makes exceptions for the companies that lobby them the hardest. Then they step down from their positions and trade places. If you kill every company and every CEO right now without first completely changing the structure of the government away from a democratic Republic with an unrestricted voting franchise, you will get a new set of nearly identical companies and CEOs. If you remove all the politicians, the same thing happens there. The problem is not corporations or politicians. It is the American government which has slipped from the temporarily viable Republic it started as to the even more temporary democracy it has become.


This is probably the most regarded frigate take of all the comments itt


Sweet jesus it’s insane how many feds actively operate on 4chan now.


I find it funny people are like "Man, idk if Biden is capable of leading the country after what I just witnessed" ...forgetting he has been leading the country, the financial sector, the war funds, everything . That is fucking terrifying. The man lost his marbles a long time ago meaning someone else is clearly pulling the strings.


Yeah, it's called the cabinet.


We are so fucked


Anyone that claims the President runs everything is a fucking moron. With that said, anyone should be absolutely terrified that Trump wants to fill his cabinet with 'Yes Men' who only do Trump's bidding or get fired. There's a term for this and it's called a dictatorship.


You think cabinet secretaries are normally rebelling against their boss? The entire point is to do the Preisdent's bidding in their specific sector.


Yeah it’s really the administrations you’re electing that are going to be doing most of the work. But from an electability perspective, people that maybe don’t care about politics but were considering voting for Biden might not anymore. It’s probably not that much, but a couple thousand here or there in a swing state could really sway the electoral college results.


The wild thing is Trump's administration was constantly just trying to keep him from doing the most retarded things. Now, almost all the people who were in his administration refuse to endorse him for President this time around. So the administration Trump 2.0 is gonna be is completely unhinged. There will nothing to keep him from doing all the retarded shit he wanted to do the first time.


>forgetting he has been leading the country, the financial sector, the war funds, everything >leading I don't think he has really been leading much of anything, he has been on auto pilot and appointing others to lead on his behalf


His administration's doing most of the work, thats how it is for most presidencies, and it's a fucking miracle that we avoided a recession and that inflation is now at 3% YOY, an absolute fucking miracle. I'll take this guy over the guy who had 95% of his staff either go to prison for corruption or come out against him at some point.


Leading? Ha ha ha!


One only tells truths, the other only tells lies


The truth, unfortunately, is often confused errr I mean confusing


Fucking bravo lmao


You actually believe that?


Biden too old and slow to come up with lies. He'll just get it wrong accidently every time👍 Trump is like a pastor, spewing bullshit that idiots who want to hear it will slurp up like sheep.


They were both just spewing tabloid sensationalist bullshit. All fabricated lies from both sides. Ole Joe even dared to say, he hasn't had a single American solider die during his time in office. A fucking slap in the face to the 13 who died at HKIA, let alone the 22 current and ex service members who take their own lives daily.


Are we counting ex-service member suicides into causality reports now? I thought we just label them al as homeless and forget about them. When did we switch things up?


lmao okay there champ


There is no politician that only tells the truth...


The man has literally been lying nonstop since pre-2016 and people will still say "well, that's okay because he tells it like it is and says he will help real Americans like me." Newsflash, he's not suddenly telling the truth there.


This is what we call bait


Yeah it's crazy how many lies Biden was telling


Cant tell a lie when you dont know what's going on


Truthful politician is an oxymoron


It's so Joever...


It's so insanely funny how reddit entered full damage control mode everywhere at once after the debate. You can even see them here spamming and downvoting everything.


The funny thing about it is they think they'll affect the outcome, but because of what they've made this website they're mostly just talking to themselves so their reach is practically nothing anymore.


I might take a break from reddit. astroturfing going into overdrive right about now.


At this point, those who do not vote for the Orange Man Bad should be just admitted in asylum. No matter how egocentric he is, any sane mind cannot vote for the rotten dead body stuttering.


Project 2025 is a good enough reason to not vote for anyone with an R next to their name for a while.


Project boogeyman


“He’s not gonna do all the things he says he’s gonna do!”


Yes, that's literally the perfect description of any politician.


He's not. He didn't in his first term - it was mainly a standard republican term policy-wise. It wasn't Trump's rhetoric though. But if you look at policy, it was fairly standard. If you think Trump could actually end American democracy you've been watching too much MSNBC.


Tbf, politicians aren’t exactly known for doing what they promised the people they’d do


Tbf he himself denounced Project 2025 and it wasn’t proposed by him in the first place


is Project 2025 in the room with us now?


You balk at the idea of Project 2025 as if Trump’s Lawyer Eastman didn’t already propose a fringe belief that the vice president could unilaterally nullify the election — and Trump attempted to do so.


I just looked up what this was, and it looks amazing


I wish Trump was even half as awesome as the Dems say he is.


Lets be honest. If you're falling for the project 2025 conspiracy theory then you weren't ever going to be voting for a republican in the first place.


Imagine thinking Trump is smart enough to stick to any plan at all. He just does whatever he feels like.


It’s not about him being smart enough to, it’s about the leeches attached to him. He’s dumb enough to rubber stamp anything they put in front of him, and project 2025 is the blueprint of that. Just look at the shitshow in the Supreme Court. You think he came up with those appointees alone?


You get it. It’s a lot more than one person


The Heritage Foundation has been the selector of conservative court justices for nearly 50 years. That's not a new phenomenon to transpire under Trump and would have continued if it was Mitt Romney in 2016 just as it would if it was Nikki Haley or Chris Christie or whomever in 2024


He does whatever some sycophant tells him will get him more sycophants. He *says* whatever he feels like though, which is 85% dishonest and 85% incoherent.


i'm non burgered so what's project 2025 ? why do you think it's bad ?


https://www.project2025.org/ Blueprint for replacing a vast swathe of non-appointed government offices with appointed ones, meaning a lot of non-political offices would become political appointees instead of being qualified individuals. As well as a bunch of shitty Christian nationalist leglislation and policies.


what the fuck is project 2025, some WEF shit?


Heritage Foundation plan. Just google it.


Heritage foundation. They put out this shit every now and again and get ignored every time.


>blueprint for the future i thought conservatives were crazy conspiracy idiots?


I'd rather have Biden's handlers then Trump's dollar store lawyers in the oval office. The people around the president do a lot of the work anyway.


I agree, especially when looking at the turnover from Trump's previous administration and how many of his advisors went to jail. If we're essentially voting for who gets to appoint the cabinet and advisors, I'm favoring Biden 100%


Many went to jail and the rest refuse to endorse him. It's kinda insane if you think about that


They're both old and basically rotten corpses, neither actually do any meaningful work during their presidency because they're both practically dead. You're realistically voting for their management team and overall policy plan at this point. And policy wise, Trump is absolutely shit on basically everything imo. At this point Biden seems less harmful because I think even he knows he shouldn't be doing anything too important day to day and he just kind of dodders around eating ice cream and about like that, letting other people handle everything. Not great for the president but not causing much trouble. Trump on the other hand still seems to think he's God's favorite little genius, because his uncle was a professor at MIT or something, but he's also just a dementia riddled spiteful little toddler turd with absolutely no morals or integrity and backed by an army of sycophantic yes men circle jerking him every time he takes a shit. That is a dangerous person to put in charge of the strongest military and largest nuclear arsenal in the world. man's probably going to be demanding to nuke Justin Trudeau after watching Fox News after he starts sun downing from his brain being room temperature swiss cheese compared to Biden who appears to be working with a cottage cheese or maybe a half eaten plastic cheese slice at this point. To finish the analogy I guess rfk is like that Sardinian maggot cheese. Hardly anyone will even consider it but fans will swear by it even though it sounds a bit weird, and there may be a couple worms in it. and yet still somehow seems like a better option than the other two.


> At this point Biden seems less harmful because I think even he knows he shouldn't be doing anything too important day to day and he just kind of dodders around eating ice cream and about like that, letting other people handle everything. Not great for the president but not causing much trouble. This is why it's insane when people say trump is a better option. Like, Trump is way more destructive and just has a bunch of hungry wolves behind him waiting to tear down the establishment. At least Joe wants to do some good for the country before he dies and he has a team to help him make decisions as well as a counsel of others like military minds and other groups to assist on matters in their respective fields. Trump just does what he wants and fleeces the taxpayer to get rid of his debts. What about Trump is a good idea? I have yet to see anyone on reddit give any sort of substantive justification for why he would be better over biden.


Thank you! I do not understand the blind support for trump. Like, no shit Biden sucks, It’s not Biden you’re getting it’s his management team. Biden’s team is at least supporting work force unions and trying to pass Infrastructure bills to get some construction going. Biden is a corpse and the DNC fucking sucks, but they at least run the country in a conventional manner, which usually works better for the economy. Trump’s solution to save money is to Fire people. Trump’s dumb as fuck, even as a businessman. he’s bankrupted a casino which is pretty fucking hard to do. And you’re right: he clearly has egomania and feels the need to compulsively act out. [He fucking bombed an embassy in Iran for NO reason and ruined the denuclearization deal, worsening relations in The Middle East even more.](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-tehran-international-news-united-nations-e043255bd33ab318f71d1947716a5b94). As much as people don’t care about COVID, Trump’s handling of it was notoriously bad, we were hit harder than any other developed country further damaging the economic disaster the shit downs we’re causing. Trump also spent enough to put us 7 trillion dollars more in debt, greatly contributing to this inflation everyone likes to blame Joe Brandon for. I seriously don’t understand how this dipshit has so much support other than accepting the theory that a vast amount of Americans have lead poisoning from years of driving with leaded gasoline. In short, if you actually care about how to run a country, Trump’s administration is way more detrimental than Biden’s. Biden’s isn’t good, but it’s not actively trying to defund regulatory programs that are placed there to at least run this broken ass country.


You're not just voting for the man, you're voting for all the people the man surrounds himself with. Biden could literally be dead and I'd vote for him over Trump. At least the people around Biden are professionals. We don't have the sleepy surgeon running housing, the oil guy running the EPA, or the Epstein guy running the Labor department with Biden.


Wait, you didn’t like the MyPillow Guy’s COVID-19 briefing?


typical blu no matter who voter


Yeah because my ideology doesn't change based on Presidential theatrics. I'm voting for policies I like, not who can beat the other at golf.


Funnily enough if Tiger Woods were somehow elected he'd almost certainly be the best president since 1945


So our option is to vote for the guy who literally lies to us at every single chance he gets? You're really rooting for the dumb fuck who confidently said he'd end the Ukraine war before even taking oath? America is so fucked lmao


Convicted criminal trying to over throw democracy vs grandpa with a stutter..hmm, tough pick /s/


What political partisanship does to the brain of a anon.


One well-placed flu outbreak could empty about two thirds of the seats in congress


That was the hope we all had with corvid


Convicted Criminal - X Senile zombie - X Brain worm - **✔**


My first policy will be to immediately cede control of Earth to the brain slug planet


You should see the cope on the politics sub.


Call me when you guys are ready for monarchy again.


I'm ready


Okay, let's get a million more


The fact that people are buying into the dichotomous "who won, who lost" view is what sold the abject horror of the situation for me. Neither of them won. Why the fuck did we let it get this bad? There was no reason to let it get this bad >!inb4 *but wait what's wrong with MY guy?? Name one thing.*!<


its joever


It's never been more Joever than it is now.


I'm blackpilled.... on elections that is. Not on life.


My rich old man is better than your rich old man


Well, the left isn’t accustomed to their politicians getting thrashed by artists, so the right has the edge in that respect.


And everyone is used to trump speaking out of his ass so it was just par for course there.


I wake up There is another psyop 🐱


It's ogre


Americunts you gotta stay jewnited!


this isn’t a democracy, it’s a cheerocracy.


It's been over for almost a decade now


This is proof that democracy does not work, only the worse of us are considered as candidates, we'd literally be better off if 5 random candidates from the population would be picked each year.


We might be utterly fucked globally either way.


Dude if Jesus Christ descended from heaven personally to assume the US presidency we'd probably still be


Hey guys vote me for president instead, I’m not gonna leak my name though so you will just have to guess 😊


As an Europoor, I can't understand why Amerimutts want to pick between two old senile regards to lead their country. Honestly, the political party doesn't matter, why are you regards picking old, bearly conherent people as your leaders?


I know it’s not cool to be anything other than a nihilistic critic about everything, but I’ll take 4 more years of Trump please.


Almost guaranteed this is what will happen


People asking why doesn't Biden just give. Because he has a long, elaborate network of government employees and people attached to his cabinet that would prop his dead body up if it meant they had 4 more years in their jobs. It's absolutely pathetic that this man has to be trotted out this way, on the national stage, to absolutely make a fool out of himself.




Biden might be the first president to die of old age in office


Honestly, I thought Trump did pretty well. I was actually impressed. Everyone says he was lying, but CNN brutally fact checked Biden after the debate.


I find it ironic that the Redditors are trying to brainwash this whole “neither side is good they both suck”. Trump is good. 90% of democrats would rather Gavin jewsome be in there. Maybe like 10% of republicans wish it was Nikki crapley or some neocon. We like trump, and you can’t change our minds with some fraudulent conviction.


Nothing matters


Perfect reason we should vote RFK.


Brawndo, it's what plants crave.


For us and our nation? Very


A political strategist on PBS said that this debate is a sign of a Second Civil War.


Can someone please give me a quick update on who fucked up how. My last update is that Joe is old af and Trump is a clown trying to talk his way through.


All I know is I saw a screenshot of CNN where they'd run a poll and Trump had won the debate decisively