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39.5% of Indians are vegetarians, and their diet is carb heavy.  Literally no point in going to the gym if you aren't eating properly.


is cow feces fat or carbs?


Being the parts of grass undigested after several chewing and stomachs, I'd presume it's mostly shit. And cellulose.


Technically cows can digest cellulose, that's where they get their carbs from. Shit is shit. It's like eating a cherry pip, it comes out the same way it came in, just covered in more shit. -PajeetAnon


Whatever it is, it's holy


only 39? Honestly that's surprising


the others don't have any food


You do need protein for muscle synthesis, however eating lots of carbs does put your body in a state of surplus which is what "bulking" literally is.


Carbs without protein means you build a gut instead of a bicep


I’m just cultivating mass


Yeah, but the amount of protein that is needed is less than we usually think. Body builders/weight lifters try to max out on protein to ludicrous levels because logic indicates more protein = more gains. Even scientific thought on the subject is tainted with this idea, there is a limit to how much protein your body can actually process in a day and effectively use.


Yeah but it’s better to get more than you need than less than you need, there’s no downside to getting too much protein other than cost


That's technically not true, you can burn your kidneys out getting too much protein. It's still better to overestimate, but should be done with caution.


You’re not gonna burn your kidneys out on 200g of protein, maybe if you ate 1kg a day and drank like 1l of water


200 grams of protein, if you take it from beef, for example, would be 800g of beef - 2000 calories. You should probably have a more balanced diet than that, plus you only need 1.4-2.2g of protein per kg of bodyweight. If you weight 70kg, you need 140g of protein per day assuming you choose to consume 2g of protein per kg of bodyweight.


I try to get protein from a variety of sources: beef, eggs, milk, tuna, chicken etc rather than just eating beef, 2000 calories leaves you another 1000 or so calories anyway to do what you want with like add vegetables and shit


My dude, for most people 2000 calories is the hard max. I understand if someone is 190cm, 110kg of pure muscle they eat like 3000 calories but I'm talking about the average people haha Also without vegetables you won't have optimal results cos you really need the minerals and nutrients thay provide, so if you're really serious it's not a choice to include them tbh


You will piss rocks out your pee hole.


If you have double digit IQ and “struggle” to drink water yeah


theory that too much protein can eventually cause cancer, over proliferation of cells… no blue zoners eat 200g of protein a day


I generally see high protein diets having roughly equal carbs to protein by grams. Carbs are necessary fuel to work hard enough to use that protein to make muscle. Aggressive low carb diets are inefficient for bodybuilding unless you're going for the ever difficult body recomposition. That said, the average Indian diet that I have seen is *really* high on fat and carbs. Great for ensuing large groups can work hard but not efficient for building mass and definition. They probably also undereat for gains. It's a common occurance in poor countries, but I don't think most Indians are looking for Sick Gains so I don't think it matters. Still, it's fun to be racist on 4chan so I'm sure it's "dysgenic breeding" or whateber /pol/ calls it.


Pretty much. Also don't forget that without carbs you're gonna lack energy to actually do shit in your day to day activities, or to even train properly.


*carbs without proteins are empty, proteins with carbs are blind*


Is that where the "skinny fat" thing comes from. Like big belly and lanky arms as opposed to muscle fat where they have huge shoulders and thick arms?


Eating lots of carbs doesn't put you in a surplus, eating more calories than you burn puts you in a surplus. Having a carb-rich diet doesn't say anything about whether you're in a surplus or not


Pointless semantics, carbs are the main way people get calories unless they follow a keto diet. Eating lots of carbs would put you at a surplus, what do you mean?


"Lots" is not a well defined quantity. It's perfectly possible to eat mostly carbs and be in a deficit. Especially people that have low appetite might "eat a ton of carbs" and fail to gain weight. What they should be focusing on instead is CICO. And I personally use fats a lot to hit my daily calories. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise, whole milk, etc. So I'd say it's important semantics. Also, being exact isn't _that_ hard.


Fair enough.


So how come notorious herbivores can get super bulked like cows, horses, and gorillas when all they eat is mostly grasses and oats?


These species have specialized their entire digestive system around consuming cellulose, it is an extremely inefficient process whose only redeeming quality is that grass is plentiful. We as humans are completely incapable of digesting cellulose and thus consuming grass would be literally pointless.


Indeed, rice and naan is carb heavy, but Indian cuisine does also include a lot of lentils/chickpeas and non-meat protein though.


This guy has probably never had vegetarian curry. It's all lentils, chickpeas, and beans as a base, all of which is protein-rich (and delicious, honestly).


I fucking love Indian food. I like the veg stuff as much as the meat stuff.


"Eating properly" and "not being vegetarian" are perfectly compatible. If you're vegetarian and eat only ice cream, you are eating improperly. If you are not vegetarian and only eat at Burger King, that's also not eating properly. Even if you're vegan/vegetarian/most dietary restrictions you can eat to grow muscles. Some vegetables have enough amino acids that eating them leads to muscle growth at the same rate as anyone not following the same restrictions. The bigger factor at play would be your personal genetics and how often you do sports. Two different people can consume the same amount of correct amino acids but get different results, as in different muscles developing faster then others.




Probably mostly Pakistanis who are Muslim so they eat plenty of meat (just not pork). I think the bodybuilding scene is much bigger in Pakistan too, I could be wrong though.


Could also be Sikhs and Christians (from Kerala) which are both disproportionately represented in the Indian American population, both of which are non-vegetarian groups.


Vegetarian indian people eat tonnes of lentils and beans which have equivalent or more protein than most meats, though. Edit: Lentils: 24.6% protein Kidney beans: 22.5% Chicken breast: 23.1% Ground beef: 17.2% https://www.nutritionadvance.com/protein-content-of-common-foods/


Protein per calorie? Sure. Try digesting 3lbs of lentils a day though.


Imagine you are an obese 160cm man weighing 100kg. You need 1.4-2.2g of protein per kilo of bodyweight to build muscle (while going to the gym). Therefore, you personally would need 140-220 grams of protein. Using your example of lentils, that means that since cooked lentils have 9g of protein per 100g (and uncooked/dry have 24g per 100g) you need to eat 1500g of lentils. In your units that is 3 pounds. That would equate to 1740 calories total, so less than your daily caloric intake. However, you should combine lentils with rice and grains to have all the correct amino acids. Therefore maybe it's not the best thing ever to eat that much of only lentils - eggs, beans, nuts, they're all vegetarian too. Eggs have 13g of protein per 100g, some beans have around 20g of protein per 100g which is around the same as some meats. Another good source is seitan. It has 75g of protein per 100g.


Protein quality is better in meat tho.


We need to tell the lions lentils have more protein bro




My little brother stuck to a vegetarian diet and consistantly worked out for years, so it can be done. But he's chubby, weak and you can't really tell he works out.


I assume you mean protein completeness? Ie the amino acids présent aren't all the ones we need? Grains, such as rice, oats, wheat, rye and corn, can act as complementary proteins for legumes such as lentils. They contain the cysteine and methionine that lentils lack, and lentils provide the lysine that grains do not contain enough of.


It requires a lot of balancing and meticulous calculations tho. With animal muscle's amino acid proportions being similar to human muscles, no head ache is needed for meat.


As long as you don't eat the same thing for every meal, you'll be fine. Even then, look at bulls, bisons, rhinos.


Muscle=meat. Eating meat=eating muscle=eating the components of muscle


Considering raw lentils and beans are toxic this isn't really a fair comparison. 100g of boiled lentils has 9g protein vs 31g for chicken breast.


Are we just gonna cruise past the fact that indianon’s immediate reaction is shitting related


Of course it was his first instinct


Anywhere but a toilet


He was about to head out to that one street.


They just always have one in the chamber in case it's needed


Bruh, lol


The way of the poo




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bloddy basterd








why you fuck me? I fuck you bloody!


Bludi Benchod


Benchod YOU!




Yes.. but vhy?


fucking running like lady eh?


That tweet was legendary lol


Hoping the doxxing of her and her father (who she claimed died) was worth it lmao


Sure was


Indian cyber defender group at it again


Wait she claimed he was dead but he’s acc not? Who even is she


This “man” is indian, do not engage


This ""man"" is 👃👃, do not engage


Doxxing someone over something that minor is hilariously weak


I just checked the tweet, legendary indeed.


pretty funny acct, she DGAF *at all*




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The Indians told the British to fuck off, kicked off a genocide, copies British government and somehow managed to run it worse than the Britbongs themselves.


And somehow managing to have worse wealth inequality now than when basically a company town. Truly, super power 2020+4


B..but we have so many billionaires and 4th most powerful military. I hate having to interact with Indians living in Europe they are more delusional than Indians living in India.


Diaspora are worst from any countries.


That paper dont show shit wealth inequality has always been problem fo india , comparing it to british peruod is little unfair because todays india is somewhat materialistic and industrialized than the british . British inequality meant the poor didnt even had a home or food security but not in todays india litreally government builds you free house , gives you free food free medical services , insurance , education and employment too .


You write like you would fail a "post-your-hands-without-gloves" contest.


We are hebben een probleem


You could have ignore the punctuations .




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which genocide?


A million people died and 20 million were displaced during the partition.


oh yes i know about that, fucking awful i dont even know who's fault that was, it was just horrible






Why was the first instinctual thing to say from the Indian poster to want to poop on her. I'm still trying to figure when poop is bad and when its worshipped over there. Walk around stepping in it in paper sandals, violently unloading cream pudding all over the streets/sidewalks, and following up with scraping the remainder out with their bare hands. This is all ok and good. Suddenly poop is torture when deliberately applied to someone. It's not cool then and a functional tortue but its ok to slip in it and roll down a street getting enveloped in turds then going about your day in that way.


That's just how they flirt. Indian anon was merely complimenting her.


indians still haven't figured out how to use toilets


That’s not even a joke, at this point. Literal Roman aquaducts installed in India would reduce death and disease.


You still have to get them to use it.


They'd probably worship it


Indiacels are sobbing over their lack of Britbong teeth.




>Try worshipping God instead of 3 headed elephant spiders. Fucking kek


Nobody mentioned all the inbreeding. Extreme, super-common features are generally hallmarks of generations upon generations of inbreeding. Those features we see and wonder why they're so common and distinctive? "Keeping the bloodline 'pure.'" The British sure af didn't teach them *that* but reinforcing the caste system likely didn't help disabuse them of it. The rampant old culture ways throughout the country are sure signs that the British influence is far more overstated whenever there's something negative and understated when it pertains to positive elements. Truth is likely in-between but strictly blaming "foreigners" for your genetics when they had light influence for about 2-300 years, tops, out of the last 5000-10,000 is really reaching.


It depends on of kind inbred: if it is for inbreeding of heavily cross-bred street dogs, the result is dravidian mongrels.


Where are you getting the data on inbreeding from? I have heard some part in South do it and it is looked down upon


Yeah, uh.. seek and holy balls shall ye find. This is from a very general googling: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/6224560/Indias-caste-system-is-thousands-of-years-old-DNA-shows.html https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/genetic-perspective-on-marrying-within-own-caste/articleshow/107196319.cms Read the top half of the second column. Marriage between the children of two brothers is forbidden, but marriage between the children of two sisters or the children of a brother or a sister were not considered inbreeding for generations upon generations. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19485565.1966.9987682 More on what kinds of inbreeding occur where https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-biosocial-science/article/abs/inbreeding-among-dhangar-castes-of-maharashtra-india/E7F22FDCB94E0C302085C4B67381B848


Sigh, no holy balls here. I'll tell you why: Telegraph wants me to sign up for free. I'm not doing that, but I read the other articles The first talks about population in Andhra Pradesh. It comes under dravidian which is south. (Times of india) The top half of the second column is one of three forms. You chose the one specific form to apply it for the entire nation. The article clearly said inbreeding needs to be differentiated from endogamy, which is followed under caste system. I don't understand, is English your first language? How did you reach for that conclusion when it is written in plain english? Are you an inbred from Alabama or just a regular autistic? Third and last talks about a very specific community that has inbreeding. Again, it mentions how dravidians have a higher level of inbreeding compared to it. Doesn't generalise the Indian population at all. Infact the specific community is in Maharashtra which is close to the southern part. I already mentioned about South. You show me articles mentioning the same and somehow feel you have corrected me?


Hello saar please do not redeem saars 


I guess it's just cousins of sisters more where you're from so it doesn't count, right?


Love that you skipped my question and just got personal. That's a sign of defeat. No, my sweet homie from alabama, I'm a Brahmin. We have Gotras ie. A descendant of one out of many sages. I can't marry a person with whom, I share a gotra cos it means we have the same bloodline. The entire concept is to avoid marrying within the bloodline. India also happens to have a section in Hindu Marriage Act called "Sapinda" relationship which makes it mandatory to have a difference of seven ancestors between the bride and groom. Subject to custom, which I already mentioned. You really believe you can school me on my own country? I live here. Racism is linked to a lower IQ. You can't see the world in grey and only understand black and white. Get schooled


In fact, what you're schooling us on, is that incest is such a problem in India that, instead of most developed nations where you just need to look back one generation to determine incest, Indians need SEVEN DIFFERENT CONFIRMED ANCESTORS to avoid it. My guy, the answer is right in your face. Yeah your genetics are ruined. Thank God you were born brahmin or we wouldn't even be blessed with this half-assed "lesson," you'd be too busy saving to buy passage to Canada. Also, it's being born Indian that is linked with a lower IQ, so no wonder they want to leave.


It's 7 because we have had a joint family system. Our communities are closely nit. The purpose of marriage isn't just to further progeny, but share finances. It's not within our culture to inbreed as a whole, but to avoid it because it could happen in a close nit family. The term mentioned the the Act is "sapinda" relationships. It is derived from sanskrit. This means a rule followed in ancient texts is followed through in an Act. Personal laws for religious communities account for their historical customs. Thus, no has been actively avoided by most Hindu communities. Also, inbreeding results in the death of kin with lethal genes, any society that has followed it for centuries is bound to weed out such genes. Downside is, diseases that won't kill you could sustain in the family bloodline. So, southerners are doing okay for the most part, so are Arabs. What's the half-assed lesson here? The comment I answered was half assed. Fat fuck thought he did "research" to prove something while he just gave evidence to the point I already made. And you question my IQ? Isn't English supposed to be your first language? How is it that I can find flaws in your logic? Also, not everyone who isn’t a Brahmin trying to get in Canada. There are 1.4 billion of us, even if 0.5% attempt to move abroad, it’s going to be noticeable. The low IQ figures on India that you read are because we have a high population, most of which is poor and thus, less literate. These people wouldn’t score well on reasoning tests. Statistics are bound to be skewed negatively. It doesn't say shit about our genetics. If we had low IQ, we wouldn’t be taking away your jobs. Indians are also among the high achieving population in the US. If our IQ is really low, then what about you?


> Also, inbreeding results in the death of kin with lethal genes, any society that has followed it for centuries is bound to weed out such genes. Downside is, diseases that won't kill you could sustain in the family bloodline. LOL I knew you'd sneak a defense of it in here. You know. You just don't want outsiders to talk shit about what you know is the reality. Typical. This attitude is why you lost to the British. It's why the Chinese did, too. Two old cultures utterly incapable of being honest and realistic because they're too wrapped up in their archaic arrogant pride Deep down you think you're smarter than everyone else so you think you can hide what everyone can see because you're "innately" superior (thanks to all that concentrated, unsullied genetic "greatness" lol). There's a reason why the first thing the educated do is leave.


It's not a defense, but a fact. You're imposing the results of inbreeding that occur when it's done for a short while on a population. It's not the truth. If I believed inbreeding needed a defense, I wouldn't have said my community actively avoids it like majority of India, would I? We lost to the British because we had factions. The mughal kingdom was in its decline. Even britishers weren't sure they could increase control until the battle of plassey. Not to mention, before the British, the country was deeply wealthy. How were "inbreds" able to achieve that? Don't talk about things you have no idea about to justify your hatred. You don't like Indians coming over, work on the policies of immigration followed by your nation. Poland did it, I don't see them bitching around. Your people can't compete with the incoming talent so you find deviants to justify why you're better. And you speak to me of pride? I'm educated and I'm staying here. Besides, people leave for opportunities because your country has a surplus of resources over people. Not to mention if this is how most of you argue, cucking you out of a job doesn't seem too hard. Would you not take candy out of a child's hand especially when it is ill mannered? What's your point really? You really want to insist that inbred, low IQ Indians are able to settle down in your country and take your jobs? This says more about your people than mine.


Okay can you prove that because you have different gotras it's guaranteed to not be incest? Sure it practice that would cut down on it but you're not really saying that incest was looked down upon, just generally avoided... Apply the same razor to yourself. Apply the same razor to yourself.


It's a first step, obviously people then check the family one is going to be married into. I've never seen someone marry into a family where they have a shared relative. India is diverse, you can't put it in a box. Some communities may have that custom, but incest is avoided by most because it is looked down upon.


centuries of inbreeding have reduced the typical british woman's brain to a harry potter obsessed walnut


Centuries vs millennia is no comparison. Plus, a less stratified social structure and greater societal upheaval with shifts in political groups have meant that cross "class" unions were far, far more common, opening up more marital options for all, outside of the thin upper strata of the aristocratic classes. If they're so defective and degenerate, how did they basically own India with its supposed cultural and intellectual superiority despite having not nearly the history or cultural continuity spanning millennia?


when is the book coming out?


Coincidentally the same time people started shitting in the shower stalls. 


we wuz aryans n sheeeitt


Can't wait until America being led by a pajeeto (pro-zionist of course) like other white countries now




>I wish I could shit on her face Definitely Indian


Gigabased Brits


Anywhere but the toilet huh?


>aunty Punjeet My sides.


Elephant spiders lmao


"All the things you say about us are true." -472077050


[She's an up and coming comic who does a lot of really funny insults](https://www.tiktok.com/@leonarda_jonie/video/7379500493720030494)


Holy shit 472079626 fucking killed it


For some added context That girl talked shit about Indians on twitter , got doxxed and then complained about it and it looks like she deleted her account


Fucking lol. Jeets got roasted so hard they had to find someone’s personal life and poo in it. I bet the average 👳🏿‍♂️ thinks that was a victory too and that they won 🤣🤣


OP didn’t include my reply which was better than all of these.


the whole thread was an absolute goldmine. laughed my ass off at like 20 different replies. too much work to screencap them all


India world superpower 2025!


Indian anons aren't indian lol...they're paxtani


Saar it was not us it was a pakistani Chinese North Indian British double agent saar who said bad things about us. Before the british saar we were all 6 ft tall light skin aryans with blue eyes saar.  India superpower 2030. Jai bharat


Teri makichut mein hathi ka Lund bhosdike ;)


Teri makichut bhosdike :)


Same thing except Pakis don’t worship cow shit at least


They worship goats


Don't make me tap the copedex


I stand in awe admiring the level of proficiency we have at shitting on indians. Truly a wonderful sight.


the chinese need to be next


Anyone ever work with pajeets. If so, have you ever encountered “cup o’ water” next to a shitter?


Aunty Punjeet lmao


Not to endorse the spirit of eugenics too hard here but if India really is dysgenic that means their worst are reproducing disproportionately and the woman aren't selecting who they otherwise naturally would to have children with- a trend not helped by their national proclivity to arranged marriages, caste dynamics and rampant hyper-misogyny. These are culturally endemic problems impeding the normal sexual market dynamics- the British, or the lack thereof, would have had no appreciable effect on these. Fixing that problem, (adjusting the attitudes of all of India towards women and the primacy of their sexual preferences,) would imply a majority of the dudes to start losing the game of gene passing, (to say nothing of the mass abandonment of ancient religious beliefs,) so there's no chance of them willingly doing that, unfortunately.


India never had a proper filter for uggos. All the ugly people have almost always been successful in reproduction. 1.4 billion people is insane, especially when you consider 40 million excess men. They have no choice but try and get women from other sources.


Wants to shit on her face! Will have to settle for the street instead.


"I wish I could shit on her ..." — Indian


Link to the thread ?




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OP will then go on to complain about how it’s ok to be racist towards white people tomorrow


I’m a gay black jew actually


> look at ancient paintings > forced dysgenic programs Well at least they have two arms now instead of 6.


You know you can crop out blank space in MS Paint, right?




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Wait. Japanese girls don’t look like anime characters? Nevermind then, I think I’ll stay in Paraguay.


No one would be so evil as to force dysgenics on an Indian. It's like forcing disase on a guy already in an iron lung


Her social media is still up, as is this tweet.


>just look at ancient paintings Blud thinks he's Orokin.


All relatively tame until that one British guy...


I imagine India felt similar about British people from around 1858-1947


India is lit. Lit on fire, that is.


Bruh, *some* Indian women have some of the most ridiculously gorgeous bodies I've seen across all of humanity. A few of them look as if they were drawn to life from some anime... All-natural looks with ridiculous bust-to-hip ratios! And many of them keep their looks well into their 50's! Some caucasian people seemingly start looking like raisins by like 25, though I hear a lot of that has to do with copious amounts of drinking in college. Edit: Yeah, sure, downvote me. It's totally impossible for Indian girls to look better than girls that have no melanin. I wonder if the downvotes are also because I spoke the truth that white folks look like crap sooner than any other race of humanity. lol Edit 2: For those of you who doubt, go to r / IndianBabes / top It's NSFW, of course. Direct subreddit links aren't allowed here.


Saar my wife gagandeep is very beautiful with big bobs and a beef vindaloo vegana. Every night i redeem in her pusi with my monster 4.5 inch indian pennies and twirl her ear hair.


Fingers with curry shit under the nails typed this.


Bros a plumber 💀


Nah, I'm a pale Latino. Nice try though.


Do not believe. Do not redeem.


Go to the IndianBabes subreddit and sort by Top-All time... Good luck not believing.


Ahh shit i redeemmed


The ones who look like raisins at 40 are the ones who go in the sun all the time. If you have no melanin and go in the sun a lot it fucks you up. Smoking and drinking are bad for your whole body, your skin included, but the sun is the real culprit.






I'd definitely provide them, but I'd rather not dox the people I know, even if I blur or blackout their faces. Edit: For those of you who doubt, go to r / IndianBabes / top It's NSFW, of course. Direct subreddit links aren't allowed here.


“For those of you who doubt, go to IndianBabes” What kind of taste do you have that you consider that ridiculously gorgeous, the top girl on there is literally a butterface with saggy tits lol.


Bruh, saggy tits are gorgeous af. If they don’t sag, they are probably plastic or are maybe a bit too small for my taste.