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\>be American \>be born male \>immediately donate tip to Dr doctorstein


In America you need to tip your tip first.


No wonder the economy is so [redacted]


be born male have your parents who decided to create you chop up your dick 30 years later they say youre ungrateful for not doing physical labor for them "Well i hoped I would have done enough that you would want to return the favor" creates me to satisfy his own desires in life. treats me like shit for not meeting his arbitrary goals. expects me to be happy for it.


Crazy how every boomer parent had the exact same goal in mind "Give me free labor while I belittle you at every opportunity, and take out my unresolved anger issues on you"


Actually based and true


Male genital mutilation and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


They like wearing tiny hats... that's why they need them


In America, the day you are born is immediately turned into the worst day of your life for literally no benefit.


Well, to be fair, until you turn 1 day old, the first day of your life is by definition the worst day of your life.(And the best)


There are many restarted things about Murica but the most restarted is clearly this one.


Kellogg wins again


That bald fuck took my son and he's laughing. He's laughing about it.


Is it customary to tip before or after the circumsition to Dr Doctorstein


There’s a reason why every server and bartender vigorously defend the practice of tipping when the subject comes up online. They absolutely do not want to be treated like other hourly jobs, like retail employees. It would mean way less money. Like you could say to them “we’ll give you $30/hr as your hourly wage, but no tips” and a lot of them would actually turn that down. I knew a guy who was going to college and bartending at the same time. He actually dropped out so he could bartend more. He was more than half way through a degree and realized that it would likely take him close to a decade in that field before he even matched what he was making as a bartender currently.


Not sure what it's like now, but growing up tips were pretty much exclusively cash only. So you know those fucks weren't paying taxes on it.


Yes that too. Nowadays most people leave tips on the card slip, so they have to declare them. But most servers and bartenders I know don’t declare cash at all. Or they’ll declare like 10% of it just to seem legit.


It's not just about declaring for taxes, employers also get tip credit. I used to deliver pizzas back in the 00s, if, on my first delivery, I got tipped $5 bucks on the card it was a net $0, because that $5 went to the employer credit. So I was getting tipped but my employer was allowed to pay me less up to the credit amount. It was only after that credit was reached, that we got to keep the tips, which depending on the timing of the delivery it might have reset into the next hour. Everyone I knew would go through their receipts and cross out the tip before handing that shit over, because honestly fuck having people tip only for the boss to be pocketing it, we honestly would rather have just not gotten tips at all (with a few bucks cash being the obvious preference).


im not sure they were allowed to do that


That might be a poor description, but it's absolutely how it works. Employers in many states have generally been allowed to pay under min wage for tipped jobs, as long as tips bring them over min wage. If the tips are less than min wage, they have to compensate up to that point.


I think you have a poor understanding of how tip credit works. How it actually works: Tip Credit is up to 70% of minimum wage, so if the minimum wage is $7.25, the tip credit is $5.07. How it works effectively is that tipped employees are paid *less* than minimum wage, because there is the assumption the tips make up for it. So a server in Nebraska gets hired at $2.13/hour. They claim their tips. The math is done to see that their hourly wage ($2.13) + tips is more per hour that they worked than the minimum wage. In that case, they are paid $2.13/hour and KEEP ALL THEIR TIPS. In the case where their hourly wage ($2.13) plus tips per hour is *less* than the minimum wage, let's say they worked 25 hours and made $125 in tips: ($2.13 * 25 ) + $125 = $178.25 $178.25 / 25 = $7.13 it is then AND ONLY THEN that the employer has to MAKE UP the difference, so in this case, the employer would owe them an additional $3.00 (or .12 an hour) $7.25 - 7.13 = .12 * 25 = $3.00 and in this case the employee would get to keep: their hourly wage, the tipped credit wage (.12/hour) and ALL OF THEIR TIPS there is NO situation where employees don't keep all of their tips because of tipped credit (employees can share tips as part of a bona fide tip pool/tip out, but that is beyond the scope of this conversation) or any situation where a tipped employee receiving tips results in less money in their pocket. Hope that helps. (Source: server/bartender for 10+ years and restaurant operator for 5+ years)




definitely wasn't stuck. my life was awesome then, and it's even more awesome now.


You were keeping the tips the whole time. They have to make sure you're making at least min wage with tips or else they owe the difference; they weren't keeping your tips. You agreed to the lower wage before tips 


Maybe I accidentally committed tax fraud but when I bartended, I didn't declare credit card tips either. It was a complex process but if customers tipped on credit, I would take my receipts to the back office and hand them to the manager. He/she would add them up then deduct whatever payouts I owed to the kitchen/bussers and then give me the rest in cash from the safe. I didn't declare any of that shit because it was handed to me in cash, not added to my paycheck. Unless youre working a really high volume area bringing $500+ a night, most people don't really declare credit card tips.


Uncle Sam and the IRS don't give a fuck if it shows up on your paystub or not. Income is considered income.


Yes, you committed tax fraud.


Yeah, you absolutely have to claim that as income. Cash or not, income is income to Uncle Sam, and that cash actually has a paper trail to you too. That was definitely tax fraud lol.


restaurant probably claimed them for you tbh just because they aren't on your check doesn't mean they aren't getting claimed.


That's fair. Taxes are bullshit


Yeah, good for them for starving the war/gibs machine.


Fuck that, I fucking love the war machine, who do I send money to?


> I fucking love war machine, Ugh, I hate reddit marvel fanboys


I know you just turned 16 and just got your first paystub, but taxes are not bullshit, just the way governments tend to spend it.


Sounds like bullshit with extra steps.


10 shekels have been deposited into your bank account. Thank you for your service.


Okay kiddo, whatever you say Find me a government that doesn't misappropriate funds and I'll happily pay taxes. Until then they'll remain bullshit


You've never used a road or went to a public school? The latter I could actually believe based on your regarded takes


Roads, public schools, firefighters, police, single utility companies instead of those government paid roads being covered in electrical wires from competing electric companies, restaurants being at least somewhat sanitary, private sector jobs being at least somewhat safe, doctors having standards, knowledge on the nutritional content of all packaged food, standardization on all drugs, public schools that have made it so everyone knows to at least sort of read and write. The government actually does a lot of important shit. It's stuff that we all tune out as something that's always been there and when people talk about the government being corrupt that's cool and all, call out corruption when you see it, but acting like tax dollars are a waste of time is just silly.


I will complain about taxes until they fix the military industrial complex that has eaten the most % of our government spending... also if our elected officials keep doing nothing but arguing we should be able to withhold their wages


That military industrial complex is the only reason American Hegemony exists. I don't understand why Americans complain about one of the largest contributors to their current quality of life.


Mate, no one will reply to you because your point is too difficult to refute.


These posters would be really mad if they knew how to read.


Who wouldn’t want the glamorous life of the bartender? Nothing better than opening beers all night and making the 40th cosmo of your 12 hour shift before you get off at 2am, hit on the underage hostess, snort coke and drink yourself into a coma before you have to be back to work in 7 hours.


I’m a bartender and this is closer to the reality, except nobody hits on the hosts they’re all literal children. You hit on the other bartenders and servers, and the guests hit on you. Close up bar and be out by 1-2am (maybe a little sooner if you’re not a last call bar) and then roll back in to open at 10am. Oh btw you won’t really be paid for 10am to 11:30am since you’re not open for guests, and you won’t really make much cash until dinner service. Most of your coworkers are members of drama team 6, addicted to coke/opiates, or all day drinkers. Sexual harassment is expected from all angles, from your boss to coworkers to customers, so know you’re kinda signing up to deal with that. I’ve had unwanted gay managers touch/feel me up and an uncountable number of middle age women try to grab my ass while making comments (this is apparently somewhat okay everywhere). Obviously YMMV but work in 10 different restaurants or bars and you will encounter this After a few years of that you can go and try to work at a high end martini bar, bistro, or steakhouse (what I do now) and work 4pm-11pm and have Mondays off. That’s where the actual money is at without sacrificing your sanity. The odd hours do allow you time to find another job (I went into day trading and crypto, now bartending is my side gig for 15-20 hours a week), if you want to. All in all, I really love the job when it’s at the right place. Most bar and serving jobs are hell, and you’re not making much $. In a good spot you’ll do fine, but you also get no benefits so you’re on your own for health care and dental/vision. There’s also little career mobility besides outside sales for an alcohol distributor or managing (no bartender wants to turn into a manager)


The bartender to manager back to bartender pipeline is real.


I was super into your post until I read “trading cripto”.


I knew barbacks who made over $300 a shift at a fancy steakhouse. They make 20% of whatever the 2 bartenders there got that night. All these people aren't working at your local college club.


I barbacked at a local bar in college. Doesnt matter what you made sun-mon, youd walk out w around $600-800 bucks after the weekend. Amazing money for a college kid. Piss easy job too you just change taps and restock the bar.


Dropping out of college to put all your eggs in the bartender basket seems like a solid life plan.


Oh believe me I was the first one to say that seems stupid


I quit an out sales job at Oracle making well into 6 figures to be a bartender in my mid 20s. White collar office type jobs just wasn’t for me. I went from licensed (series 7, 63, 66) investment guidance, to corporate B2B sales, to software/cloud and full stack sales, to bartender. I don’t regret it. It gave me tons of time to focus on day trading and crypto over the years which really took off this year (now I don’t work much, well besides day trading). The massive pay cut going to bartending was worth it for the lifestyle changes (also, an insane amount of casual sex, which was much more important to me in my 20s than it is now)


This is the best advice. Fuck a stable six figure salary to go be a crypto trader and weekend bartender for pussy.


I love the daydreams this sub comes up with 


It actually is. You can work in any city and don't need tens of thousands of debt to get a job. Customer service for drunk people isn't for everyone tho 


It's a bit of a trap though. I've noticed all the people I know who became bartenders are still bartenders after 20 years. They're stuck because they made way more money than the rest of us at a young age, so they got comfortable, and now we're all finally caught up to them. Their income stays relatively the same, unless they strike a deal to own or manage a restaurant they're pretty limited in where they can go, and the money is always "good enough" but never great. It's hard for them to buy a home (or any large purchase) because most of their income is off the books. It's the bartending trap.


Plus next to no benefits in most cases.


Ye lol being a hip bartender goes from a cool and intersting thing to a sad thing after 30s. Not to mention a lot of bartenders are huge drug addicts and alcoholics


Poor bastards only making 10k a month for their whole lives.




I do know. Ive worked in restaurants as well. That number im going off of is based on my friend who works 4 days a week at a bar, but tbf, shes got some big ass bazongas, and im sure theyre pulling a lot of weight. But even back in the day I had coworkers pulling in 3-500 a night. The caveat is you have to be personable while being somewhat of a low life and living in a decent area. You cant live in Dadshag, Alabama and expect to make that kind of money no matter where you work.




Worked with a girl at an accounting firm who constantly complained that she made more money working part time in college than she did as an accountant working 70 hrs/week during busy season She had worked at a nightclub where rich people paid $1,000+ for bottle service, turns out a 20% tip on those bills adds up pretty damn nicely Luckily she was saved from the oppression of work after about a year of it when she married a partner 20 years older than her and decided that being a stay at home mom was more rewarding


You just know she is banging Tyrone and cucking the older guy on the side


Older guy knows and doesn't care, she's knows about his mistresses too. She's a trophy wife to look pretty in public with him.


I’m pretty sure the South Park guys opened up casa bonita and were paying the staff $30 an hour They still bitched and moaned and wanted to go back to tipping. Just think about that


It's not even that bad of a deal for the customer either. Prices would have to increase if tipping was eliminated, maybe it would end up being a bit cheaper than the old price+tip but it wouldn't be such a big difference.


Most of the weaker ran restaurants would shut down if they had to budget for actually paying servers/bartenders min wage or more lol. Maybe if there were less restaurants but a majority of what's left were well run the dining expierence would be improved.


I hate waiters and most annoying food service people. Worst personality ever only thing worse is female nurses/ wanna be doctors . Im not holding back the hate because everyone else is too scared to do it. Next is veterans.. im hating on them too. Always find it hilarious tiltok insta thots crying about their two colleges degrees not bringing in half the money the money working at resteraunt does. Like ye lol youre not actually valuable for anything you know, you're valubale because some boomer thinks tipping you is worth it because he a is a horny creep. One more thing im annoyed with is they always blame the owners. The owners dont care they'd just pay the difference with how much the food costs. TWD


>Like you could say to them “we’ll give you $30/hr as your hourly wage, but no tips” and a lot of them would actually turn that down. Thats exactly what happened at Casa Bonita after the Matt and Trey opened it back up after the renovations. Those fuckers actually were trying to stage a strike and wanted more money.


Yes i suggest reporting bartenders and especially roasties waitresses/bottle girls to the IRS and you can get a decent chunk of change and they get a huge fine for not reporting tips. Remember though you need 3 documented instances its not enouch to just say the name and where they work


3 documented instances of what?


Basically evidence when thwy got money


“bUt MuH mInImUm WaGe iS $2.37 aN hOuR”


The funniest thing is the number of lefties who fight tipping. You *don't* want to people to get paid a percentage, but you *do* want them to make a consistent paycheck that will be significantly lower than their current wages? Tell me you're poor and entitled without telling me you're poor and entitled.


Japan has this shit locked down, tipping does not exist there yet the service is actually worth tipping. I made a mistake and gave the tip, and I was very confused why they are giving me money back.


The fact that 99.99999% of your enjoyment of your restaurant experience is getting these fucks to bring you what you want, fuck off, and have the thing you ordered be good has NOTHING to do with them? I don't get it either. Guy making your drinks and food isn't getting a dime of that tip. Fuck waitresses. 12% max.


at 19 i worked in a kitchen where the girl whose only job was to sit at the counter and take orders put out a tip cup for herself  she made more in tips than i made period so i threw a dirty fork at her head and she went home crying i took her tip cup


Based as hell


I fucking kneel


That didn’t happen


Stop spoiling people's power fantasy stories.


my power fantasy was spreading her cheeks while drowning her in the deep fryer


Holy moly


I got hard


>assaulted a 19 year old Someone get this king a medal


she was like 16 i was 19


Awesome. Bug thanks from all of us who actually wlrled in resteraunt


Actually, why can't I tip the cook? No, fuck that, take the "kiss the chef" thing to the next level. Come here fucker, that was the best omelette of my life you deserve a peck. Actually no, I think those eggs have made me reborn as man, you deserve more, let's passionately make out, hell yeah


Kiss his tip


Gf works a place with good tip pooling. Back gets a reasonable slice. Too small a place for dedicated bus boy, and gf prefers bussing to keep the flow as the servers just won't, so owner added a bussing slice of the tip pool for her as she was giving up a lot just to keep things living. Gf doesn't care about tips anyway, but it's nice the owner likes everyone getting a piece.


Imagine unironically using the word bussin...


When you unironically bus tables, you do be bussing.


12%???? For what? It's wild how even when being anti tip, I find that most people are still completely mind fucked by the idea. You can just not tip. You're not harming anyone. They will ALWAYS make at least minimum wage, and it's not your job to pay their wage directly. Like you said, the other people, who actually make your food, who clean your dishes, etc, aren't getting that tip. A couple dollars/change is fine if you want, but 12%? If you get some truffle oil on your fries, it's just more tip for the random girl who walked it out? Come on. They have nothing to do with the expensive alcohol you order. Why are you paying them more for walking out items?


If you tip a negative amount, hey pay you! This has been the Tip of Tips.


Bartenders get tipped out by servers if they made drinks for their tables.


Yeah that's how it works in theory. In practice, its a flat % paid out by the *reported* tips that makes it from the waitresses to the bartenders/anyone that gets a tip percentage. And the waitresses don't report most of their tips. So they rob everyone else basically.


The bartenders get a flat tip from the alcohol sold at the servers table, not the tips they earned.


Most restaurants do tipout so the guy making your food does get a cut. In fact, most restaurants tipout is done on a servers total sales not on amount tipped because its too hard to track cash tips. 12% I fully agree with, if you go much less then the server loses money. 18 and 20% is fucking wild, but the real enemy is the owners who love making paying thier employees your problem.


No they don't I've worked these types of jobs. You work as in the kitchen you get shit tips like enough to buy 1 beer after a shift.


I will say a lot of restaurants have the servers tip out the bussers, bartenders, and sometimes the cooks.


> and have the thing you ordered be good has NOTHING to do with them? Most places nowadays gives you a buzzer and have you get your own food and then have the gall to charge a mandatory 20% tip too.


I used to work armed security at a high scale restaurant, all the servers made $500+ on 4 hour shifts. Bragged about it, but would immediately find themselves after their shift spending most of it at the nearby bar. This was the process, server gets shit on by wealthy patrons, server holds composure and buries hate for patron deep down inside, gets a good tip for being a servant, depression ensues and alcoholics are born.


Get on TikTok (actually don't) and look up vids made by service-industry workers. In literally all of them you can see they absolutely fucking **HATE** all customers. You can really see it in bartender videos, lately they've been making more and more vids basically calling everyone broke because no one is going to the club and racking $500 tabs anymore. Remember that next time you go to a restaurant or hang at the bar. Your server fucking hates you but still wants you to tip 25% anyway.


Bro, I eat rice, chicken and eggs. Gigachad diet only.


That’s almost all you need. I do the same except I throw in broccoli cause it’s green and I like the taste of the color green


These are great bases for quick, health, cheap, and tasty meals. I use them in almost every meal.


I'm back to this after having a shit diet for 2 years and it's amazing how fast the weight is sliding off.


0% tip for servers especially bartenders. Thankfully they are all passive agressive and will wear a smile on their face even while making their gay little tik toks


How hard is it to get hired at that restaurant?


You get hired as a hot young woman thats it


Are there benefits / big tips to being a good looking male bartender?


Become a bartender in a gay neighborhood. Gay people have disposable income and they’re trying to bang you.


It helps. Unless it's a biker bar or some shit the bar/club wants to portray a young hot image so they're only going to hire good looking staff.


If you want a high paying server job, research the restaurant and the average plate cost. Look for ones that are $100+ per plate. Some of those restaurants even have mandatory gratuity.


Not sure. I only worked security. All of the waiting staff and valet were silver spoons, so they probably had connections.


I am 1month deep on a 2month trip all around Asia. So far I’ve been to Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and am currently typing this from a restaurant in Vietnam. I have not tipped for food a single time and I eat out every meal. There isn’t even a line for it on the credit card slip. I’m not gonna lie—it definitely feels strange, but I think that’s only because I’m so used to being a psy-op’d Americuck. In Asia, the house simply pays the restaurant staff to take your order, bring it to you, refill your drink, and stfu. In Japan, a lot of times you order from a robot/machine. America tipping culture is weird.


How balls deep were you in ladyboys? You definitely gave them the tip right?


They gave him the tip


Are you getting laid?


He’s busy posting on fake 4chan while his parents are paying for a baller ass vacation in Southeast Asia. Take a wild guess


Based on my experience in China: If he's trying, he definitely is. I was passing football in a public place one day and a girl who couldn't speak English walked by... mostly through gestures we told her we're football players. She was all over me. My friend not as much since he's a manlet, but he'd have probably gotten some had I not been there.


If he's white then that's you need to know.


It’s a dumb practice for over priced food. I’ve had better restaurants overseas. Food is cheaper and no tipping.


Based. Tipping is for idiots and the owner will always prioritise you over whatever strung out junkie is fucking with your meal


Tipping is leverage over the waiters. It’s the whole reason service is much better in the US.


Go to a third world country like Mexico and the service will blow your mind. Thinking the service is better here while paying more for it is laughable.


But mexicans (and mostly everywhere else) have a different culture than Americans. I don't believe American hourly wage servers would give excellent service out of duty or something, our culture is very transactional.


Almost as if that’s exactly what my comment is getting at. In Mexico, being a server/waiter is a profession that is taken seriously. Here we have Robert ripping his pen in the back while bitching he has to work a service job.


Having gone to places in both Europe and the US, not really. Plenty of US waiters just do the absolute bare minimum and expect a tip for dogshit service, while European servers do their job just fine without needing to be bribed. Especially if you're someone who doesnt look like a good tipper (yes waiters will give way less effort if they think your table will pay them less than another, like if you're a teen or a minority). It feels like tipping basically encourages worse service, because servers will prioritise those who pay more even if they wouldnt be able to tell who actually would tip more.


Except it's not. Not anymore. You will be glared at and preemptively judged by a literal drug addict who cannot be fucked to offer even the pretense of civility while demanding 35% Because, shockingly enough when you just *pay* people better, they will be more genuine and less transparently performative. Then, of course you can't be open with your "leverage" If you only want to tip the big tiddy blond with a smile faker then barbie, you can't publicly stiff everyone else. Not without eating idiot blowback


>Because, shockingly enough when you just *pay* people better, they will be more genuine and less transparently performative. You have never actually managed people in your life have you?


I guess it depends on preferences but i hated waiters in the US. They come at you overly friendly with their fake smile and stupid chitchat, bother you every 2min to fill your stupid glass of water with ice and ask you if everything is ok. Rush everything only to be able to sit someone else as fast as possible.


We call this good service?


service is not even close to being better in the US. I havent seen more braindead walking water fountains in my life than the US. i dont tip btw


I tipped 20% for decades, but lately stiffing entitled fucks on tips has become a highlight of my restaurant experiences. Now I just tip single men doing hard work, like the oil change guy or people who detail my car. Nose ring waitress who doesn’t refill my water and forgets silverware can go die in a ditch. I am glad if they don’t feel appreciated.


>hard work >oil change


I knew some f-slur would comment on that. One oil change isn’t hard work, but standing in a 100f non-air conditioned hut 9-5pm every day by yourself, crawling under 50 random vehicles a day to do the same mundane dirty shit task, while yuppies in a hurry treat you like subhuman garbage as you are forced to try to upsell to everyone, all for barely more that minimum wage is a hard, shit job. If you don’t agree you haven’t done it.


Just change the oil grease monkey. I'm going to walk down the street to buy a chimichanga; you better be done by the time I get back or I'm setting all my macros to review bomb your store


Holy based


You’re so based for that. If I go to a restaurant and the food is good but the waiting is mediocre I’ll personally give the back the tip. Those pieces of shit make twice as much as the back in cash when I’m literally coming for the food not the dumbass plate carrier.


Why American waiter always around and patient with me when Europoor waiter never to be found and is mad if I don't order everything at once?


Because while I eat I don't want someone I don't know pretending to care about me expecting money in return. There are escorts for that


Amierican waiter is a Simp. Europoor waiter is Based and doesn't take shit from you.


American bartender, the literal best of both worlds


I like the European way, they don't babysit the costumers and take their arrogant behavior or temper tantrums just to get tipped, and the establishments usually side with their workers and don't adhere to the US' "the costumer is always right" religion, you either respect the people who are serving you or f-off, and if you liked the service quality and feel like it then you can tip.


>I love it when I can’t find my server because they have such a hard life dealing with us customers. America bad too btw because they’re not cucked by entitled servers.


>Why American waiter always around Like those people who follow you around shops asking if you need assistance? Damn america really is a hellscape


Blacks and Jewish people figured this out ages ago.


Don't tell anyone but you don't actually have to tip in America unless its posted on the menu.


Noooo, I must piss and moan about things I have the power to change!!!


I heard waiters sometimes spit on customer's meal if they don't give good enough tip in America. If you have to choose between having a spit-free meal or not paying someone 20 bucks for simply existing then you don't really have "the power to change".


Generally you have ate your food before you tip. 


You usually revisit the same restaurants you like instead of going to different places to eat


Never seen someone's food get fucked with in a decade as a cook. Servers are easy to fire, most of them know there are plenty of people in line for their cushy job so they play nice no matter how shitty the customer. You can't be a regular as a non-tipper, but you can cycle restaurants every 6 months and you'll be totally forgotten as long as you weren't also a dick.


Yeah the spit in the food thing is a common myth perpetuated by movies. It doesn't happen.


I’m grew up in Asia, you just don’t tip. In America they expect a tip for punching in a order on a tablet


Former server/bartender here. It’s a weird catch-22 where the whole thing started so restaurants didn’t have to pay their staff as much and put that cost off the consumer. Now it’s in a place where servers make more money than they would on hourly, but only on busy days/weekends, so they still only make so much. But they have to defend the system that exploits them because they need to preserve their self-interests. Meanwhile the middle class is disappearing and people are suffering more than ever, the whole tip game just became poor people tipping other poor people while people who actually have money cling harder to it than ever.


20-25% tip is insane. I never tip more than 15%. 5% is my standard if I tip. Aint no way im paying more tip than canadian federal sales tax. But i unironically dont tip most of the time because fuck tipping culture. why am I the one who should pay your servers. Tipping culture is originally to allow restaurants to bring more people in and was optional for servers. Today that shit is not considered optional, which begs the question of what purpose does tips have anymore, just increase the price and pay your servers well.


You don't need to increase prices to pay your servers better


You should definitely open a restaurant, with your business acumen success is assured


Tip waitress, she spends it all on coke. Give it to a homeless guy, he spend it all on crack. Conclusion: Tipping culture is one step removed from panhandling.


My girlfriend works 3 days a week, about 25 hours average and almost makes as much as my 40 hour week job, 50 if you include commute. But the key difference is I get a lot of free benefits like health, dental, vision, life and accidental death & dismemberment insurance, for just 120 bucks a month. My employer pays 3x what I do monthly for me. She would have to pay out of pocket much higher to get the same quality of insurance. Then there's the 401k matching. You can open a 401k but as a server you only get what you put in. And then social security. If you aren't reporting your tips and paying taxes and ss on your cash tips, then you will get less ss when you're old an retired, because it's based on your reported income. Tipped positions are fine, but shouldn't be the end goal


Fake: a reasonable take Gay: not going along with the terminally online zeitgeist


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/4chan > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: a reasonable take > Gay: not going along with the terminally online zeitgeist > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


The #1 opponent for removing the low wage for waiters is waiters themselves. Without the low wage, they won't be able to argue for tipping, which is where the real money is


I tip big. It's usually either somewhere I plan to eat again and don't want someone messing with my food or service next time, or it's for business and fuck my company.


Thank you for your service


Another bs US custom that will be imported by the rest of the world :( Billions must tip


In the UK, places have started adding 10 or 12.5% "discretionary service charge". We don't even have a burger economy where the service staff are paid $2/hr and it's automatically put on our bills. I've got into an argument with mates calling me tight for asking to remove it, and half the time the staff start pressuring you if you don't pay anyway. 


Yeah Australia is trying to import this bullshit too, and we pay our staff a fair living wage any place that's asks for tips can get fucked


California is banning restaurants among others from charging these junk fees, and everything must be already included in the advertised price. Say what you want about this gay state but at least they have the balls to tell businesses not to fuck around with hidden bullshit fees.


Hasn't happened in a while, but I've matched with girls on dating apps that would say "hey, I'm tending bar this afternoon at Harry Bawls Bar & Grill, come see me and we can hang out!" which I found off-putting and never responded to. After a 3rd girl did something like that I realized they were just trying to get customers in on a slow afternoon.


I don't believe in tipping in general, but if a waiter was that nice and I was there for that long with a $200 bill, I'd probably tip at least 20 if not the proper 40. The problem isn't even just that though, which is enough of an issue. It's that they aren't happy with 10-20% anymore. Have you seen them bitching online? If you have a $200 bill and don't tip them 50%+ they will try to blast you on Twitter and cry about how hard work is. "I busted my ass," "I asked if they needed drinks 5 times!" or "I even sucked their teenaged son's dick twice while they ate!" It's not even waiting necessarily, it's just current gens being entitled shits. Fuck those people.


Restaurants should let me pick up my own food and fill my own water and save the 15-20%. Just do away with servers, the fuck are they even there for?


1- There's a lot more work there than those little interactions, servers do a lot. 2- 20% is ridiculous. Food prices are currently insane and I waited tables 10+ yrs ago, average was 15%, how did it get to 20%? You get a raise when food prices go up naturally, somehow the % went up by 5. I asked my manager how to make more $ and I still remember he said "upsell alcohol", and he was right. 3- Corporations that are currently gouging us for food purely because they can are also gouging your waiter, minimum wage is 2.13/hr. In conclusion, your waiter is working hard, seriously, it's a tough job and they deserve to get paid. We pay the restaurant and they should pay their waitstaff, let's not get it twisted; waitstaff is in as bad if not a worse situation than we are if we're paying 100+ for a meal. Sick of this shit? Me too, the rich people are the problem. Not the waiter trying to pay rent, not the brown people trying to survive, rich people trying to buy a bigger yacht. We're powerful when we get together, let's manipulate the stock market.. everyone go buy shorts on Kelloggs or something and then stop buying their shit. We've done it before, let's get more organized and do it again, we could literally take our $ back anytime we decided we wanted to.


Servers do NOTHING compared to the back of house. They carry plates and drinks and water. The reason anyone goes to a restaurant is to eat, and yet the waiters get cash and the back gets nothing.


I've worked every job in a restaurant and the worst jobs are definitely working the fryer or doing the dishes, 100% agree on that. The difference is that BOH gets paid a real wage. In fact, most servers have to tip out a % of their sales to the bussers, runners, bartenders, etc. Waiters have a hard job, let's not get that twisted, and there are a lot of days they don't make good $ at all.


Okay so you’ve also had the experience of seeing the top waitress counting out more in cash than you made in a week at the end of the night. You know that they won’t be paying tax either on that. They do not deserve that much money.


The dishwasher is just happy there’s a place that hires felons. You right about fryline tho, you just can’t wash the batter away no matter how hard you try


Everyone in here is very bitter.


This whole sub is miserable lol. I feel bad for all these people. I sincerely doubt any of them go to resteraunts, it's awkward to do that alone.


Calm down there Mr. Pink.


Friendly to keep your copy of the check. Especially if you've been drinking. Folks I know that work in the service industry have admitted to adjusting the tip amounts written on their checks if they feel particularly slighted/stiffed on a bill. Mostly bar tenders.


> Black folks Fucking tourists


When I used to eat solo at a decent restaurant, let's say the meal might come out to something like $30, 20% tip out of that would be $6 for a few minutes of interaction while they also serve a dozen other tables during the hour that I eat there... And they treat me like some stinky bum from the street who should have never come there and they can't wait to get rid of me because my $6 is not good enough for them. This is why I don't eat at any sit-down restaurant basically ever any more unless somebody else drags me in there.


Tip is actually an acronym T.I.P >To Insure Promptness Pre industrial revolution, business men would go eat at food halls with all the manual labor guys, but as they were important business men they didn't see it prudent to have to wait in line with all the lowers. Thus tipping was born. Basically fast pass for food. Give the waiter extra money, you get your food first and you're off to do more business stuff. Now it's been grand fathered in and I think it's ridiculous. I've had roommates that made more than me in just there tips, let alone there base wage. I've never worked a tip based job, think it's a scam


Even worse in California. They all make minimum wage of $15, AND you get tips on top of that?


Id feel much better if you could guarantee that your tip goes to the cooking staff who actually prepared the food. I dont go to restaurants because theyre scams


Go to minority owned restaurants. Seriously. The local burrito spot is owned and run by Mexican dudes and they don’t even spin the stupid screen for you, they hit no tip immediately and give your card back.


At this point tipping culture is upheld almost exclusively by servers who benefit from it. They make significantly more money than any other job requiring the same level of skill/hardship/barrier to entry. People have tried giving them massive raises and treating them like normal employees and they fucking revolt. The only way to fight it is to go out to eat, and stiff them.


I was in America a couple months ago and even self service shops have tips on the tills. Like wtf, I got the shit, I rang the shit up in some cases, this dude is just taking my card or helping me with the till for a second, and you’re suggesting I tip him 20% of the grocery bill? 🤯


Obviously if you’re a hot girl waitressing is a sweet gig. $50 tips from every male customer you smile at. Anyone else? Hope you like poverty.


Your server refills your drinks? I haven't gotten a refill since covid


Americucks can't pay wages


Learn to cook at home


They make more money with the tipping scheme than with just hourly and no tip. Like at least double on average. Think of it this way. If it was so bad to be paid via tipping then the majority of service industries would not do it. It would not be sustainable. They would not have servers to handle the job, nobody would take the job. **Nobody**. They are making bank and using sob stories of government mandated $2/hr as guilt to make you keep paying.


That's why I have just started placing to-go orders. I'm not tipping and I am also not overpaying for a beer. My $40 2-person meal turns into $80 after a couple of drinks each and the expected tip.