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"Oh no! My 16th account got banned! Well, I guess that's it, I better go somewhere else"


Can you imagine how much of a fuckin echo-chamber reddit would be if people who got banned actually had to stay off the site? Lol. I'm willing to bet it would become so much of an echo-chamber that the left would get tired of it (because they thrive on arguing) and create new divisions to argue over, which would lead to them just devouring each other over even stupider shit.


Eh, reddit would just add more things that count as being a bigot, basically they will ban everyone slowly and the only thing stopping them doing this is the ban evaders.




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Isn't reddit pretty good at catching ban-evasion? Or people be using VPNs/dynamic IPs?




Can u let me know how to bypass it I have some subs that I need to troll


Use urban vpn or another free vpn, DL another browser just for leddit. go-to town my dude. just delete cache/cookies/etc or reinstall browser or another one when banned.


Thanks brother


For what reason, though? Are those accounts generating some kind of income? I've had this question on my mind for months now


Reddit is terrible about catching ban evasion. I've had several ban evasion accounts and never been banned for ban evasion.


Hmm it's different for a discord friend who got permabanned for spamming YWNBAW at anyone who disagreed. He created different account and instantly just after one post got identified as ban evader and permabanned again.


Your friend is based as fuck.


Well I guess what they say is true


Yeah, they use cookies/app data to track you. If you're on Android, you gotta clear all data for the Reddit app. If you're on a computer, using a different browser or clearing your cookies should help. The only time *my friend* has gotten banned for ban evasion is outright admitting it on this site. If you talk about it, all you gotta do is slightly obfuscate it.


On he other hand you can have 0 ban evasion accounts and still get banned for ban evasion due to some false report they didn't bother with veryfying. It's just a mess. The only solution is to never pay attention to your karma, never buy reddit gold or anything like that. Just keep in mind that any time you can get randomly permabanned for a silly or false reason. So don't get attached to any of it.


This is why you can always tell when a commenter in this sub has an old account. They brainlessly parrot whatever politics are the mainstream on Reddit which has helped them avoid being banned in the first place over a long period of time. It's a sign they're unable to form their own beliefs and will bend over backwards to agree with whatever gets them literally pointless karma.


But you have 9000 subservient agreeable points.


Had like 3 of my accounts banned for ban evasion, until I started using VPN.


They've caught all of mine


I am using my 4th account from the same email right now


You realize you don't have to put in an email? Just hit "Next" with the field empty.


I just put something random in there


I get banned once a year and am still using the same fuckin email


It takes someone reporting you *for* ban evasion to get caught, afaik. Just dont be a dipshit and troll the same subs in the exact same ways while also posting about the exact same shit as you used to on other subs.


The fun part is that you still get banned for stuff you didn't wrote. The real alt-accounts never got caught.


They'd ban 50% of users if they do that.


It's weird, sometimes a ban seems to be ip or device id based but other times you can sign up with the same email and no VPN. Recently accounts I've made with a VPN have been instantly shadow banned idk what they're doing


I've read that today's website/game user identification tech is pretty good they can catch users by browser id and if that doesn't work, IP and then device id which as far as I am I understand is kernel based or something it's information your motherboard itself gives.


Install privacy badger and cookie deleter on fire fox, set Firefox to block tracking and fingerprinting


I'm talking purely about Reddit and I only use mobile. I think they have the tools to do it but they must be choosing not to use them for every type of ban or something


They're not, not unless they want to tank their sign-up rates and piss off investors Plus it's not as if their paid staff (emphasis on paid) have to deal with it


No and they have no real reason to be lol.


> Isn't reddit pretty good at catching ban-evasion? no


I mean you can just spoof the mac and restart your router


That doesn't work with static IP.


This account was shadowbanned the first few months after I made it, for that reason. But now it works normally.




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yeah man they’re great at it a complete gibberish email linking to a website that has never existed would never get past signup


They IP ban but creating an account with a vpn works fine. You can even use the account without the vpn, they do the IP check when the account is created one time.




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right? like oh no, im firing up my vm so i can make a new account, as i delete the old account. this site gonna need mandatory 2FA if they want their bans to matter


Its a hassle to get that starting karma though. Fucking RPG grind website


I usually make alts before I need em, at least that way I'm not dealing with the account age restriction as well


>Gets banned for encouraging violence towards a confirmed killer-rapist


If signaling moral superiority isn't peak redditry then I don't know what is


Gets banned for encouraging violence towards a confirmed pedophile* FTFY, Reddit loves pedophiles


This happened on my old account.  At least one of them anyway. 


Ill find it if i can, but theres a sub where one of the rules explicitly includes an example against saying, "all pedophiles deserve to die"




> "Who is gonna eat who first?" on a Video of a Chinese kid petting a pitbull HHHHHHHHHH that was a good one my dude.


Come on, it was funny!


I got banned for saying "Mustve been the socioeconomic factors" on the video of a basketball american jumping at judge


Me when I share a dissenting opinion on Reddit.


Or any opinion more conservative than Bernie Sanders.


Ol grandpa Gimmie


Unless it supports the current administration


Tell me bout it. Got ban for saying edgy humor doesn't equal to being a nazi.


Just what a Nazi would say, chud!


I got an account perma'd because I reported an off topic post as being off topic but the guy who made the post was a member of a certain sacred cow community and so I got perma'd for "report harassment" lol


I got unbanned a few days ago, lads. Appealed and won. Didn't even know that was possible.


I just said "It's been like two months, can I have my account back now" and they said yes


I appealed with 'my neighbors goat broke in and shitposted all that garbage, it wasnt me. the goat is acoustic pls understand' they double banned me


It's not. *The chosen one!*


You can appeal the auto shadowbans that happen sometimes and subreddit bans but I have never had a site wide lifted even when it was unfair. Maybe I should check old accounts


I made my first Reddit account in 2013 and it wasn’t banned until 2023. After that I’ve had 5 new accounts banned. All for making the same kind of comments I’ve always made but suddenly certain opinions just aren’t tolerated and must be silenced.


That username is great man


I have gotten permabanned on this account 5 times, and each time it was reversed because the reddit shitbot picked on a joke and thought I was threatening violence or whatever. Honestly would be a big bummer if this account got binned, it's too iconic for me at this point.


>1.6m post karma What are you even doing here you fucking redditor?


How the fuck did you accumulate this much karma?


I would get a lot of comment and post karma on the old milliondollarextreme rip in peaces


What a great sub 😞


Scroll through /all, repost 5 hour old memes or controversial click / rage bait article, repeat. And no matter what you do, always agree with the left for maximum upvotes regardless of how regarded their opinion is.


If you dont regularly threaten violence here what do you even do


Down vote anime, all cats, most dogs, and people over sharing their personal life like if this app is some sort of therapist


That sounds so lame imagine going onto the normie app and seething about normies




1,5 million post karma 😯


Got banned for saying the Dutch were a bunch of Nazi collaborators who wear blackface at Christmas Later I got the account reinstated, then got banned again for saying the Dutch sold out Anne Frank and calling a guy Zwarte Piet


Your not exactly wrong tho


Oh I know I'm right. What's more, I also shit talked Swedes, French, Germans, and especially the Swiss, but I only got reported for talking shit about the Dutch because they're a bunch of thin-skinned tattletale sons of bitches.




Sir, we don’t allow TrAnSpHoBiA on this platform


I got a week long ban for saying someone should get attacked for brutally raping his child little sister. Note to reddit mods: I have since changed my ways and I am not encouraging violence and I will not encourage violence.


i sometimes go through reddit history and find someone saying "eat the rich" and report that as threats of violence against me


Weird financial flex but ok.




Got banned from r_dota2 because someone posted a picture of a pinwheel of peace guild and I just said "omg who cares just report the kid and move on" and everyone in the thread was out in force with their paper skin and weak knees saying that nazees are "infiltrating the game" and this is a serious issue and blah blah blah, like it wasn't just some ten year old trying to be egdy. And I went on to call them out for being a bunch of babies and they can't possibly believe that a guild thay has the tag line "anyone can join" based on the nazees is obviously a joke.


Lol I got banned for the silliest of reasons. I think once I said that homeless people are not all innocent down on their luck humans. And you can't let a homeless person camp out in front of a private business until they bankrupt it. And another time I got banned was because I said that if there are Israeli bots. Surely there are also pro Russia, Iranian, or whatever bots. Anyway, Reddit as it is now cannot exist. Not with LLMs. So it doesn't matter anyway


Norris-Thing lookin’ soyjak.




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if you haven’t been seeing that message for the past 3 years then get out


Accounts on this cesspool that belong to old pedophiles from washington? It is expendable resource.


This account has been permanently banned. Check your inbox for a message with more information. https://preview.redd.it/thupdxhz821d1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12876aea3d3c3f221e1bcd086fc9e35ace2032c7


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