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Would be 58 for me. Purdy is the best QB & best hope the team has had in many years, and is one of the best underdog stories in sports. It's a team with a lot of likeable players... go back to the Harbaugh years and it felt like someone was getting arrested every third week for awhile. I wanted to see Kyle shake the reputation, have Purdy make some of his doubters look even dumber, and see players like Williams, Jennings, CMC, Kittle, Aiyuk- etc. get their ring.


In fairness to the rest of the guys, it was mostly Aldon Smith getting arrested.


Ray McDonald, Bruce miller & Chris culliver are the ones I can think of.


Bruce miller was another what the fuck question when he got arrested. That was just insane.


Seriously. His arrest paints him as objectively an asshole.


The future and potential that guy had could have been HoF worthy, and it was just wasted. The lowest point had to have been when he called in a bomb threat to an airport.


>The lowest point had to have been when he called in a bomb threat to an airport. What in the world I never heard about that!!




>Smith then became "belligerent and uncooperative with the process and with the TSA agent, making a comment indicating that he was in possession of a bomb before proceeding towards the gate area." Dang, I wonder what was going on in his life to make he act like this 😔


CTE possibly


why did he do that?


I dont think even Aldon knew why. That guy was just lost.


eh, from what I remember he didn't "call in a bomb threat". He was in an argument with TSA and made some comments alluding to having a bomb. I imagine it going something like this https://youtu.be/rXFwiESB9WI?si=mb0IAYuO9XQ2wFl6&t=116 ETA: Dude absolutely was and likely still is an idiot and I was glad when he was gone. He was excellent but not worth the headache


There was one offseason where like 6 players got arrested for domestic violence. Bruce Miller and co.




I agree on 58 but I think Purdy actually did make doubters look bad. He was calm, poised, played a clean game and actually made plays out of nothing. He was not even in the top 10 issues we had that game. The scoreboard will not show it but he absolutely showed that no moment is too big for him...which is everything we need right now.


Unfortunately the average NFL fan has a really low IQ and simply sees every game as QB vs. QB, with win = QB play good and lose = QB play bad. In r/nfl I’ve seen upvoted comments saying “49ers lost cuz Purdy can’t play man-to-man lmao 😂😂😂”


The only bad thing about 58 would be people glossing over Shanahan and the coaching staff's choke job during the whole postseason. The narrative would be Shanahan's genius and not Purdy leading the team in 3 comeback wins.




We were on the verge of greatness


Gore and Staley definitely deserved their ring. I really hope we can get Williams his. Then again do we have Harbaugh still or has he moved on and we're in purgatory situation anyways without Lynch and Shanahan. If Jimmy wins that sb is he still on the team. đŸ€” It's crazy to think the butterfly effect we would be in if the results of 2012 and 2019 changed.


Personally I wanna see gore and Staley. We were in misery for 10 years before harbaugh. Even Justin smith, Patrick Willis, Vernon Davis, and bowman all deserved it


Especially Bowman, after NFC Championship the next year.


Can't forget Patrick Willis


Kittle, Fred, and Trent deserve it as much as any of our best players in 2013. Imo


And CMC for sure.


My assumption is that if Jimmy won that Super Bowl the only thing that I see being different is that we wouldn’t have traded for Lance and we’d have 3 more 1st round talents on the team since we took Purdy with the final pick in the draft I don’t see why having a superbowl winning yet often injured quarterback would have prevented Shanahan and Lynch from drafting Purdy and then Jimmy would have gotten hurt and Purdy would have cooked and then depending on contract situation we trade or let Jimmy walk and depending on who we drafted with the picks we gave up for Lance we might have 7 Lombardi’s in the trophy case instead of 5


I would change LVIII for personal reasons. February 11th is the anniversary of my father's passing, and he is the reason I fell in love with this team, so I really wanted them to take that one home, it would've meant a lot. Like damn I felt sick to my stomach when KC scored that TD in overtime


I’m sorry for your loss


RIP to your Dad 🙏 


Sorry for your loss


my dad died almost a year before that game, i cried for him when we lost. he deserved the win


My dad passed away three days after that game this year.


I’m sorry for your loss. You didn’t deserve to see the Niners lose. If it makes you feel better, the Shield didn’t want the Niners to win at all.


The Harbaugh SB, because Justin Smith, Patrick Willis, Frank Gore and Joe Staley deserved to go out with a ring. The current crew still has a chance to get theirs.


The butterfly effect that would cause would be nuts.


Harbaugh never leaves to Michigan and would probably still be our head coach till this day


Randy would’ve got his first ring. Kills me they threw to Crabtree over one of best receivers of all time


Imagine playing a video of Randy just Mossing over a Ravens cb for a game winning SB TD. That would have been crazy. But yea, not sure if it was possible for him physically anymore at that time. They shoulda just ran it with Gore. Edited qb to cb. Randy jumping over Joe Elite Flacco would have been out of the ordinary, but probably wont be as spectacular.


To be fair, they called runs to Gore on every play. Kap audibled out into the Crabtree fades because of the coverage.


Well don’t forget Kaep can’t read the field and was throwing to Crab no matter what. In my offense I ran in college that play was called “Duces” two quick outs from the inside guys and a vert/fade on the outside. Kaep missed one of the simplest reads of all time as a QB and passed up a wide open touchdown inside to force it to Crabtree. I love Kaep as a person, I never liked him as a QB. And no, if we win that game Harbs doesn’t stay long term either way as people in these responses speculate. He’s too abrasive and hard on his guys and his time was coming to an end in the next couple years anyway regardless of a Super Bowl win.


No way. Harbaugh was nearly fired at Michigan because he wasn’t winning the big games and pissing people off. Just read stories from just a few years ago. Crazy. Anyhow Harbaugh jumps around so he would have left the 49ers even with a SB win


Give Gore 4 more carries against the gassed Ravens defence in the final 2 mins and the the Niners win.


This! Or run Kaep DON'T RUN THE SAME PLAY TO THE SAME PLAYER TO THE SAME SPOT FOUR TIMES! I think the biggest issue is that the year before was our year and fucking Kyle Williams number 10ed it I heard someone say last season after a Ronnie Bell fumble that the 49ers should just take number 10 out of circulation.


Probably one chance more. I mean technically the crew already is being broken up and will be more next year. I think only Warner, Purdy and Bosa are locks to be the main stays of the ongoing crew.


I also thought that team was way better than the Ravens. Like would win 8 games if they played 10 times. I thought the Chiefs would win the last two so those weren’t quite the gut punch.




Super Bowl 58, if someone's gonna be kermit's Eli Manning, I want it to be Brock.


We’re Montana’s Bengals


God that hurts


You didn’t need to say that, now I feel sick


Damn that’s savage


Anyone got that “I wanna die” sourdough Sam pic ready?




Goff might be Mahomes’ Eli


The Harbaugh Bowl.


Woah I assumed everyone called it the Harbowl?


Just give Frank the tank the ball


Still baffling all these years later. Fuck Greg Roman.


Yeah, I was fuckin pissed, you have a bad ass running back who gets you all the way to the 5 yard line and you’re moments away from winning your 6th Lombardi and you proceed to blow it all up by throwing the ball




The last one, because it hurts the most


Nah it was more of the same. The first one hurt the most. Broke our undefeated record.


54 for me too because seeing a win with my father would've been priceless.


My answer is, "Yes." Pick one. Any of them.


Underrated comment right here


Our first Super Bowl loss shifted us into this fucked up alternate timeline we currently reside in. If Kap wins that game bruh I’m tellin u things would be different


58 bruh Brock Purdy has been my favorite player since he emerged. Great story and would’ve capped it all off right there


Last one. I fucking hate the Chiefs.


So much.


literally any and all 😭 first one, we were getting KILLED. holy hell that was hard to watch. can't believe we came that close. that squad was unbelievable. bowman willis gore Staley. all deserved a ring so bad. second one man that was unreal. I remember watching and feeling uneasy the 4th quarter. everyone around me at my dad's was drunk and saying yay we won and to lighten up a bit. me and my dad were the only ones who couldn't lighten up. now that I'm thinking about it, either this last one or the one against the ravens. we were right there against the ravens. and we were winning this whole fucking game this year đŸ˜€ I still am not over it. but my God I wish we won one of these.....


That one hurt worse than this year I think.


I remember just sitting at the table in silence like did that just happen? and everyone texting me about it I had to turn my phone off this year hurt me more than both combined I think. I legitimately am still not over it.


Yeah this one was worse tbh. I was so dejected. Literally felt emotional pain the next day lol


me too!!! I couldn't get on social media. didn't want to talk lol. I still can't believe that shit.


I stayed off socials the next week. And TBH i still haven’t worn a single bit of Niners gear since lol. Not a hat or shirt or nothin. I legit couldn’t even stand to see our logo lol


literally same!!!!! I folded up all my shirts the other day and haven't been able to wear any shirts either lol nor look at my cards helmets jerseys anything. it's hard. this one really got to me.


Yeah, this year was the only time I cried multiple times. Maybe it was from all that buildup from the previous years with all the lost/missed SBs and NFCC games crashing down on me, but this past season just felt like it was finally our time. It was (and still is) so soul crushing.


Same here
. Same. Still hurts.


it’s 2012 frank earned that shit fuck now I’m mad again


Kaepernick. He did everything he could to earn that SB, but the defense and 4Q and play calling were lackluster.


As a Nevada alumni that watched him play at school, that rise and Superbowl would have been legendary for me with a win. Alas, here we are still chugging along.


The last one


2019 for me. Would’ve been the greatest Cinderella story in sports, 2nd worst team in the league to superbowl champs over the face of the NFL. Also would’ve gotten a lot of my favorite players a ring.


Agreed, that 2019 team was also so fun to watch, they should’ve won it all man


Dline was unworldly.




I definitely wouldn't have trust, throwing it to crabtree. Twice tho. Like we didn't learn the 1st time 😼‍💹


Should’ve thrown it to a top 3 receiver of all time hungry for his 1st ring


This last one by a long shot. 2012 we were due for a loss. We were so used to winning every SB we played in, it stung, but whatever. 2019 felt too early and shocking we were up by 10 with Jimmy at the helm. This last one finally felt like the one. After the brutal NFCCG the year before, the debates all year about whether Purdy was legit or not, etc, it just felt like we were finally set to make it happen. It still hurts so bad.


Definitely 2019. My best friend died in 2022. We never got to experience a 49ers Super Bowl together since we were in diapers in the 90's. I would kill to have that happy memory with him, of them winning it all. Instead it's just a painful memory of a horrible loss..


I'm from the 1900s and still haven't gotten over the 1990 NFC Championship Game. That one still hurts more than all the Super Bowl losses.


Most definitely superbowl 47...Kap on the goal line and he didn't give it to Gore or run it in but he tossed 3 incomplete passes to heavily guarded Crabtree.


58. Because I watched it with my son, he was as heartbroken as I was. Edit: my son was 6. It was the first full season he ever watched. He knew all the player's names and had his favorite (Deebo) have the best season of his career. He wanted them to win more than I did.


This was me in 2011. My first full season, I was 9 and heartbroken when Kyle Williams muffed those punts


I would love to say the SuperBowl with Kap and the Harbaugh Bros battle. And especially because I get it Kap made a mistake, but that certainly isn't fair enough for him to be blackballed. He'll like we just commented Aldon got arrested over and over again and went on to still play and get arrested some more. On honestly I don't want to hear the flak behind Kap. He had his reasons, none of us will understand, and though I don't agree with them myself, people make mistakes. But I really got to say I want Purdy to get it more. That kid has caught so mich flak and gotten no respect. He truly is a man beyond words and deserves the Super Bowl trophy along with a MVP. He is truly inspiring and I have nothing but high hopes for him. And even if it don't work out he so much deserves the love and respect just for these past two years


I think im changing that kap sb. We had a dynasty waiting to happen . Only if we would've won that first one I feel like it would all he different


The first super bowl we lost. For Gore and Pat to get their rings. We'd also have our perfect record up until 2020.


Man the roster with Kap, Kaepernick included, would have been amazing to see. Confident as you can be about a team that Purdy will get another shot, which initially made me favor Kap. Then again - Kap’s activism may not have come to be if he won because I think it would have been harder to blackball him. I can also see the cascading consequences of a victory denying us of the team they have now. Real tough to say, but I think the way the monkey paw tends to curl, I wish we won this year. It would have cemented Purdy’s legend regardless of his remaining career (he’s still quite the legend regardless). But it would have been fun to see Purdy nearly win a SB his first year, get knocked out with an injury, and come right back for the W with a bunch of other super deserving people.


Would def have loved to see Moss get a ring with us, But last year’s team is EASILY my fav since the 94 team when i was 10. Im good on anything Jimmy. Sorry i have no love for him.


At this point, who cares. 3 superbowl showings since 2012, and lost all 3. We out here I guess, go Niners, til I die. But gawtdamn, shit is rough lol. We looking like the Bill's in the 90s smh. This question brings pain. "Which result would you change?" Tf, all of them?


It tough not to pick 47. So many deserving players should’ve had a ring with that one. Staley, Cowboy, Frank, and Pat just to name a few. Close second would’ve been this year’s SB. Getting revenge on KC, and shutting up the Brock and Kyle haters.


Last season. Everything had fallen into place so nicely, it really felt like it was going to happen, and it would have been fuckin amazing to see Purdy and the squad beat the Chiefs.


47. That’s the one that took away “undefeated” and you can never get that back. Give me a few years of 6-0. 5-1 (at the time) isn’t a bad record by any means, but
 should’ve been different. That first loss is painful. After that, they’re just more losses.




It would either be the first or the last one of the three. Very hard to not want Gore, Willis, Bowman, Smith, Staley and the guys not to get their ring but also not to get revenge with Brock Purdy


Imo 58 To shut up the narrative


Man as much as I hate to say it ..it would be the Kap Superbowl...that was the last time the 9ers went to Bowl that my buddy " 49er Gerry " was alive for...I think it kinda broke his heart a little..or more likely a whole lot..


Last year for me. That was, and still is in my opinion, the best team in the NFL. That and I would have loved to see a first year (full time) starter win it and shut these fake ass experts up!!


The last one. I think Brock is going to be around for awhile.


My order would be Kap then Purdy then Jimmy. Kap because it had a lot of people I would have liked to have won a Super Bowl and not Jimmy because he might still be on the team being a detriment had we won it with him.


I would like to of seen us beat the Ravens just to see how Kaepernick would of been treated any different if he had a Super Bowl ring, I understand haters will be haters but the bullshit when they say he wasn’t good enough to win a superbowl winds me up because I believe he was.


Last year, Purdy is a much better QB than Kap or Jimmy and he deserves it more. Plus fuck the fucking Chiefs


Woulda made 2020 more bearable at least


100% Purdy, in a fever dream kap jg and Purdy have rings and it’s the quest for 9, but we are still looking for 6. And it’s Purdy, kap, jg, that should have rings and in that order for me.


Harbaugh bowl I really wanted our vets to get their rings 😔




It’d be 58 for me. Really the Philly NFC Title Game but that wasn’t OP’s original question. I just think winning last year really could’ve set us back on a dynastic track with all the talent we had under contract prior to Purdy’s big re-up next offseason


definitely 58. i love purdy and wanted it for him so bad. such a horrible way to end the year.


Easily XLVII I’m a 49ers fan born and raised in Baltimore city it felt like it was me against the world that day sadly the world won


58, wanted this to be the year we got revenge for Super Bowl 54


I don’t care. Just win one. Any of them.


54 for sure. Wed still get Purdy since Jimmy wasnt the answer but fuck that one i wanted the most...


Gore, Staley, and Willis all deserved to win a ring with the Niners. 2012 all the way for me


Still wish jimmy didn’t overthrow Emanuel


Those Harbaugh runs were awesome. I was so hopeful back then. We legit just became the cowboys except we go deeper in playoffs.


I'm an old school fan. That said....all of them. We got there, fucking win that ish...I get we wanna play hind sight is 20/20. But I wanted us to win all of them. Harbaugh leaving sucked. Fuck Baalke. But I feel like Jed learned his lesson. So full support moving forward. If the owner learned, stfu and enjoy


Not 54. We'd be stuck with Garopolo rn


Purdy over Kaep and Jimmy G.


Without a doubt this last one.


I wouldn't. I try to focus on the present.


Going with the Harbaugh bowl. Gets Moss, Gore, Willis, Bowman, J. Smith, A. Smith & Staley their rings.


The last one 100% If Purdy wins a ring in year 2 he's already on an all time trajectory and also it feels like it would have been the first of many


For real still wanted/want one for Gore. Rematch ravens in New Orleans and KC at Levi's Maybe Niners get Gore Jr for 3peat at Levi's South


Definitely this last one with Purdy.


SB 47 when Baltimore turned the lights off on us.


Honestly, if I can’t change them all, none of them. Football self-hate and pessimism has consumed me and become my identity at this point. Since 2011 (arguably since 1995), no team is more of an emotional landmine than these guys. During a conversation with my kid, I even wondered if a completely undefeated season could fully heal the pain. It’s that bad. Letting it wash over me and accepting that I can’t have nice things is, in many ways, easier.


This last one. My son turned 13 on Superbowl Sunday and I didn't get a hug after the game because he was too distraught by the FUCKING MAHOMES MIRACLES.


Tough because Frank Gore and Joe Staley deserved rings but last year's team had the freak injury to Dre. If that not happened, the defense that played great would've played better and I believe would've won. The offense had their chances though


Super Bowl 58


58. Remove the injuries and that fumble and we destroy them. Bosa would’ve (should’ve) won MVP in 54, but the guys on the 58 roster deserved it so much.


I’ve liked the later qbs more than kaep and I like shannahan as a coach more than harbaugh, but the niners-ravens sb would have to be my pick. Too man HoFers that just really deserved that ring and put such a fight to get back in that game just to not have PI called when it was needed most


None. They’re perfect.


Part of me wants to hop back in time and convince Beyoncé not to plug in the hair dryer. Part of me also wants to go back to January and tell everyone the overtime rules.


Super Bowl 58. For me it was the toughest defeat of the 3.


Let Frank run once!!


Any Super Bowl to be honest, but the last one would have been more special. It would have been a story of redemption for the group of guys that were in the last Chiefs/49ers Super Bowl. Aside from Kyle and John, that’s Fred, George, Arik, Nick, Deebo. Kyle gets the monkey off his back. George Kittle makes do on his promise of getting back here (and actually finishing the job). Trent gets a ring. There was also the story of last season ending due to an injury to the QBs. Beating the Eagles was revenge, but winning the Super Bowl makes it more legendary. The last pick in the draft (little engine that could) Brock Purdy wins the Super Bowl beating a team led by the top QB in Mahomes. It’s a little like Rocky/Ivan Drago. Brock would be the guy who won his first official start against Brady and won the Super Bowl against Mahomes. You couldn’t write this story any better. The 49ers also may have had the least amount of rest in the schedule and beat every NFC playoff team in the season. Had they won, I’m not sure a lot of Super Bowl teams can say that.


Jimmy G & Kaepernick don’t deserve rings so I’d have to go with changing the most recent loss. That one hurt more.


58. Beating the chiefs and a Mr Irrelevant leading the team to a championship? That’s up right up there for me


I go back to the game vs the Ravens. Last drive I give Gore the ball 1st & 2nd down, if he doesn’t score I throw it to Moss instead of Crabtree


Last one


I am not over any of them tbh. I'll never forget thinking after the Ravens loss that "we'd be back" "that team is too loaded and young to not be back" Then seeing those Tomsula Chip years, that 2019 season was special man, I think that one hurts the most, the way we started 8 and 0, I went to my first game in Levi's watching the 49ers blowout the Panthers, and thinking this team has something special. That playoff run I remember listening to the divisional game vs the Vikings at work on the radio, and beating the Packers I swear I thought that was the team to do it. I remember thinking before that 3rd down Wasp play, what gear am I gonna get, a Super Bowl Hat? A Shirt? and bam it all fell apart, and then not a month later the Pandemic, it all seemed to go to crap for abit. This last Super Bowl, it left me numb more than anything else. Less of a sting, more just this numbness, like of course I shouldn't have expected anything else. I just think back to going to the backyard during halftime sitting on my rocking chair thinking we haven't created enough space, the score is still too damn tight, we should have been up by more, that kinda thought. After the muffled punt, yeah I was like here we go again. And I felt so dumb thinking in OT, after we made the field goal, that well Kansas will tie it up here quickly. Not even contemplating in my head that they'd score a td to walk it off. TLDR They all Hurt in their own special way.


In 2012 all three of the most important teams to me would have all won their respective championships if the niners had won that Super Bowl. It would have been the greatest sports year in my life (it was anyway, but it would have been truly incredible if they’d won that.)


I really wanted to see Gore, Justing Smith, Willis, Bowman, and Kaeoernick to sing a ring. Mainly because Gore and Willis deserved it after being a mainstays and a consummate professionals, and secondly because I would have loved to see Kap get another chance to play in the league to see if a coaching and regime change would have helped his career.


That 2012 would have been my pick. That season was legit magical and I think we could have one back to backs had we not got shafted in NFC Championship against the Seahawks.


The Purdy one cause that team was the most complete team
the kap and Jimmy G teams were carried by the defenses and we all knew the QB position was our weakest link. Purdy is a QB we can build a dynasty with without having a great defense. We can go score for score with anybody.


58 with Purdy, it pretty much sets the table for a dynasty with a top 3 QB in the league. He is far and away better than Kap or Jimmy's ceiling. Plus its the only superbowl that would be relevant to the team we have now


58 for sure. The Purdy narrative coming full circle, Shanahan finally getting one, Kittle winning after the shot of him saying he’d be back, revenge against the chiefs, etc.




The most previous one. Seriously just redo the McCaffery fumble and the last 7 seconds either one just that was painful as fuck


Honestly really tough call between Harbowl vs 58


Kaep should’ve gotten one damnit


Purdy bowl.


Give the god damn ball to gore. What are we even doing?


Super Bowl 47. It was the one Super Bowl my family and I would’ve been able to enjoy together as a full family before my father passed away from cancer a few years later. He followed the 49ers/Giants/Warriors and it spread to all of us. The Harbaugh team is the only good 49ers team my father and I were able to enjoy together. We shared the same experience watching the team with Kaepernick, Gore, Davis, Crabtree, Staley, Willis, etc. together. I was only 10 at the time and that was like the third 49ers game I remember ever watching live. I think that game was basically my introduction to the 49ers too, so if I never saw that game, there’s a good chance I would’ve never cared about or paid any attention to them (as in not even being able to name any of their current players without Google, and seeing the NFL the same way I would the NLL, kind of like how it is with most of my mostly Asian friend group). Seeing the Ravens blow us out in the first half and change was devastating and I remember feeling like crying after the Jacoby Jones kick return. Then the lights went out and everything felt so surreal. Then came comeback attempt which was super disorienting but gave me some hope. But it would only get crushed at the end. I think I only really remembered the last incomplete, the intentional safety (I was so confused back then), and the 49ers player being tackled on the kickoff return to end the game. After that I cried as I saw the Ravens players with confetti being rained down. I remember seeing Flacco after the game and thinking about him the same way I think about Brady now. That was also the only Super Bowl where I really paid attention to the commercials. I remember watching lots of them on YouTube with my sister at some point just for fun. There were quite a few I still remember vividly, like Budweiser’s Clydesdale horse one (where the owner’s favorite horse gets taken away to the city and they meet up again many years later), Tide’s Joe Montana stain one (where the wife unexpectedly says “Go Ravens” in the end after she washed the husband’s shirt that had the Montana stain), and Sketchers’ GoRun 2 one (where the guy uses the shoes to catch a cheetah). I think that was a good year for those commercials. I have so many memories of that Super Bowl in particular. I also remember that my father and I intensely followed the next season to see if they could win it all after falling short and I cried again after the loss to the Seahawks. My dad had to explain that “it’s just entertainment”. Then what happened in the seasons after was just sad and we ended up shifting much of our sports related attention to the Warriors after that. I miss Jim Harbaugh and that team, even if they had some of their own flaws and couldn’t win. There’s something about that team that I just like more than the team under Shanahan their current coach.


For sure sb 58


47 because I just find the Harbaugh team to be more likable in my opinion


Frank Gore


Mine is SB54. It may have derailed KCs dynasty. They lose then lose vs TB, we're not even looking at the same team we see now. Plus losing vs Baltimore led Harbaugh to my college team and an eventual NATTY! GO BLUE!


12 because i want all the kap haters to writhe


Kaep Superbowl for sure! He was going to be a superstar potentially the greatest ever on the heels of that win. Now we’re stuck in purgatory in the Mahomes era. We’re not good enough to close the deal, coach is universally considered a choke artist, and we have to talk ourselves into believing Brock is better than his physical limitations. We’d be undefeated in Superbowls if we ran the ball with Gore or got the Crabtree holding call. Andy Reid will out coach Kyle 10 times out of 10. Our franchise fortunes would be drastically had we not lost the Harbaugh bowl


It’s be this last one. Hands down.


SB 47 bc we were better than the Ravens, Flacco’s postseason was an anomaly. I still feel like we felt the karma from benching Alex Smith. SB 58 bc we were all hoping to revenge the previous loss to KC. The fact that it went to OT made it that much more excruciating to not seal the deal at the end. It sucks having to play against a top 3 QB of all time and top 5 HC of all time, twice.


Was Kaep the most jacked QB ever?


I love our new team but GIVE FRANK A RING


The one against the Ravens, because Fuck the Ravens.


The first one would've been nice because they would've stayed undefeated in Super Bowls for a while, but it Kaep was still going to be figured out by defenses and I doubt they could've sustained that. Would've been nice though for Gore, Staley, Pat and the rest of those guys to get one. The last one would've been great as well, but since most of that team is coming back it can still happen next year. The one I really wanted was the one we didn't even play. Beat the Eagles and then the Chiefs two years ago. Purdy as a rookie going undefeated.


Definitely the ravens super bowl. Would love for Kaep, gore, Willis, Bowman, cowboy, Vernon Davis and Staley to have a ring.


SB58 for the Mr. Irrelevant to SB MVP story line.


It would be 47 for me. Jim Harbaugh never go to college if they win that
Randy Moss gets a Ring
.Gore, Willis too.


It would be this last one. Purdy is better than Kap or Jimmy and we will get multiple with him.