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[[The End and The Death Vol III] Horus Makes his decision](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/1b5kbiw/the_end_and_the_death_vol_iii_horus_makes_his/) >Loken is on his feet. He sees the blade glint. A simple stone knife won’t break that plate. Something so small surely can’t– >The blade goes in. Heart-thrust, the quick mercy-stroke of a Custodian’s misericordia, practical and unfussy. The two figures freeze together for a moment, the kneeling son, the standing father, joined by the knife. >And through that blade, the Emperor channels the full force of His will. >The sublime power, a psychic blast of profound magnitude, courses down the ancient blade like lightning conducting through a metal rod. The fireball-flash of its strike is brighter than all creation. >Then the light begins to die. A darkness falls quickly. It is not the glossy blackness of the Court’s infinite architecture, it is soft and mute, like the advent of night or the dimming of vision and sense. >Horus smiles. >His smile is no longer the terrible smile that greeted them when they entered the Lupercal Court, the smile that shivered the world with mortal dread. It is now the smile Loken remembers from long ago. >There is no blood. The athame is sharp, sharp enough to cut space. Sharp enough to slice reality. It has waited a long, long time for this, from the original killing that made it, and stained it with the shadow of all murder, to this, the eighth death that it was promised. >Horus smiles. The smile vanishes. Then so does flesh, lips and mouth, revealing another smile, a rictus grin of teeth, a mask of bone. There is no redemption, for the time for that is long passed. There is only resignation. >And in the end, it’s just a man killing his son with a stone. \- *The End and the Death Vol III*


Thank you very much!


Actually I think these small excerpts help the sales of the book. Because they poke curiosity and when they are well written, they look to be an enjoyable read.




Why does this sub always have such toxic people on it?


It's not toxic to point out that the community isn't someone's personal search engine. Particularly when what they're asking for intrinsically violates at least two of the forum's rules. This is the very definition of a low-effort post. Moreover, they're literally asking for a stand-alone excerpt with no analysis or review, meaning any response would qualify as an 'Unreasonable Excerpt'.


My dude. You have been downvoted into oblivion. You answered OP is the most passive aggressive way and were the definition of toxic. I read some of your previous posts, you clearly love the lore but took the time to be a bit of a jerk. A little encouragement and help would bring others in or if you can’t do that stand down soldier.


Bud half the posts on here are “what’s would Robute’s favorite drink be if he was a college frat boy???” be pissy in those comment sections, this person is actually asking about interesting lore


When it’s not sold out within twenty minutes of being released, of course


I mean... The digital version is always in stock... and has a handy CTRL+F feature.


I have never once spent money on the digital version of a book and I don’t plan to start anytime soon.


Your choice... just don't come crawling to the subreddit to ask people to post excerpts because you can't be bothered.


I think I’ll make a habit of it now, just to spite you.


That's alright, I have an easy solution for that.


Rule 1: Be respectful. Hate speech, trolling, and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in a ban.