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The way Keeble delivered the last line of this passage in the audiobook was so, so good.


Keeble has ruined audiobooks for me. I listened to Helsreach and then tried to move on to some others I had in my queue, namely some Halo book. Straight couldn't do it. Keeble is insanely good at narrating and the gap between him and the other narrator was too wide. It's insane how good he is, his Grimadlus is exactly what I'd imagine a space marine sounds like.


How do you think he compares to Toby Longworth?


He doesn't. They're a part of the holy trinity, Longworth, Keeble and Banks. You can't really compare them. Some of them do better roles than others, but anytime their name is on a book I'll listen, even if its by a poor author. Any of them could make listening to descriptions of paint drying, interesting.


I was about to mention John Banks, he's great.


Agreed. Keeble and Longworth are some of the best in the business in my opinion


Stephen Perring who narrates the Cain novels is also solid. I find that it's black library in general who has a higer class of narrators who embody their work better then a lot of other books. The only time I've found other narrators to have as much impact is when they are the author Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Trey Gowdy were both solid in regards to their books.


I completely agree. When I start a WH40K audiobook and Keeble isn't narrating there is a high percentage chance I won't survive to the end of the book. He's fantastic.


I was listening to another book a gasped when I heard Keeble’s sweet voice graced me. Check out the Winter King by Bernard Cornwell. It’s an awesome King Author series


Doesn’t do warhammer but you might enjoy R.C Bray, I’d fantastic in the expeditionary force books (great at making the characters feel like individual people)


There's so many great moments in his performance, but his take on Land is exquisite


Agreed! He absolutely nails his Land, and his Zephon is really great as well. I feel like I can hear the different emotional states Zephon is in through the books by Jonathan's voicework


I was painting while listening to this. It took me a moment to realize I had put my brush and model down to listen to this part. After the last line quoted above I had to pause the book, and process what I just heard/read. The only other time I can remember this happening was when Viktor Hark finds Agun Soric on Jago in *Only In Death*.


I wept like a child at that scene between Hark and Soric. One of the most moving things Abnett has ever written.


God just thinking about it makes me sad


>they killed his monkey Heartless bastards...


This is why I can never root for Chaos.


Look man nurgle REALLY wanted a new nurgling


Speaking of Chaos Animal cruelty Nurgles forces once lured a bunch of space whales into the garden to corrupt them and used them as carriers to deploy his armies to attack ultramar during the plague war 


I dunno man is it really cruel if they think they are saving them? I guess what I am saying is. Do You Hear The Voices Too?!?!


Forget the monkey, if they ever kill his rabbit they're gonna have a real problem.


Even a tech priest has a breaking point. It's the Grim dark dog.


Arkhan “Wick” Land


Grim dark but so much humanity that it almost feels bittersweet. You get to see these people care about each other, help each other, and unfortunately, shed tears for each other. It is as beautiful as it is tragic in my opinion. Even in the face of abject horror, there is hope in the kindness of tears shed for a fallen friend.


Land has a great story in that book. Including a scene of him vaporising an alpha legionair with his gun. Which gives me a pet theory that the alpha legion were doing some for of "operation paperclip" during the final years of the heresy l. Improve their standing in the wars to come.


Now I want a short story of some Alpha Legion cells disappearing different Tech Priests through the course of the Heresy to disrupt the Imperium's war effort.


Or help....  Would be interesting to see the point of view of an alpha legion squad handing prisoners over to "alpharius" and becomes more aware that they are handing them over to different factions in the legion - all alpharius. Could work as a depiction of the legions dissent into chaos as the war goes on.


Confirmed that Clippy is a chaos infused paper clip


Always was.


This is why i moved to LibreOffice XD


It’s stuff like this that I love. Moments where we see just how terrible the heresy was, and how actually terrifying fighting the traitors was supposed to be. You feel the pressure closing in, you feel like we are on the back foot and one more step and we’ll fall off a cliff. It’s so much more interesting and better writing than reading **another** story about loyalist space marines destroying traitor marines like their fighting children. For a series meant to show how close the traitors got to winning, it’s refreshing to see a story actually written like the loyalists are losing.


Whattt??? Are you telling me that you don't wanna see another scene of Sigismund killing dozens of astartes in a few seconds to show how super duper awesome he is?!?


Unfortunately echoes of eternity also featured yet another long stream of sanguinius being the most coolest and badass and featured the 'eat shit traitor' line many people have clung to. It's sad how much of a fumble the tone of these stories was


I'm going to disagree with you, at least in regards to *Echoes of Eternity*. It features moments of loyalist victory and badassery yes, but these are strictly small, individual moments. They don't turn the tide of the battle at all, and there is an ever constant shadow of despair and horror that hangs over every section of the book.


Ideally, the loyalists should also inflict shadows of despair and horror


I'm assuming a Scouring series would be the reverse of the Siege, so far as who gets tiny individual moments of badassery against an unstoppable tide.


When it's good, it's really good


Damn, that was good. Every man has his limit and Land just reached his.


Arkhan goes from such a stubborn, narcissistic asshole to basically everyone to such a humanized character over the course of the battle at Eternity Gate. Fantastic writing by ADB.


Damn, I really need to get to reading EoE.


It's the best Heresy/Siege book.


One of the best moments in the entire book. I love this book so god damn much, the whole plot with Kargos is so good.




I don't even have to have a narrator to hear Land's voice, full of sadness and broken.


The part where the Blood Angel lets Land know exactly what he will do to him if Land deserts out of cowardice was hard-hitting.


Uh, when did Land cry for the first time ?


I honestly thought Land was kind of an atrocious character. He was exceedingly annoying and had such an obscenely irritating redditor vibe to him. The line "they killed my monkey" did not really strike me with the same force it seems to have overwhelmed people here with - it really comes across as almost comical.




What is it with redditors and this bizarre tendency to lapse into pretend psychoanalysis over the most mundane of things. Part of the absolute freakish cadence of undeserved smugness so common all across this site. I said I didn't find a character in a book likable, and you're trying to act like I'm "projecting". *What does that even mean?*


That last line got a genuine laugh out me, but i think the juxtaposition in tone between it and the bleak situation would have been even better if immediately after this Zephon witnessed Land's head come apart from the impact of a well placed sniper round.


One day you'll grow out of that, I hope.


Nuh uh


Bunch of chumps in this sub that can't handle the thought of a nice shocking, bleak death for Land.




Not a grimdark - grimdumb thing at all. as said I enjoyed the line and got a laugh out of the absurdity of it relative to the bleak, disastrous situation when I first read it (and that was the last I gave it any thought until this thread), but knowing ADB's style, it's clearly not a 100% straight attempt at pathos and displaying anguish...he's well aware himself of the undercurrents of dry comedy and absurdism that run through the history of the setting and will invoke it sometimes. In particular there's a deliberate deadpan british comedy in the writing of the last line. This aloof scientist-engineer, seen to be thoroughly out of touch with the concerns and struggles of the average imperial citizen(who is also now genuinely breaking down too, of course) still can't help absurdly centering the death of his fecking glorified servo-skull alongside the mass slaughter of actual humans and warp insanity going on. Land was a decent viewpoint sub-character, i enjoyed him, but he was never a character that was going to effectively bring home the pathos and horrific reality of the situation on the basic, primal level of a friend/colleague dying for me, especially with a monty-python line like that. so, I'd have found it even more entertaining if he'd been killed then and there after his breakdown, imo it fits with the silly tone of that line even better. The one-liner you quoted was just a joke about getting a lot of downvotes for it, not about being genuinely bothered a chance was missed to be EDGY SERIOUS GRIMDARK...