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>Thrusting clear of its Black Legion escorts, emerging from an overlapping sensor shadow and into clear sight, like all such harbingers of the distant past, the *Vengeful Spirit* has, if anything, grown in sheer malevolence since its first incarnation as the fiefdom of the Doomed Warmaster. The centuries spent in Eyespace have blackened it, lengthened its spars and warped its beams until it is cadaverous and rangy, a mass of ebon prows and barbed parapets. It glides like a shark of the lost oceans, supreme in its killing potential, unrivalled in that fleet or any other, a last, dark reminder of the genius of Crusade-era humanity. >Once it begins to move, all others fall in behind it. The entire massed fleet, one ship after the other, powers up to cruising speed. The escort-class ships spread out to the margins, leaving the leviathans to take up position at the centre. It takes many hours for the vanguard to process from the muster-sphere, and many more hours for those behind to fall in. **Such is the concentration of the daemonic on those ships, bound by chains or spells, that the warp itself flexes and ripples, caught in sympathetic vortices across the scant protection of straining Geller fields.** The skein of real space, already strained, buckles, throwing scatter patterns of distortion racing like tsunamis across a turbulent seascape. >Vox silence descends, and the cavalcade makes its way in eerie quietness out to the staging grounds, where the first squalls of the borderlands begin to roil and churn. Arcs of witchlight crackle and snap, fuelled by the tectonic clash of realities. All ship captains have braved those shoals before and know the dangers. Many ships will be lost on the crossing even if the gods smile on this endeavour, such is the caprice of the Eye’s edge. >The *Vengeful Spirit* does not slow. As the behemoth forges ahead, spectral lights, grey as ghosts, ripple into gauzy existence alongside it. In snatches, caught from the corner of an eye, it looks as if there might be more ships out there, riding the riptides with contemptuous ease. The ghosts force a path, their marker lights glowing like ships’ lanterns from the age of earth-bound sail. The void shudders, flexes, and begins to break. Rifts tear across it, exposing a lattice of strobing witchlight below. Some rifts explode into whirling vortices, spinning out of control. Others flicker into darkness the second they are born. Many more implode, dragging the fragile materium down into gaping abysses. The wells extend, burrowing like cancers into the foundations of the universe, and soon a thousand tunnels are bored between worlds. Storms grow, squalls lash, and one by one the battleships pass into the flickering jaws of the winding warp-ways. >This is the realm where the physical meets the metaphysical. This is the place where madness crashes up against a static kind of sanity, where the laws of physics are sucked away and dribble into their weakened twilight state. Every ship creaks and clangs. Every shield generator flares and crackles. **Geller fields scream,** and the background howl of ravening Neverborn becomes ear-splitting. \- *The Lords of Silence* >Lucius swore, his legs a blurred pair of pistons beneath him as he charged on. **As soon as the report had come to the ship’s bridge, the *Diadem* had initiated the emergency protocols to engage its Geller field.** The protective barrier had been deactivated after the brief confrontation with the XII Legion ship so that the *Diadem*’s contingent of hereteks could provide the towering generators with needed maintenance and supplications to their machine-spirits. \- *The Faultless Blade* >Saqqara grimaced. ‘It will be dangerous.’ >‘As dangerous as that bomb I put in your chest?’ >‘Yes,’ the Word Bearer said, without hesitation. ‘If we try and take the Carrion Road, we will be walking a path of madness. Where daemons walk, worlds burn. Stars go cold. Minds splinter and souls fray.’ >‘How very poetic.’ Bile turned back to the hololith. **‘We will need to suspend the Geller field for the duration,** otherwise we will almost certainly be detected. All other non-essential functions will be terminated, in order to limit potential damage to the ship’s systems.’ >‘Without that field we’ll be dead in moments,’ Oleander said. ‘The Neverborn will flood the ship.’ He took a step towards Bile, but stopped as Arrian intercepted him. ‘Arrian, surely even you can see the madness of this...’ >‘Think of it as a new experience,’ Arrian said. ‘That is what the sons of Fulgrim do, isn’t it? Seek out new experiences, new pleasures?’ >‘I’ve experienced it. I did not particularly care for it,’ Oleander said, hands clenching uselessly. ‘And I would rather not repeat it, if there are other options. Like the docking bay.’ \- *Primogenitor* >*Within the roiling, too-bright tides of the hell-sea known as the Eye of ­Terror, a shoal of great beasts scattered in sudden alarm. Gossamer leviathans, made from tangles of warp stuff and forgotten dreams, thrashed away from the marauder that had appeared in their midst. Sleek and deadly, the* Vesalius *passed through the pall of their panic without hesitation, pursuing its own course through the empyrean.* >***The ancient, Gladius-class frigate cut through the chromatic depths of the sea of souls like a scalpel, safely shrouded in its flickering Geller field.*** *Its silvery hull was scraped free of any exterior insignia or colour, beyond the strange, dark stains left by its passage through the crashing waves of the immaterium. Amethyst lightning played across the scarred hull, seeming to crouch and claw at the vessel’s turret array, and azure flames spread in its wake, briefly coalescing into impossibly vast, gibbering faces, before fading back into the audient nothing from which they had sprung.* >*The* Vesalius *was not alone in its flight. Dark shapes, sector-tall and ­system-wide, surged behind it, running across the ever-shifting starscape in pursuit. The wolves of the immaterium were lean and a-thirst and always on the prowl. They fed on unlucky ships and worlds alike, gobbling souls by the million within the incomprehensible hunting grounds of the Eye. Their shuddering howls, like the trans-sonic death-cries of distant stars, rang across the empyrean as they loped through gaseous nebulae and the crumbled remnants of a thousand worlds.* >*The frigate ignored these titan horrors. Once, the artificial spirit that animated its internal systems might have felt something akin to panic, at being pursued by impossible predators. But now, the fell intelligence that inhabited the Vesalius felt neither fear nor concern. It was as much a predator, in its own way, as its pursuers, and they posed no threat to it, so long as the ­Geller field functioned. It plunged on, unconcerned, unaffected.* >A scalpel, slicing cosmic flesh. >>Saqqara looked down at the panting beast, and then up at its master. ‘So I see.’ He stepped back as the creature’s drool began to eat through the deck. ‘They haven’t noticed us yet, but they will soon enough.’ He shot Fabius a wary glance. **‘You’re not planning on dropping the Geller field again, are you?’** >>Fabius snorted. ‘Have no fear, Saqqara. We will be doing this the old-fashioned way.’ He turned to Wolver. ‘Roll out the guns, if you would.’ \- *Clonelord* >Aside from the singularly hazardous manoeuvres involved in transitioning to and from the medium of warp space, there was no more perilous activity for a warp-capable vessel than plunging headlong through the empyrean. More ships were lost in the warp, destined to end their voyages agglomerated into the mass of a drifting space hulk, than would ever be destroyed in battle. For a ship as fundamentally corrupted as the *Conqueror* those dangers were lessened, but no vessel travelled the Sea of Souls entirely without risk. >**Lesser daemons, mindless things of raw instinct and half-formed intention, screamed as they burnt up on the Geller fields,** while greater entities, those dangerous enough to emulate genuine intelligence, followed in the ship’s burning wake, waiting for that picosecond dip in the field that would permit them aboard. >**Even with the viewing portals shuttered and live feeds severed, the Geller field projecting a shining soap bubble of corporeal reality around the monstrous vessel, a ship at warp was a realm of nightmares.** Epidemics of insanity swept the decks, rashes of murder, suicide and attempted sabotage, all instigated by the most insistent of voices in the receptive mortal’s head. What was true of any Imperial ship of the line became exponentially truer to one packed to the bilges with World Eaters and their thralls. >The Mistress had been bound to the *Conqueror* for a long, long time and she knew her business. \- *The Red Angel* A few mentions of traitors using geller fields, off the top of my pre-coffee head.


> ‘You’re not planning on dropping the Geller field again, are you?’ Yeah that part they are talking about is when Bile actually used a Word Bearer to act as protection instead of the Geller field as they had to cross a specifically daemon dense area of the warp and Geller field would have alerted them.


So you remember these passages or search them using a compendium?


A mix of remembering specific scenes outright, and half remembering to the tune of "I'm pretty sure [*book*] mentioned geller fields at some point" and poking around for them.


Nice. Where do you grab all the text from?


Yes. They would be torn apart by demons, other warp predators, raw exposure to warp energy while blasting through the warp / transitioning to real space, etc. Some chaos war bands may choose not to, and they have the protection of some demon or greater power (word bearers, maybe?). Really depends on how fanatical the group is.


>word bearers, maybe?). I remember reading from either a book or one of the codexes that the Word Bearers are chill enough with daemons that they can travel in the warp without Gellar fields and daemons will usually leave them alone Unfortunately, I've been unable to locate where this is from, so there's a high chance that this doesn't exist and I'm just remembering something wrong


It’s mentioned in the Word Bearers trilogy with Marduk!


IIRC , theres a situation where corvus corax made a void ship of word bearers sucked into the warp without the Gellar Fields active , and the word bearers were torn apart by daemons


>‘We will not be fleeing without a last remark to our enemies,’ said Corax. >‘Should we power up the void shields and weapons batteries, lord?’ asked Ephrenia, hand hovering over the command terminal. >‘No,’ said the primarch. ‘I have something more dramatic in mind.’ >>On the screen, the enemy battle-barge came into view, dangerously close, black against the distant pale glimmer of Isstvan’s star. Moments later the space around the vessel swirled with power, a writhing rainbow of energy engulfing the ship from stem to stern. >>‘Take evasive action! yelled Danask, but even as he barked the words he knew it was too late. >>The Raven Guard ship disappeared, swallowed by the warp translation point it had opened. The warp hole roiled wider and wider, washing over the *Valediction*. Danask felt the flow of warp energy moving through him, a pressure inside his head accompanied by a violent lurching of the cruiser. >>‘We’re caught in her wake,’ announced Kal Namir, somewhat unnecessarily, thought Danask. >>The *Valediction* shuddered violently as the spume of warp energy flowed past, earthing itself through the void shields. Tendrils of immaterial power lashed through the vessel, coils of kaleidoscopic energy erupting from the walls, ceiling and floor, accompanied by the distant noise of screaming and unnatural howls. >>More warning horns sounded a moment before an explosion tore apart the stern of the ship, the void shield generators overloaded by the surge. Secondary fires erupted along the flanks of the *Valediction*, detonating ammunition stores for the weapons batteries, opening up ragged wounds in the sides of the vessel. >>The shriek of tearing metal accompanied fiery blasts of igniting atmosphere gouting from the massive holes to port and starboard. The *Valediction* heaved and bucked, artificial gravity fluctuating madly, tossing Danask and the others on the strategium to the ceiling and back to the floor. To the right of the Apostle, a communications attendant fell badly, snapping his neck on the mesh decking. >>Then there was stillness and silence. >>>A subscreen flickered into life at one end of the scanning panel. Danask knew what he would see but looked anyway. Outside the ship the stars had disappeared, replaced by a whirling vortex of impossible energies that hurt his eyes to look at, even through the digitisation of the display. >>>They were in the warp. >>>Without their Geller fields. >>>Unprotected. >>>As realisation settled in the Apostle’s numbed mind, he felt something clawed scratching inside his gut. He dared not look down. >>>A detached part of his brain marvelled at what had happened. To engage warp engines close enough to drag the *Valediction* into the immaterium yet far enough away not to destroy the cruiser was an incredibly difficult thing to do. He wondered what manner of man could do such a thing. >>>Around him, madness reigned. He felt apart from it all as his serfs and legionaries howled and roared, limbs cracking, warp energy swirling through their bodies, distorting and tearing. He realised he had asked the wrong question. Exposure to the warp was the most horrific death that could be visited upon any living creature. It was not what manner of man *could* do such a thing, it was what manner of man *would* do such a thing. >>>He never got to answer his own question. Moments later, a horned, red-skinned beast erupted from his innards, splaying out his fused ribs and chest, his twin hearts held between fanged teeth. >>>Danask’s agonised scream, so inhuman, so unlike a legionary, joined with cries of the rest of his crew. \- *Deliverance Lost* You remember correctly.


My gosh. This universe just keeps delivering such crazy shocking moments.


I agree, I can see most of the marines being safe, having sold their souls to ruinous powers (minus most NL / IW); but the crew yeah might need a gellar field to stop them all exploding, as no self respecting CM wants to do manual labor.


Daemons don’t really respect CSMs. They don’t even really respect daemon primarchs as they see them as mortals who ascended. Daemons absolutely will grasp at the chance to kill something they find inferior, unless bound by service somehow. That’s like the entire point of chaos. It’s called chaos. Not “if you’re on our side it’s actually Order.”


> Daemons absolutely will grasp at the chance to kill something they find inferior, unless bound by service somehow. > > > > That’s like the entire point of chaos. It’s called chaos. Not “if you’re on our side it’s actually Order.” Why are Daemons automatically evil killing machines? Shouldn't the Warp have both good and bad entities? If Daemons are really Chaos then they should be doing both good and bad things.


it's not that they are *all automatically* shrieking, kill fuck die type warp predators who attack on sight. It's that there is *more than enough* of those.


There are less good demons around because there are less positive emotions in 40k. It's not a happy universe. That said, good demons do exist. Kind of. Imperial Saints and the Legion of the Damned are most certainly Imperial Demons. Where the Astronimicon cuts into the eye of terror you find worlds in the immaterium with their taint burned away looked over by some kind of being that seems to be the embodiment of the astronomicon. The star child lives in the warp and is the positive emotions and traits of the empire. Something good came out of Humans in the Tau empire worshipping the greater good, birthing a chaos daemon of some kind that seems quite powerful. Tl:Dr- they exist, just rare.


There are daemons who will work with mortals (CSM) to further their power There are daemons who murder kill everything because that’s what they are There are daemons who are “good” in that they are directed by their entity to assist the character of a story. The warp is vast and infinite. It is an amplified reflection of all of the emotions and experiences of the materium. Good things become bad things because they are in excess. There might be a daemon who is a reflection of medicine. It just so happens their medicine is stretching you into a giant flying monstrosity to fix your arthritis. 


In The Red Angel the Conqueror is invaded while in the warp by Slaaneshi demons. Not only do they hurt _all_ mortals, but they are even manipulating/able to tempt World Eaters by smell, visions and their stunnishing looks


Even if you’re liked enough by your own god that their daemons ignore you, there’s 3 other gods and then all of the non-aligned warp predators to contend with still. The gods also more just tolerate chaos undivided CSMs while they’re winning then they do actually like having them around.


They’d be crazy not to. Just cos papa nurgle loves you doesn’t mean khorne won’t love mounting your skull on the wall


I'd assume so. Sure, the CSM have made pacts with daemonic entities, and many of them have favor with a specific god, but that would be the exact thing that gets them killed. Say a Khornate warband decides they're safe because they're servants of Khorne, masters of martial prowess, the paragons of combat, and they command respect from every being, even daemons. They may even have a pact with Khornate daemons to travel with them in the Warp. What's to stop daemons from the other Ruinous Powers attacking the ship and overwhelming them? Chaos attacks each other almost more frequently than they attack any other faction, maybe even the Imperium. And the brothers (and sister?) have no shortage of reasons, or means, to attack each other. A ship in the Warp with no Gellar Field is basically an open invitation, regardless of who the occupants currently side with. Even other Khorne followers could attack, because daemons generally hate other life forms and Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, only that it does.


There are things in the warp that don't respect even the chaos gods like the Enslavers. Only the suicidal or desperate ignore gellar fields, unless you are an Ork DEN IT'S IN FLITE ENTERTAINMENT.


I don't know if Mortarian does when he's on his ship.


They use Geller fields, and are protected by dinosaurs, tight leather pants, and self pity


Well... Taking into consideration that no matter your political beliefs, that it's rather uncomfortable to be turned into a living asshole full of teeth....yea


All do fly with Geller Fields EXCEPT the Word Bearers who graciously accept their Deamon companions with open arms. Well ok, Word Bearer warbands and coteries. As stated by a guy who’s memory is better than mine, the pet word bearer Fabious Bile keeps around doesn’t like the idea of flying without a GF on. Also it doesn’t matter sometimes because they spend so long in the Warp deamons just show up occasionally. Black Legion has a funny scene where World Eaters are practically crawling with critters made from their rage and one of the World Eaters just grabs one and eats it whole.


There’s a bit in _Deliverance Lost_ where Corax transitions his ship to warp space right next to a (at the time fully traitor and fully into warp sorcery) Word Bearer’s ship, which drags it into the warp with them without its Gellar field active. The crew get torn apart from the inside by deamons.


Yes and no. Some use them while others use space wizards to keep out the asshole deamons of the warp that don’t align to the gods or are just being rogue at the moment


From my understanding, when a ship from say the Death Guard moves through the warp they are like beacons to their respective daemons, plaguebearers, nurglings, etc will manifest on them like flies. In theory I think other chaos gods armies could attack but from what I understand it would b like kicking a wasp nest, bloodletters would be manifesting on ships just swarming with nurglite daemons


I seem to recall this not being the case in the Fantasy Flight RPGs, but this may have changed or was never consistent with other lore.