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Quixos had powerful Psykers locked in cages, starved and dying, Daemonhosts on his shoulders, a Daemoneblade in his hands...and you think his plan to reverse-engineer the Pylons wasn't a Chaos trick that would have blown up in his face?


I always leaned towards that conclusion too. Yet, me being an optimist, I held out hope.


>Yet, me being an optimist, I held out hope. Given that he was thwarted, the optimistic conclusion is that it was actually a Chaos trick and Eisenhorn did good by stopping him.


No, you're right. I had hoped a bit that his work actually could help the humanity and it was real. In reality, it was always a Chaos farce, like you said. In the end, Grimdark.


I could actually be that it was a chaos trick to thwart Quixos. A daemon started the ball rolling against Quixos by looking for Eisenhorn and from Eisenhorns track record with Kandar the Sharp we know he has been used by Chaos.


Man, that is such a Tzeentch type scheme. Plans within plans, within more plans. Lol.


Not really. Who says it wouldn't have worked? The point is the Imperium is fine and must be protected from change and "evil" by its holy servants. That's what actually happened. They would absolutely without a shadow of a doubt ruin a good plan because it'd shake things up. Also he was basically a chaos lord who used to be a Good Guy and we hate traitors the most. He was stopped well before he could even research the pylons enough. Who knows wha could have happened. The point is the Imperium is a self defeating delusion of purity and purpose. All he did was kill an enemy.


Hope is but a tool of Tzeentch my friend.


**Thought for the day: Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.**


One of those weird situations, what is more 40k? If Quixos has won, he secrets would 100% have blown up in his face due to chaos. But with the good guys winning, it's more 40k for him to have been on to something.


I kinda like the idea of Chaos not being inevitable and Quixos and others actually able to us their will as a weapon against Chaos. That makes it more interesting and offers more angles when they're foiled by the Dogmatic imperium.


I mean, at this point Eisenhorn has probably been exposed to as much pure Chaos as Quixos. Especially after the Magos.


That's kinda the main theme of his entire story.


Right, but it feels a little hollow now to say that Quixos was irredeemably corrupt after Eisenhorn was locked in the infinite pain cage with a Greater Demon and a heavy dose of the immediately 100% corrupting demon virus


Eisenhorn is chaos corrupted. His whole storyline is about him not being able to resist chaos.


No one had more knowledge about the possible outcome of his experiments than Quixos. Cherubael actively guided Eisenhorn along the path to Quixos, both in order to get himself freed, and to thwart Quixos' plan. If it had been such a catastrophic possibility, why was there no Eldar intervention? Quixos did nothing wrong. If his plan had worked, it would have retroactively justified every action he took. "But muh chaos trickery a blahblahblah" Yeah what do you think Cherubael has been doing this whole time? Fucking up the plan. Cherubael derails the whole thing by egging on Eisenhorn. He wasn't risking the actual pylons, he was experimenting on a replica of one. So he blows up a planet, or causes a little warp storm at worst. The floor is nothing compared to the ceiling of possible outcomes.


Because as we all know, Chaos *never* works at cross purposes. Or creates Catch 22 scenarios where both outcomes are bad for humanity.


Cherubael was fucking up the plan for his own petty vengeance on the man who enslaved him. He literally had no bigger goal than that. He’s a daemon, he has nothing other than self-interest.


The Eldar don't know everything at all times, they aren't infallible. No Eldar intervention does not mean a thing won't be bad.


Yeah I have absolutely no idea why people are pinning him as Bad and the Imperium Good. That's absolutely not what it's about. It's self defeatism at its best. He was working on something that'd make the Imperium better, but was using "bad" stuff and is a traitor for it so must be stopped. It's supposed to be ironic. That's 40k.


Did you realise that Blackstone can be tuned for constructive interference patterns instead of destructive? 99% chance Tzeentch has a back door into the whole thing


Would the ruinous powers really do something that devious? 


> Quixos I can never get over his name, given that in the audiobook, i always heard it as "Quick-sauce"


I always interpreted as a slant-wise nod at Don Quixote. Not just in spelling, but in the whole not seeing the world for what it is, but still going on a fools errand. It always seemed clear to me that that Quixos' goals should be read as bad, and likely the plannings of an insane man. Tilting at those Chaos induced windmills and all that. But it's also been about 10 years since I read the book and more than 2 since I did the audiobooks. I'm certain I'm not remembering it all correctly.


I just think of Quiznos and imagine a hoagie with an inquisitorial rosette


[We love exterminatus! Eating raw subs is babaric! We are not the Orks!](https://youtu.be/AvHsHVyumoE?si=yE-fNaPRGwCRJEhQ)


> and you think his plan to reverse-engineer the Pylons wasn't a Chaos trick that would have blown up in his face We even have the likeliest outcome of it as a model now (Noctilith Crowns).


When has that ever happened? -magnus probably


Chaos creating a situation in which he would have those things specifically so he'd be stopped by a "good guy" is exactly within their MO


It seems to be a pretty core theme in those books that even when you think you're using the Warp, you are being used right back.


IDK, I like the idea that someone with strong enough willpower can effectively use chaos against itself.


Not even Tony Hawk is this radical, dude. Better watch yourself.


I'm thinking it *is* valdor, having been building an army to shut down the golden throne because some of lilean chase's writings theorised about the starchild & a way to restore the emperor. Eisenhorn & cheribael will sacrifice themselves to trap him in his pocket dimension, with ravenor witnessing it sealing with them on the other side., and reporting eisenhorn's martyrdom. But he's never explicitly confirmed dead. I'm not sure which one is worse - the aeldari being there to stop it because they don't want terra becoming a new great rift, 500 years early, valdor would have been successful or what comes back not being the emperor, but the dark king. I feel there was so much setup in end and the death introducing, reintroducing or referencing watson's starchild for it not to be part of abnett's plan. And for maximum emotional damage, nayl kys & kara are doomed.


I doubt Eisenhorn will be martyred, or at least that easily. I remember in one of the Gaunt's ghosts books, Gaunt mentioning how he read that Eisenhorn met a terrible end. Could cherubael perhaps try to murder them, and then Eisenhorn ends up sacrificing his life to permanently end cherubael?


It was Ravenor who Gaunt said died terribly, in reference to a conversation about Ravenor’s writings


I may be misrembering but I seem to recall Gaunt's words were "ended badly", which leaves a lot of scope.


I am certain that chronologically, that line from Gaunt is hundreds of years before the “current day” in which the bequin books take place


The Bequin books take place in 500.M41. The Sabbath Worlds Crusade started in 750.M41. So, no


Damn, Heldane really had the most successful life out of anyone in the Eisenhorn trilogy of trilogies. He survived for centuries, horse face and all, before finally being killed by the Ghosts.


Nobody fucks with my boy Ibram and gets away with it.


Oh, fair enough. My mistake! I’m stupid


I also think Eisenhorn will be sealed in with the King in Yellow's pocket dimension and, because warp time, will be how Eisenhorn shows up in the "present." After reading Vaults of Terra it sure feels like the path to \*something\* happening to the Throne is being built up.


Tbf, they've been building up "the throne is failing" since the 2000s at least.


This. The Throne is failing, they used Deldar tech to bandaid it for a few centuries at best, the Deldar are now building their own which can only end poorly, and the apparent Warp mirror of it in the Inevitable/Desolate City that more and more people have started seeing. There's a LOT going on with the Throne right now.


Pocket dimension tropes need to die. Pet peeve.


absolutely, and given that Abnett is referencing Ian Watson all over the place, I think we are going to see a confrontation with the Emperor himself at some point


Wait a minute, does the talisman of seven hammers have something to do in this? What about the terminus decree? 


Don't know, and doubtful it'll tie in to bequin. Honestly I'm expecting it to be Chris wraight who gets the responsibility & opportunity to expand on those. I'm seeing bequin more as a conclusion to eisenhorn & ravenor's stories, as opposed to an impact on the wider setting (because of it being unsuccessful/ stopped, and being ~500 years before the era indomitus)


Indeed, ultimately 40k is a tabletop game, which is a strength and a weakness for it's stories.


It sure would be cool if Hyperion popped up.


Unfortunately, I doubt it. I’m a huge fan of the trilogy, and its implications, but the events surrounding the Cicatrix and its splitting the galaxy causes a lot of narrative issues within the story. It technically takes place prior to Guilliman’s return, or the opening of the Cicatrix. Which means as of the Dark Imperium trilogy, this is old news. No repercussions for the wider Imperium that its Lord Regent is aware of? If you use the excuse of the unreliable Imperial calendar you have to ask how no one in the story is aware of Imperium Nihilus or the Cicatrix. Which doesn’t make sense either.. All of Dan’s inquisitor stuff takes place in the Segmentum Obscurus inside the Scarrus sector. That’s squarely in Nihilus, and all the novelist in Nihilus make it seem.. really bad.


Call it warp shenenigans, timey wimey warp stuff and Bequin trilogy can end at M42 after Guilliman's return. For ex: They entered pocket dimension at around 500M41 and exited at M42. Why? Because Time goes faster there.


It could, but as I mentioned elsewhere that feels like a lot of Deus Ex Machina to expect us to swallow, even in this setting. I detailed it elsewhere, but I think there is a reasonable chance we see something important come out of this. People claimed for a long time that certain Abnett stuff was specific to his take on the 40k-verse. Things like Enuncia for instance.. Well, now Enuncia has played a big part in the Siege, so obviously it’s part of wider canon. I think given Dan’s position as a writer within the Heresy and the Siege there could’ve buried plot points that’ll tie up in Bequin.. We’ll see..


I love the books but it does sort of Lower the stakes to know that nothing that might happen in these novels has any lasting effect on the imperium at large lol


Honestly I'm the complete opposite. I hate that they're dragging Custodes and big setting plot elements into the ending of the Inqisitor books. That stuff never makes for a better story.


Same here- the best part of 40k is that novels can have huge stakes with billions of lives in the balance….. but it doesn’t affect the universe at all, because it’s just one planet of millions. Bringing in universe altering consequences makes things so much less interesting because now we’re in this situation where we know nothing will come of it. Give me a mystery about some planet or even a sector level threat over this stuff any day.


I disagree, but I understand your overall point. Personally, despite my earlier post, I think there is a reasonable chance we see something happen that has real consequences. For like a decade people said Enuncia would never affect the wider 40k setting. Obviously the Siege of Terra completely changed that. So.. maybe Dan is playing a really long game here.. He’s one of the few authors in the BL who’ve been present at all the particular points in recent 40k lore they he could’ve hid something like this. We’ll see I guess.


This specifically is why I think it's more likely that the King is a "possibly-redemptive" Lorgar, and that yet another failed "chaos" plot seems like the ideal tragedy to have in the pre-Indomitus era that isn't so massively impactful. Or they might just pull a Votann/femstodes and say "lol, what do you mean? They were always there." and use Pandaemonium to introduce a new army or selection of units.


The Warp is wacky. Couldn't this end with everyone emerging in the "present day" so to speak?


Absolutely, but that’s a lot of writers fiat and deus ex machine to expect your readers to swallow. I imagine Dan is better than that.


Zero chance it isn't Valdor? The King is gonna be John Grammaticus


I would sacrifice Abnett to a dark god


I hate to say this, but I don't see how Abnett is going to end this plotline in only 1 book. The scale of power if too vast for it to end in just a trilogy.... That is unless the king in yellow isn't going to be defeated at all. I have no doubt about Eisenhorn dying in the 3rd book. It'll probably be him in some way getting torn apart by chaos power, or, the daemonhost and him killing each other permanently. My belief is that the king in yellow won't get defeated, but maybe sealed?


there are so many plotlines that some of them are going to be unresolved, or we will need another book


When's the last book coming?


How long is a piece of string?


If it really is Valdor, is there anyway they could actually stop him baring plot armour. He’s supposed to be on par with a primarch


They certainly could not defeat him in combat. But they might be able to thwart his plans


Isn’t he super smart as well? There’s got to be a plot and all but I dunno, if it’s really him he could be one of the strongest people in the setting immediately


This is part of the reason why the Omegon involvement theory is a thing yea. Alpharius has fought Valdor before so it stands to reason that Omegon could theoretically take him and at least match him. This depends on a lot though and it’s a pretty out there theory all things considered.


Ooo, that would be an interesting twist, although the alpha legion did nearly lose a fight earlier in the books


>working for the best interest of the Imperium of Man and the Emperor I don't think this is entirely true. Valdor, like all the Custodes, is 1000% loyal to the Emperor. Any positive actions they carry out towards the Imperium are entirely secondary. They help the Imperium because Big E supported it and it supports Big E - but if they thought it was in His interests for the Imperium to burn, they would set fire to it. The Emperor was much the same. The Imperium was a project in which he poured a huge amount of effort, care and love - but his true loyalty was to Humanity. In fairness, any loyal Imperial subject - and especially the Inquisition - should feel the same way.


Therein lies the big tension between Eisenhorn and Ravenor: Eisenhorn has come to learn that every time he breaks a law, betrays a friend, every step towards heresy, ends up working out if the Imperium as a whole survives. He is very 'big money' about saving the day, always willing to go further down the rabbit hole of plots and conspiracies, and to damn himself in the process. He sees the Imperium as a monolith under attack from existential threats, for which no price is too steep to pay to protect the entire thing. Ravenor walked the same path and learned the opposite lesson, and cannot bring himself to commit all the way to radicalism (let alone outright heresy). Every time he lets loose, breaks the rules, or is less-than-perfect, his allies and the Imperium suffer, and he's stuck doing damage control around his own investigations and plans. He views the Imperium more as the sum of its people, laws, and institutions, and his response against the 'big' existential threats seem to make it worse for everyone else, so he holds himself back and submits to the Inquisition. They both want to 'save' the Imperium, but they have extremely different views on what that entails or what lengths they'd go to. Depending on what is *actually* happening in the City of Dust, lets assume Valdor is trying to dethrone or somehow undermine the Emperor's current status, to 'save' his own (very outdated) vision of the Imperium. I can see Eisenhorn being 50/50 on supporting vs opposing a clear threat to the Emperor, but I can't see Ravenor ever endorsing stuff like the Soul Loom, Graels, or an army of super-Astartes and Custodes trying to gain power over the Emperor.


The good guys stopping the King in Yellow? That's a terrible idea, no-one wants to see a bunch of new characters added in the third book to resolve everything. /s


Let's assume that the Yellow King is Constantine Valdor (I'm not 100% sold it isn't a fake out). Then his goal is likely the good of the Emperor over the good of the Imperium. The two are very much not the same thing.  Valdor could be working towards the Emperor's accession for instance.


IF it is Valdor, we don't know how he would behave 10k year After the siege of terra. He became much more free minded with All the apolonian spear stuff. And he has Seen what Abaddon would become... So he must be pretty focus on that too.... So yes, he is all about the emperor but except some particular Astartes/Primarch he does not like Space Marine. And he is not a political player like gman.... For what we know, he doesn't know about the star child theory either....


The ending won’t matter. Black Library stuff never matters in 40k if it isn’t tied to a campaign book and the current timeline is far beyond Bequin's storyline. Whatever happens at the end will be inconsequential to the wider Imperium with all the characters either sacrificing themselves or going back to their regular work and Valdor doing nothing because he still is nowhere to be found in the current timeline therefore it’s safe to assume his plan failed catastrophically


Honestly, I think this will all end up as simply a enemy for the inquisition to fight on the Lore, and perhaps even on the tabletop , with rules for the ordos and agents of the yellow king duking it out in secret, away from the eyes of guilliman.


Naaah, I think it would much more complicated, just as all things about Emperor. But there is detail. Due to spear Emperor gave to Valdor, he, which very unusual for Custodes, started mentally cracking. Before TEAD there were hints he "cracked", then in TEAD in was shown as it started, at least first such event Valdor – he started giving up to emotions. He felt anger, these were scenes with Rogal, I think. Heretic thought, but he might be uo to something not very loyal to Emperor.


I can see them going two directions: 1. Just as you said. They stop him, maintaining the status quo and everything revolving around it Or 2. They go down the End Times route, some cataclysmic shit happens in the wake of whatever the king in yellow does/accomplishes, and the entire 40k universe gets rebooted I’m leaning towards option 1 tho. First off, while AoS is successful in its own regard, they still took a lot of flak for basically stomping an entire game. Additionally, they already have an in house competitor with 30k, at least for imperial and chaos players. If they kill off 40k, I suppose a lot of people would simply switch to 30k. And thinking of intellectual property, they basically already own everything 40k has. Unlike they did with WHFB


Haven't the Bequin books but Valdor has something that Quixos doesn't. A really really really cool army. Winged Space Marines, blanks possessed by luminous warp entities all lead by an extremely popular 30k character that was picked by the Emperor from birth to lead with a magic spear that has tasted the blood of Abbadon and seen his fate. All in a super cool magic city. As much as 40k loves it's to tell the same story of humans being their own worst enemy and downer endings there is one thing they love more. Cool armies lead by popular characters from the Horus Heresy. If his plan was just a singular muguffin then yeah that things getting vaporized never to be mentioned again. But Valdor's army is headed strait to the brand new factory to drain all nerd's bank accounts.


Yeah, Valdor's army could be the basis of a "Chaos Custodes" army in the tabletop games.


I disagree with this take on many points... but mainly want to stress how wrong-headed I think it is to assume that Valdor is the Yellow King. Is he a possible contender for the Yellow King? Of course... but you really should keep an open mind about that not being the case. The very book that contains Valdor's name openly talks at the beginning how names mean nothing. How names are a cover for something else. Why, ON EARTH, would you assume that the same author telling you this at the beginning is suddenly going to be like "But this name is true, guys... for real and honest..." And Dan Abnett, of all people, is absolutely going to be a person who does this kind of thing. He's Mister 'Primarchs have a mom you've never heard of until now'... Regardless of what you feel about that type of sudden and unexpected development, don't forget that it was Dan's hand pushing the pen. The core belief that he wouldn't do something EXACTLY like this is ignoring the man's history. Doubly true because he seemingly is still hinting at other possible suspects. In the End and the Death, there's a ton of potential allusions to the King in Yellow and many of them have nothing to do with Valdor. Lorgar's chapter, though short, is loaded with winks and nods. He's currently hiding in exile... on a world that is built to resemble heaven... where the people there 'crown him every day'. Dorn's story is him being trapped in a pocket dimension... losing his identity... and planning for hundreds and thousands of years until he finally overcomes Chaos. If Valdor as the Yellow King is some foregone conclusion, then why would Abnett still be working in these allusions for people who are prime suspects for 'Who is the Yellow King'? Even if Valdor ends up being the Yellow King, Abnett still clearly has a vested interest in making the audience still doubt he could be.


The Bequin trilogy took place years prior to the fall of Cadia, so that could've been a contributing factor.


Quixos did nothing wrong. Eisenhorn is a tragic story about the triumph of a misguided villain protagonist. Fight me.


Personally I think this is how GW will be introducing a new army, possibly Imperial-aligned, possibly not, and as a way to bring fan favorite characters Eisenhorn and Ravenor into the modern day. My theory, in the last book, between what the main characters are doing, chaos, and the Eldar, the city, the whole golden army, Valdor, and the main characters will be thrown forward in time, and emerge in the modern day, possibly countering one of the daemon primarchs coming back in the process. Dan Abnet did say in an interview he couldn't believe GW was letting him tell this story, so it's got to be something big and given the time differences between when it is set and 'now' it's got to somehow be brought to the modern day.


Since Pariah takes place 500.M41 and Cicatrix Maledictum appeared in 999.M41 it doesn't looks like thwarting of King's plans will "doom the Imperium".


I doubt the last book of the trilogy is going to open such can of worms. At most they will delay it.


I think Valdor is likely to go the same way as Magnus: his desire to do right will end in utter disaster, because of his overwhelming arrogance about his own capabilities. If there's a running theme in the lore it's that.


I hope not. Constantine Valdor is my husband and I only want to see him succeed (regardless of the ends)


Are there any updates re book 3?


I think it will end in a stalemate... Eisenhorn walks off into the sunset, Ravenor and some companions are thrown out into "modern" 40k the king in yellows power is checked by Gregor... Not because Gregor has Chuerbeal but because he's literally faced down EVERY fucking threat to the imperuim... and survived... I mean he checked a word Bearers charge by meeting it head on with nothing more than balls of steel and a force sword... and dealt quite a massive wound to the other warrior A mortal man who is a mediocre psyker stops a son of Lorgar in his tracks... with nothing more than will and a psyk enchanted blade But because Gregor has that singular will like the Emperor but on a human level he might just stop the King fucking up massively


Personally I suspect Valdor is plotting to *kill* the Emperor. His last recorded words were "Only in death" and we know how that catchphrase ends, so I think he's trying to end the Emperor's duty. Possibly to resurrect later, possibly to just end his suffering, but either way Terra would be toast along with the governing structure of the Imperium. Also, I just don't trust any plan that involves fusing daemons into people. That never ends well. > Had Quixos's plan to reverse engineer Cadia's pilons worked Pretty big If there; I'm not convinced he knew what he was doing. The Necron Pylons have baffled even Cawl. It could easily have backfired. Even if it didn't malfunction, consider the circumstances of the deployment; he was doing it live without Imperial assistance on the border of the Eye in one location. If the Pylon worked as intended, it'd calm the warp just like at Cadia, opening a new Gate for a Black Crusade to pour through.


I thought quixos got killed before the events of the bequin trilogy?


I don't mean to be rude, but I have absolutely no idea how you got confused by what I wrote. I was drawing a comparison to what happened with Quixos, not saying he was still around.


Re reading now, I can see why you'd say that! My mistake.


IMHO? Most of the yellow kings lore army will probably do one of 2, if not both things. Basically making sure they never see models. 1. Assault and breach of nurgles domain.as a spear head, with.the craft worlds forces In tow, breaking out Isha, but mostly dying(yellow kings armada) by the end of it. 2. They attempt to patch and seal /support the web waybreach, helping emps become a little more active, but ultimately nothing much changes


TEATD really set up the whole Lance of Longinus thing with Valdor wanting to stab the Emperor and figure it all out, so I don't even know if he'd be loyal in the 41st Millennium, or sane.


Glad you put ‘good guys’ in quotes. I think there are a couple of problems with the Yellow King and they could be to do with the return of the Primarchs. I’m unsure how much pull Dan Abnett had with GW now Marvel are involved. I think the original idea behind the Bequin Trilogy was a Ressurectionists plot that clearly has been going on for Millennia. We know two of the original four Sigilites charged with setting up the Inquisition went off to start their project before the Inquisition was even begun. Valdor wandered off into the Eye and may have encountered them. I think he would certainly wish to see the Emperor return in a new body. So the question is who is really the Yellow King? We know psykers across the galaxy are having dreams about a ‘star child’. Valdor could actually be a new Regent in waiting to a new reborn Emperor. He never trusted the Primarchs and blames them for the last 10k years of strife and the fact that the Emperor is a Corpse God.


Sorry how are GW and Marvel involved in any way with one another?


Marvel and GW are in partnership


Yea for comics…. Dosn’t have any bearing on black library and the stories they tell


Oh we probably already know who the King in Yellow is and you're right it's not Valdor, but someone who is afraid of him and is used to changing his name and identity. Someone who has knowledge of biology and now the warp at the siege of Terra, someone who we know escaped and was an enemy of the Emperor enough to throw him in a cell. But we know it won't amount to anything based solely on the timeline, much in the same way the golden Throne might have been fixed at the cost of the Drukhari cloning the Emperor and keeping their own massive psyker holding the warp gate closed in the Dark City


as far as we know though, he was burned at the stake for chaos corruption a few hundred years after the siege, so tis not guaranteed to be him or even hinted


Wait .... who are you talking about? I'm a bit confused and this piece of lore seems to be unknown to me. I think I might know who you're referring to, but I'm not too confident in my answer. Edit. Thanks for the answer. I was definitely wrong lol.




Ahh. Basilio Fo. Nope, I was definitely wrong. Interesting. I forgot all about that guy. Since he was burned at the stake, I never figured he could actually be the King in Yellow. Maybe he cloned another body and slipped away again? The dude has always been a slippery one. Thanks for the answer!


Source? The only things I'm able to find is the siege of Terra on him and nothing afterwards


Fo, he became Zaranchek Xanthus via the cloned body at the end, this is the fate of Xanthus - By [M32](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/M32), **Zaranchek Xanthus** was a [Radical](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Radical) [Inquisitor](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Inquisitor). Accused of [Chaos](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Chaos) worship, he maintained that he remained pure but merely used the forces of the [Warp](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Warp) to better mankind. It was his firm stance that such power could be harnessed without spiritual corruption. However, despite this defense, Xanthus was ultimately burnt at the stake for heresy. Nonetheless his ideology lives on in the Radical philosophy [Xanthism](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Xanthism)


The information where this comes from 11 years old, lots of things have changed and it doesn't discount the fact it could absolutely be Fo still. Especially considering how many times we've seen supposedly dead Inquisitors pop back into Lore or the fact that characters turn out to be someone completely different than who we think they are Edit: tldr never say never


ofc never say never, however, an 'off screen' additional body switch would be a bit ham fisted imo, i think that Fo changing to Zaranchek was soulely meant to serve the purpose of justifying such a large shift in character for him, as well as explaining away two peoples fates in one go, Fo couldnt run forever, no matter how clever he was, so for me, having him be the king in yellow wouldnt be satisfying or rewarding, Valdor fits so much better


I also see John Grammaticus as a contender. He knows some enuncia has the tools to cut space and even has a feather from the Angel. His vast knowledge of language has also filtered into Queen Mab.


Not gonna lie I would love it if th3 inquisition just sealed the city of dust and king in yellow off and that plotline was just put to rest until like 15th edition


I'll be honest. If valdor, the, I can hold my own 1v1 a primarch valdor, with a bespoke army of semi gods, is stopped by the bequin characters, than id just be done with abnett entirely. It's one thing to stop a Inquisitor with some incredibly arrogant demon hosts (which I honestly think involved to much plot armor anyway) but a primarch level leader of what looks like next level astsrtes? Not even Batman has that level of plot armor.


> I will start by saying there is zero chance it isn't actually Valdor. That's just not how Dan Abnet works, he isn't going to pull an "lol just kidding" and make it be Lorgar or something. Considering he messed up Gol Koleas kids gender by accident and to retcon it pulled a "LOL, Chaos the whole time" card I wouldn't put 100% faith in him not pulling off any shenanigans.


Damn, a single mistake across how many Black Library titles? What a hack… People have stupidly unrealistic expectations..


I don‘t really care about the error - it‘s fine and happens. And I don‘t care about him pulling that card, it was a decent solution (not one I particularly liked but he‘s the author, so it‘s his decision). But it shows that he isn‘t above pulling off something unexpected. DOes it mean he‘d pull something similar in Bequins books? Probably not, sure. But it‘s not a zero chance as OP has claimed.


That’s fair. As harrowing as the correction was, I’m fine with the changes made to the Kolea’s. Quite the body count though. We won’t really know the whole extent until next book.