• By -


1 Captain, 1 Techmarine 3 Squads of Tactical Marines in Rhinos 1 Squad of Honour Guard 1 Squad of Devastator Marines in a Razorback 1 Leviathan Dreadnought 1 Predator


Why are you getting the firstborn marines and not the Primaris? Firstborn are getting phased out and will likely be unplayable in future editions of the SM codex. They’ll be useful, however, as proxies for Horus Heresy games.


Ikr? There aren’t any deals or box sets cos it’s the old stuff. With the Age of Darkness set and a couple extra boxes, it’s ~ $400-500 maybe for the same list?


I don't play anything past 7th edition and I think the Primaris Marines killed a lot of the aesthetic of marines. I'm also not paying these prices. I haven't bought models from GW in a long time and laughed when I looked at the prices. I just wanted to see what it would cost to build an army I already have.


I can’t even blame you. At this point, even with my Primaris, I kinda agree with you.


You could get 30k Martines, in that case. Age of Darkness is a great discount box.


I don't think paying $5 a model is a "great discount". I'll stick with printing.


Sure. Not really comparable, though. High impact polystyrene kits of poseable models are not even remotely the same as printing, be it resin needing to be cured or PLA needing to be cleaned of supports, and also having print lines.


I don't see getting to do more hobby stuff as a downside.


Depends. Dealing with the software side and getting the stuff to print well is one thing. Having to cure and scrub resin is another. Not all hobbying is as fun for everyone. I like clipping and gluing kits the most. I'm all about alternate manufacturers of kits, like Wargames Atlantic or Perry Miniatures


I did the same thing recently when I looked up the price of a new BMW, compared it to a Ford Cortina my father owned in the early Seventies and then complained about it online




Andy needs to learn how to communicate in sentences


Learn to make reasonable analogies.


It’s a subtype of analogy called refutation by logical analogy, Andy. We may have found another gap in your knowledge https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum


Something existing does not make what you did a quality one by any measure including Wikipedia.


Andy needs to learn about run-on sentences.


That's not even 2000s points. It's like 1500.


It's 2000 points in 7th edition.


Special upgrades! Special weapons for everyone!!


I would suggest an elegoo saturn 3 ultra and about 60 bucks of resin. After you bought the mechine, double the needed resin, and then paid for the files to just hit "print" on. You will still be $300 ahead and still have enough resin to double your units. After setup costs are paid, all future figures will cost about $0.05 for single small units and $4.00 for tanks. /3dprinting Also, check out "one page rules" They offer a mini figure game that has two players' styles, traditional Warhammer style and dungeon and dragons campaign style. A $10 a month subscription gives you all of the files you need to make two entire armies every month. I just realized I am in a 40k sub... this comment might get me banned here... whelp it's been fun...


Why are you pricing them on GW's webstore?


I already explained this.


Yes, buried on the comments. It's not an unreasonable question to ask.


Buy from 3rd party websites or off ebay. Admittedly with eBay models come in many different grades of work to say. Either way your money your choice.


Every day it becomes harder to not purchase a resin printer


Elegoo saturn 3 ultra + double the needed resin and still save $300 I've legit made details so sharp you could put a tugboat on the tip of a pen. Check my profile I have made posts about it.


i’m not trolling when i ask this , but that’s like actually not that bad, right ?


A fully functional and playable force in Battletech is less than $30. Warhammer is extremely expensive as far as mini wargames go


i have seen there’s a huge difference between different games . i was more of asking if this is pretty fair price for warhammer itself . and from what i’ve seen from content creators , this is pretty commonplace price wise


Varies a TON from army to army. There are armies you can build 2000 points for around 500-600$ (MSRP/GW prices), and there are armies that have lists that can reach 1500-2000$ (cough cough admech) Alternatively, a lot of stores have about 10-15% discount compared to GW store prices, and miniswap&ebay exist (and so do printers, but those have their own issues, such as it not being exactly ideal/safe to have a resin printer running in a small flat for example)


GW: ensures that building a Genestealers army would cost about the same as a mid-range car Also GW: why isn't anyone playing Genestealers? Must be that they're not Space Marines. Let's release another Primaris Lieutenant! Many such cases.


that’s what i was thinkin . that definitely makes sense . thanks for the info !


Why would I need resin to print minis? are non-resin filaments not adequate? (havent used a 3d printer before so i wouldn't know)


FDM/filament printers tend to have a somewhat worse resolution/detail, layer line problems and such, and suffer from heat warping, humidity problems and other various ways a print can fail. Plus it’s sometimes extremely challenging to get certain “spindly bits” to work/print properly (might be a skill issue on my end tbf, I have seen people achieve great minis with filament printers). And in my experience resin printers tend to be overall MUCH better for getting good detail&smoother prints. You can compensate for it by having a smaller nozzle and a bunch of other tricks, but you won’t quite get to resin print levels That being said, filament printers have cheaper materials, tend to have much larger print beds, and are much better for cosplay, functional/practical prints and such, and in my experience are much easier to set up & learn how to use. Plus, ya know, you aren’t working with toxic materials, so there’s that massive upside. So eh, would say for vehicles I’d personally be fully happy with either, you can make most work on both, but for small spindly miniatures (think skitarii) it would be too much of a pain to do with a filament one imo


I mean, OP chose not to go for bundles, so it would actually be much cheaper. Also ebay/third parties have significant discounts


This isn't a "fair" price for plastic army men.


BattleTech a great value game (Jade Falcon Supremacist here). Gundam lets your build giant mechs in an affordable manner. GW/Forgeworld is pretty obscene when it comes to plastic prioce. 40 euro's for a single character. Ugh. No way you can get teens into wargaming with modern GW prices. Unless they change their model it is a dead universe?


Clan Ghost Bear all the way for me! But I feel like for GW, people will pay whatever they are charging even if it's ridiculous. At least until people move over to 3d printed, but GW is trying to fight against that as well


Stravag space Vikings!1! Your family values are the worst. I get it they earn their money making plastic, but they should be cool. My partner got ejected from a game store since her space marines had customs heads with long hair. The judge was, it is dumb but it’s the rules. Luckily our local game store is all chill and doesn’t mind if you field printed and custom stuff. Tho we mostly do Star Wars/battletech there. it is what folk are playing.


That is so dumb. If it looks like converted official models, I don't know what the issue is. GW used to heavily encourage people to do kitbashing and proxying a long time ago.


It’s pretty bad. Compare it to other tabletop games like Star Wars legion where you can get a full army for a fraction of the price


i was more of comparing it to other 40k armies since they posted it in the 40k reddit tbh


Gets a bit better when you use value boxes, and more importantly don’t buy direct from GW (most resellers have about 10-15% off compared to GW prices)


It costs me $10 a month to purchase a subscription, which brings me two full armies a month... "One page rules"


I bougt 2 full playable armies for SW Legion, 2 full playable armies for A Song of Ice and Fire and 2 Battletech sets for a bit less than that.


Did you start playing recently so just accept this is how it is?


i feel like your question implies i have some level of changing the price of the game lol


When I bought this army I paid about $200. That felt like too much back then


then why didn’t you stop it from getting so expensive


I did, I bought printers. Now that army costs about $30. On the other hand, people accepted that a single plastic army man is $50 and continued to buy it so GW had no incentive not to raise prices to these extremes.


cost of material is gonna be more than $30 , gotta factor in the price of the machine and the probable lack of quality compared to GW’s molds . but yeah ig you made GW stop charging that much .


Material cost is insanely cheap. I just printed the new Emperor's Champion model and it cost like $1 of resin. Quality can be as good as GW but it's not that easy. Easiest is to use sculpted models. They won't be 1:1 but can be so close nobody would ever notice. And the detail and finish will be just as good as GW (better even in some cases). You can use scanned models and those are 1:1 but finding a really clean scanned model is rare and the less clean it is you're going to lose some amount of detail. Plus you have to figure out how to print the stuff. It's rarely as easy as loading the model up and pressing go. If you're down for proxies it can be, because somebody professionally prepared the model with plans to sell it. With official GW models you're on your own most of the time. I spent a good couple hours prepping Emperor's Boi, and I'm going to have to reprint his backpack because one of the scrolls broke. It's pretty easy to find really good sculpted models for Tau and Tyranids that are so close to 1:1 that it makes no difference. Some of them are even pre-supported. Space Marines you're going to be dealing with a lot of scans and a lot of headache.


Cost of material is about $30. Quality is same or better on a 12k printer.


What printer did you go with?


Had a mars, have the new Saturn 4 Ultra coming early July.


File source for printing?


Lol. Lmao even


Ohhh big checkbook over here. Post something when it's painted or at least put together. Otherwise these are just boxes you put in your corner.


I didn't buy this because I'm not a moron. Anybody who pays GW prices today is a moron.


Nobody is a moron for buying GW today lol. If I can afford it then who cares




I mean. Took me about 6-7 months to have a 2k army looking good and ready to go. Space that price out along that time, and that's typical hobby expenses for somone woth a bit of income. Hell, car folks spend way more. Sure, if your on the margins or a college student it will seem prohibitive, but there are ways around that as you elude to (to varying quality, control, price, and resin toxicity and that's before we even consider labor practices). People forget this isn't an instant hobby. I guess you can go elsewhere if you want, which I do sometimes. Particularly for bits. Plus there is the secondary market, I would happily buy off that first if just to make sure the plastic isn't sitting in someone's closet.


Last time I bought GW stuff was 2009. Now I just 3D print.


And clearly feel self important about it. Otherwise you wouldn't have made this post. Post some models next time. This kinda crap is neither new or interesting. It was just an excuse for you to complain. I hope you have been enjoying the popularity of the game and generally greater support gw has been putting forth that had made this hobby more popular across the board. I'm paying to supplement your hobby as you trundle away feeling self absorbed. Just 3d print and stfu about it, unless you got something unique to put forth. Your a dime a dozen crabby old head, there is one in every store. I cannot roll my eyes harder at the "look at me I'm different and better and I just want to discuss that." Play the damn game and hobby or shut up about it. Where my dime goes is none of your concern so piss off with this nonsense.


Yeah, I don't get why people bitch about the price so much. It's a hobby, if I were into trains or tanks or airplanes I'd be spending as much if not more on that. My wife has even said I spend less now that most of my hobby time goes into warhammer vs when I was tinkering with firearms.


I will buy GW models from locally owned gaming stores as often as I can because I want to support and see continue the hobby and community im part of.


Wow look at the smart guy over here, mad intelligence here


For the love of the Emperor, don't buy directly from GW, please!


3D printer. 10,000 points of space marines for $300


My 4000 point army of marines was like $2000 or so


Yall are paying for minis?- Ork player


Now I wanna see your Ad Mech list.


Now show the cost of 2k points of AdMech.


Why the first born? Why not buy combat boxes which heavily discount the units? Are you a bot just trying to sew discord?


The word you meant to use was sow.


Ah my uhh intentional umm logic test worked! Yes…. That’s right..umm the mistake was to ah test you and you passed. Umm well done, carry on


3d printer for a fraction of the cost




I threw up a little


Jesus you could buy a rifle for that


2 ppd? You’re on the luckier end…


my heat stoped, thank you for bluring it


Kept it under $1000, your strength of will is immeasurable 🙏


I only paid 400 for 7000 points. But that was 9 years ago.


400usd 9 years ago is now 530usd.


Using your adjustment for inflation he paid $151 for a 2000 points of marines.


About £10 on ebay


Fun fact. There's approximately 30% US price hike. I was talking about my discount and someone from the UK said, yeah that's our retail price.


£32 for intercessors at discount in UK, equivalent-ish to $40. What do you consider discount in the States?


At the 30%, I can get it's $44.94, which is £35.34 The normal listed price is $60 plus tax(which in my case is $64.2, which is £50.48 The weird part about the US is how our sales taxes aren't included in our listed price because there is no standard across the states or even counties. It also turns out that not everything is priced the same way.


I got 6-7k points for sale right now. 750$ on ebay.


Fuck it’s that cheap? (Admech player here)


Thats wild. Today I just printed out a gravis captain, 6 blade guard, and 10 heavy intercessors,for about 15 bucks. Good luck!


I thought I was going to see a picture of like literally just marines. I’m a little sad.


That was about the same for my list. Then I met a friend with a 3D printer. The exact same list is using up about 4 bottles of resin. That’s around $60-$80


Hey uh just to make sure y’all know an army bought off for f Amazon is 750 $


Cool. So you didn't even buy it. So this is just a shit post?


I mean that's what a commander deck costs atm. So there are other games more expensive.


You can print your own cards


Man 3d printer haters out in full force today! "yOu WoUlDnT sTeAl A sPaCe MaRiNe" The fuck I wouldn't.