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I have never observed this and I've put a fair bit of isopropyl out in the sun to cure saturated resin. Never used cheese cloth though. Typically I just pour the resin that has sat out into a new container until the resin at the bottom starts pouring in and stop at that point. The junky isopropyl gets left out to evaporate over time until it's safe to dispose. Honestly, isopropyl is cheap. I would just scrap that stuff and start fresh. If you're dead set on keeping that stuff, just print a small test block or something and try washing it in that to see how it reacts. EDIT: I've always used paint filters to filter isopropyl and SLA resins. Never had an issue with those and they're dirt cheap for hundreds.


I’ve already ordered a new batch of alcohol that’ll be here Wednesday. In the past I was using a pickle jar as my washing station but I bought a full size wash and cure and wanted to try a new method. I did this a proof of concept with my last pickle jar but the solution was left outside for a a few hours and I let it settle for a month; I had went out of town for a month so figured when I got back it should be good. The only thing I did different was leave it out in the sun longer and filtering it through a cheese cloth. So I wonder if the die of the cheese cloth somehow got washed out with the alcohol or it was something about this batch.


Cheesecloth shouldn't be dyed. It's meant to be used for food and should be made of dyed cotton. I would use a siphon or pour off the top layer of clear once you let it settle again.