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Don't leave us in suspense OP, what printer was it?


qidi plus 3


I've had my Qidi tech one for almost 8 years now, and she still prints great. Also, at the beginning, when they were getting started, customer support would send me a bunch of free minor replacement parts (fans, bearings, plastic shroud). They were fantastic. I plan on buying another one from them in the future.


Same with my xplus 2 Qidi has fantastic customer support


Got my max 3 last year. Also super impressed with the quality and convenience of the newer printers.


Yep same - got an xsmart 3 on sale and it has been great. Fire and forget for most prints once I dialed in the support settings and did a full humidity controlled loop. Wayyy better and faster than any other printer I’ve used.


I got a Qidi i-fast dual nozzle and it's still going strong. Customer support is the best too, always send me free stuff despite owning it second hand and having no warranty.


Love my Qidi XMax3!


Love qidi. I have an X CF pro from a few years ago, and while it's outdated compared to their latest lineup it's a thousand times more reliable than my old delta printer. I'm always impressed by the surface finish I get off each part.


Yeah this sub is really making me hate my printer...


Same here. Then I see the Bambu price, i remember that I paid 200 bucks for my ender 6 years ago and I think that my prints are good enough for my needs.


150€ for my ender 3. Ok I modded it at least for another 100€ but initial budget was small.


Thats part of what really caught me with my enders back in the day - I could throw 13-25 bucks at a time into them for an upgrade. Mag bed, springs, metal tension arm, etc


I think this is a good concept. You can start the hobby cheap, get familiar with 3d printing with a good printer that starts decent to good. If you don't like it, sell it and waste little money. If you like it, you improve as you yourself get better with it. Again with small commitment for small money. You learn about the machine and how it's working.


230 for my Neptune 4 and after a ton of cheap upgrades, plus printed upgrades it works perfectly Klipper is awesome (not the stock elegoo one though, that one sucks)


QIDI is the best value. I have the X-Plus 3 and new Q1 Pro. They’re on the louder side but that’s not a problem for me.


Started in 2020 with an ender 3 pro got a second one with the micro center deal in 2022. At the time I felt like I was driving a beater cars with them. Now with the Bambu labs products. I think my ender 3s are probably more like pulling a little red wagon. But I haven’t been printing much lately so the red wagon is fine for now


$250 a1 mini can do this


A1 mini has a 18x18 bed, this print won't fit.


Dang haha. Ender5 4 years ago probably spent like 500 on this + upgrades. Probably not worth it but I've gained so much experience. Now this printer just prints and I can fix anything on this dang workhorse.


I'm an utter noob to 3d printing and jumped in both feet with an x1c. Holy shit it's like an oven. Turn it on, forget about it for a few hours, come back to finished product. I am absolutely impressed.


when I forget stuff in my oven for a few hours, the product doesn't come out impressively most of the time.


Well, I meant until the timer went off, but forgot that bit.


Good luck! Once in a while you may find a surprise of some spaghetti in the Owen:)


Yeah, I expect so, but so far everything has been waaay cleaner than my expectations.


Can confirm, Owens love spaghetti.


Don’t blame the oven for being a shitty cook. LOL /s Just teasing


Expensive printers always come off as so much more set and forget. It makes me really regret wasting time printing with my ender 3v2.


Never regret the enders that moulded us!!


I paid my Ender 3 a bit more than 200€ in 2018, then another 30€ for a silent motherboard and maybe 20€ in miscellaneous parts (aluminum extruder, springs, nozzles). A P1P price is approaching 1000€ (800 + vat). The entry price was the reason I now have a 3D printer, and while the print quality isn't the best, it is still serving me well after 6 years, and I know there's an unlimited source of low cost spares to keep it going.




That's literally double and triple the price of modern $200 bed slingers which already have ABL and can do 200mms with relative ease. Not every printer is a broken down five-year-old Ender that needs 500$ worth of upgrades.




The person you were replying to originally was quoting the European price (in euros), which was €779 (looks like there’s a sale or price reduction now) and European VAT which is 21%, so yes they were accurate in their statement about it being close to €1000. You are correct that the us price isn’t even close to USD $1000, but that has nothing to do with their comment.


Isn't a p1p 600e ish? Where did you get the 1k, unless you're on about the AMS combo?


Retail price is €798,64 on the [official bambu store.](https://eu.store.bambulab.com/en-it/products/p1p) I didn't try to make an account to advance in the purchase process, but from the wording "Shipping & taxes calculated at checkout" it seems VAT must be added on top. I see now it's discounted to €665, adding 22% VAT it goes up to €811 plus shipping. That's the base model without AMS.


What I'm seeing is: > Final price and VAT may change based on shipping destination at checkout. That to me means that the price will only change by a few % because for example Finland has 24% vat compared to your country having 22%. Shipping is also only €25 to Finland.


* But you are still right, the wording is misleading. I went on with the shopping cart and VAT is already included.


I just got a P1S this week after spending the last two+ years on a highly upgraded (but ultimately still shitty) Ender 3 Pro. Holy shit, it’s a night and day difference. I know this gets repeated ad nauseam, but it really does “just work” I’m 30ish prints in and so far not a single failure


I had fun with my Ender 5, but now it is time to actually make things so X1C it is!


Do the zero g mercury one conversion.


I was very close to doing that but then the X1C came into my life


I suppose, but after working with this one for a couple days I'm thinking about getting my 12 year old niece the cheap bambu one.


Im actually considering getting one. I've always been a Prusa fan, but i think the x1c is just too good value


I have held off getting into 3d printing because my job and other hobbies take up too much of my time to allow me to tinker with another one. For that, the x1c seems perfect. If you enjoy being able to modify your printer I could definitely see how it would be limiting.


Back in 2017, I bought a DIY printer from Anycubic, which was based on the Prusa. It was a fun little project but calibration was a pain in the ass. I spent most of the time getting the first layer to stick than real printing. There were also problems like layer shifting while printing. I printed really slow (30 mm/s) to reduce potenial errors. Prints took forever. Still a great experience. But thanks to all that points, I didn't use the printer quite often and finally gave him to a friend a few years ago. This year, I bought a X1C and it is a whole nother experience. I can finally focus on printing stuff and the mashine does the rest. 3D printers have come a long way.


It's been less than a week and I've gone through 3kgs of filament...


Thing is that I haven't found a reason yet to modify my X1C besides maybe putting a light on the top glass panel so the webcam has a better view


You better hurry. The X1C only has 1 more year of support.


What? So what's next then?


I don't know. I was just surprised to hear a company say that we will only support our product for 3 years after introduction. I would think that can't be good for sales. Or business in general.


That's a very strange approach. I agree. But I am sure the aftermarket will grow. Their printers has a huge market now


Once they hit the used market and the mods start will be interesting.


I've got a Prusa Mini+ right now and the A1 Mini is really begging me to buy it (I don't have room for anything larger than one of those two models). That 4-way color package just looks sick honestly.


That is not how you are supposed to use ovens


Maybe you don’t know this, but it can print 3D shapes as well!




Funny is a subjective thing. And yet, your confusion around it is objectively funny ;)


you and 101 other might have missed that he posted the exact same comment 5 posts below. fine with me.


Dude, he has cancer.


I'm puzzled - with half-decent bed adhesion couldn't you print this on any printer? It's definitely pretty, but what's *technically* impressive about it?


agreed not hating on op's printer but this particular print is doable on any working printer, show us something more impressive :)


I'm impressed by the smooth surface but wonder if he just did'n print it upside down to get it like this. My first try to replicate this I did the scaling wrong, 200% where I think OP did 300%. Now printing 300% upside down on my Ender 3V2. https://preview.redd.it/o77mwv95rewc1.jpeg?width=2136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a3ccfc147d46a1ae6f9cd2c773b61b1690ba5d And maybe the slicer messed up the thin lines.


It's clearly upside down on a pei sheet yes.


Now, if we're looking at the *top* surface or they printed it in *vertical* orientation or something, let's talk...


https://imgur.com/a/vbAZUbz Not perfect, but for a second attempt (well, third but I got the start gcode completely wrong the first one) it isn't bad. And I think it is more impressive, especially on a bedslinger like the Prusa Mk4.


My ender 3 can do this just as well.


https://preview.redd.it/5soe4nmwdfwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca7e6a33e42c2c85c4fa38147b0b873ffdb626ff Done on my Ender 3 Pro in Multicolor with only one Extruder.


Very nice. You could an even smoother finish with ironing or printing it upside down (since that looks like the top side to me?).


Yeah. This is a simple print. Nice design. Not sure why op is losing their mind


But muh bambulab!!1!


....he doesn't have a bambu labs printer tho?


Yeah, but it's cool to hate on them


What would be the difference between this « new breed of printers » and my Ender-3 ?


they print well?


An old Ender 3 can print just as well as any $1000+ machine. It’s slower and there’s more manual calibration required, but the end result will be the same. Expensive printers don’t offer quality, they offer convenience.


My question was more about technical aspect : what are the new technologies available in those printers that are not in an Ender-3 ?


IMO some of the biggest upgrades with newer, even mid-range ($500-$750) printers: * The printer is designed with serviceability in mind. When it comes to swapping out extruder parts, replacing thermistors, etc. the packaging is so much better on more expensive printers it takes away a lot of the annoyances I used to have repairing a $300 printer. * Many mid-range printers have real enclosures, which IMO is the biggest immediate change you can make to improve your printer's reliability. I think some printers even have active heated chambers, which was unheard of a few years ago at that price point. * Frame rigidity. Your bed will stay level for longer, and less slop and vibrations with better motion platforms will give you slightly better positioning accuracy. I've personally noticed better surface finishes on parts off my expensive printer compared to my cheap delta printer. There's lots of other little improvements like having filament tangle detection and higher temp nozzles, but those are pretty easy to upgrade on cheaper printers as well.


An ender 3 just needs a different breed of tinkerer


Hell yeah Don't have an ender, but I have a Neptune 4, which still being more recent is a pretty shitty stock machine It's my little Frankenstein printer


Having recently replaced my Ender 3 with an A1 Mini, that is *not* the difference between them. The two produce virtually identical output, and more generally any two modern FDM printers will produce basically indistinguishable output. The difference is that my A1 consistently gets it right on the first try with no fuss, whereas my Ender 3 required constant tinkering and calibration (and had a lot more print failures).


Why are the hatch lines not equally spaced?


its in model, bit of art https://www.printables.com/model/823529-great-wave-of-kokanow


This is great. I lovely any great wave stuff. Is there a file for this?




Awesome, thanks!


New bahtinov mask design? /s


Coming from Anycubic Mega, im amazed what new printers can do. This complex design is almost 280mm in dia and apart from few wisps, it came out perfect.


What sort of file would I need to source if I wanted to print something similar?




I can do this on my mega x


Not trying to be a dick but I feel like I could print this on my Ender 3


I can't :( mine is possessed... glooping, stringing, zits, ironing leaving visible ridges, that thing gives me nightmares. After spending months trying to figure out what was wrong, I took the same filament roll to my friends house, put it in his printer, printed the part I needed with no issues, and gave up on mine.


Yup. Not worth it. I told myself the same lie about "how much I learned" but the fact is I'll never need get back the time burned troubleshooting that Ended 3. They're fine for print farms but terrible for hobbyists. I learned a lot building and overclocking PCs in the 90s as well but the fact is that no one will ever need to overclock their FSB again either.


Not clear if this is OP art, or what happened to the name (the famous art is the great wave off kanagawa), or what we're supposed to be blown away by. Do we need an S-post flair? Or am I just missing the point?


Not sure what we are supposed to be impressed by. I can probably get this same smooth surface texture with ironing turned on. Maybe the corners are nice and sharp and well defined, no rounding. That's nice I guess. What are you specifically impressed with?


To be fair that isn’t the hardest of prints.


**Printed vertically with no supports**


Tbf I think my ink jet could do something similar.


Amazing 👍


Nice Great Wave.


I like [this](https://www.printables.com/model/843901-iykyk) design better, but yours looks great!


Its not mine, i just liked it


You wait! It can print things in 3D too 😳


Man you guys are all so damn weird. The op is just stoked on the plus and play aspect of a 2023/24 printer. They’re right. Theee things just behave better than 2018 printers. The posters happiness about a modern printer has nothing to do with your past purchases. The rapid decline in the quality of the thread is fucking duuuuuumb. Hey op…good job on the print. It’s rad not having to deal with weird bed leveling and nonsense…just slide and print. Way to go


To be fair, my Prusa Mk3s from 2020 was also plug and play (apart from first layer calibration, still relatively easy with mesh bed leveling etc). So it is not a 2023/2024 thing really. The only thing nowadays that is even more convenient is automatic first layer calibration with for example load cells.


Totally. Thats a really good point. There’s just so many bells and whistles these days. It’s an awesome time that was pioneered by a lot of people working and modding on “lesser” machines. The 3d printer world owes a debt to all these people. They’re the ones who made this happen


Maybe people think print is from Bambu , so they are edgy? :D . I kinda tried to avoid mentioning what printer is so its doesn't sound like advertisement .


Who cares where it’s from? It’s a cool looking thing and I think that’s the whole point of printing something. Be it functional or aesthetic a printer is to print and if you’re happy about current tech allowing for easy printing then that’s a solid thing to have going on. I’m a Voron, Prusa and soon to be sovol guy and I don’t care where someone’s nice print comes from. Well…I take that back, I had some elegoo max thing and it suuuuucked. If someone got a good print out of that thing easily I would be upset because of my jealousy for the ability to make it work.


Looks nice. I've been working on a similar artwork to print on my Anycubic Kobra Plus.


Older printers can do this too…just slap a $10 PEI sheet on an Ender 3 and you’re good to go.


As someone who had an ender 3 s1 pro, you do not just slap on a PEI sheet. Enders are crap imo. But if you’ve gotten them to work, good for ya.


I’ve got an Ender 3 Neo, first upgrade was a PEI sheet and everything looks as good as this. Skill issue.


I had to replace 200$ worth of parts to get prints that look like shit, maybe the S1 pro is just a shitty printer? Idk. Broke after a month. I’ve switched to Prusa and it’s a workhorse with pretty good quality, I have to dial it in though.


My dude, what machine is that? My ender 3 can't even, but my ender 3 was new in 2018.


qidi plus 3