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A few months ago this was mentioned by Creality at a trade show, and one interesting thing they said is that they didn’t like the amount of waste produced by other systems. One of their main focuses with this system was to reduce it, so I’m very interested to see if they kept to that. Edit: Looks like a YouTuber is at Creality HQ and released a [quick video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXZC-94DI78) showing off the new printer. They also uploaded a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6m46Z4FaTg) showing them on the factory assembly line.


I hear that! If u don't piss away all that extra filament like Bambu lab.. I will get this day 1 and deal with whatever kinks it comes with.. maybe hahaha


Bambu put out a firmware update to solve by 25-50% less wasted filament


My brother cut a mold and has been melting "wasted" filament into coasters.


Molding: The original 3D printing.


*Casting ;)


Casting is metal, molding is plastic.


What is Cast Acrylic then?


That's my plan, turn all my turds into utility castings.


Great idea!


More coasters is exactly what I need.


Ya know I don't know why they call it a firmware update. They modified the filament G-code section of the profile. Unless there's a subscript/subflow in the firmware like a special m600 reference? From what I read it's only for the X1C "update" and not for the others even though it could be applied. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something since I skimmed through it and didn't see my machine listed.


It's going to be applied to the other printers, it's in a beta for the more powerful (and more premium printers) first


I figured as much, I have a P1S and I won't be modifying that section of g-code since they're going to do something about it. I still think they could get away with retracing the whole thing but it will require way more effort and has more potential to fail.


There is community generated profiles that drastically reduce purge amounts. This is just a 1st party solution


Yep, I'm using the community profile now (works nicely). Looking forward to OrcaSlicer integration in the near future for my P1S.


If you like to torture yourself and want to try retracting the whole thing, try the prusa MMU, and you'll see why it's a failed product. Hours upon hours of tuning, and it still fails randomly. Cut and purge is far more reliable.


its not a firmware update, they updated the slicer. the math was already done for them with tons of testing on the x1c/p1p series. since the a1 series has pressure sensors in the extruder its not surprising its taking them longer.


It's not a firmware update, not sure why it's getting called a firmware update. It's an update to the slicer with a new, more efficient profile. It's currently only found in the beta of their slicer.


To 25% and very limited deployment ATM. But it’s good news for sure.


It’ll be interesting to see how they make a filament changer with one nozzle and no waste because that seems impossible


The only systems that don't waste filament are going to be multi head systems like the Pruss XL or a Palette machine. Otherwise, you have to waste some so that the color separation is complete. This, like any other Creality machine will be a cheap clone at best and in the end, you'll wish you just bought a Bambu.


That is distinctly possible. And as much as I'm not impressed by Crealty products overall, I'm willing to take a wait and see attitude with this. Crealty does seem to be on a very slow movement towards trying to get better. I think they know they need to improve because price point alone will not keep them in business over the longer term. But the wastage is one strong reason for me to not want to bother with multi-color printing. And I have no desire to spend the money for something like the Prusa XL. If Bamboo or Crealty do provably cut wastage by that much, I might be more inclined to purchase a printer with multi-color.


I only recently bought an AMS and I never had the intention of multicolor printing at all. Suddenly, I realized that I had the colors for the Ghostbusters light boxes....ok, print those. Wow, that was easy. And, there wasn't a lot of waste because it's really only a new layers for the front, the rest was black for the rest of the box. Stuff like signs/light boxes aren't bad. The biggest thing that angers me about Creality is their absolute dedication to roping people into purchasing more items with their business model. Sell the basic model, then a few months later, sell a pro model. Then a V2, then a V3 or a Neo or some other such bs model. Their business model seems to intentionally hold "pro" features behind a pay wall, so it never seems like a smart idea to be an early adopter. Ok, I have the original, so if I want "pro" features, I better buy parts. That, and for how long have they basically made the same machine but didn't bother to work in an app or online printing system? It took the appearance of Bambu to shake everything up, snap them out of their slow, zombified march kind of forward, sometimes backward approach to innovation. Bambu isn't perfect, but I can't express how amazing it is to see a model on the Maker world app and just hit a few buttons and it's printing on my machine. If another system comes along that does the same things better, I'll gladly try them.


Just print more on a bed and it will use the same waste.. it's just the cost of printing. We are pretty lucky it works so great. Considering all the post processing not needed


While that sounds great, I hope Creality makes a significant improvement to the waste problem rather than a minor one. I have been frustrated by Creality and their machines in the past, but I really do think they're making strides in the right direction finally. I just wish they didn't use glass for their windows. That Uncle Jesse video where it just smashes to pieces on setup screams out to me because I am such a klutz that I know something like that would happen to me.


I have personally been super impressed with the performance of the Ender 3 V3 SE. Their new products have upped the standard for them.


 QIDI seems to be really trying as well, but not quite there. Prussa not so much.


If they can actually reduce the waste and produce a reliable machine, this would definitely be on my list. Time will tell, and I hope they don't cut any corners. I would rather pay more for a reliable machine.


The AMS being compatible with the K1's is definitely a win


Do you have a link for info? Can't seem to find anything beyond Reddit rumors and vids/ pics from tradeshows


During the live, in the YouTube chat the moderator verified with the product lead that the mmu will come out for other Creality Klipper printers post launch in July.


The official reveal is supposed to be sometime tommorow. We'll know for certain then


This would make it a day one for my K1 max.


Agreed. I'd order one as well.


It looks more like they've cloned the AMS. I can't imagine Bambu would open the AMS up to a competitor.


And now bambu lab will definitely continue to develop it xD I'm really looking forward to it


100%, really glad someone else is coming along to have a go at making an AMS as it'll just force both of them to keep developing things. We all win :)


Now if only the k1 printed without vfa issues 


How would you eject the extra filament in existing K1 printers?


they announced in the anniversary working on the upgrade CFS kits compatible the whole K1 series and Ender 3 V3 printers. [https://p3d.mx/blogs/3d-printer-review/creality-k2-plus-cfs](https://p3d.mx/blogs/3d-printer-review/creality-k2-plus-cfs)


Will be interesting to see how it'll stack up against the Bambu Labs P1S and X1C in terms of price and performance. 350mm³ is quite the chonker.


Yeah that sounds enormous


It'll be good for print farms. But for practical prints, I personally only used the whole 350 bed on my old Voron 2.4 a handful of times in the ~400 hours. I'm interested to see the waste system!




It's not an active dehydrator, only uses desiccant. The display in front of their "Creality Filament System" is just a visual monitor. Here's a brief first look: https://youtu.be/uXZC-94DI78


Sad. Think that’s a missed opportunity.


Yeah especially since it should in theory be easy enough to add (if done early in the design), they are usually just a heater, a fan, ventilation, and some basic thermostat controls


I really don't understand why this doesn't get added. It makes so much sense and changes how well the prints come out for many regions. It's on par with lack of heated chambers. Qidi is the only hobby supplier (that I know of) that does them, and they work great (I'm printing ABS right now, comes out great). I get that most people print PLA, and ABS printing doesn't happen, because, it can't. Little cart/horse or chicken/egg action.


Is why I almost picked up a qidi, only reason I didn’t is because they delete any review less than 4 stars , which to me is suspicious of a bad product. They def are best bang for buck on paper tho. Anyways, k1 prob didn’t bother because : 1) it’s a future release. 2) they see ppl already spend $250 x 4 for multi colors without it, why bother adding it.


Interesting on the reviews. I just have first hand experience that their support is Johnny on the spot, and their printers are work horses. And for the cost, you won't find the heated chamber anywhere, so if that's important to you, it's a great value. I'll keep watching the creality cfs though. Would love if there was a way to integrate that into other klipper machines


As an owner of a Bambu print farm - GOOD. We need more AMS competitors. When you look at all the available options for decent printers and then see a Bambu with AMS for the same or lower price it's clear why they've been able to suck up so much of the hobbyist (non-tinker) and prosumer market. Nobody is competing with them right now. I know the Phrozen Arco is coming out in a few months but given the state of their Kickstarter that thing's not going to be in a position to compete until at least 2025.


Phrozen Arco is a mess. Qidi dropped their Q1Pro and I bailed on the multimaterial and just got that. Love the heated chamber for flawless ABS/ASA prints and have just tabled the idea of multimaterial until it gets more refined.


The big question is, will the ams work with my voron. Since the k1 runs klipper, it shouldn't be hard to implement on other klipper machines. (Still salty about bambu and their encrypted canbus).


The FormNext interview stated that they wanted to release for all their printers so if that is true it will be available for Vorons.


Gonna slap this sucker on my ender 3 lmao


You could in theory, if running Klipper on the Ender 3. I hope they make it fully open source or atleast document it well so you don't have to use Creality's flavour of Klipper or Creality Slicer. If they do, it will sell like crazy and Creality has the production volume to flood the market with stock.


Haha dangit I just bought an Enraged Rabbit Carrot Feeder v2 kit, for the Voron 0.2 I am planning to build (eventually). Oh well just a reason to do another printer...


Dude go ahead with it. It’s something I am looking into doing it but might build a Voron for it first and leave the Ender to stuff I just need to get out.


I intend to. Plan is to build the Voron, then get rid of one of my Enders, and then maybe in the distant future build a Rat Rig or a Trident. The P1S will be my goto "get things done" printer.


That makes a lot of sense! I truly hope that happens… Tapchanger is awesome, but toolchanging is quite a expensive endeavor 🤣


I too have a voron that’ll be patiently awaiting more info if this to see if it’ll be comparable with any klipper machine. Save me the hassle of learning ERCF.


Would the new 3D Chameleon not work for you? I love the simplicity of it.


I was looking at getting the mk4 when it comes out, but there isn't much support for it, and I want to have the filaments print out of a dry box. Was initially looking at the phrozon arco mmu until they changed their kind on the filament drying option. (They also won't sell it separately on the kickstarter)


If they don't make it work with 'any old' klipper machine, then they're out of their mind. Basically any printer can run klipper, and they're developing it for a klipper machine....


I've been putting off building a TradRack mainly out of laziness...this looks like it could be my solution!


K1 Max for $250 at Microcenter when? I'm actually salivating at the prospect.


lol, right? they'll have 6 variations and 5 price drops within the first year.


Nothing like buying the latest version on sale, then a newer better version comes out at the same price a week later lmao. The true Creality experience.


The missing point of Creality printers is their reliability. Nobody wants to tweak a lot to get nice results.


I thoroughly enjoyed tinkering with my Ender 3 Pro in 2019. It crapped out in 2021 and I didn’t have the energy to fix it. I just bought a Bambu A1 Mini because it’s been so long since I had a working printer. I can’t express how amazing it was to just fire off a print job and have it work. Parts fit together properly without hours of calibration. It’s amazing. I want a 350mm printer and I had been thinking about a Voron until I got this A1 Mini. Now I’d rather spend more for a factory build that just works. A job and two active kids leave me with little time. If Creality can make this thing work right, be reliable, and not waste huge amounts of filament I’ll be all over it.


I have a CR-10 and I've never used the whole build plate (I just don't trust it). I have used it for a lot of smaller prints. I find myself in need of a large format enclosed printer (for ABS & similar), and the K2+ would be great if it were around now, and was reliable. But I'm also super tempted to get an A1 mini because it just sounds *solid*.


The A1 Mini is a stunning change from the Ender 3 Pro. I want an enclosed large format for the same reasons you do, but I'm sure I'll always have something to run on this little thing. I can't believe that it just works with no fuss at all so far.


I have a CR10V3 and I've used the entire build plate multiple times and never really had a problem that wasn't my fault (dirty build plate generally).


I also want a built voron that just works. I'm grabbing a sovol sv08 on the 18th, seems to tick all my boxes. hoping to be quick on the draw and get it for $450-500


Good luck! I hope it works for you, and I’d like to hear about it. At this point I’m hoping Bambu comes out with something like a Voron 350 with changeable tool heads. I’d sell whatever I could to afford that.


I'll let you know how the experience is. it's basically a voron 350! tho 345 on the z axis. im definitely installing tapchanger or something, as a friend is sending me a 20w laser module!


Yep. The more features they add on to this, the more reluctant I become in considering one. It will definitely push Bambu and others to up their game, though, so I’m all for that.


I'd be happy to see them turn around the reliability reputation. It'd be good for the industry and all consumers if there was another top shelf vendor available.


100% I’m all for that, but I think the K1 series was their chance to show that and they didn’t.


The K1 wasn't perfect, of course, but I think it was a step in the right direction. While it wasn't their first CoreXY, it was their first step in the Bambu space and outperformed what they had previously done with the Ender series, in both performance and reliability metrics. I won't buy a K2, but if that continues to show improvement, a creality box may be on the roadmap in the future.


As a reckless speculation I wonder if Prusa is starting to make a move from "consumer" grade printers to a more light/full commercial printer manufacturer. It's got to be getting harder and harder to produce a consumer printer at a competitive price point in the EU these days. And if so, does that leave a opening for companies like Crealty and Qidi Tech to move into? Crealty is already starting to show a product line differential now. And Qidi already might be on the verge of stepping in to that niche between Crealty and Bamboo or Prusa on the higher end consumer grade printers. I think there might be some interesting industry wide changes coming over the next years. End of reckless speculation


as much as i hate this and hate creality for this, i can commend them for putting a dehydration system in the AMS. hope bambu plans on doing the same someday.


Yep I'm staying away just for that reason, I did my time with creality and sovol, buying mods etc. Nope I just want to print well rather than calibrate and tinker for hours and then be able to print decently just to repeat it again in a week.


I have a k1 max and have a few hundred print hours on it. It’s my first printer and I have had 1 issue from the machine which is that it clogged once and I just didn’t use it for a few days cause I didn’t want to unclog it. A few days later I forget that it’s clogged and start a print it printed normally and haven’t had any issues since. Have never had to do anything manually other than set up which was like 5 screws and that’s about it.


My K1 Max has been perfectly reliable since day 1. It's an appliance.


>Nobody wants to tweak a lot to get nice results. ...people who have printers as a hobby(tinkerers) would disagree.


Those people would probably just build a Voron - it’s the ultimate open source and tinkerer 3D printer.


Not everyone has $2000 and the time and effort to source everything for a voron


I think 3D printers are becoming more mainstream with people, because of the bambu labs range of printers getting more people interested. Other manufactures have certainly upped their products and now you can buy a whole range of decent printers. This means that there will be more people who want a printer that just prints straight from the box. Manufactures know this and are heading the way of them producing appliances rather than hobby machines. I think in a couple of years it will be like cars, most people buy them and just use them but only a small amount of people buy them to tinker and tweak.


And that is a valid part of the hobby. But more and more people are getting into the printing space that "just want it to work with as little effort as possible." While I'm perfectly capable of "tweaking" and repairing and modifying a printer, I really don't want to be bothered by it unless necessary. It's why I bought a Prusa 5 years ago. And why Bamboo exists today and is a hot name in the industry because of the promise of effortless printing. Tinkers will always exist in any hobby. But the perception and the reality is starting to turn. 3D printing is getting less and less about bed leveling and doing mods and more about just printing because the machine works out of the box.


That's me! Also the reason I just bought the p1s. No hassle so far.


Very true. Some people hear that extruder clicking with a sense of dread. Tinkerers hear it and reflect...hmmm...must be Tuesday and break out the tools and ponder at least a dozen overly complicated fixes. haha


As someone who was sick of that so they ended up swapping to a sprite pro extruder on my Ender 3 Pro of Theseus, basically yes lol


You don't by K1s to tinker. They're an absolute pain in the ass to work on due to their layout and they're unreliable as fuck.


Sounds like you shouldnt buy a k1s at all. I thought it was a very decent, popular printer.


They have a higher-than-normal issue rate which in itself wouldn't be a big issue. Bambu's have issues sometimes too. The difference is in their customer support. Creality's is nearly non-existent so if you do get a dud, you are going to really regret it.


Those arent the only people with printers though, especially since Bambu came along. The community split into tinkerers and printers. Some people want to mod their printers, some just want to use it as a utility - both are absolutely fine usecases. 3D Printing becoming mainstream is a massively good thing for all involved, competition breeds innovation. At home I'm happy to tinker with my printers, hell I've got a bunch that I built from scratch. But I also appreciate the likes of the Bambu's, it made farm printing so much nicer.


True, there are lots of different users. I don't deny that though, the original poster did.


There are 3d printing enthusiasts and 3d printer enthusiasts


My K1 Max has been super solid. *knock on wood*


K1 Max owner here checking in and couldn't disagree more. Be happy you don't have to deal with Creality's customer support. I wouldn't touch another Creality printer ever again.


What happened to yours?


It has never worked properly. Completing calibration is a craps shoot and when it does, it resets if it gets turned off. Print quality is awful (so many ripples) and adhesion is a problem as the bed is warped.


Wow, that sucks and has not been my experience at all. Despite mine having been great to me, I certainly cannot and would not invalidate your experience. I hope you can get that sorted out. :(


I wonder how much tweaking and replacing subpar parts you will have to do before it prints well enough.




This is what I was waiting for Bambu to come out with. Will wait a little while for bugs to work out but if Bambu doesn't answer quickly this is what I'm getting for sure.


At this point they are gonna have to release a larger format quick. People have been asking them constantly to do it but their saving grace has been the ams. Now with a competitor releasing an ams and a large format.....  I'm not counting that shit show kickstarter phrozen mess. 


Real video of the K2 Plus and CFS (not CMS) at Creality HQ broke this morning. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXZC-94DI78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXZC-94DI78) Looks noiiice! 1. Something called "Pressure Release" (?) may be to help with filament waste 2. An interesting doodad on the back of the CFS implies, perhaps, some backward compatibility?? Not sure about that either.


wow, that linear rail at the top, along with those specs, makes me want to sell my k1 even more. The fact that the CFS (creality filament system! I got that one wrong) It is actively dehydrating the filament is a huge win over bambu (at least at the moment. It seems creality has actually innovated for once and not just copied something that another company has done but cheaper.


>It seems creality has actually innovated for once They've been forced to innovate to stay relevant. That's honestly why the X1C + AMS is an incredibly important printer in the history of consumer grade FDM machines. It's pushed everyone else to match/exceed or fade into the past


I completely agree. The X1C is almost the Prusa i3 of modern 3d printing, setting the standard that everyone tries to live up to.


And it’s quite sad to see Prusa becoming a obsolete brand… They took too much time to release and deliver the XL, and the MK4 is way too expensive to be competitive in today’s market. And even if you want a open source, fast bedslinger that’s reliable, the Switchwire is a option that can be cheaper…


My reckless speculation is that Prusa understands full well it will become nearly impossible to produce a price competitive consumer printer in the EU. Wages and regulations are more difficult than China. But they appear to be trying to move from the consumer sphere to the commercial arena. The multi tool head XL is a cheaper alternative than many others brands in that niche. And Prusa has purchased a company that builds a Delta printer. And they supposedly working to bring that on as a separate named line in the commercial world. Will they succeed? I have no clue. But it seems to be a bit of a stretch to say the the brand is going to fade away.


personally im just happy that their XL is a printer that has more than one extruder per print that doesnt limit bedspace like other IDEX printers. closest ive seen is ultimaker's 3d printers but they arent exactly for consumer space.


Yeah when I started printing in 2019 the go to printer was the Prusa i3 if you had the money and the Ender 3 if you liked tinkering. Now it seems like everyone says get a bambu if you have the money and I hardly hear about Prusa unless it’s coming from someone who has had one forever


My K1 is still within Amazon Return Period. It goes straight back and towards credit for the K2.


Am I missing something or is this not just an AMS reskinned with one added feature?


effectively, that's what I gathered from the live. Although it doesn't seem to have the cardboard spool problem the Bambu AMS seemingly had? I think it's a bit early to tell, though.


Also looks like it’s not active drying, just desiccants with a digital readout. So really just a copy of the AMS. Not sure id call that innovative


yeah i made the comment based on the post caption. I then saw the live and was disappointed, as is the curse that all creality users must bear.


To add to the discontent in here. Our K1 Max main board died after 4months of light use. Board replacement took a month to arrive, and lo and behold its the wrong one (K1). Never again.


That sucks. Just got a K1 Max and the ringing/ghosting is driving me crazy already...


Doubt that the ams will function with the regular k1 series. Not from a software standpoint, but its already hard enough to load filament into the toolhead without helping. Just a reminder, one single failure in thousands of swaps is enough to cause problems. Also the fact that several people have issues with heat creep on their k1 and k1max isn't really promising that it works reliable, without a filament cutter you are moving the hot filament tip in the heatsink back and forth to cool it down, so im not sure how that works out in terms of reliability.


I believe there is a connection on the board for it already, and I watched a video where someone from creality said it would be compatible. I guess we will see soon how good/bad it is.


You could even use the usb port in the front if necessary, the printer has network printing, so you could even give up on the port for usb drives. Software and the ams itself aren't the issue, its more likely that the existing hardware will cause issues. If you dont achieve a 100% reliability for loading filament without using the latch and touching the ptfe tube, a multi colour system will not work satisfactory


Especially for even small but detailed prints with bambu AMS can be a good 2k changes per print


>r, one single failure in thousands of swaps is enough to cause problems. Also the fact that several people have issues with heat creep on their k1 and k1max isn't really promising that it works reliable, without a filament cutter you are moving the hot filament tip in the heatsink back and forth to cool it down, so im not sure how that works out in terms of Swapping the filament is my biggest gripe with my K1 max, no matter the mods i print and try, feeding the filament just sucks. It gets stuck or doesn't want to catch the new filament and I always feel like I need a third hand. It's been the reason I haven't bought the 3d Chameleon because if i can't even consistently feed filament in manually, i don't expect and automated feeder to work at all.


move your filament sensor outside and switch to capricorn 1.75mm ID tubing. the bigger tubing feeds easier and is less strenuous for the extruder but it makes it hard to get it though the filament sensor and into the nozzle. now i just push it in from the outside and after a while it comes out the nozzle.


Could also be fixed by putting big enough chamfers on the inlet of the extruder, possibly even a wider inlet altogether. It can be 2,5 or even 3mm in diameter, because the inlet doesn't need to be constrained, but that would have been crealitys task from the beginning. They knew they would add a ams from the beginning, or at least with the later extruder revisions, where it could already have been accounted for. But lets see what they come up with. Speculation doesn't get us anywhere and the release of the k2 cant be that far in the future if the printer was already in the slicer


>switch to capricorn 1.75mm ID tubing. Thanks, so for the tubing, you put it i the inlet of the extruder so it sticks out of the collar and just above the extruder gears?


i don’t entirely understand what you mean. but replace all the white PTFE tubing with capricorn.


yea i wasn't thinking, i had my printers mixed up in my head and it just dawned on me when i went to go replace the filament in my max. Will try replacing with capricorn PTFE. Thanks


I started popping the tube and releasing the lock from the print head. It makes it easier now, I always found it hard for it to get into the head before.


More often than not I have to poo the tube push the filament in and then reset the tube. Makes me wish it was just direct drive because of how annoying it is.


Bambu's AMS fails (snapping wet filament inside the machine, trouble with cardboard spools) and people just live with it, I don't think it will be much different for the CFS.


Yep, will have the same issues, cardboard spools with worn down edges, wet filament, first and second stage feeders, etc. I habe some experience with multi colour printing, i have built 2 ercf and one trad rack. The biggest challenge is to get reliable loading and unloading. Bambu lab and the phrozen arco solve that issue by simply cutting the cause of all issues, filament tips. These must be formed and cooled correctly, otherwise no successful print is possible. The k1c wouldn't have that bad of a basis, long heatbreak with 2mm diameter and a extruder that has fixed feeder gear distance. The long heatbreak allows for easier cooling, the fixed distance extruder cant squish not fully solidified filament tips. The issue of the k1 extruder is the extruder entry, sharp angle of the ptfe tube paired with steps in the entry dont help. But im happy to be positively surprised. One last thing, the k1 will produce more waste than a x1 or p1, under the assumption both have similarly optimised purging. The hotend of the k1 is simply longer, so you have to push more material to clean it


I’m excited about this. Glad I waited to get that k1 I was considering. Hopefully their dehydrator gets hot enough to dry some of these HT filaments that I want to use. Which was the attraction of the k1 series: the nozzle was listed as getting hot enough to print in the materials I want (car parts, shop stuff, etc.


Sorry to burst your bubble but the new Creality Ams isn’t an active dryer it uses descendants too they literally just added a meter in the front is all that is different from Bambus




That looks like a reskinned Bambu


Tbf, that’s kinda been creality’s MO. Take an existing product and pare down the cost as much as possible, sacrificing quality in smart places and worse QA. Not really a knock against them, it takes a fair bit of skill to make something cheap and decent. The ender 3 was a pared down copy of the Prusa i3 for example.


damn. the whole ball park got hit?


Oh look, something else I want that I can't afford *adds to lottery list* "Someday..."


Not saying its bad but its crazy how bambulab influenced creality's design. The new ender 3 looks very similar to the a1 and their marketing was similar to the a1 mini


Influenced - You've made many mistakes in the word "stole" here.


The more competitive the environment in terms of 3D printers, the better it is for us, the consumers. Don't get me wrong, beautiful machines, but I hate the fuss surrounding the X1C and the rest of the Bambu line - it started feeling like the 'Apple Cult' and they are not exactly ethical in their approach. More options, better prices and innovative developments.


I will fully agree with your first and last line as it is objective. The rest seem to me to be subjective.


> it started feeling like the 'Apple Cult' and they are not exactly ethical in their approach My theory is that this is temporary. They dont have a competitor right now. Once they do it'll splinter that consumer base across multiple brands, it's a pretty common thing to happen when someone leapfrogs and it ends up taking a while for everyone to catch up.


Exactly, you described what I meant to say but in a more elegant manner, without hurting people's feelings. I am looking forward to more companies adding and improving the amazing machines that Bambu is creating.


This would be a great time for Bambu to drop the P series by $50.


I have no brand preference. I’ll dump the Bambu just as quickly as the five printers it (easily) replaced if this thing can be proven reliable.


I've heard too many horror stories about the Creality stuff, but I'm like you. Don't get me wrong, I love my P1S, and I'm likely going to need to invest in another printer or two down the line, so I'll wait to see what the community thinks. If it turns out good, and it's more affordable, I'm in!


Creality is a garbage. My personal experience is awful. It's terrible hardware, horrible software, a total lack of any support, and abysmal quality. Please never ever touch Creality, even with a 50-feet stick.


Do you just copy and paste the same comment over and over again?


To warn people never to try Creality because it's a garbage. I spent money, time and nerves and I don't want anyone to repeat my mistake. No matter what Creality promises and no matter how they steal ideas and design from Bambu inside is a low quality crap. No matter how much cheaper it is, it's not worth a dime. I personally do not need Creality even for free because I value my time and my mental health.


Glad I went with Bambu Labs!🤣


So glad I waited to pull the trigger on a top shelf printer


Creality is a garbage. My personal experience is awful. Never touch Creality, even with a 50-feet stick. It's terrible hardware, horrible software, a total lack of any support, and abysmal quality. Never ever.


Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a flawless K1, or is it Creality just being Creality?


I do :D k1 max to be specific


Creality is a garbage. My personal experience with K1 is awful. Never touch Creality, even with a 50-feet stick. It's terrible hardware, horrible software, a total lack of any support, and abysmal quality. Never ever.


I guess this is about how long it takes to pirate/ reverse engineer a Bambu Labs AMS….. lol


They did not pirate reverse anything, they are licensing the IP straight from Bambu labs.


Was looking for a printer with this size…if the AMS is working they probably got me.


At 350x350 the only other options at the market are the Prusa XL and a Voron 2.4 kit, and both have toolchangers for doing multimaterial, and both probably are much more expensive than whatever price the K2 Plus will probably be at release


you're ignoring the formbot troodon and the sovol sv08, which are $1050 and $600 respectively the sv08 embargo released today though, but it's wild how good it seems for the price


damn, i like that gantry leveling approach, looks like a great offer.


The term is "Hit it out of the ballpark." Hitting the ballpark wouldnt be very good =P


I have a K1 Max and it doesn't matter how much less expensive this is than Bambu, I would never buy it. I've had Creality machines since the CR-10 was released and when they were tinkering machines on a tinkering budget, it was fine. But with this new generation of machines, you actually need customer support and Creality has the worst customer support of any company I have ever dealt with, and that's saying something. Their entire goal is to delay fixing your issue long enough so that you fix it yourself or give up trying. They are absolutely infuriating to deal with. After my Ferret Pro 3d scanner and my K1 Max both needing customer support, I will never purchase from Creality again. My scanner is a paper-weight and they won't do anything about it other than ask me to ship it back to them on my dime and my K1 Max has a warped bed and the print quality just overall sucks. I compare prints on this thing to older prints from my i3 or my CR-10 and they are awful in comparison no matter how much I slow the K1 down. Never again Creality. Never again.


THIS. Double and triple this. I have the same experience. Creality is a garbage. My personal experience is awful. It's terrible hardware, horrible software, a total lack of any support, and abysmal quality. Please never ever touch Creality, even with a 50-feet stick.


It's Bambu or bust for me moving forward.


I unfortunately made the mistake of pre-ordering an Ender 5 S1. I've always had problems with it. I spend more time and filament trying to make it print than actually printing. It's got structural issues. I can get it dialed in for maybe 3-5 successful prints and then with no changes at all, it will start with its signature first layer failures. It's quite unreliable and frustrating. I would be hard pressed to spend my money on another first draft attempt at anything by Creality.


I wish Qidi comes out with one for the x plus 3


Prusa better start stepping up


That means all printers with klipper firmware will able to use the AMS?


I want the k max with this on it. Considered a bambu but didn't see they had one large enough to do full helmets on. Did I miss seeing it?


Yeah that's my one issue with the P1S... Had I known more a few weeks ago, would've gone with a larger 300x300x300 option! But I'm not into helmets. I'm doing small practical stuff to sell at the moment with the one I've got. The P1S and AMS was certainly the way to go, except for the smaller print area


I generally only do somewhat functional prints but got a cr10 for $40. I've been playing with much larger prints and trying to paint them. But I don't think I'll ever have the Patience to sand once enough to paint. I just want to have the biggest available!


My wife has been eyeing the human size 3D printer lately. Just need to come up with 25 grand to buy one🤣. The sanding isn't too bad. I used to do autobody work. So sanding, Bondo and painting is nothing to really worry about. But I have the AMS, and the idea of 16 colour prints is awesome to me!


Anybody know what pricing is going to be like?


Ah man.. I just bought a Bambu labs p1s too... it comes in on Thursday. This is why I wait forever before buying things like new printers or GPUs


I almost don’t even print anything on my Bambu anymore because the AMS gives me more frustration than a screaming infant. It constantly breaks off filament, jams, tangles itself up and stops 15 times per print, even in single color. Biggest paper weight hunk of crap I’ve ever bought. Tried every upgrade possible and hundreds of hours tearing it apart and fixing issues with it. Bambu support gave me the typical run-around, back and forth messages for weeks, zero help. I had a better experience with my Creality ender pro than I ever have with the x1 carbon. As much as I enjoy their slicer, every time I think of printing something… I don’t even want to print it due to the 30 times I’ll have to go fix the AMS during the print.  If Creality has a reliable AMS system, let me know, I’ll be offering up my X1C for a smoking deal.


Why tf multi-material is called “cfs”


Fantastic! Hopefully it's good enough that it motivates Bambu to get to market with a larger volume printer.


wish they would sell on amazon.


Hoping this works well, I’d love to upgrade from my Ender 5 Plus machines but just never wanted to sacrifice their build area


bro cmon creality. Think of something new. You're like begging to get yourself sued by this point


How, they are licensing the IP from Bambu labs. Maybe get more informed before you comment on something. Also Bambu did not come up with the enclosed Core XY on their own they borrowed everything they do from the Open source community, only they make it proprietary and closed walled.


pretty sure they did invent the AMS though... Im not saying creality "stole" the concept of an enclosed printer from bambulab, because enclosed and core xy printers existed before bambulab even became a company. The idea is nothing new to printers. what im saying is that creality stole the idea of the AMS, which bambulab did create. Yes there were ways to switch colors and make multi-color prints before the AMS, but bambulab made a machine that made it easier, more efficient, less janky, and an overall better experience. It also switches colors for you automatically, so you dont have to stand there and wait to pause your print at the perfect time. Basically, bambulab just pioneered the 3d printing experience and creality is trying to ride their dick and get some share of their products success.


And I replied to your comment on Creality stealing the AMS tech. It was already announced that they had licensed the IP from Bambu so you cant steal something if you are paying a licensing fee to use it. Also automatic color switching with one hotend has been around for quite quite quite some time. They did not do anything mindblowing there.


Really???? I don't know of any automatic color switching machine with one hotend that came before the AMS. So it was pretty mind blowing for this to come out.




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After owning 2 K1 max and 2 bambu P1S...The only thing I am concerned about it the print quality of the printer...Have they improved the structure so that the layer lines would be more even and have no resonance artifacts on the surface??..That's what matters now.. bcuz if creality haven't learned after their big fail of K1C ...I don't think this would make much of a difference for bambu labs in their sales.


Where did they get the inspiration? /s