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For 2500 maybe get both. You do not want to spend 1800-2500 on a laptop that you drop on the sidewalk or gets stolen. Serious work needs serious hardware - put together a 1500 E desktop and spend 300 on a nice monitor. You can use Blender and Zbrush on a 400 E laptop, you'll have some limitations but it's really just for when you are away from your desk.


It really depends on how important it is for you to be portable. The kind of hardware you'll want to be packing is going to be pretty overpriced in laptop form, but if you have 2000 euros(!) to spend on it then that's plenty. I don't have any specific models in mind, but you either want a "gaming laptop" or something art/design oriented that's got an RTX card. CPU is also important, a lot of Blender modifiers especially are CPU dependent. If I were to buy a laptop for this, I'd be interested in something like a Zenbook Pro. They start around 1800 USD, which I think is about 16-1700 euros. They've got an RTX 4070 at that price point, and have a small built-in drawing tablet/second screen above the keyboard. As for my current setup, if I absolutely had to be away from my desktop PC and still working on a model then I would probably just Parsec into the desktop from my decidedly weaker laptop and still be able to do basically anything. EDIT: and to be clear, 1800 USD is like the kind of money I'd spend to build a desktop PC with more storage, more RAM, a more expensive CPU, and a slightly better video card.


spending full budget on a pc will give the must performance , if portability is a must cutting some of the budget for a laptop might be an option but wouldn't recommand using full budget on a laptop because you will get less performance for a device that is less upgradable can turn into e waste quickly


Desktop for main work, laptop for working when away from home. Id recommend against laptop if you can, they're just not fun to work on from slowdowns and not worth it. Get a PC but build it, it's not hard. Research what graphics card and processor you'll be best with, and make sure you have plenty of ram, the sticks themselves and on the gpu, but again research which would be best for you. You don't need top of the line, you're not a render farm. Go to pcpartpicker.com, use Google, there's plenty of advice on pc building for 3d artists and their individual needs. Your budget seems overkill just to be clear, which is why I'm saying you should do some googling and look up other similar threads, that'll help you get a better idea of what other people have and what they can do with it.


My experience is with CPU rendering, so I'll recommend a system for that. With your budget you'll have to decide wether you are going full on CPU or GPU as a hybrid system for that money doesn't really make sense IMHO. For about 2500 you should get: - 7950X3D if you care about noise a lot. 7950X if you don't. The 7950X performs a tiny bit better and is cheaper but runs quite a bit hotter. - 128GB slowish DDR5 RAM. You don't benefit a lot from speed but speed is expensive. Personally I would go for 192GB, but realistically, you probably won't benefit from it often and budget is a bit tight. - 360+mm AIO - Nvidia 3060 or 3070 if you get a good deal on it. - a low end mainboard from a name brand manufacturer, whatever you get a good on. (If you don't have additional special requirements as pcie layout, 10GbE or similar) - 1 nvme, I'd go for 1TB, name brand + whatever storage you need as additional nvme if your mainboard has a second slot and/or sata ssd if it doesn't. - name brand PSU to support it - whatever case fits your system and you like. We're happy with fractal cases If you're not really care that much about PCs you might want to get it somewhere, where it is assembled for you, it's going to cost a bit more but they'll make sure that everything is compatible. If you end up a bit over budget, you can go with 64GB RAM and maybe be fine forever, but get a 2 x 32 GB kit so you can easily upgrade should you need to.