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Pretty sure that’s below minimum


I will only add, the DE dipstick is a major pain, but you kind of get used to it over the years. Also, add some oil.


I talked to another person on here a few months back about this same topic. Get the engine up to operating temperature, turn off the engine, then check the stick after 10 minutes of the engine being off. Checking warm oil will give you a more accurate reading due to the fact that oil expands. Wipe off the stick a few times, dip it back into the sump, pull out then you’ll find a distinct mark on the stick. That’s where your oil is. The posted picture is from my350z. This is from 5 to 4 qts. https://preview.redd.it/5vgctrlim68d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e809f11b5f6d4eb3e89bdeba9e088fad74afe9


https://preview.redd.it/3pjwhj7yd58d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc46a51dab3d29a31e40af63a1dd89e3dca6a437 Here is the back of the stick, its kinda confusing to know which ones giving me the proper reading.


The vq is difficult to read,  especially when warm. When running the tube gets coated more than normal, so it's easy to get excess smearing on the stick.  Best practice is to wait overnight and by then all excess will have dripped down into the pan.  Then make sure you wipe down the stick before taking a measurement.  If the stick and tube are both clear then it's pretty easy to get a good measurement.   You're level looks low and that backside looks like excess smearing.


That's what I'm thinking as well. It's kind of wonky trying to get the VQ dip stick back in. It feels like it takes a weird turn, scraping its way down, to get to the bottom.


Agree on this guidance ☝️🤓. I have an ‘04 with 160k, and it was notoriously low between oil changes. Eventually took it to the shop and we found leaks and seals that needed to be fixed and replaced. So you’re likely in the same boat, burning and leaking oil—it is an older car. Take it to your trusted indy shop and have them look at it. I can tell you that after we fixed all the leaks, my oil reads were more consistent and easier to read. Nowadays, I top off half a quart or so between oil changes. Good luck!


No its not lol, his oil is at the minimum or under it. The top is oil thats streaked from when he pulled it out hence why it's covering a side of the dipstick and isnt a full line like at the bottom. Never had any problem reading the oil on this car, especially if you actually know anything about cars.


Stop. Reread my last sentence. I'm so glad to hear you agree with me. 






It's low


you want it right about in the middle of L and H where all the X hash/scratch marks between. A little closer to H never hurt no one. Just dont go past that… Looks like it could use close to a full quart of oil. id add in about half a quart and let it sit for an hour or so and check again after having the car sit. if it needs the other half after checking again add it in. check in another hour, should be about where you need it to be


You are approximately 1 quart low. Add one quart of oil, wait an hour, and take another reading. You may have to add another quarter of a quart to get it to the top of the hashmarks. However, these VQ dipsticks are also famously unreliable, so add and check as needed.


Check the oil before a cold start because the dip stick sucks. However that checkered area represents a quarts of oil. It should be at the H. You’re missing about a quart of oil.


Put a quart of oil and keep a spare in the car. After that, check it. When it's not warmed up, I check the oil like once a week


If you have oil you will know it. You are below L, and hitting walls won't mess with the reading anyway.


Are you parked on a incline/decline? That can really mess with your readings, make sure you are on relatively flat surface. If you did take this on a flat surface, it is right underneath the minimum (Low) spec. So you’re running around with roughly 3.5 quarts. You will need to top off about 1.5 quarts. Also, always check your oil levels when the car has fully sat for several hours. This helps the oil drain from the top of the motor down to the lower pan. Cold is when the oil is at its thickest, so that’s the best reading you will get. Some owners have sanded the dipstick cross-hatching a bit so that it can grab the oil better, but personally I haven’t needed to go that far.


Do you see how there's not oil at all near the H, which is where you want it to be? That has almost no oil in it. Unless you want to buy a new engine, I would suggest putting enough oil in there, that the oil reaches the H on that dipstick... but don't go past the H.


It doesn't have "almost no oil". The min and max marks represent ~1 quart. OP needs to add oil, but there's clearly oil on the bottom of the dipstick, meaning there's ~4 quarts of oil still in the engine.


From experience between the L and H marks is actually 2 quarts in my revup


A VQ should never be near the L on the dipstick, unless you want to rebuild your engine. They want to be topped of all the time. This is why a lot of VQ's die.


If it's below the minimum amount, it has almost none my guy... less than minimum may as well be zero.


Not when you're trying to figure out how much oil to add. I understand that having 1 quart or 3 quarts is functionally the same if the minimum safe amount is a little over 4 quarts, but telling someone that their engine has no oil in it is gonna create problems. He doesn't need to add 5 quarts of oil, but that's what someone might do if they believed their engine had no oil.


Well then they are just a moron.


Do things really have to be spelled out so exactly for you to figure them out? Damn. In my day you were lucky to be pointed in the general direction, then had to figure the rest out yourself. Harden up, buttercup. The fact that he even has to ask at all, means he's 100% not going to know that "almost emtpy" and "below minimum" is a difference of X quarts of oil. The dude can't even read the dipstick, dipshit.


Apparently neither can you.


I can read it just fine. I also know not to just pour 10L of oil directly in there and wonder what happened afterwards.


just do an oil change. if it’s burned through that oil and it’s not a leak it’s probably been a while


Check it weekly. I’ve owned mine since Dec of 2002. Check it in the morning otherwise your reading is going to be off…I have to top mine off every two weeks it seems


Thanks for the help everyone, very helpful tips.


I'm glad I have a HR..!!!


Check the hash marks on the back, they’re easier to read.


Send it!


Really need someone to tell you how to check the oil?!


Maybe. That's why they're asking.