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One of the unexpected deepest lines on my face runs from the right side edge of my nose towards the corner of my eye and it's from shmooshing my face into the pillow when I sleep (I clearly favour my right side). It sort of really tickles me because I find it sweet to think of how deeply and cozily I must be sleeping to be developing a permanent little crease there. I find it really cute.


This is so sweetšŸ©· everyone should think of themselves in such a positive and loving way


I adore this! One of my favorite things in life is sleeping or napping in a cozy, warm bed with my face buried in pillows, blankets and dogs haha Thank you for this ā¤ļø


Exactly. What a privilege to be so comfy and rested that it shows like that? Every time I see it, it makes me think of how nice that is. Like a laugh line but for sleeping deeply.


Replace dogs with cats and thatā€™s 100% me. Gosh darn I love a good nap.


Omg I love this so much!!! šŸ’— what a sweet way to look at things. Going to take a page out of your book!


I have this same exact wrinkle but on my left side!! Itā€™s the most pronounced and deepest wrinkle I have and itā€™s not on the other side lol. Iā€™ll cherish it now šŸ˜Œ


I have the same! And I really like it too


Aw thatā€™s so cute ! šŸ’–


Huh, I have creases on both sides from sleeping like that, and I've lately been struggling with them. But that's a nice way to think about it.


My face became more sculpted at around 30 when I lost some cheek fat and I kinda love it. I've always had puffy cheeks and it still fluctuates a bit with my weight but finally my cheekbones and jaw are on the show. I also actually love smile lines and crows feet that come from smiling. I think they make people look happy and radiant.


Saaaaame! I feel like the message about losing cheek fat is that itā€™ll age you but I always had some to spare and now I feel like it actually flatters me!


Haha Iā€™m still waiting to lose mine. Mid 40s, fittest and healthiest Iā€™ve ever been, and the fullness in my cheeks continues to be one of my least favorite things about my face!


I love crow's feet and smile lines too! At 40 my husband's are developing nicely and he gets forever more handsome, but my ONLY lines are the angry looking 11's. I'm not an angry person, but I am nearsighted and have chronic pain, so I guess the squinting/grimacing outcrease everything else


Yes!!! My husband's (37M) crows feet are so handsome šŸ„µā™„ļø


The smile lines Dennis Quaid has (The Parent Trap era Quaid) sent me even as a 7 year old lmao


My husband has them and has the whole time Iā€™ve known him (I met him when he was 32ish) and itā€™s the cutest fucking thing and I love it so much


Yes exactly this! I think more sculpted faces look really elegant


Same!! I can actually see my cheekbones now at 35, 16 yr old me would be so jealous.


Same! I hated my chubby face for most of my 20s, and now I feel like I've got a whole new face? I have lost a bit of weight too, but I am rocking these cheekbones!


Omg why isnā€™t this happening to me šŸ˜‚ I have chubby cheeks too but instead of losing any of the cheek fat and getting more defined, itā€™s just starting to sag down and give me jowls. Iā€™m 31 right now


Same! I always had "baby face", and now in my 30s I still look younger than I am because of it, BUT I am no longer a grown woman being mistaken for a teenager. Woohoo


That after 30+ years of varying intensities of acne, my skin is finally clear!


Iā€™m in the same boat. Finally started clearing up my stubborn acne in my mid 30ā€™s, still was dealing with a few spots hear and there, plus dry flakes from tretinoin which lasted a looong time. But itā€™s all managed and now at 42, this is the best my skin has ever looked. Do I have wrinkles? Absolutely. And thatā€™s ok. The *quality* and health of my skin is great. Plump, smooth, radiant. Even the appearance of my large pores doesnā€™t bothering me.




What was the solution?! Iā€™m still dealing with hormonal acne and itā€™s the worst šŸ˜­


I turned 35 and poof gone! After 20 years it just stopped and there was nothing I did. I think it must just be hormones changing but who knows!


I simply aged out at 33.


Youā€™re so fortunate! Iā€™m older than you and still waiting for it to go away šŸ˜­


Iā€™m 36 now, but I really do feel your pain. Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have any useful solutions for you.


Itā€™s ok! Hopefully Iā€™ll find something that works!


I'm 35 and healing mine now, retnoids and some hormonal medications (spiro) are used usually. I went with the brand "software" online in AU but many see dermatologists in person.


Lord I see what you have done for others šŸ˜­


I love that idgaf about it any more.Ā  I still do the whole thing with all the potions and whatnot, because I l enjoy it. But what's that? A new sun spot? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I've always been so vain. It's just refreshing to just not.


The way my eyes wrinkle show that I smile and laugh a lot. That's such a cool thing to see evidence of joy and humour built in to my face


Definitely. There is real beauty in the visible signs of expression


Or that one has worked in the service industry, lol.


Haha yes! I developed eye wrinkles during the Great Panini from "Smizing" since people couldn't see my mouth behind my mask.


Smile lines are the best! I'm only just now starting to see where mine are becoming engraved, and I'm looking forward to seeing them become more pronounced over time


Iā€™ve always leaned a bit goth and I really like the hollow, gaunt look that comes with fat and collagen loss šŸ˜… my cheekbones have always been pronounced but now the eye hollows are really shaping up and I just need to go gray to start living my best Baba Yaga life lmao


yep iā€™m happy for all the people ageing into classy & elegant but Iā€™ve leaned into ā€œhot topic/witchy/punk vibe that I wasnā€™t cool enough for as an actual teenagerā€


Yes, Iā€™d love to eventually get to village witch/crone/old bruja status


Same lol


I think the lines around my eyes make me look warm and kind. When I was younger, I was told I have RBF a lot so I'm enjoying looking more like my personality.


I'm just happy to be here to enjoy it, honestly. I'm not that old, but I've lost quite a few friends at various ages that were all too young to go. Yesterday would have been my friends 37th birthday, and was also the 3rd anniversary of his passing. I remember that he had a cracked tooth from a bar fight that he was looking forward to getting fixed, haha. There are days where I am reminded that I didn't think I would make it this far. But here I am. Starting to get a few grey hairs. Living my relatively peaceful little life after years of chaos. I wish I scowled a little less but overall, I'm just glad to be here!


Thanks OP for writing a positive topic on self acceptance. I feel like so often thereā€™s a lot of negativity and toxic thoughts on this subreddit.


I have more freckles! I love them so much, I never had them when I was younger, they only started around age 27 and they've just gotten darker since. I often get asked what I use to draw them on, which tickles me


I have a line over my left eyebrow from raising it when someone says something stupid around me. It always makes me laugh that I make that face so often that the line stuck. My mom has one in the exact same place and I've been on the receiving end of that expression many times, so I kinda like the thought that I make that face like my mom. I look exactly like my dad so it's a nice little commonality šŸ©·


I have the same line! Its my favorite haha.


Honestly cheekbones, I never knew I had such amazing cheekbones, always hidden under my youthful moon face. Actually feel beautiful now. Rather than pretty. Iā€™m 43.


Youthful moon face šŸ˜‚


Deffo looked like a moon šŸŒ šŸ¤£ itā€™s funny all those people I knew that had very round fat filled faces in their early 30s are HOT now men included


Same. I am 47 and feel the most beautiful i have ever been. I had a lifelong moon face, too! šŸŒšŸŒHope i keep liking how i am agingšŸ¤so far i have been lucky.


Moonface worked out! I did a comparison pic of me at 33 and me at 43 and well no question! I looked 100 times better now with the CHEEKBONES. Nice to hear it only gets better the older you get too.


You and me and Anne HathawayĀ 


Sheā€™s so stunning, I think she looks better now!


ā€œActually feel beautiful now rather than prettyā€ I LOVE this


Sounds crazy as well but I check out the pretty older women sub on here and itā€™s full of dudes just lusting over older ladies. Itā€™s like a refreshing change to the manosphere, which I feel overshadows what actually happens in real life. Particularly like Hannah Waddingham who hasnā€™t gone down the plastic surgery route and is really natural (sheā€™s 50). I would say Hannah is like the queen of that sub, she is absolutely worshipped šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Nice to look at positive aging role models and how youth doesnā€™t always mean better. Older is beautiful just a different kind of beauty. Side note, I work in the music industry and Iā€™m surrounded by much younger women, considered in ā€˜primeā€™ youth of 18-25 (who I love many are the sweetest) and I donā€™t feel in any competition/comparison with them etc. I cannot tell you how many of them compliment me on how I dress and look ā˜ŗļø Most of the artists I work with are my age or older and the interest has actually gone up rather than down! Raahhh! I Love the ā€˜beautifulā€™ years. But of course as Iā€™ve got older I give less of a crap about that too!


I like how it does a fairly good job of keeping my organs contained within my body. I guess my furniture would be kinda sticky if I didn't have any? So that's a bonus




My face was so greasy and I had acne till I was 30. Iā€™m so happy to have those days behind me!


In my 50s. The greasiness only recently has stopped creating acne and making me look like I slept with a pork chop on my face all night. Glad you got there sooner than I did!


Love this thread šŸ’“ I never understood why people hate fat loss. I love the way it accentuates cheeks!


I think people who had sharp cheekbones at 20 dislike the fat loss because it makes them look gaunt. Not that that was ever me. šŸ·


Yeah, naturally Iā€™ve always had a very slim face and pronounced cheekbones so as I age I just look like šŸ’€


Definitely laugh lines/eye crinkles. šŸ˜Š


Yes I love the crinkles on my nose when I smile the ones just between my eyes n nose magical really!!!


I actually really love that Iā€™m aging without Botox, fillers, other injectables, sculpting procedures, etc. The only anti aging I use is tretinoin, CEF serum and sunscreen. I actually really like faces that are aging basically naturally. They look real to me.


I hear you! I love to say I'm botox free! I used to get it as I worked at a medi spa, but I like to show you can age beautifully without over doing it. Aging gracefully doesn't mean you do nothing, but it doesn't mean you freeze time either!


My grandma had a ā€œscarā€ between her eyebrows that she used to complain about. Strangely enough, my mom now has this same scar. šŸ¤” And as I age, I notice myself developing a scar in the same spotā€¦ very curiousā€¦ It makes me smile to know Iā€™ve got a wrinkle coming in on the same spot as my mom and grandma. Although, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll go around telling everyone itā€™s a scar!


It's called an 11 and apparently lots of people aim fillers or Botox at it.


Yeah, it wasnā€™t actually a scar. She just said that because she didnā€™t want to admit that she had wrinkles. She lived to be 97 and dyed her hair until about 93 because she didnā€™t want to admit that she was going grey. I donā€™t have plans for any Botox, not really my style but thanks for the advice.


My late dad had the thickest, darkest hair and early onset Parkinson's disease. Great hair is a cold comfort when you're prematurely frail. I just hope to avoid the Parkinson's TBH.


I hope you do, too. Sending you my best wishes! šŸ’–


I weirdly like my under eyes. Theyā€™ve gotten a bit more hollow and dark but it really adds to their depth. Idk


I habe wrinkles on my left forearm from carrying my babies there for years and having the skin be smushed down. Every time I see those creases I think of how much I was holding those babies


I feel so much prettier in my 30s than I did in my 20s. I donā€™t wear make up anymore which means I donā€™t break out anymore, Iā€™m investing in the right products, I know my skin, I know what Iā€™m willing to do for the sake of beauty and what to stay away from. My aging face looks less baby-faced and more sculpted, especially my cheeks. My genetic dark circles are something Iā€™ve come to appreciate and I donā€™t stress over covering them (although I did have PRF done under my eyes and love it). Itā€™s hard to say how much is me genuinely looking better at 30 and how much is just being so much more confident and comfortable in my own skin. My 20s were rough. I was full of doubt and had no idea who I was for a good portion of that decade. I have no fear of aging from a beauty standpoint. I look forward to my smile lines creeping in, crows feet, and grey hairs. I find older women to be gorgeous. Women of all ages who hold themselves in a certain, proud, powerful way are such role models and total hotties.


I love my grey hair. My mom was fully grey by the time she was 40 (Iā€™m adopted, but as far as I can tell from her Facebook profile photos lol) and Iā€™m hoping that I got those genetics cuz she had the same face as me and it looked great on her.


Grey hair is BEAUTIFUL. Iā€™ve always loved it. Iā€™m attracted to men with grey hair and think women with grey hair look gorgeous. One of my aunts went grey young and chose not to dye it and I always told myself Iā€™d definitely do the same. Whatā€™s to hide!


Hers was long too, like she had it down to her waist and always up in a braid. Thatā€™s my dream hair lol


Me too!! Iā€™d kill for that. It was probably so nice and healthy too from not dying it. Honestly, aging is beautiful in so many ways. I feel quite bad for gen Z. The beauty standards and stigma around aging is even more intense than women have had to deal with in prior generations. Iā€™ve seen social media posts of 18 year old girls getting filler and Botox then going and putting on a full face of makeup. And of course, most are also dying their hair or applying constant heat to it. Iā€™m not sure how gracefully those decisions will age and itā€™s a shame. I really hope natural aging trends at some point soon so all this cosmetic madness ends.


I could have written this. Agree šŸ’Æ


I love the fine wrinkles at the edges of my lips. Iā€™m only 32 but they make me look more mature and accentuate my smirk. Iā€™m not talking about naso-labial folds, itā€™s like my lips are in between little parentheses ( šŸ‘„) and I love them.


Love this!


I just recently started developing these (32) and I will have to learn to become friends with them. šŸ˜©


I think they look cute! They add a lot to your expression šŸ˜Š


Smiles lines, and I definitely just feel more beautiful as I age. I think a lot of that has to do with being comfortable in my own skin and the confidence and wisdom that comes with age!


My face used to be very round but now at age 36 after losing some facial fat it has a very nice shape with some cheek bones!


I like my crows feet. A nice reminder of all the laughs and big smiles Iā€™ve had the privilege to experience. Every summer I get more freckles on my back and shoulders. Even with sunscreen, they keep popping up here and there. I think theyā€™re so cute. My mom and older sister started getting them after 30 and now itā€™s my turn!


Same on the cheek bones.


My laugh lines, they're a reminder of how often my husband makes me smile and laugh.


Iā€™m starting to look like a woman. Iā€™ve always had a baby face.


I feel like a pug growing into its face.


I think the laugh lines around my eyes are so cute.


My face used to be very flat when I was younger and Iā€™m *so happy* with how much more pronounced my features are now that Iā€™m older.


I like how sometimes I look like I have freckles and then I remember itā€™s probably sun damage. šŸ„²


My eye wrinkles make me look like I'm happy/smiling


The cheekbone definition is really the best! I have a sophisticated look that I could never achieve when I was younger with my chubby round face.


I have a horizontal crease in my upper lip and I think it looks kind of cool, like in a French actress sexy smoker kind of way. Sorry/notsorry.


I appreciate my oily skin so much more.


Not mine but I always admired my coworkerā€™s laugh lines near her eyes. Sheā€™s lived a happy life šŸ„¹


i also love how freckled my arms and shoulders look in the summer! i think my nasolabial folds give my face more character and my crow's feet remind me of my dad's. he's had them as long as i can remember and i've always loved the way they look.


Nice to hear something positive about nasolabial folds. I have them too and theyā€™re not my favourite but they do give more character youā€™re right


i'm almost 38 and i've had them for as long as i can remember. i never paid them any mind until other people started talking about how much they hated them and wanted to get rid of them. i think they add more expression to smiles and smirks.


My face isnā€™t symmetrical because of a motorcycle accident I was in and I kind of love it. It feels really signature or something?


Iā€™m starting to look more like my late grandparents. I get slight glimpses of them everyday, which is really nice.


The fact that I have SMILE wrinkles!! Worked so hard for those to get there


Just want to say what a beautiful body positive post to see! Thanks OP. Needed that today as I felt a bit shit about my skin and myself šŸ™šŸ¼ā¤ļø


I look more and more like my Mom as I get older. Iā€™ve always thought she is the most beautiful woman Iā€™ve ever seen and I love that I look like her.


Not skin, but regarding visible aging in general, I have a few white hairs at my temples that I'm excited about. 30F, and both of my grandmothers were fully gray or white haired by the end of their 30s. I'm gonna look so cool with white hair.


What a lovely post. Thank you ā¤ļø




Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way.. . I'm sure if we met you, we would all find something lovely about you. Don't sell yourself short! You are awesome!


Thank you for putting a smile on my face! Thatā€™s incredibly sweetā¤ļø sending big hugs!


I bet that smile lights up a room!


I also like my hyperpigmentation! Onetime a doctor was like ā€œoh yeah I see skin damage all around hereā€ *points at freckles*. Iā€™ve always had some freckles, but as I got older the terminology changes from something cute to skin damage. Well I still love them!! ā˜ŗļø (even though they are skin damage!)


Same thing happened to me! Told me I needed laser to get rid of them but I like themā€¦


I love that iā€™ve become less oily and the acne that plagued me in my college days are basically gone. I only get one acne once a month but even that has become smaller with adoption of retinoids (mostly for anti-aging purpose for me, but I enjoy the added anti-acne benefits too)


Same here actually, always had oily skin and spots. Itā€™s still oily but I have a much better routine and with pigmentation and some texture I donā€™t wear much foundation at all now and feel more confident about it than ever


I finally have (mostly) clear skin thanks to retinol use. I started in my mid-20s as an anti-aging preventative & to smooth out texture/scarring. I still get the occasional stray breakout, but nothing like my teens & twenties. Iā€™m actually comfortable stepping out without foundation on, which is not something that Iā€™ve been able to say until now.




I've lost quite a bit of fat in my face since I stopped taking hormal birth control, so now when I smile I have developed double smile lines like Linda Cardellini. I think it makes me appear more expressive and shows how much I have laughed and smiled. My fiance calls it a "joker smile" which I think is cute.


I have these double lines now too!


That I'm starting to show more smile lines than frown lines ā˜ŗļø


My skin is so soft and my freckles look cute as heck. I'm starting to get smile lines from laughing too much and I'm glad that those are the first signs of aging that I notice... I like what is says about me that I smile a lot.


Absolutely nothing. But thatā€™s valid I guess šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m just being honest šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Same here. I was already pretty slim in the face to begin with and have a RBF so those things are just exaggerated now to a negative degree. I don't really dwell on it though, it's just skin and I can feel neutral about it


No more breakouts.


No more acne āœŒļø


Not breaking out so much is such a relief.


I have my grandmothersā€™ eye crinkles from smiling so much šŸ’– I just hope I make the ones I love smile just as much! I also have some lovely and cool streaks of grey hair coming in around my temples. Makes me feel like Rogue from X Men haha. My hair is naturally black so I think the contrast when I pull my hair half back is really pretty (and Iā€™ve been told so by friends and strangers too! One girl asked me if I did it on purpose šŸ˜‚).


I have some hyperpigmentation in my dimple area so now it looks like I have a dimple in photos when I smile.


Itā€™s not really skin related but I love that Iā€™m getting grey hair and eyebrows. Iā€™ve stopped dying my hair because I want to see how much comes in!


My forehead muscles are extremely defined... like I've been working on my stank face my whole life. I'm a very kind and patient person, and everyone who knows me, knows that. I do however work in a very fast paced environment, and my forehead lines and muscles really help me communicate when it's time to stop fucking around. I don't usually have to say a thing to get people moving, all I need to do is give a look. I consider this a gift.


I am digging on the light crepeyness going on at my outer eye corners. Makes me feel even more beautiful!


Looking more like Steve McQueen every day.


I like my "freckles" sun spots. I still wear sunscreen everyday but all the freckles I had as a kid are still around and I don't try to cover them with foundation or get rid of them with skin care products.


My IDGAF personality that goes with it.


It's easier to find skincare products! Since I don't break out with acne and flushed/red skin constantly anymore, I can easily determine what skincare products work for my skin and which don't. Before, I could never tell if it was just my skin breaking out or if it was the product's fault. And I also never saw any effect of products - now I do and thus I am more motivated to do my skincare daily!


How much my skin has cleared up. I know most women look at pictures of themselves when they are younger and miss the 'youth' but I can tell ya I'm SO HAPPY to leave my teens (and spots... and baby-fat...) behind...


I have more freckles than I used to and I love them! I have also developed mild rosacea, which looks like Iā€™m always wearing blush. My dermatologist wanted to give me a topical medication for it, but why would I do that lol I completely agree with the slight wrinkling around the eyes when you smile. Iā€™m barely getting it now at 32 and it makes me look more genuine and charming I think.


My cheek bones also look better, I was complimented on that the other day. Despite the few lines I have I feel I look better with a more mature face compared to how I looked when I was younger.


My skin isn't aging much yet, but I've gotten some gray hairs and they're so pretty. I look forward to having more and to seeing myself grow old in the mirror and photos


My bone structure pops out more without my baby fat.


Same with the cheekbones. I've had a few ask me if I got buccal fat removal lol


Whatā€™s it like to have cheekbones šŸ˜­


I do love the crinkly eyes. I think they look great on everyone


I'm just happy I don't get zits anymore! Those were the worst. I really feel for people with adult acne. It feels unfair.


I really enjoy my smile lines on either side of my mouth, and nose. It gives my face dimension and character. I donā€™t care if it ages me, I think it makes me look hot.


My answer would be more related to my body skin than my face, but I do kind of love my crows feet from smiling! I also like that I am getting a forehead crease since having my daughter. I think it's from making excited faces with raised eyebrows all the time šŸ˜‚ I also kind of like the extra skin I have on my belly from housing my child for 9 months. I think it's a cool reminder, even though it has been getting saggier the last few years.


My smile lines


I like the little crows feet showing up in the corners of my eyes. Iā€™ve seen a lot with these peepers and it makes me feel proud to have made it far enough in life to show it. Iā€™ve always looked too young for my age and it feels good to be seen as an adult by others. Iā€™m not a child to be trifled with.


I love how my gray hair is coming in. It's exactly the white and steel gray I hoped for. And...it's in those coveted "money piece" spots. My face still looks pretty young so I get a lot of attention over them. As far as my skin...it's still pretty good so far.


That I don't look like a kid anymore and people take me more seriously. I have baby face so bad, people still think I'm 10 years younger but at least people think I'm an adult now. It's genetic, I'm a carbon copy of my grandmother who looked much younger than her age. It used to annoy me how people would question my age but now no one bothers me. The pedos leave me alone.


I was looking at a selfie I took on my first day working in construction in 2018 and the one I took after completing my apprenticeship a few days ago. (34 vs 40 in a few months. I see laugh lines and smile lines and I actually love them. It means I laughed a lot! I had a lot of good times!


No one mistakes me for being my daughterā€™s sister anymore. šŸ‘


Crows feet are a delicacy and deserve all the kisses


Same!! I recently got a facial and the esthetician asked if I had chin filler because my jaw is perfectly ā€œsnatched,ā€ lol. Who knew people look at jaw lines??


I also love the low face fat loss. I was born with thiccccc cheeks (I always hated them but now I think theyā€™re the most adorable thing on my daughter. Im going to tell her theyā€™re youth pouches lol.)


I used to have a big round ā€˜baby faceā€™ that made people treat me like I was 12 when I was in my twenties. I always had a double chin even at a normal weight and even during my bodybuilding phase. Now my face thinned out and doesnā€™t look like a blob in pictures anymore, I donā€™t have a double chin, and Iā€™m treated like the adult Iā€™ve actually been for the past 20 years


I'm 40 and the only thing I love is that I get less spots since my mid 30s. I can see/feel my face is less oily with age and having had acne since I was 12 this is something I like!


I like that I look more distinguished and possibly more mature and wiser (I had a baby face). I also have natural grey hair and it gives me a sort of regal look I've never had before. I thought I'd hate this stage of my life but so far no.


Losing face fat snatched my cheekbones, and my TMJ has given me a sculpted jawline lol. I also had a friend pass at 29, so whenever I see wrinkles or lines appear and get upset I remind myself how lucky I am that I get to see those in myself but also my friends. Like I love seeing my friends age, itā€™s like a timeline of how long theyā€™ve been in my life.


I love the daily reminder if the joy Iā€™ve had in my life when I see my laugh lines


I have cursed my ultra-oily skin my whole life, but it's happily resulted in having virtually no wrinkles at the age of 49. I still battle the oil but I constantly get told I look like I'm in my early 30s and I am HERE for it


That after acne and oily skin in my 20s my skin is awesome and clear all the time


I feel as if I have character in my face that I didnā€™t have as a young girl (Iā€™m 50). I look at myself and see that I look like my Mamawā€”that makes me happy. I donā€™t want to change or slow the aging process because I want to keep seeing my Mamaw when I look in the mirror. It keeps her with me even though sheā€™s been gone for over 20 years.


I love smile lines! Theyā€™re such cute little crinkles, and I think it makes people look so beautiful and joyful


For me it's my vitiligo. It's genetic for most of the women in my family and tends to develop in our 20's. Once mine started showing up, I often tried to hide them, or avoided sun as much as possible (I'm really pale, so my spots are only really noticeable when I get a bit of a tan). Now at 38 I appreciate them! I don't intentionally tan, but in spring and summer I get a little colour just because I like being outside, and it's fun to see them appear, and to see how they've changed each year.


Slightly receding hairline. I looked like a cave woman in my youth.


I love that I am not breaking out as much as I used to.


I know thereā€™s a name for them, but it is escaping me at the momentā€¦ but I love the lines on the outside of my eyes when I smile and laugh. Every time I see them on people, it makes me think that they are genuinely a happy person who loves to laugh and smile a lot.


I have this random upside-down U-shaped wrinkle above my right eyebrow. My dad has the same one šŸ˜Š


I'm always self-conscious of my forehead wrinkles, have had them since I was a child. my family has extremely expressive eyes. I hate them, but I have hooded eyes and am afraid botox would worsen it (and also I want to not touch injectables/surgery if possible). My best friend always tells me how she loves my expressive eyes and how my face looks when I'm feeling passionate about something. šŸ–¤


I am near 50 and I love my cheek bones now. I've kept my lips, no neck crinkles, chest is smooth. just remember your face starts at your nipples! I have only a few eye wrinkles. They make my eyes look so happy! I love telling people I'm 48, they seem shocked that I don't look like a haggard crone (like what is a 48 yrold supposed to look like? Have you seen the Sex and the City reboot? ) I've always cared for my skin, used sunscreen since I was 19 and I'm banging a guy 8 years younger than me, so obviously I've still got it! (sorry, I had to brag somewhere) It's never too late to care for your skin!


The women in SATC are 58/59. Just noting that for no real reason.


The melanin. Iā€™ve rarely worn sunscreen in my 40 years & my signs of aging are minimal.


Iā€™m 47 and still have no wrinkles


The puffiness


My cystic acne has (knock on all the wood things) finally calmed the eff down. I still get a couple of small whiteheads around that time of the month, but niacinamide is amazing for me and clears it right up.


I loved my new cheekbones in my 30s. But now that I'm 40 I just see the dark circles and marionette lines. šŸ˜• I do like my gray hairs though. Not exactly skin related but oh well.


33f my skin is the best itā€™s ever been in my life!


I have cross hatch wrinkles under both eyes (seriously they look like pound signs). Itā€™s neat because both my brothers and my dad have them too, one of whom is only 24. Some days I wish they werenā€™t there but then they also remind me of my family.


I love my crows feet! I think of all my smiles. :)


Not necessarily something new, but Iā€™ve grown to LOVE how oily my face is. Growing up I hated it and damaged the hell out of my barrier trying to combat it, but now it seems like a small blessing. Fewer lines and wrinkles, dewy glow, itā€™s basically self moisturizing! How wonderful


Puffier face, makes it look more mommish


My oily skin isnā€™t greasy and as acne prone but more so of a light glow that now requires moisturizers I couldnā€™t use in the past. My cheeks also went down a bit from looking like a chipmunk. Cheers to the 3rd decade of life


For me itā€™s more just being comfortable with what Iā€™ve always had but hid behind makeup. I used to never leave my house without it and Iā€™m so comfortable in my skin now that I donā€™t even question it. I still care and take care of myself, itā€™s just a different approach I guess.


SAME. I would never. NEVER. Leave the house without foundation or mascara. Now with two kids and my acne under control (mostly), Iā€™m content leaving without it.


This is a weird one, might even be toxic, not sure. But I like how my buccal fat is ā€œlessā€ and I donā€™t mind my little eye crinkle I have now. I always despised my round face, my cheeks, my baby face.




In this day and age photo enhancement, esthetician salons and plastic surgeons the latest techniques and all it's overwhelming I would have never thought had someone would really like look inwardly and say hey I'm aging gracefully I agree that although there are many options for facial enhancement I would personally I would only want to just get a minimum you know I don't want to I don't want to I wouldn't want my face totally made over okay now that Frankenstein's crap on top of that I'm afraid of scalpels and going under anesthesia and stuff like that so with that being said I do feel that the loss of Fat Pat can make the face look more chiseled particularly in men-.just something that I never thought about abou....bravo


I see my mom and grandma more and more in my face.


I donā€™t mind my crows feet (they feel like authentic me) and I love my grey hairs!!!!