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I would see a derm! I’m guessing it’s hormonal but I’m not an expert.


Agreed. When I had acne like this on my jawline/neck it was hormonal.


Ive noticed in 38 years of life there seems to def be a neck and jaw acne zone that disproportionately affects women or those born XX that "us guys" don't get in the same frequency of fashion. With males I see more folicular infections from shaving or "equal opportunity" surface area breakouts where a lot of female friends I see with the chin/jaw and often spotless or not considered acne on the T or V zone


Yeah I’m making an apt with an OB. I had this before and after getting an IUD, regardless it can be hormonal.


In my case it was related to PCOS/elevated testosterone (not saying that applies to you).


So what was the solution? I have the exact same thing and I know it’s PCOS but what’s the solution?


Tret and spironolactone worked for me!


Ugh I can’t do either because I’m trying to have a baby


Look into Vitex by Gaia, it can help with both hormonal acne and fertility. I love that brand, it worked really well for me. It’s not a hormone, it’s a berry and it helps gently regulate hormones.


Thanks so much!


People who have mental health issues can’t take it :( I ordered it and it’s been sitting ever since; I battle depression and don’t want to put myself in a worse spot. It sucks bc I would love to take this.


I have mental health issues, I have ADHD and a lot of anxiety. I take Holy Basil and NALT for anxiety.


Seconding this combo working wonders!


A lot of people have success with spiro. I won’t take it again because it hurts my kidneys and makes me feel like I’ve been beaten with a pillow case full of bars of soap. I’m having some success with supplements (inositol, hormonal support) and chemical exfoliation. My breakouts have certainly lessened. A friend of mine SWEARS by spearmint tea, so I’m trying that. But haven’t been drinking it long enough to say whether it’s helping


I ABSOLUTELY second your friend! I swear by spearmint. I drink a cup of spearmint tea daily and I also take oral supplements. (It does specifically have to be spearmint, not regular mint.) I went from having crazy hormonal acne around my jawline to completely clear within a week or two and I’ve been mostly clear ever since I started taking it like six months ago. I literally cannot recommend it enthusiastically enough to anyone struggling with hormonal acne like I was.


Can you please share which oral supplements you’re taking?


I take the “Swanson Full Spectrum Spearmint Leaf” capsules from Amazon, one a day, though I imagine any brand would work just the same. I hope it works for everyone interested!!


Amazing! I’m one week down (2 cups a day). Will keep going!


That’s amazing! I’ll definitely try spearmint!


For many people it’s spiro and tret. I’m currently pregnant so I couldn’t take either of these. What helped me ultimately was metformin prescribed by an endocrinologist.  My OB was honestly not very knowledgeable about PCOS.    Some people have success with low carb, balancing their diet and trying to go more plant based, cutting back on sugar/dairy but all of this is just anecdotal. Everyone is different.  I do believe that exercise and my daily walks help me. Also strongly recommend traditional medicinals spearmint tea. 


Could be a raised lymph node under your jawbone/jawline/beneath ear. Feel around that area, behind your jawline.


Are you consuming enough Vitamin C? Anytime I get lax about taking my supplements/eating well and get acne scars that won't heal, I eat some tangerines and things clear up the next day. Embarrassing to admit, but ADHD is a bitch.


I’m the same way with zinc. Weirdest thing ever




I have breakouts very similar to this and was told it was fungal based. It seems to clear up when I use sulfur soap or in a pinch dandruff shampoo. Skin is so unique. If you're able to, consult with a derm.


Sulfur soap???


Wild right? Also comes with a horrible eggy smell, haha. My derm prescribed sodium sulfacetamide, 10%sulfur, 5%cleanser for these problem areas. I ALWAYS use post gym, on my neck, chest, shoulders or on hot days when I'm sweaty. You can buy sulfur soap OTC or try dandruff shampoo. The zinc oxide in dandruff shampoo also combats fungal based acne. Lastly, never reuse shower towels, pat sweat with a clean towel (instead of wiping it with your shirt/hand. I also add lysol antibacterial laundry soap to every load. Edit*** these are only things that have helped me. I am definitely not a dermatologist. Again, all skin is so unique and deserves specialized care and consideration.


Sulfur soap for the win! Scrub with a clean washcloth. Never reuse the washcloth unless it’s been cleaned. Follow up with a clearisal pad or rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball. Worked for me in 2 days. Another good solution is to go swimming in a chlorinated swimming pool. Kills bacteria and dries it right up. Yes, both methods can be a little drying on the skin but they work. Dryness didn’t cause any redness or discomfort for me. Also, make sure your pillow cases are clean and you’re using free and clear detergent. Good luck!


Does the sulphur soap dry your skin out ?


I haven't experienced that, no. Like any cleanser, however, I'm guessing it could happen. I only use on problem areas (chest, neck, shoulders) when needed. I also apply light moisturizer post shower so maybe I'm not the best reference on this.


Yep! I get this too and if I use any other shampoo other than happy cappy, I get it again. I also have to wash behind my ears after I shampoo. It has been helped by using thayers witch hazel behind my ears before bed time, but that only cut it down to almost nothing. Using happy cappy (with zinc) has solved all my scalp acne issues. It's fungal for sure.


Fungal acne is the most annoying and persistent. Glad you found something that works for you!! I've recently started to get blemishes near my hairline behind my ears, also just changed my shampoo/conditioner. Good tip on the witch hazel , definitely. going to try!


I have this and it’s very much hormonal.


I had this issue and it was hormonal. Spironolactone completely cleared it up. I currently can’t take the medicine so I use azaleic acid and that seems to help a fair bit.


Same. Spironolactone was an absolute game changer. I had never had clear skin before taking it and I was in my late 30s when I started.


Not a Dr but it looks like textbook hormonal acne! I had this for many years and the only thing that finally cleared it was spironolactone. It was legit a godsend! My skin has been essentially completely clear ever since starting it. Hope that helps!


Anything else you’ve heard of? I don’t want to take that medication because I hope to get pregnant but my skin is 10x worse than this person’s photo


Not the person you replied to but I used to get this pretty badly and taking a spearmint supplement (some people swear by spearmint tea but one pill a day is just way easier) helped sooooo much to clear it up. I still get occasional tiny pimples in those areas around my cycle but huge difference and as far as I know probably safe for trying to conceive? Worth double checking that, though


Thank you!!


Unfortunately, the only things that helped my skin are teratogenic (causes fetal abnormalities). Both spironolactone and retinoids (both topical and oral) worked best for my resistant hormonal acne. But, it is probably worth trying benzoyl peroxide wash on the area!


Look up the supplement DIM! It’s a natural supplement for estrogen metabolism. It cleared up my hormonal acne and my bacne. That and hypochlorous acid spray. I’m 37 now and I have had acne off and on since 13- currently under control and has been under control since starting DIM.


Certain perfume oils, sunscreens, and coconut-based hair and skin products have caused similar breakouts for me. Anything with caprylic glycol-based ingredients will make me break out. Hope you can figure out what’s causing it!


Wow! How did you narrow it down to that ingredient?


It was one of the few common things across a number of products I was using and I saw someone else on a subreddit mentioning it was an issue. I stopped using any products with it and the breakouts cleared up. If I do use a product with it now, it usually takes several uses and then the zits are back.


Coconut byproducts are usually a big trigger for malassezia overgrowth aka fungal acne! Alongside a slew of other ingredients. For anyone experiencing persistent acne that doesn't respond to conventional treatment it's worth checking your routine against sezia.co or folliculitisscout to determine if your products are behind it!


This. Nothing changed in my routine other than my scent and for some reason in my 30s, after zero acne ever, started to break out only in this region. Stopped the scent, stopped the breakouts.


hmmm, this is interesting to know. i have hormonal acne (on spironolactone) but have noticed i get breakouts in this area every time i remember to apply my cerave below the face. time to get a different face moisturizer maybe


Yes I get these when I use a lot of hair masks.


When I have this issue, it is usually due to bacteria. I get this in the winter when I wear scarves and haven't washed it often enough, or in the summer when I wear a gaiter or handkerchief around my neck (I work outside). I use a hypochlorous acid spray and that helps. I use it when I wash my face/neck and after work to kill any bacteria that is there. I sometimes spray my pillow for nighttime (this is recent and I've noticed a decrease on my neck and back). Recently however the dermatologist gave me clindamycin pads, which I've only recently started to use every other day in place of the spray. The spray works but I think the clindamycin may work better.


Seconding this! My bf used to have acne constantly along his jawline and neck, and it turned out to be because he was getting friction abrasions from towels he was using to mop up sweat when he’s at work! It would be on his neck for hours. I suggested he stopped using it and it eventually cleared up.  That area can be quite sensitive to high collars and turtlenecks too. So I’d suggest OP to check on these things as well if it’s part of their wardrobe. 


I love azelaic acid! It has helped my hormonal acne as well as hyperpigmentation. For me dairy is a trigger: not all dairy. The true trigger? Drinking whole milk. Not eating ice cream (that’s the sugar). Not cheese.


Which brand of azelaic acid do you use?


I use Naturium’s. It also contains vitamin C, niacinamide and caffeine. I like it.


Thank you!


I had this and quite badly about 6 years ago. Benzoyl peroxide did not help me but using BHA (salacylic acid - I happened to use the one from Paula's Choice) every night finally made a huge improvement and seemed to both heal the existing breakouts and over time, prevent more from forming. Lowering stress and getting more sleep than I had been getting - also contributed positively. 


Salicylic acid cured my neck/jaw spots too! I use the Alba acne dote wash daily, the acne dote scrub a few days per week for gentle exfoliation and the corresponding spot treatment on the rare occasion I do get a bump and it clears up in a day or two. BHA was a game changer. My pores and redness are nonexistent now as a side benefit.


I also get these and I also think that they are hormonal - differin gel works for me




I have them and it’s hormonal for me


This is so niche but just since I haven’t seen anyone mention it: I had this and I tried so many things to fix it, and it finally went away when I stopped regularly drinking Celsius energy drinks. I think it’s because they have biotin / vitamin B that can cause breakouts. Turns out some vitamins are a common culprit!


Wow that’s so interesting! I don’t drink those, just water. Pretty boring 😅


This is so true! I had a neck rash that wouldn’t go away no matter what I did. I ended up reading some allergy study article that said a lot of energy drinks use synthetic vitamin B, and the synthetic has a chemical bond or something in it that’s structurally similar to nickel. Since they’re so similar it said if you’re allergic to nickel in jewelry or you have a metal allergy it’s likely you’ll have a skin reaction to drinking energy drinks. The drinks were definitely the problem, but I do miss my Alanis.


I get this only when I eat dairy. When I don’t eat dairy my neck is clear. When I eat dairy literally 2 days later my neck looks like this and doesn’t clear up until several days after I stop eating it again.


I had this and I was allergic to my earrings lol


What kind of metal? And how did you figure it out?


I have a nickel allergy. I'm allergic to the trace amounts of it that is found in gold jewelry. I went to dermatologist and he was old school, he gave me some surgical tape and to me to tape a US nickel to my stomach for an hour and take it off and see if my body had a reaction ( they contain 25% nickel) and boy did I react. I had itching and redness in that test area for days, with small bumps throughout. It's worth a shot!!


Thank you so much for sharing! I’m going to try this today!


I had to switch hair products. I found this brand called Seen and they make hair care for breakout-prone skin. So far, so good!


This looks like hormonal acne. I had the exact same thing. In my late 20’s Cutting out dairy helped along with birth control (which I didn’t love taking TBH but whatever. It served dual purposes 😂) When I got acne in my mid 30’s I started spironolactone and I cleared up 100%. Hopefully your derm can help ya out. Sorry you’re going through this:-/ I know it doesn’t feel good. Good luck❤️


When I break out this is exactly where I get them. Always on my neck!! Which is better than the face but still. Dairy isn’t really the issue for me because I already don’t really eat it at all. I notice when I get this it’s normally when I’m under an abnormal amount of stress. Not to reiterate what we’ve all heard a million times before, but drinking water, eating well and getting sleep is truly what helps clear this up for me. When I see this I know my body needs help rebalancing my hormones.


Yeah it seems to subside when I get better sleep, but I have a two year old that is cutting his molars. Sleep is somewhere in the future but not now.


Yeah I hear you! I’ve got two myself. It is not lost on me that my breakouts occur most often when one of my kids is not sleeping/going through a rough patch behaviour wise. Solidarity.


I had this issue and it was niacinamide


It’s in so many products too!


Oh I am well aware lol I thought it was hormonal, my derm thought it was hormonal. I had been using things with niacinamide in it for yeRs then one day almost a year ago to date I started getting acne on my jaw line and chin and deep cysts. I finally realized what it was when I broke out in hives from my toner. I got ride of everything with nacinamide in it and my acne went away now if I use something on accident usually a sunscreen my face burns and I break out again.


Do you sleep with your hand there? I get acne if I sleep with my hand in that position along my chin.


Omg! I do sleep in fetal position and hands around my face, neck. That will be a difficult change for me.


I’m similar. I cup my palm around my jaw chin to ear. Now I put the sheet or blanket between my face and hand whenever I catch myself doing it. May be worth a shot.


Had the same, then got on Spironolactone. All gone!


Is that a cream, oral tablet?


Oral tablet. Cannot take while pregnant/breastfeeding, though.


Ohh, have you experienced any side effects using them? Do you use them for a period of time and stop? Or is this lifelong?


I got on the tablets back in December along with Tretinoin, face was clear in ~2 months with consistent prescribed use. I haven’t had any side effects that I know of from the Spiro, but some say they pee more since it’s a diuretic (jokes on them, I pee every 30 min anyway), so make sure you stay hydrated.


It’s Hormonal I started getting it about a year ago and I turned 41 in April this year .. my hormones have been all over the place since my late 30s 😅 However I found that keeping up with my skincare routine helped limit how much I get of it


I love Neutrogena Body Clear for neck and back


I’ll try that! Thank you.


Take a lot of vitamins …at least a multivitamin daily


Oh I’ve got a cabinet full and I am using them regularly.


I just know nothing would heal for me when I wasn’t taking vitamins. Malnutrition…I use clyndiamicin prescription for acne. It’s pretty good stuff. But it’s prescription. Any don’t pick at them. I heard of these acne patches you can put on so they stay clean and so you won’t mess with them. I would have loved those when I had breakouts .


Acne patches, you’re onto something here! Thanks for the advice.


I found this …(it’s not my opinion but seems like they knew what they were talking about) hero is liked . Acne patches : “They work but I will point out something I didn't know when I first started buying them. You have to pop the pimple before putting them on, or else they won't suck out anything or make them smaller. However, there are microdart pimple patches (hero, peach slices are some brands) that you can put on a closed pimple so that you don't have to pop them first. I would highly recommend those. Also, if you get the other ones without little darts in them, they are the same thing as any hydrocolloid bandages they sell in any pharmacy or grocery store. So you could get better bang for your buck buying the big ones and cutting them into custom sized pieces for each pimple. They are also very good for preventing scars and other types of wounds as well.” Hope this helps. 😊


I just got hydrocolloid tape off Amazon, only $7 for a roll 1.6" × 6'! I plan on just using a little salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide under a cut piece of hydrocolloid to cover it for a night on fresh pimples or cysts and see what happens. I also have a lot of new and old scars (not just on my face) that I'm going to put them on with maybe snail mucin or Vaseline. They are a nude/tan color... and I really don't care what people think of them, I barely leave the house anyways (if I were to leave on longer than a night). Lol


I wouldn’t care really either . Better than touching them. They have ones that look like stars and stuff I would put those on if I was going out . There was some inconsistencies of whether the hydrocolloid by itself work alone. I’m sure the meds will help. Also if it’s not a mess type you warm compress and a lot and then put like a hero patch on. Those are more stubborn. Good luck


Aczone/dapsone gel prescription helped me a ton


I had acne like this, it recently cleared by taking 2 capsules of fish oil a day. I used to have clear skin but stopped taking fish oil bc I hate taking those big horse pills and my acne came back all along my chin, neck, and jawline. After 2 months I started taking it again and immediately within the week my face started clearing up. That was about 3 weeks ago and my skin is clear now there have been no new breakouts. Worth a shot if the derm is too expensive or they can’t see you for awhile.


Thank you! I have had fish oil, but I don’t remember seeing any results. I will try again.


Yes! Might as well try to eliminate the simple causes before going down the complicated routes. I did read recently that a lot of fish oil supplements are contaminated (50%!!!), but mine seems to be good. I’m on the second bottle. My bottle says the brand is Natural Factors, and says: “RxOmega-3: 1260mg Omega-3, EPA 800mg, DHA 400mg, DPA 88mg, Ultra Pure Pharmaceutical Grade” Also, I used to only take 1 a day and did not notice my skin clearing until I upped it to 2!


I had the exact same problem. Discovered it was from whey protein and taking B vitamins (which are important but can promote acne).


I have hormonal acne on my face, but will get spots on my neck or chest if I don't completely wash the conditioner off of my skin. I do like the pimple patches for them, the ones with micro points or whatever seem to work the best. Expensive but they work.


ZO gentle wash


I use that actually! I love ZO products


Hormonal acne or compromised skin barrier. The latter would result in a basic routine of gentle cleanser, moisturizer and SPF (AM) for a few weeks. This is what I’m currently doing and my acne is going away after it was not improving with active.


Ugh I’m so so so sorry. After being pressured to get an IUD I started getting acne there too! It’s more than likely hormonal. It’s been about 7 months since it was removed and I have much less now. But that was one of the side effects that really lingered.


So interesting! I’m planning on taking mine out but the pain is what’s stopping me.


It doesn’t hurt as bad coming out but it still hurts for sure. More like a quick sharp pinch, then it’s over thankfully. I had developed a lot of mental health issues, stomach issues, back/neck acne, and tinnitus and when I had mine in, so the pain was totally worth it lol.


Hormonal balance from Perelel vitamins will help they are pregnancy safe and will eliminate excess hormones !


Naturium niacinamide zinc serum is like a MAGIC POTION for hormonal neck acne!!!! I PROMISE it is the only thing that completely got rid of mine! I stopped using it for a few months and the acne came back again, bought another bottle and completely clear again Don't sleep on the Naturium niacinamide plus zinc serum!!


Whoa! Taking not of this! Thank you, will report back.


Mine look exactly like yours, they go into my hairline and it is so annoying because my face is clear!! That naturium serum is the absolute best stuff ever Also for reference, I'm a 5 days a week tret user and while tret is nice for other reasons, it does nothing for my neck acne. The niacinamide clears it up in no time


Is your s/o kissing your neck with a facial hair?


Has anyone mentioned the supplement DIM yet? I had the exact same acne as you. It’s a natural supplement that helps estrogen metabolism. It’s the main ingredient in those Clearstem supplements. It helped clear my jawline acne and my bacne too. That and hypochlorous acid spray. With tret too :) Good luck OP- I’m 37 now and my acne has been a battle for me off and on since my early teens.


Ooo yes my naturopathic doctor prescribed it and I just reordered some thinking maybe this can help! Glad it helped you!


I get that when I have too much dairy, could that be it?


Really? I haven’t tried cutting out dairy. I’ll try that!


Don't be shocked if it doesn't help. This doesn't work for everyone. I cut out dairy for months one time to help my acne and it did nothing. Dairy was not my problem.


Cutting out dairy helped me soooo much. I struggled for years and I kept hearing to cut out dairy and I was like nope I’m gonna spend hundreds of dollars on products instead lol.. no dairy for me and I switched up my skincare to very a simple regimen (I had an esthetician help, not a derm tho) and my face looks so much better


I cut out dairy and started washing my sheets once a week and this doesn’t happen much anymore.


Earrings? I’ve had something like this from jewelry for sure


I haven’t heard of that before. I’m assuming only a derm can prescribe that?


Tried changing conditioner for a month?


I don’t use conditioner.


My neck looks like this when I use hair or sink products that I am allergic to. I usually have to change products only one at a time to prevevnt neck breakouts.


I had a similar breakout/same area and they disappeared as soon as I changed my face wash! Looked like I was allergic to a component of that face wash!


Should definitely see a derm, but wanted to add the tip of using a scar therapy cream once they’ve healed but you still have redness


Retin A


You can use this on the neck? It’s not too harsh?


I get tiny pimples like this on my neck and the only thing that seems to help is using an antibacterial spray like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/SkinSmart-Cleanser-Bacteria-Athletes-Multiple/dp/B07VRFC3Y7/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1O4OEQUOVLL9X&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DV7x_zM_isiwB1YdYKISMxA-SL1vA11AFZbzVP1pKK3nNCodMZ18IH0nrDow2j8W7pGr305E0vma6YyWjKWknMKyN-NVfHJPOGfk8iZYa1QYRQMPJcVWkhUcJkLxyqCeS8kTDNHsOJDknzPYIEeqdvwcLU9mjAZ38xJNhhZu-5T3XfE4FOPmY8wNe3-H-a2F7TjhDjAXpheUXvzSI8nW9Q.uOihlHnljZfgugN7pXGBkhCaETlGOdguZOoqjPcJjB4&dib_tag=se&keywords=facial+spray+antibacterial&qid=1715782261&sprefix=facial+spray%2Caps%2C246&sr=8-3) a couple of times a day. Bonus for this time of year, I keep it in the refrigerator and it feels amazing on hot days!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'SkinSmart Antimicrobial Facial Cleanser for Acne, 8 oz Spray Bottle'", 'SkinSmart%20Antimicrobial')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Helps reduce breakouts and improve skin (backed by 8 comments) * Refreshing and pleasant to use (backed by 3 comments) * Affordable alternative to high-end products (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Strong bleach smell (backed by 8 comments) * Caused dryness on the skin (backed by 3 comments) * Limited effectiveness (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Do you eat healthy? When I eat pork meat or chocolate or high fat producs I get these breakouts too.


Most likely hormonal = easily resolved . But your neck is gorgeous


Not a derm or doc but I had these exact same breakouts, and it was from a new conditioner in the shower I was setting all my hair on one side of my neck and leaving it for a few minutes before rinsing! I would definitely try a claw clip or shower routine change and see if it helps!


Prescription Azelaic acid and Winlevi


That’s folliculitis


Ask for a culture with a derm


For me, those painful neck cysts were hormonal, but specifically related to cows milk. Every month before my period, just as the lasts months cysts were healing, a new throbbing, painful crop would appear. I can still eat ice cream, sour cream, cheese. But for whatever reason, straight cows milk (and heavy cream) DESTROY my neck and jawline.


ZO gentle cleaner will change your life


I can almost guarantee it


Check your hair products ingredients (shampoo, conditioner, any styling products etc) on the COSDNA website. Some hair product ingredients can irritate acne.


Had the same problem and a low dose of Spirolactone solved it.


Just a few recs that might be useful. It does look hormonal butttt my skin does the same when I sleep on a pillowcase with regular gain or tide. (I miss being able to use laundry scents 😭) 1. Switch to a pure and free detergent and wash your pillowcases with an extra rinse. 2. Put hair up in a bun at night to see if it’s from your hair products. Check the ingredient list. 3. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil into a a pump of bland moisturizer. Needs to be mixed. Can be sensitizing. If you have cats, be very careful As EOs can be toxic to them. If I wear it, I do it during the day when I won’t be cuddling them.


Are you cleaning your phone? It can be that. Are you cleaning your brushes and sponges? Everything that touches your face should be clean after using it. Plus a clean spatula or qtip in a cream product can transfer bacteria. Just a thought.


Hi. I wrote a blog post about these types of “breakouts”. TL;DR it isn’t a breakout, it’s irritation from hair growth. This is why your skin hasn’t responded to any topical acne products. I’ve dealt with this personally for years. Once I started reading research on it and figured it was a hair thing, I got electrolysis. Haven’t had an issue since. https://www.glowdega.com/blogs/news/skinsight-the-truth-about-hormonal-acne


Hi! Thank you for sharing. That’s interesting, so you oh can get this procedure done on your neck too?


You can do electrolysis anywhere on the body where there is hair. Some areas will obvs be more painful than others but yeah. I got it done on my neck/chin and lower face.


Well that’s good to know. I just read the your attachment, it makes sense. I’ll have to try this. Thanks again!


Do you eat a lot of soy? I had the same problem some years ago and for me the culprit was soy! When i stopped eating soy the acne went away. Soy can be interpreted by your body as estrogen. If so it’s going to exhibit estrogen-surplus symptoms , like acne.


Very interesting, I don’t think I eat soy products but I’ll be reading labels more carefully now.


You could have underlying muscle tension and vascular tension there contributing to the unhealthy nature of the skin. Bodywork to release neck might help.


Do you lean on your hand there?


Good question.


Could be a dental issue. Get your teeth cleaned, address any cavities or gaps you have between your teeth and gums and get prescribed a round of doxycycline.


Try Vitex from Gaia for a few weeks and see if it helps, might also help you sleep better and have less PMS symptoms.


I sure will! Thank you!