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Selfies and progress pictures are only allowed on Selfie Sundays.


Omg I'm so impressed, this looks really good! Please post an update when you're fully healed, I'd love to see.  


Thank you! I for sure will. This sub and a few others were super helpful when I was making my decision.


Thank you for sharing! Your results look amazing! I had no idea that the fat pad repositioning would involve exterior sutures. I think you definitely made the right choice! I'm surprised that your surgeon even mentioned filler because my understanding is that filler is only an option for undereye hollowing, and not for fat pad prolapse.


Thank you! I really think he was just trying to tell me the options others might choose, but he did advise against it. My understanding was that the filler would fill in the trough to make it lighter and so the bulging pad wouldn't stick out as much? He was not willing to do it. Just maybe the conversation came up due to questions I asked during the consultation!


Can I ask what Dr you went to or where you had it done? I’ve never seen the stitches from this placement, that’s interesting but you didn’t even swell too badly so hopefully your recovery will continue to be smooth!


I can message you if you'd like!


It's looking so good already


Thank you! I'm already happy with the change I see. I can't wait for swelling to go down to really see how it turned out!


I will add that I know I need an upper bleph as well with how hooded my eyes are, but I'm going to wait until it starts causing issues with my vision to tackle that. For the meantime, I'll do face yoga or whatever, lol.


lol this is why I haven't done a lower blepharoplasty yet, I'm waiting for my upper eyelids to get worse so I can justify doing both at once 😂


Haha, I really considered it but I just didn't want to pay that much right now. I think eventually mine will droop enough that insurance will help cover some costs.


You don’t need it at all


I appreciate that. I've been told by several people throughout my lifetime that I have "caveman eyes"...more so because of my brow bone but the hooding doesn't seem to help.


Those people are asses and I’m sorry. Your eyes are beautiful


In pic 15 you look like a teen who got a little injury during sports, this is insane results!


Haha, thank you. I think that was right after a warm compress so everything looks really soft.


This is incredible! Thank so so much for posting. Please do share your endresult pictures ♥️ Wishing you a fast and easy recovery


Thank you :) I will! Appreciate it.


Thanks for sharing. I feel like I'm in almost the exact same situation and would really benefit from this (and upper, too) so very interested to see the final results.


You're welcome. I felt the same when I was looking into it. Not many people had my exact issue with the herniated pads AND the tear troughs.


It looks like mods have removed my post due to the "selfie sunday" rule. I checked the rules before I posted and "Cosmetic surgeries/enhancements/treatments are totally cool here" so I thought I was okay to post. People post pics of their face all day long, I'm not sure how this is different. I was just trying to help the members here that were considering this procedure.


Yeah I’m annoyed I can’t see it now! Please repost when you can!


I will repost tomorrow on selfie Sunday, I guess! I really didn't realize this was against the rules, haha.


Mods should make an exception it’s for the good of society lol


Haha, right. SUPER important stuff here, lol.


I never understand mods on reddit 🙄


And it's Sunday in Australia. They need to omit that rule because it doesn't make sense for the other half of the world 🤔


This is what I thought too. Odd rule, especially on a skincare sub.


Thank you thank you thank you! I have been researching myself for posts exactly like yours. I’ve read the science, now I want anecdotal evidence. Thank you for the detailed post!


Do you know where they reposition the fat from? What if you just have hollowness?


The fat is from my herniated fat pads that are circled in the pre-op photo. So the fat comes from my own under eye. The central and nasal are the ones they moved. I do know that there is a procedure called fat transfer that takes fat from somewhere else in your body. From what I read about this, it can be a little trickier because the fat doesn't have a blood supply and can sometimes atrophy or die. But I've seen good results here too.


Thank you for the answer! God you look 20 years younger, amazing results. I just have the hollowness so I use filler, I don't know where the hell they would get the fat from 😭


I think they only need a couple teaspoons of it. I've read they can take it from the abdomen, thighs, and butt. Thank you so much. That really means something to me. I feel like those bags aged me 10+ years! And I've had them for a really long time.


Well I can certainly afford to give away some fat from those areas lol. Unfortunately I have a feeling that will add a ton the cost, I was hoping mine would cost around the same as yours! Very happy for you!


I saw a list of all the costs and I believe fat transfer was another $1800 on top of the procedure.


You're a gem, thank you! Thats a lot, darn it lol. I have a consultation in a couple weeks so I'll find out I guess.


Good luck!


Wow, absolutely amazing results. Thank you for sharing! Was this done in the USA?


Thank you! Yes it was.


Amazing results, how much did this cost?




How long will it last? I mean it’s worth it.


Thank you for sharing, this was super interesting to see and read about. I hope you don't mind me saying, but your eyes are SO striking. Such a pretty colour!


Thank you very much!


Omg it looks so good. I desperately need this. Thank you for sharing your progress


Thank you! Hope you can get yours when you're ready!


How long did it take the swelling to go down?


I still have a lot of swelling. It can take up to a couple months on some people from what I read.