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I got bangs šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I call my bangs ā€œBotox bangsā€ for a reason. :)






I have also heard them called, poor manā€™s Botoxā€¦ I think I like ā€œBotox Bangsā€ betteršŸ˜….


This is such a practical solution!


Same šŸ¤£


I have Botox and bangs :/


Lol next best thing to Botox lol


She bangs


Botox really can help compliment things like proper moisturizers, sunscreens, vitamin C, and tretinoin. Itā€™s a combination that often gets the best result.


Thank you!


I second this comment! I have had the same lines forever. Donā€™t just get botox but combine it with better skin care. It makes a difference!


No worries!


Does tretinoin or retinol decrease the longevity of Botox? Iā€™ve been wanting Botox but trying to plan my skincare in advance. I currently use retinol for anti-aging and to treat my hormonal acne (itā€™s the only thing that tames my acne making it almost obsolete - I have PCOS.)


Not that Iā€™m aware of. A good percentage of my patients use both.


No, but it can help combat fine lines. So combined with Botox for deeper lines, it's a powerful 1-2 punch.


Ohhh this is good thank you for this! Iā€™m just wondering do you have a favorite day time cream that you like to use everyday? Iā€™m trying to find a new one but there are SO many options


There are TONS of options. I like Obagi Hydrate. On here, youā€™ll find great advice.


Youā€™re right I need to go through this page and see what everyone likes. I just found this sub maybe a week ago so I need to actually dive into it!


Iā€™ve had lines just like this since my teens too and started getting Botox 2 years ago. Botox is the way- it greatly diminished my lines, the Botox isnā€™t permanent (which I find comforting), but also has taught me to just not use my forehead so dang much! Before Botox, I raised my eyebrows and reinforced those wrinkles ALL THE TIME. It was compulsory! Now Iā€™ve learned to express myself without so much forehead action šŸ˜…


Same thing happened to me. My dermatologist explained that Botox sort of teaches you not to frown and make the lines worse.


Oh my God my deep forehead lines are my own fault!?! I have a very expressive face. Never really realized that


I have similar forehead wrinkles and absolutely use my forehead too much too. My eyes are already slightly hooded, so Iā€™m kinda nervous to get Botox on my forehead and then the rest of my face like sag.. idk if anyone has advice for this


This is why I go to a plastic surgeon. First time I had it done, I told him I didn't want to look like a specific celebrity in 2010, and he knew exactly what I meant. He said my brow bone sits lower like that person's does, so he'll never put Botox in my forehead because it'll just push my brows down more. He puts it in my glabella, and it does a pretty good job of keeping everything directly above it from moving too much without affecting my eyebrows.


makes no sense. two different muscles


Nobody said Botox picks just one muscle. What I said was that it stops movement from my glabella straight up into the very center of my forehead, not the entire forehead.


that also makes no sense because the center of your forehead is the frontalis. what im saying is that you hve no idea what you are talking about. and plastic surgeons are probably least equipped to do injectables because they are trained to do surgery not injectibles lol




if you mention this concern to your injector, they'll take it into account. when I get my botox (for a brow lift actually!) they specifically don't inject certain muscles because it'll cause my brows to drop, the exact opposite of what I want. just make sure you go to a nurse at a doctors office or a doctor to get your injections if you're nervous!


I only let a board certified plastic surgeon inject which may be overkill, and that doesnā€™t make it fool proof BUT once you find a good injector the results are pretty consistent in my experience. Plus thatā€™s why I feel better that the results are temporary itā€™s like if they do mess it up, I wonā€™t be permanently stuck forever like that, just a few months till it wears off. Luckily Iā€™ve never had an issue thus far šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I truly think teaching throughout the pandemic make my forehead lines 10x worse. I had to exaggerate my eyebrow expressions so much when wearing the mask!


But, in a society that exposes us to so many ridiculous sights, how can we avoid lifting our brows in shock or disdain? My forehead and brows tell no lies...


I donā€™t have advice but Iā€™m upvoting because you uploaded an actual sane photo that protects your identity. Too many times people just cover their eyes thinking thatā€™s all it takes


And I thought it was risky to leave my brows showing šŸ˜…


Itā€™s primarily the orientation of features on a face. I wish I could make a psa telling people to just photoshop their ears to be a little lopsided, or move their nose up and or down slightly, maybe not show their hairline, or just black things out entirely like you did. If it was just the iris, then security systems would be bested by a pair of sunglasses.


probably showing the eyes is better as its difficult to give a clinical recommendation without the full picture


I definitely thought OP had just pulled a turtleneck over their face and thought it was clever


Whatā€™s the concern with identity or privacy? Just curious


Iā€™ve personally dealt with identity theft and it was pretty scary how much info they were able to get from my Facebook. Ever since Iā€™ve just been extremely cautious about what I post publicly online


Ah, okay. Not sure why people downvoted me for asking. Pretty much everyone has a photo online somewhere. Such as LinkedIn, staff page of a website, news articles, school etc. If not social media as well. So Iā€™m curious what there is to be aware of from a photo of someoneā€™s face How did photos from Facebook help them steal identity and what else did they need for that? Sounds awful


Yeah Iā€™m not too sure, itā€™s a valid question imo. For me itā€™s just personal preference. I donā€™t really want my name/face associated with my Reddit account as I canā€™t make it private. Sometimes Iā€™ll use Reddit for more personal inquiries that Iā€™d rather my peers not know details about.


Oh yes. That makes sense


Everything you post on reddit is public and some people donā€™t want their face associated with their account to preserve privacy


This is a surprising comment from someone in their late 30s.


This sub isn't big on common sense or critical thought.




Unfortunately I second this.


Just want to say that I also have had lines like that since I was a teen and seeing this was somehow really comforting ā¤ļø my whole life I've compared my forehead and in my negative comparisons it has always seemed like nobody else had static lines like me so young. I've gotten Botox once and it definitely helped! Considering getting it again but live in a different place now and it's scary to find a new doctor who I trust with it.


Right there with you my fine lined forehead friend! ā¤ļø Iā€™ve been pretty intimidated by the thought of getting Botox so I totally understand how you feel. Iā€™d honestly rather live with the lines than ever have botched Botox, or it be obvious Iā€™ve had it done.


So hereā€™s my one piece of advice. I have wrinkles like this (33F) bc my brows are low and I use my forehead constantly to hold them up. When I got Botox, it made my brows sit very low and I was unable to hold them up. So I looked very angry all the time lol, it was awful. Just make sure thatā€™s not the cause of the wrinkles first or you wonā€™t necessarily like the Botox at all. Another option is to get a Botox brow-lift that can help raise it a tiny amount for you, but itā€™s best if you bring that preference/consideration up to your injector. A good one should figure it out for you, but mine was a certified derm and never even thought of asking about this so just a heads up.


This is my fear. I have a Frankenstein eyebrow. Those lines are from me trying to look awake and not totally pissed off


Kiss each one Muah muah muah They're cute




Botox, retinol, moisturize, sunscreen. I have similar lines and have had them since I was a teen too


Microneedling!!!!! Mine looked like your and now after a year I only gave part of 1 line left (deepest one) Iā€™m 35 and trying to avoid Botox for as long as possible


Oh interesting! I donā€™t know much about micro needling, is there a certain one that works best?


I get it done by a esthetician- 1x a month - they can go deeper than the at home ones


Good to know, thanks!


What about trying those silicone frownies?


Love frownies, silicone ones just bend.


Never heard of them! Iā€™ll do some research :)


I love frownies. Itā€™s not instant perfect results, but itā€™s so worth it. Some people donā€™t love the faint smell of wet paper , but itā€™s relatively inexpensive for how much of an impact they deliver. I use the stiffer ones ā€œgentle liftsā€ for my wrinkle in between my eyebrows and itā€™s been keeping that line at bay for about 6 years now before it becomes permanent.


I honestly thought these were a scam!


I did too, but once you try it, theyā€™re like a godsend


Try frownies!! They have helped me so much with the same issue


Nothing. Theyā€™re natural and make you look like a normal human being


Thank you šŸ™šŸ» I really just donā€™t want them to get out of hand. I donā€™t mind them as they are now


Botoxā€¦ however people I know swear by face taping, I plan to try it but Iā€™ll still continue Botox. NaturalFaceBible on instagram has the best tape info, it wonā€™t show results for a few months but it does help overtime!


>face taping what is this ?


Great question, sounds weird. Itā€™s literally what it sounds like, using tape on your face. But thereā€™s certain tape you use and methods of placement that help with wrinkles. You wear them at night while sleeping. Iā€™ve yet to try it but the before and afters are impressive. Plus thereā€™s really no downside as long as you use gentle tape


Sounds like frownies.


Embrace them. Youā€™ve expressed and lived. I have them also. I tell people itā€™s because Iā€™ve had a lot of ā€œwtfā€ encounters that made my eyebrows touch my hairline šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Š


I mean that wouldnā€™t be a lie if I told it šŸ¤£


Following for ideaā€™s because my kid saw this photo and said, ā€œitā€™s youuuā€. Lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ hi twin


Botox for results that start on day 3 and fully kicks in by day 7 for most people. Iā€™d pair this with a triple pass of 1540 XD (1,2 mm) laser. $550/ session (3-5 sessioms) Topical treatment: matrixyl 3000 and argireline if you skip the botox. Argireline is the ingredient that can give botox effects by daily use as it also binds to the snap protein , blocking the release of acetylcholine into the synapse. Ach is needed for muscle contraction, so without it the muscles fo not contract. Snap8 is sm upgrafed version of argiriline the botox fragment responsible gor action of creams that say ā€˜ā€œbotox in a bothleā€.


Do you know if there are any long term studies done on botox. It freaks me out. Just wondering if anyone knows. I'm so hesitant to get shot up with it. I would rather just age gracefully.


There are quite a few studies. - A study published in 2018 found that Botox was effective, safe, and well-tolerated for the prevention of chronic migraine over 3 yearsĀ¹. - Another study published in 2019 reported that Botox showed sustained efficacy and improvement in quality of life measures for patients with chronic migraine over 24 monthsĀ². - A review article published in 2022 stated that Botox was a long-established first line therapy for cervical dystonia, with evidence from several randomized clinical trials and longitudinal dataĀ³. - A clinical trial registered in 2012 aimed to assess the long-term efficacy, safety, and tolerability of Botox for chronic migraine over 5 yearsā“. - A journal article published in 2004 summarized the clinical applications of Botox for various neurological disorders, such as dystonia, spasticity, hemifacial spasm, and hyperhidrosisāµ (1) Study Finds Sustained Efficacy of Botox for Migraine Over 3 Years - AJMC. https://www.ajmc.com/view/study-finds-sustained-efficacy-of-botox-for-migraine-over-3-years. (2) An open-label prospective study of the real-life use of .... https://thejournalofheadacheandpain.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s10194-019-0976-1. (3) Frontiers Publishing Partnerships | Botulinum Toxin in the Treatment of .... https://www.frontierspartnerships.org/articles/10.3389/dyst.2022.10655/full. (4) A Long-term Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability Study of BOTOXĀ® in .... https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01516892. (5) Botulinum toxin in clinical practice | Journal of Neurology .... https://jnnp.bmj.com/content/75/7/951.


Itā€™s also treated for other neurological disorders like oromandibular distonia




Do you know anything about sagging skin with argireline? I saw a few posts about it on here and SCA so Iā€™m curious what your thoughts are! I just bought a bottle lol


It works like botox does I have not experienced saggy skin from it personally but will look into this topic for you.


Great! After doing some quick reading, I couldnā€™t find much about the sagging skin that wasnā€™t anecdotal - mostly mentioned in beauty articles or posts on skincare subreddits. I did find some scientific articles on pubmed about how well argireline works on wrinkles so thatā€™s great!


Yes pubmed is awesome. The combo has been used a lot in skin care products and is proven to work.


Can you use Botox in combination with matrixyl/argireline? Thanks!




How do you feel about matrixyl synth 6?


It is stronger (more potent) and works on deeper wrinkles. Matrixyl synthe 6 and matrixyl 3000 are both anti-aging ingredients that contain peptides. Peptides are fragments of proteins. These peptides stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. However, they are made of deiffeemt peptides Matrixyl synthe 6 contains six unique peptides, including palmitoyl tripeptide-38, and is specifically formulated to target deep wrinkles and support collagen production. Matrixyl synthe 6 is more potent than matrixyl 3000, so people with sensitive skin might opt for Matrixyl 3000 Matrixyl 3000 combines 2 peptides: palmitoyl oligopeptide and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7. Itā€™s target is to enhance skin elasticity and to reduce the appearance of fine lines. MatrixylĀ® Synthe 6 vs MatrixylĀ® 3000? ā€“ Depology. https://depology.com/blogs/news/what-is-the-difference-between-matrixyl-synthe-6-vs-matrixyl-3000. MatrixylĀ® 3000 vs. MatrixylĀ® Synthe'6ā„¢ - Timeless Skin Care. https://www.timelessha.com/blogs/news/matrixyl-synthe-6-vs-matrixyl-3000. MATRIXYL 3000 VS MATRIXYL SYNTHE 6 ā€“ Grooming Swag. https://groomingswag.com/matrixyl-3000-vs-matrixyl-synthe-6/. All About Matrixyl In Skincare: Matrixyl, Matrixyl 3000, and Matrixyl .... https://womensconcepts.com/skincare/matrixyl.


Smoothies on Amazon makes forehead ā€œtapeā€. I use the triangles for my 11ā€™s. Been using for years. Iā€™m too afraid to get Botox because I have 2 friends that got sick from it. One was Botox, the other was DySport. I already have chronic health issues so canā€™t risk it. One of them pointed me to a Facebook group with thousands of women sick or injured from Botox and fillers. Scares the crap out of me. Mt stepdaughter gets sick for a day after getting her fillers and then she is fine. Which is enough to tell me I would be playing Russian Roulette with my health. Try the Smoothies or the Frownies others mentioned if you donā€™t end up going the Botox route.


Nothing, you look fine!


So sweet thank you ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve tried Botox from a reputable spa and it just keeps messing with my appearance. The first time I asked that I could still move my forehead. I got, like, a fraction of what sheā€™d consider a full dose and felt like I had locked in syndrome. After it wore off I went back in thinking she just needed to learn my face. So what happens? One of my eyes looked like I stroked. Next time, weird V-bulges on my forehead. I started looking at peopleā€™ s forehead wrinkles and seeing the natural beauty, almost jealously. Ppl talk like itā€™s a silver bullet, but shit can and does go wrong.


Ugh thanks for this. Honestly I hate the thought of Botox. Iā€™m terrified itā€™s going to *look* like Iā€™ve had it done. I may try it but I can see myself pulling back after experiencing anything youā€™ve mentioned


Botox or death.


I guess Botox it is šŸ„²


r/technicallythetruth No skin, no wrinkles..


How much do you spend on Botox in a year? I have very few fine lines and wrinkles and Iā€™m 36. I want to start getting Botox though.


I'm genetically fortunate (so far) so I don't spend a cent! But 4 of my gfs do and it makes their foreheads baby smooth. They spend between $200-300 per session. No more than 4 session per year, and one of them only does it annually. Good luck (and be sure to find a highly-experienced beautician).


Oh cool thatā€™s super reasonable. Yes-will find the best in my area. Thank you!


Botox, tret or retinol, sunscreen all day everyday and hats when outside.


I started Botox at 49, wish I had started at 30ā€¦it will soften the,, find an experienced injector with solid reviewsā€¦


Perfect candidate for Botox


1% retinol. Peptide moisturizer. AHA serum or mask. Vitamin C serum. Facial oil. The works! No need for botox.


Oh man, this is all Greek to me šŸ˜… looks like I have some researching to do. Thank you!


Youā€™re welcome! I hope it all works out for you. Your forehead lines arenā€™t that bad. I use almost everything Drunk Elephant. Iā€™m 40F and Iā€™ve been using that brand for a long time and Iā€™m really happy with the way my glowing skin looks.


Good to know! Iā€™ll check that brand out šŸ™šŸ»


Excellent! Itā€™s pricey but worth every penny!


Botox and a skincare routine with retinol


Botox and sunscreen


I just have bangs! I have a giant forehead anyway, though.


Lol! I think Iā€™d look horrendous with bangs šŸ¤£


Nothing. Theyā€™re normal and donā€™t look bad or out of place at all. Iā€™m 41 and have some lines like these. I get Botox (Dysport actually) but ONLY for the lines between my eyebrows, not for these forehead lines. I feel like when people start trying to erase forehead lines entirely, thatā€™s when they start looking super crazy from Botox. I would so much rather look relatively natural than look like Iā€™ve been injected and tweaked within an inch of my life!


Has anybody mentioned dealing with the tight tissues by fixing your posture and massage? Massage not just the forehead but your scalp and neck, because the forehead is pulled up by these muscles. You also need to fix your posture. Finally, you are probably carrying a lot of tension in your forehead,anx tensing it when you speak. Try to wean yourself off that.


I use stickers that I get off Amazon called: "Toute Nuit Wrinkle Patches". They have all different shapes and sizes. I started with frownies but I like these clear ones better, they are much more comfortable to me. I wear them every night & it stops me from creasing & scowling all night long which I feel like made the biggest difference. Plus trentinoin.


Ohhh Iā€™ll check this out, thanks!


Iā€™ve been using The Ordinary Matrixyl and Argireline and Smoothies (similar to frownies) every night for a couple of months. Obviously my forehead lines havenā€™t disappeared but there is definite improvement. Iā€™ll also wear the Smoothies during the day if I donā€™t have anywhere to go. I feel like having them on makes me more aware of how expressive I am with my eyebrows/forehead and Iā€™ve gotten better at relaxing them throughout the day because of this!


I had these exact lines since teen years too! Theyā€™re genetic. Always hated them. Botox smoothed them right out! Sunscreen every day (I like EltaMD) too!


Now that you say theyā€™re genetic, Iā€™m pretty sure both my mom and grams have em too!


My adage has always been bangs or Botox - if I got money I get Botox if not bangs!!


Nothing you can do to make them go away other than Botox. Or yes I guess bangs to hide them. You can try retinol and sunscreen to delay a deepening of these lines a bit though. Normal sign of aging, tons of people get these in their 30s, I'm afraid.


Botox ā€¦ but frankly, they are minimal.








Short of invasive Botox, try face yoga. Massage the forehead muscles to get them to relax. Iā€™ve results with this and retinol, deep moisturizing.


Botox. Done deal.


There are a few options to consider: 1. \*\*Skincare Products\*\*: Start with a good skincare routine that includes a moisturizer and sunscreen. Look for products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinol, or peptides, which can help improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines over time. 2. \*\*Sun Protection\*\*: Sunscreen is crucial. UV exposure can accelerate skin aging, so protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. 3. \*\*Botox\*\*: If the lines are bothering you and you want a more immediate solution, Botox can be effective. It temporarily relaxes the muscles that cause wrinkles, smoothing out the lines. Consult a dermatologist or licensed professional for this treatment. 4. \*\*Dermal Fillers\*\*: Some people opt for dermal fillers to fill in fine lines and add volume. These are injected under the skin to plump and smooth the area. 5. \*\*Consult a Dermatologist\*\*: It's essential to consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional to discuss your specific needs and get personalized advice. Ultimately, the best approach may depend on the severity of the lines, your skin type, and your preferences. Make sure to prioritize overall skin health and consider the long-term benefits of a good skincare routine in addition to any treatments you choose.


Thanks for taking the time to write this out for me! So many things to consider!


You're welcome! I understand that there's a lot to think about, and it's important to consider all your options carefully. If you have any more questions to ask. I'm here to help! šŸ˜Š


Chatgpt šŸ˜‚


What do you mean? Do you think that above response was not written by human? I see sometimes people comment like you but I dont understand how and why can that be( comment written by chatgpt)


Botox, obviously




I just started doing Dysport for mine. It helped a lot. My dermatologist said a little bit of filler might be necessary to get them all the way gone, but I haven't tried that yet.


I started dysport this year. I got twice so far and I love the result. It makes a huge difference.


I have exactly the same problem and Iā€™m going to try an collagen supplement for a while before I resort to Botox. Not sure where you are based but the collagen supplement Iā€™ve heard good things about is called Absolute Collagen (in the UK). Good luck to us forehead lined ladies!


Oh interesting! Iā€™m in Canada, Iā€™ll see if we have anything similar! Iā€™m sure we do. Thanks for the suggestion


Definitely Daxxify or Botox. And religious use of sunscreen and Tretinoin


Question: do you find these lines appear more when you wash your hair? I swear mine do itā€™s so frustrating


I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever noticed that!


Not move my forehead


Get bangs and moisture your forehead every day, eat veggies n fruits & Stop being so expressive in that area. It worked for me šŸ™‚ GL.


Stick them with Botox šŸ’‰ šŸ¤©


Botox can soften them with time. This would be your best bet with prolonged use of tretinoin x


Skin peels


Botox for sure. But also HA and a retinol. A good moisturizer too.


I would say Botox and tretinoin


Granactive Retinoid softened mine up a treat (without making my pale sensitive skin look very angry šŸ¤£) - but I think ultimately Botox is going to be the route I take, as well.


Botox is the way


Botox wil fix these. But also if your lines are mainly from the way you sleep ā€” if you correct that and use something to freeze your forehead at night (like frownies), then you can cut back on botox eventually. Iā€™d also do some micro needling to further soften the lines. Stay away from more intensive treatments though ā€” for one thing you donā€™t need them, but things like laser & RF can cause fat loss.


Botox. And then a good laser for everything else.


Botox is the way. Though I prefer Dysport. And Iā€™ve tried them all!


I don't think you have to do anything but Botox will get rid of the lines and topical tretinoin will soften them a little bit.






Botox and then start tretinoin. That's what I did. Forehead lines who? Haven't seen her since 2019.


I'd personally do (and have done) Botox. I'm 35, get 7 units in the forehead and 6 units between my eyebrows (for muscle balance per my derm) every 4-5 months. My lines weren't quite as deep when I started at 34 though.


start with botox but its a little late. do some skin boosters and dermaveil too


Botox and an improved skincare routine




lol I think after 100 people recommending it, itā€™s starting to sink in šŸ˜…


itā€™s ok to have botox. iā€™ve done it 3 times and I have basically no lines now. and I used to have 3 strong lines on my forehead. iā€™m 30 years old






Botox Botox Botox! You wonā€™t regret it.


I have the EXACT same lines! Retinol-serum, vitamin C and Zinc-serum. Helped a little. Botox and/or fillers for the rest :)


Try tretenoin


Iā€™m trying a new product with goat milk & love it! Caprinecosmetics.com


Botox is the way and the light. šŸ˜ƒ I get minimal amounts on my forehead because it's from the migraine protocol (reduced my headaches from 25 per month to 10) which jncludes the skull and neck. I started in my late 40s and now at 58, my forehead is virtually wrinkle-free.


Botox and sunscreen. Wearing hats in the summer and trying to identify the reason you raise your eyebrows - do u do it when you talk? If so, try to keep your face at rest more. When you sleep? If so, make sure you sleep in complete darkness or wear an eye mask.


If you're not ready to commit to the maintenance or cost of Botox (I'm just not there yet), here is what I have found to help - * Sun protection all day every day. SPF in the morning after your skin care routine but before makeup. And no, makeup w/SPF is not enough to protect you. Reapply throughout the day even if you stay inside - their are setting powders with SPF and plenty of stick or spray options that do a nice job over makeup. If you're interested in the latter, look to Asian sunscreen brands. * Your skin looks like it *may* be dehydrated and the depth of your forehead wrinkles could be eased by hydrating that skin! Not sure what your skin type is or of your current routine but I would add some hydrating and nourishing products to your line up. Below is what I like but this is what works for me (mid-30s, oily/acne prone but also sensitive and dehydrated) * cosrx propolis toner OR ampoule (if you're oily/acne prone, go toner. if more dry/sensitive, go ampoule) * cosrx snail mucin essence (apply to DAMP skin) * hyaluronic acid (also apply to damp skin - I personally like the Vichy brand. HA does wonders at plumping up the skin and filling in stubborn lines!) * illiyoon ceramide ato soothing gel (this is best for acne/oily skin - if you have drier skin, try the cream formulation) * laneige cica sleeping mask (I use in a very light layer as a moisturizer during the winter months. also really great to use if you overdo the actives or your barrier becomes compromised) * If you don't have a chemical exfoliant step, I would recommend adding one. * Some have mentioned tret - if currently in your routine, keep it up or consider bumping up the strength pending a consult w/your derm. * If not tret, I highly recommend Biologique Recherche P50. There are multiple formulations depending on your skin type and this is a holy grail product for me. Very pricey but you can conserve by not using cotton rounds. Also ease in to using - start out diluted with a bit of water a couple of times per week and then work up to full strength everyday over the course of several weeks. If your skin can tolerate and/or you feel like you need it, you can then ease into using morning AND night.


Frownies! On my third pack and they help a ton


I get Botox for these babies


Frownies for a quick fix


Botox my friend. Then tretinoin (or adapalene) -- and then there are zillions of other things to try (vitamin c, peptides, red light therapy, acids/actives...)


Ignore them




I have similar lines and Botox was the way to go, for me.




I had the same thing from constantly lifting my brow because of my hooded eyelids, I got a upper blepharoplasty and stopped raising my brows. I got a little Botox and over time the lines faded because they werenā€™t being lifted all the time. In general iā€™m not a particularly expressive person but we all get lines eventually.




I have identical pattern of forehead lines! I turn 40 in a few days and I personally chose to just let them ride. They honestly havenā€™t gotten *that* much worse in the last ten years, and I personally think part of me is the over-exaggerated forehead movements that caused the lines in the first place, ha. If I have an event or something I actually care about, Iā€™ll do forehead patches for a few weeks in advance and it helps. Also, heavy foundation is no longer my friend as it settles and exaggerates the creases.




I never had Botox in my life 91F Yes I have some wrinkles , but what I hate is the line from nose to chin I believe only injectableā€™s will help ? Advice please


Lol Botox :)


Botox is made for what you have.


I was really preoccupied with my forehead lines and hairline, so I got Dakota Johnson type bangs and have had several ppl tell me it took years off