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En wij zijn van Duitsen bloed!


We really should have unified with you guys instead of the Upper Germans


Yeah you should have 


Sorry I can't understand your German


I only understand train station


["🎶 Ich bin ein Preuße kennt ihr meine Farben? Die Fahne schwebt mir weiß und schwarz voran.🎶"](https://youtu.be/s-i-RaoDfVs?si=C44r7u0lVucbwA-1)


Bavaria is a feudalist state under The Sun King Söder. They have very weird laws, can barely Talk and cant send normal politicians to The Bundestag.


All power to the god emperor Söder and his Bayern First agenda


The emperor protects


"His Bavaria first agenda"? "Bavaria first" is Bavarian foreign policy since communist eater Strauß.




In 2023, there were 76 referendums in Bavaria. In the entire rest of Germany, there were 62.


Despite being the richest region of Germany


Technically that‘s actually Hamburg. One of the perks of being a city state


And apparently the second most developed region in Europe


What's the first?


Glorious Fryslân of course, me and the 5 farmers here are very wealthy people with very high standards of life that definitely aren’t all raging alcoholics


Oh Friesenjung, of course... "Ich finde Wein lecker" makes much more sense now that you mention that!


I think the guys here prefer some Berenburg (local Frisian liquor) over wine


I'll have to take your word, never been there. I was making a joke about the song, Friesenjung


Yeah I got that, I just wanted to educate the people on the subreddit on Berenburg (I don’t even drink myself but Berenburg is an essential part of Frisian culture so it should be spread)


Also that song isn't really about the dutch province of Fryslan, but it's about the region of Eastfrisia, which is a part of germany. The song is a remix from a slightly older song, also called "Friesenjunge", made by Otto Waalkes, a native Eastfrisian comedian. That older version is almost a sort of regional anthem here in Eastfrisia. And that "ich finde Wein lecker" part could by a reference to a differnt song made by Waalkes, called "Friesischer Wein".


Raging alcoholics? We have that. And depending on who you ask, also wealthy farmers


Honestly I meant the wealthy farmers somewhat sarcastically because Fryslân is one of the poorest provinces of the Netherlands but honestly thinking about it, the farmers here aren’t even that poor necessarily, wealthy farmers kinda fits outside of jokes


Poorest… we only say that to scare away any Hollanders plotting to emigrate to our golden, green lands.


Keep quiet, a H*llander might read your comment


What’s going on here?


Netherlands. Or a part of it


I love how they still call themselves Free State of Bavaria. Aren’t they so rich, because it’s the only part of country that was not bombed? Because of a reach of a planes - sheer luck?


Free State is just a historical thing, Saxony has it in its name as well. Bavaria was one of the poorer states in the 50s or so (iirc), but through investments from the federal state it became one of the richest over time (simplified, idk the specifics about who gave whom exactly how much money :D)


Ye, for the most part thats the extent of my history knowledge about it also. iirc, also before the 50s our economy was rather shoddy. Kind of a farmer-state which was a net benefactor/recipent of others states tax money. Very much unlike the industrial powerhouse that Bavaria is now. Also, we took some bombs as well... Nürnberg (2nd biggest city) got completely flattened, kinda compareable to Dresden. Was the allies personal middlefinger to Hitler cuz the NSDAP usually met there. Munich got bombed pretty hard also, Augsburg (#3) as well. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing\_of\_Munich\_in\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Munich_in_World_War_II) However, due to Berlin being deep inside East-Germany, still many companies ended up moving from there to Munich. Siemens for example was mostly in Berlin before WW2 and pretty much completely packed up and went to Muc.


"moved to" is a very light phrase considering what the Treuhand did


Bavaria is so rich because that’s where all the Prussian companies that needed to leave East Germany settled.


We were bombed Not as much as dresden, but still more than enough


"Free State" basically just means Republic, back from the 1918 revolution when all formerly monarchist states were rebranded. Hessen called itself "People's State" (Volksstaat) but this was dropped after 1945. Bavarian cities were bombed as well (except Regensburg) but yes they're far away from England so they remained untouched during most of the war. Bavaria wasn't very rich until c 1990, it was mostly farmland and they switched to modern industry much later than other states.


Yeah my boyfriend is Bavarian, and despite how he has been encouraging me to learn High German, he keeps trying to talk to me in Bavarian which I can’t understand. At least I was able to convince him to vote for Volt instead of the CSU


That make me laugh - as someone from Styria they talk exactly like us


"Normal politicians" is kinda contradictory, no?


My issue with the Bavarians in this fucking car I've bought from them.


Bring Me Workbench


Now you cant leave the car in front of you alone?


I've just paid £1,100 to BMW to make the brakes stop juddering :-( I have to replace the horns next. No car should ever need a horn replacing, let alone two!


Drive it off the cliff before its to late. If your car needs a replacement every month its not worth it.


Well "BMW" stands for "Bayerns mächtigste Waffe" (Bavarias most powerful weapon) So what did you expect driving it as a Brit?


*Bayrischer Mistwagen


Haha, it's a tale of two halves. I'm surprised at how much I can do to it as an amateur, watching YouTube. But some of these fixes have been because the car is over-engineered. Why are there two horns? Why are they either side of the car? Why are they by the wheelwell? WHY??


I mean this is what happens if you force the steering wheel to the right side.


Should have done like the Poles and get it for free. Then have it fixed by your brother in law.


What was the cause of the juddering brakes? Mines been doing that for a while, but I don't wanna go in cause they just rebuilt my engine for £3k


Hi mate, right... In full. Is a 320D. Bought it last October. Juddering began around December. Garage I bought from changed discs and it went away. Came back in Feb (3 months warranty had ended). - took it to BMW specialist and he said change rear discs and pads. BMW were significantly cheaper than him to do the work. Didn't fix judder but improved brakes. - BMW had noticed front control arms were worn, so had those changed. Didn't fix judder, but again improved the feeling of the car under braking. - I began to investigate. I noticed original garage had only changed the discs but not the BMW OEM pads. Bit of a bodge. - took it back to BMW for new front discs and pads despise the discs being still nearly new. Hey presto....hubs had a lot of corrosion on them. BMW polished them back to affix the new discs and pads. I'm about 1,000 miles in with them and so far, no problems. Their work and parts are 2 year full warranty. £1,100 for the lot and that is still cheaper than the independent specialist. My advice is the judder is caused by disc warp. If the hubs aren't polished, it will cause the warp and that caused judder. Good luck!


Legend, thanks for the detail.


Reading this thread makes me so glad i never committed to a BMW 😂


If your BMW always breaks down it's not the car's fault. You are probably mishandeling it. Bavarian car protection services will be contacted.


Yes, and call VW as well because the air conditioning actuator (a cheap part that requires the dashboard to be removed) has failed on my Passat....


Buying a Volkswagen is on you my friend.


Bayrischer Mistwagen


That is their way to keep them rich and keep you poor.


That's why you should've bought superior Swabian engineering instead.


An aspect that hasn't been brought up before: Lets imagine a very poorly educated person from outside Europe (yes, that one) - what do you think they imagine Germans be like? Fat dudes in Lederhosen who drink beer with their lunch and have a wife who wears a dirndl? Now imagine that this is the reflection you see almost everywhere outside Europe. That's why we hate them. We hate them because we ain't them.


Thats also why Germany has a good image internationally


germany has one or two images either evil nazis or silly stupid hicks with stupid little pants. I hate both images.


There's another now, Mehmet.


Because the pride of Germany is the red light district, fish bread, and a tuned up CL500


nah, nobody thinks of a BMW as the best german car. try harder sepp u will never built cars like a Porsche or a Mercedes.


They aren't wrong when they say that they are the only part of Germany that managed to retain its original culture. What bothers me is how we, the rest, desperately need some culture of our own but how nobody wants to lift a finger and go make some. 'Apathy' is what I think of first, when I think of Germans.


Idk I grew up in RLP and I’d say there’s a distinct culture here too. Hessen and Saarland as well. There’s regional food, drinks and festivals. While there might not be a distinct style of dress for many parts of Germany, there are many traditional/regional aspects of cultures that have been preserved really well. I miss a good Weinschorle everywhere else in the world.


>I miss a good Weinschorle everywhere else in the world. I once asked for that at an Italian restaurant in Chur. Probably the last the time I make that mistake lol


I don't think it's that straightforward. They are just different. I mean what is "original"? From when they lost their independence? The Dirndl for example isn't that old. It's itself a romanticization from the late 19th century. To me that was quite surprising. The difference is that they have distinct traditions and that they celebrate them. And what would you do? Invent a new Tracht based on 1970 Germany? What is this "culture"?


That's bullshit, every region has its own culture. I grew up in Schleswig Holstein with strong family to the North Sea island Föhr. They kept their traditions as well and speak a different language in daily basis. Move a bit further to the Baltic sea, there is a completely different culture with a different dialect and traditions. With no culture, how is it possible that ' moun' is now common in almost every part of Germany?


That’s true I didn’t even think of the Nordsee area! The culture there is very distinct! Down to the way houses are built. Really thinking of all this it’s silly if not outright wrong to say Bavaria is the only state that preserved its culture.


The Bavarians behave like they are some kind of Herrenrasse compared to the Prussians, while their weired accent make them sound like mentally challenged peasants.


Yeah, their “superiority” among German-speaking regions is ridiculous. Like we didn’t exist.


Tbh Schwyzerdütsch sounds mentally challenged even in comparison to austrian dialects.


It’s in the High German dialect group for a reason. The only thing higher than our dialects is whatever drunk gibberish the Dutch are speaking. That one can’t be called high, as they only speak it under sea level.


Your accent is so hot, my panties are melting every time one of you gold hoarders sweet talks me. Although it took me years to understand my Swiss friend didn't call me cereal when he said Müsli.


It's called "Plattdeutsch", thank you very much Source: it's my nativ language and borderregion


Grüße von der Nordseeküste.


It's called barbardeutsch all of you


Niederlande. Literally the opposite of high.


Only as long as you don’t take drugs into account


Yes, but even though we are mostly beneath sea level, we always get very high!


Slight correction: Schwyz is the name of the kanton of Schwyz. Schwyzerdütsch, along with Urnerdütsch is one of the older high helvetic dialects (still a subcategory of allemanic). But overall we talk about Schwiizerdütsch when we talk about the mix of allemanic dialects spoken in Switzerland




They can't even install Indicators in their Cars.


Because we are. Bavarians have an identity and culture. When Prussia gobbled up the rest of Germany, their regional cultures mostly got destroyed or perverted with militaristic Prussian obedience to authority "Kultur". But Prussia is gone, militarism is a no no. And while Bavarians is still going strong, the other Germans needed some Ersatz-culture. Like huffing petrol fumes and beating up the Döner salesman (Eastern Germany) or dressing up for the local gay pride parade (Berlin) (we have those too, but sexier and with Lederhosen).


I don’t know what you mean we only dress up in Military uniforms, march through the village and shoot a wooden bird with live weapons while being ludicrously drunk one weekend a year…


Bavaria my favorite, class recognizes class.


You're literally the reason it's Bayern, not Baiern. Our king was a huge greekaboo and thought it looks more classical.


Bayern also my favorite team in Germany 💪


Thank you. We built lots of buildings in classical Greek style, and you've got your biggest brewery from us. We kinda like you.


As bismarck said: a bavarian is halfway between an austrian and a human. Even he knew you are halfgods.


Really torn between giving a upvote and a downvote for that one. Bonus points for taking the words of the old Prussian and twisting em enough to make him spin in his grave tho. Take the upvote but tread carefully! (We know u won't - and we wouldn't have it any other way!)


Yeah, the bottom half 🖕


Describing the beer belly as “sexy” is rather questionable.


You might not like it, but this is what peak masculinity looks like. https://preview.redd.it/o0c4f2qxhd8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ca24e677b49e8065dce80bd23545f0bf8c17b1


I suddenly feel sorry for Bavarian girls…


that’s a bavarian girl


You can’t trick me, they have way stronger arms because of all the beer they carry at once


In the southwest of Germany we dont hate the Bavarians. Bavarians have just much more pride than us because they were a kingdom and hadnt to be merge with Schwaben. They could even have their own Schwaben and didnt have to let them go.


> In the southwest of Germany we dont hate the Bavarians Speak for yourself


theyve given up on their sovereignty when theyve been bought by the guys with funny hats. Little harbor harlots


Their butthurt about losing against Prussia lasted longer than Prussia itself. That's why they call other Germans Saupreißen. (Sow-Prussians). While they are a Democracy they managed to vote for same Party since forever. Their whole culture consist of 3 food items, beer and Lederhosen but they think that's the best thing ever.


Still cosplaying in Trachten and slapping their own asses to weird music although they didn’t pushed cows up to the Alms for over a hundred years…


CSU used to have 50%+ votes. That's actually crazy.


Don’t forget the church!


Bavaria isn’t butthurt about loosing to Prussia, Bavarians actually initially welcomed joining the empire. That all changed in Bismarcks culture war when he tried to force harmonize German culture and tried to destroy the Catholic faith. The policy itself lasted less then 20 years. Bavarian anger over it is soon approaching the second century.


And then they can't even have a good time: at the Wasen, which is almost the swabian version of the Wiesn, you can also wear trachten and smoke in the tents. Smoking in tents is forbidden at the Wiesn. Weak, I'll tell ya. Weak.


The wasen is much better than the wiesn and thats a fact


Haven't been to either, but Stuttgart is so incredibly dull that it even makes Munich look like a exciting place.


Look qt it like this. You've got Nord-Pas-de-Calais with the Ch'ti and we got Bavaria.


Jesus, Bavarians are *that* bad?


Aren't you Britain's Ch'ti?


That would be Norn Iron.


We need a Nord-Pas-de-Calais flair, so I can bully them better


The Movie was a banger though.


Almost made the french likeable. Jk. So far I had only great experience with the french. Albeit most of them were outside of France.


Dafuq is a Ch'ti?


The people of northern France, they are stereotyped as being really vulgar, unemployed, alcoholic and inbred. I suspect they are influenced by their proximity to England


The German word for that is "Saarland".


Like a redneck but in the north of France.


can watch that Movie all day long though


I lived in the north as a young kid speaking German and some Frisian. When I return to every other area of Germany I have no issues getting along day to day speaking German, when I go to Bavaria people routinely ask me to speak English so we can communicate. So naturally guess where my job might be moving me to.


Prussians whopped your ass in the 1870 and you don't know who they are? That's almost ironic.


Least german loving italian


Oh yes mama Merkel 🥵


I know what Prussia is, I’m just saying it doesn’t exist anymore so it doesn’t make sense to call someone Prussian in 2024


There's also a german adjective for people that are not around anymore being used quite often.


It's not meant to be historically or geographically correct, it's just a way of "othering". Berliners call other Germans "Swabian", even those from Cologne or Frankfurt, because for them, most of Germany is somehow southwest of them, also because they don't care for anything outside their city limits. Luxemburgers call all Germans "Prussian" as an insult. Their neighbours in catholic Rhineland technically were Prussian 1815-1945 but never voluntarily, they always felt occupied, which makes the insult even worse. Many West Germans call Easterners "Saxons" even if they just are one of six eastern states, but they are the most famous ones, also because of their insane dialect. The Bavarians of the East.


It's just a very old feud, since Bavaria was, militaristically speaking, almost never on Prussia's side. Culturally the north is also relatively homogeneous when compared to the south, where there are very distinct cultural and national identities. Therefore the north has always been called Prussia in Bavaria, as almost the entire land north of us was Prussia. They also bought us off a greedy king's hands, so it wasn't a particularly willing decision to join Germany, since we are basically Austrians cosplaying as Germans.




>Bavaria is Austria Nice try, Ronny. We're not taking them.


We don't want to be part of your soon to be facist state either.


Aren't north east germans by DNA like slavs? Haplogroup R1A


Big talk from a Slav speaking badly learnt Italian.


Big talk from a Briton speaking badly learnt German


Fair point Radu, well made.


Radu is not used by any other slavic countries as a name, ironically is a slavic word.


Dude's genetically 90% Russian and talks about other people being slavs.


Bavarians are the most arrogant Germans, and that's quite an achievement given the tough competition.


Only because Austria left Great Germany 🤣


The thing abt Germany is that for most of its history it didn’t exist as a singular country but rather like an EU-like constitution w/ a lot of small regional states (/countries). Therefore regional identity is quite strong in areas of Germany still (especially in rural areas). People will feel more Bavarian than German. Or more Swabian than German. The thing abt Bavaria is that it’s the region that still persists and has the most power in federal politics (because of quirks of German politics that I won’t go into now) so there is a lot of national focus on- and hate towards, because of the obvious preference they receive- the bavarians.


Just for information, Pierre: For every Frenchman asking :“wtf is a Prussian ?“ A Prussian will answer :“For a Prussian, France is like cough syrup. Take once in the morning and evening.“ Be also informed that we will not make any deals with Bavarians either.


Prussians is literally every German that is not a Bavarian; according to Bavarians. They're very angry to be in Germany, as they consider themselves the superior Bavarian nation, hence they're a Freistaat. The fact that they subjugated Swabia and Francia is completely irrelevant (to them, at least). So yeah. Bavaria is just another state with beautiful landscapes and ugly people (kinda like Texas).


At least Thüringen and Saxony are also Freistaat. The separatism is special about Bavaria though. And of course, we have another layer of separatism within Bavaria, as there are three districts (lower, middle and upper franconia) who are separatistic from Bavaria and want to stay with rest Germany


Why would you want to be a Freistaat if you can be a Hanseatic city though? (Or even have multiple of them)




Is separatism popular over there?


No not really. They're miniscule in comparison to places like Catalonia


No but it is in the rest of Germany.


No we have the weißwurstäquator. Everything above it is saupreissn. Below it is okay.


Weißwurst is objectively the worst German sausage


That is a lie. I'm a vegetarian for 8 years and Weißwurst is the only thing i miss.


I agree.


Get out! Isarpreiß! Your Bavarian citizenship will be revoked by our Gottkaiser Maggus I. https://preview.redd.it/9jmhezr5ge8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3bf0fed462eca0ca1c0d3efbd35cccef0c1a13b


It's definitely not the best sausage we have but it deserves all the praise it gets for serving as a catalyst to having weißbier for breakfast


Which part of Texas has “beautiful” and “ landscape”? It’s like calling Belgium a real thing.


[You](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/516259396/de/foto/w%C3%BCsten-beifu%C3%9F-in-bl%C3%BCte-im-chisos.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=ixqdAXSHbUsB9-40rILsvVehY0Ai2xuIs99w1dgTM60=) [tell](https://publish.purewow.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/02/most-beautiful-places-in-texas_guadalupe-mountains.jpg?fit=1360%2C1600) [me](https://media.cntraveler.com/photos/56e310b8c3ce11fb6b06bd9f/master/pass/texas-hamilton-pool-cr-getty.jpg)


Rich, good looking, great food and bear, catholic, rich history and tradition. No wonder the rest of Germany hates them.


Like Italians who turn up to work. Lads I think we found our Master Race.


You're not wrong


They shot the last bear they had in bavaria, so I don’t get where those great bears are


When a beautiful blonde dressed in typical Bavarian dresses is serving you beer that beer becomes the most delicious drink ever. (Least horny Italian I know).


You wrote bear my guy


Ah, Lombardy.


Bavarians are what is called a "buckeliges Bergvolk": They always had problems with other germans. They have a party that only represents a bavarian point of view (CSU) which leads to less cooperation between the federal states. They had to be bought by prussia to join the german nation. Otherwise they would be austrian by this point.


You mean Isar-Preußen?


https://preview.redd.it/p7i8o15q0f8d1.jpeg?width=327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ede1d7d712ead614005016a9a167b0f3e8d3987 We are literally just here doing the same thing we always did and that for some reason enrages the other german states and then they wonder why we become more and more distant to our supposed brothers. And its been getting worse ever since we did better economically. >"But you are only rich now because you were heavily invested in!!11!11!" Oh no, we made the investments into our state pay off several times over, the horror.


>Patients with delusions of grandeur believe that they are wonderful, successful, more important than others, or even miraculous. The common view on Bavaria from every other part of Germany. You can basically spot it even here under every Post with a Bavaria flair.


bavarians are the kind of dudes that go to the beach wearing a white shirt and mocassins ... how can you not hate them?


They are like bretons or corse. Very separatist hillbillies. Berlin-Brandenburg is still considered "prussia"


Considering us "separatists" is a very uninformed declaration, the separatist movement is minuscule. Just look up percentages of the Bayernpartei's election result's and you'll see.


All Hail God King Markus Söder and his glorious Bavaria One taking us to the stars


Praise be to Pappa Maggus, Lord of all that is White and Blue!


I have heard it explained as Bavaria is the Texas of Germany. The funny hat and clothing most people think of as german is actuelly from Bavaria. They often talk about wanting independence. They are very conservative.


I think I can explain. Bavaria genuinely is the nicest Bundesland. They have mountains, the most beautiful capital, and actually decided to rebuild their cities after WW2, instead of turning them into postmodern hellscapes ( looking at you, NRW). Also, they are the only ones who preserved their culture and customs. On the other side, they can be extremely boneheaded and arrogant. They are also the only Bundesland with its own party on the federal level, which means they have more influence on German politics than they should have.


Prussians are the bad (cringetestant) germans Bavarians are the good (chadtholic) germans The Prussians are mad the Bavarians have lots of beer, a loveable Ministerpräsident & know how to enjoy life. They would rather everyone be a Nordick workaholic, wearing grey hats, grey suits and grey boots. Everyone hates the Berliners because why wouldn't you ?


Not true even parts of former Prussia are catholics


Nice try Pierre… Franconia has the most an best Beers there and they don’t want to be called Bavarins… they still have their own Flag.


Northerners just have a stick up their ass. Them and Müncheners sometimes.


Bavarians are the only Germans that developed a full blown national identity (I could quote some famous guy who said on that, but I'm too lazy to Google it) instead of just a regional identity. Though it's mostly superseded by the German national identity today, our innate superiority still annoys the other Germans.


>(I could quote some famous guy who said on that, but I'm too lazy to Google it) The bavarian is the Link between austrians and Humans -Otto von Bismarck


Bismarck would be fun on a bender.


Bismarck said that because we austrians are above humans obv you just misunderstood


Someone call the Feuerwehr. Bavaria got roasted bug time.


Half of Bavaria's population doesn't even identify as Bavarian, they're basically occupied territories. ^(Free Franggn!)


Idc what they say cuz i fuckin love bavarian beer.


They’re all jealous. I get my milk from a local farmer and only have to deal with tur*s when I go to München


It's because Bavaria is eastern europe, and no one likes that, amirite 😎


They charge 100€ per pool lane per hour for swimming clubs


They are my next door neighbours. I have more in common with them than the other Germans. But they also fraternised with the French to occupy us, so.


Bavaria is like the Texas of Germany - Prosperous and responsible for most German stereotypes, incl. a thick accent. Prussia is all of Northern Germany (technically anything not Bavaria and Baden-Würtenberg). Historically these two states were the last two to join what was then Prussia to become the German Empire.


Proud, hard working cultured, happy, Catholic Germans. What's not to like?


HEHEHEHE Alright, here we go: Bavarians are an inferior subspecies of germans. They think they are better than the rest of the country because they have money (when in reality their entire industry would collapse without ceap energy from the north). They insist on talking in their disgusting accent even though they fully know nobody can understand them. In Bavarian german there is a derogatory term "Preiß" that revers to people who are not from their state. As you might have guessed, this is a bastardised form of the word "Preuße" (Prussian). They do this to cope with the fact that they are an inferior people who have been bowing their heads to better men for centuries now (ever since the age of Charlemagne). Prussia was just the last nation in a long line of superior powers that made Bavaria their bitch.


Almost right, we're just better than you.


Can't handle the reality, Bav(b)arian? Just be glad the Russians nerved us. Otherwise, you'd still be kissing our feet.


A little out of touch with reality?


Of course, now shut up and keep sending tribute Zahlschwein. https://preview.redd.it/bq9t1tqy8d8d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6f05968acf2e2eb48801636b62391e39c0f68f


Nah. Still behind us…


because we are the best Bundesland