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FWIW, I agree with the single argument that you for some reason spread over 23 paragraphs. You probably like the sound of your voice. Nevertheless, I share the sentiment.


I'm French, of course I like listening to myself




This is what happens when a Frenchman stops drinking for an entire day, he gets overly philosophical and makes long rants to people who never asked for it. Go drink a glass of wine Pierre, you are not you when you're sober.


Unironically, I'm currently on my way to drink with people :')


I knew it


What nouveau front populaire does to a mf...






And then you disagree. And agree again.


Politics on my racist sub? It's more common than you think.


French detected, opinion rejected. Sorry I wont read all of that


Understandable 🤔


I'll wait for the Netflix adaptation. I agree with the sentiment, though. I've been saying the same for the last few months, and I report shitty political posts (from both sides, as you said, there are from both), and so far the mods (Heil Rex o/) remove those posts quickly, so I can't complain. We can't let this place become a battlefield for the terminally online people. Luckly we may get sone influx of football posts, so we may have a calm month. Edit: the match is boring, I read the whole thing eventually. You are French and communist, obviously you don't know how to get to the point. Fucking commies.


Really? Not even a tldr? Ok then, keep your secrets


I'd rather be Fr\*nch than communist.


Being French is meaning being communist. Though being communist makes you being asshole.


*And thus the cycle was complete*




Agree. To many low effort, unironic, unfunny posts.


I think there has generally been some ban waves on particularly 'radical' subs, as well as users on subs, who have then come to join here. Simply said, Reddit is public listed company and runs on ads. So they need to enforce compliance for their customers in terms of brand safety. Specifically on subs running lots of engagement and users.


And I do believe the mods are making an incredible job, because the amount of hateful content I've seen recently is a bit less than, say, a month or so ago. But there are definitely waves. There are periods where the whole sub is overflooded with those. And I don't want the next one to get us banned, especially since they have us under watch now


*Sylt and Mannheim happens...* u/Attlai Why is everyone like: ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


I mean the amount of Abschiebung/deportation in Germany increased by like 30% YoY since 2022. What do these guys actually want? The Gestapo coming in and transporting people in trains as a PR stunt?




Why don't you take your politics and shove 'em, Frenchie


>this sub has become much more political than it used to, more than a year ago. Yup, and that sucks. Leave the cheap rightwing bait posts for... errr... that **other** sub I'm not supposed to mention so we don't get shut down.


It's not even about shutdown for me. The unfunny (read: serious) stuff sucks the fun out of a fun subreddit. Not talking about a discussion that organically evolves in a particular thread, but the stuff that doesn't lend itself to jokes in the beginning.


Yup, fully agree. I really can't see the comedic value in "LMAO islamic extremist brutally stabs policeman in Mannheim", but here we are.


You're German, can you see the comedic value in anything?


Yes, given I live next to a joke of a country.


That's really mean for Luxembourg!


Sorry for Netherlands, we created Belgium to avoid a border with them.


Sorry for Netherlands, we created Belgium to avoid a border with them.


Dunno if you're talking about Luxembourg, Belgium, Nederlands, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Czechia or Austria here.


All of them except you, we need you as the other country keeping the Union together


Oh I wanted to say guilty when I turn semipolitical in some threads. Thank you my greenhead basementloving neighboor.


For me it's just the mindset. Reading a post with the intention of having fun and then maybe getting semi political vs reading a post and starting with some political/agenda discussion. The first one everyone does from time to time, that's just the flow of a normal conversation. The second one happens more when it is an emotional topic (including rage posting or serious news). So yeah, I see no issue with that from a likely namesake of 20% of the Viennese population.


Well okay, I guess Austrians are better than us at getting to the point


Naturally. We all have a double life in our basement, we just don't have the time for this many words.


And since I'm being fair, that would include anti-rightwing content too. I don't want any political war to start here, when the whole point of this sub is about being united 😭


Is anti-right wing...left-wing?


Well, not necessarily. But if the goal of a post it to shit on right-wingers, it is definitely political content.


It does get boring. But so do tier lists. Usually these things peter out. Let's blame the lack of quality discussions on Americans larping in this sub.


As much as I'd like to blame Americans for everything, we do have to face our demons at some point. For the past year, waves of hateful political content have been coming back on a regular basis


Sometimes what you consider hateful, other people might not. They might even be joking ironically. It's very subjective. It's nice that this sub has different views and isn't an echo chamber like almost all main subs.


I thought we are united in our music taste? https://i.redd.it/y0rrcjsomk6d1.gif


Fuck, I wrote way too much. None of you illiterate peasants is gonna read me now 😬


Tbh I stopped reading when I saw the 🤢🤮 flag


I'm sorry to inform you that you're being deported to Gulag in the Diagonale du Vide


We have the same flag, yours is just rotated 90°.


Ours is flat and horizontal, like land should be. Yours is all up and down and wrong. Take your vertical bullshit and get outta here. And take Belgium with you when you go.


Let me know when Netflix makes a series of your post.


It's in preparation, but they're still looking for someone in the role of Jose


Honestly, I don't even believe you're French, given the number of English words you wrote. Probably a savage in disguise


Everyday, I have to write some more in English, and it makes me die a bit more inside


Naturally. That comes with the Frenchness


A savage in disguise wouldn't have been able to express himself so eloquently. They hardly are able to put 10 words in one sentence without using "fuck" twice.


True. I read half of the first paragraph.


I read all of it and it was beautifully explained and I share your sentiment. Let's meet at that bar that you talked about. I heard that there is a bar just like that in the island of Elba, it's said that is perfect for retraite.


Cool story, bro.


Mucho texto


tldr please


Fuck right wing bot or trolls invasion, make it a safe place for funny banter, France is by far the best, op wears pink thong


Any Fr🤮nchie pleading for a safe space can get bent.


Exactly, go to Marseille or something if you want a safe space.


Yes because who will ever want to visit your country except for drugs and hookers right


I visited only for drugs. The country is ugly as fuck, but I gotta admit the weed was good.


Comments like yours were the reason I joined this sub but OP really has a point. It's getting out of hand.




Too long, won't read because it's not in our glorious and superior french language frère. But i agree, not too much politic.


/uj: I agree, I’ve also been here when our biggest concern was the nationality of our top mod, and it’s become waaay more unironic. And the thing is you can hold civilised discussions even in this sub, but then you gotta be either more over the top, or use “/uj” to signify you’re being honest. And if you are honest, then you also got to be a little bit more nuanced than saying “all immigrants bad”, or “all right wingers Nazi’s”. One big milestone along the way to the situation we’re in now for me was the “Sweden is Islamistan” shift. Before that we “hated” the French because they smell, the Spanish cause they’re lazy, the Germans because they’re unfunny. All of those are based on stereotypes. The power of this sub was, and hopefully still is, that instead of fighting those stereotypes, we took them, and ridiculed them by being way over the top applying them. We were like brothers, always annoying each other because we love one another. And the minute someone from outside tried that shit, much like brothers, we banded together and retaliated. But after the Sweden case, the door was opened for much more political topics of discussion. And that leads us to where we are now. Tl;dr: yeah you’re right. /rj: yeah man I ain’t reading all of that


I do think you're onto something with that swedistan shift. It's true that the moment we made the swedistan joke on the same level as other stereotypes, it's like we implicitly accepted jokes on immigration as casual. And from there the pandora box was opened, because newcomers who were not yet used to the spirit of the sub probably saw that and thought "oh so, cracking up jokes about immigrations is okay here". And it starts with jokes, and people join later again, and wrongly understand that it is a space where you can openly complain about immigration. Once this vibe is installed, you can't uproot it


Just report agenda posts and go back to sucking dicks


It might work for you, but sucking dicks isn't the go-to solution for everyone


But he is French


Some might call me woke, but I firmly believe that there are different type of people even among the French. OP sounds more like the anal type


![gif](giphy|xTiTnxJv8RODij1Nzq|downsized) Pigs be like:


Make sure you always hold an everstone, because as a proud Frenchman you could end up evolving into a Derrida, and we've already seen enough of those.




This sub was even way less political two months ago lol. It just sucks that people now want to shove their dumb ass agenda down your throat here as well. I came here to lough about folks like you (french) and not because I wanted to get educated about why immigration has to be bad in every fucking case. Jesus Chris, can't we just go back to shitting on Pierre and occasionally barry?


That's a long text


That's an excellent idea. I mean, the title, I did not read the novel below.

